B. Snow Removal Management and Staffing CFS Grounds Services

IUPUI Campus Snow and Winter Weather Response Plan
Issued 11/14/13
Notifications and Response Planning
Operational Procedures
A. Communications
B. Snow Removal Management and Staffing
C. Parking Lot, Garage, and Building Dock Priorities
D. Street Priorities
E. Building Schedules; Special Events
F. CFS Client Contract Services
Notification Process for Adverse Weather – Winter Weather Response Plan
A. When snowfall or hazardous winter-weather conditions are predicted, the Manager of
Grounds Services or the Technical Support Coordinator (per on-call schedule) and a designee
of the IUPD-Indianapolis will discuss the response plan for campus prior to the predicted
The Manager of Grounds Services or the Technical Support Coordinator will email the response
plan to the Director of Facility Operations, the Building Operations Managers, the Chief of
Police and other designees of IUPD, the Student Housing Building Services Manager, and
Parking Services representatives.
The IUPUI Emergency Management and Continuity Director will also be monitoring several
weather prediction resources and independently providing information to the Chief of Police
and the AVC for Campus Facility Services.
B. If unpredicted and/or unsafe winter conditions occur, the IUPD supervisor or officer in charge
will contact the Grounds designee to assess the following:
 road conditions in Marion County and the surrounding counties
 campus streets and drives
 campus parking lots
 campus walkways
 monitored weather forecasts and predictions
After assessing the above conditions the IUPD-Indianapolis Police supervisor/ Officer-in-Charge
will notify the Chief of Police or Deputy Chief by 2:00 AM. The Chief of Police or Deputy Chief will
contact the Associate Vice Chancellor of Campus Facility Services. Special attention will be given to
the road conditions in Marion County and surrounding counties.
(Note: If unpredicted adverse snow fall/adverse conditions occur between the hours of 10PM and
4am, the IUPD Police Officer-in-Charge will notify the Grounds designee on-call and the
assessment will be communicated to the Chief of Police and Associate Vice Chancellor of CFS as
soon as possible.)
C. If it is determined that existing and/or predicted conditions may affect vehicular and
pedestrian access to and around campus, a response plan and recommendation will be
finalized and communicated to Campus Administration i.e., Vice Chancellor for Finance and
Administration (or designee) via the Associate Vice Chancellor for Facilities and the Chief of
Police, or their designees.
D. The Vice Chancellor for Finance and Administration and the Chancellor will make appropriate
campus and IU system-wide notifications and confirm recommendations for the campus (i.e.
cancellation of classes, campus closure, etc.)
Operational Procedures
A. Communications
1. Departments and schools are to report all problems concerning snow removal to the CFS
Customer Service Call Center (278-1900). The campus community should contact IUPD
Police at 274-7911 for personal or vehicular emergencies.
2. The Call Center will field customer calls and dispatch work requests via Nextel
communication to the appropriate CFS staff. CFS personnel will report their status for
completion of their assignments and trouble calls to the Call Center.
3. IU Health - To report any snow removal issues at IU Hospital or Riley Hospital contact IU
Health Maintenance at 317/944-0995.
B. Snow Removal Management and Staffing
CFS Grounds Services is responsible for managing snow removal processes for all campus
parking lots, parking garages, campus streets, sidewalks, and building docks, entries and exits.
CFS personnel will staff this operation.
1. CFS Grounds Operations has divided the campus into seven zones for sidewalk clearing.
Each zone will have a snow broom and cart crew to clear walks. Priorities by zone are:
Zone 1 – Inlow Hall, IT, SL-LD, ET, SELB, the Cultural Trail, Blackford Garage, and Gateway
Zone 2 – Taylor Hall, Eskenazi Hall, University Library, Business SPEA, Education Bld,
Natatorium, NIFS, Sports Garage, and Riverwalk Garage.
Zone 3 – Cancer Research, Walther Hall, Research 2, Lockefield Village, Wilson Garage, and
Wishard Garage.
Zone 4 - University Tower, Hine Hall, Center for Young Children, Campus Center,
Cavanaugh Hall, Lecture Hall, Ronald McDonald House, Riverwalk Apartments, Grad
Townhouses, Administration Building, Oral Health Research, Dental School, Vermont
Garage, Barnhill Garage.
Zone 5 – Glick Eye Institute, Coleman, Fesler Hall, Gatch Hall, Long Hall, Nursing, Ball
Residence, Ball Annex, Rotary, Physical Plant, Psychiatric Research, Riley Research.
Zone 6 – Emerson, Medical Science, Daly, MRLB, Lockefield Green, University Hospital
Garage, North Street Garage.
Zone 7 – HITS, BRTC, CS#3, Surplus, Eskenazi Fine Art Center, 1000 & 1200 Waterway
Buildings, and 1430 Indiana Ave.
2. Building Services and Maintenance (Building Operations) staff will be assigned to all
buildings at pre-arranged times. They will clear snow and/or treat assigned areas with an
ice melt product. These areas are the building entrances, steps, and handicap access
ramps. They will continue to monitor their areas through their work shift.
3. Grounds Operations staff will plow and spread ice melt on campus streets and docks.
Grounds staff will pre-treat surface parking lots and parking garage top decks. Grounds
staff will salt surface parking lots and apply deicer to garage top decks after the lots and
garage tops are plowed.
4. Contract Snow Removal:
a. Parking lots and Garage top decksA snow removal contractor has been contracted to plow campus surface parking lots
and parking garage entries and garage top level decks. The contractor will provide
trucks, front loaders, skid-steers, and backhoes or graders with operators to effectively
clear campus lots and garages per contract agreement. Lot and garage clearing
priorities have been established in the contract agreement and specifications.
b. Streets and SidewalksIf weather conditions and/or snow accumulations occur that are beyond the means of
the Grounds department’s staff and equipment, the Grounds Manager or the Grounds
Technical Support Coordinator may enlist a private contractor to assist the snow
removal effort.
5. Weekend response to snow and icy conditions: Due to low Building Services and
Maintenance staffing levels on weekends, a Friday call-out system for a volunteer labor
pool has been established as a source for manpower if needed to supplement staffing for a
weekend call-in.
6. Additional workforce needs:
When Grounds management determines that snow and/or ice accumulations are beyond
the abilities of the assigned staff and equipment, the Grounds Manager on- call will contact
the Director of Facility Operations, the Assistant Director of Facility Operations, and the
Building Operations Managers. This group will supplement the Grounds staff with
additional Building Services and Maintenance staff.
C. Parking Lot, Garage, and Building Dock Priorities
Priorities are subject to change based on weather conditions, time of day, day of the week and
activities occurring on campus.
Surface parking lots take priority over parking garage top decks. Surface lots fill more quickly
than the garage top decks. Surface lots can be cleared and salted more efficiently than garage
top decks, providing more parking spots available sooner to the campus community. The
garage tops take more time to clear due to limited space for snow storage and the limitations
of effective salt and ice melt products allowed for use on the garage structures. Garage top
clearing will begin simultaneously with surface lots, but the majority of the labor and
equipment force is scheduled to clear the surface lots as the first priority.
1. Parking Lots
Priority 1: Parking lots: 25, 28, 32, 33, 34, 42, 57, 59 north, 63, 80, 81, 82 (all parking
spaces on SPEA service drive), 102 (HITS).
Priority 2: Parking lots 14, 58, 60, 69 (west half), 77, 83, 85, 93, 101, 103, 404.
Priority 3: Parking lots 53, 54, 59S, 62, 401(CS#1), 405(CS#3), 408 (BRTC), 409, 410.
Priority 4: Parking lots 86, 402 (CS2/Ceramics), 406 (CS4/Surplus/Bookstores)
Priority 5: Parking lots 55, 69 (east half), 70 (Blake St.), 71, 73.
Priority 6: Parking lots 64, 65, 66, 67, 79, 92, 104, 403.
2. Parking Garage Priorities
Priority 1: ROC garage, Wilson, University Hospital, Vermont Street garages.
Priority 2: Blackford, Gateway, North, Barnhill, Sports
Priority 3: Wishard, Riverwalk Garage, Riverwalk Apartments.
3. Building Docks – cleared and treated after the parking lots and streets are completed.
Priority 1: Campus Center, Cavanaugh Hall, SL/LD, University Place, CS #3
Priority 2: ET, IT, Inlow, MRLB, Med Science, R2, R3, R4
Priority 3: Dental, Nursing, Natatorium, Eskenazi Hall, SELB
Priority 4: Psych Research, BRTC, CS #4, 1200 Waterway
D. Street Priorities
Priority 1
Wishard Blvd from Eskenazi Avenue to Riley Hospital Drive, and from Wilson St. to
University Blvd.
Riley Hospital Drive
Barnhill Drive; north & south sections
Medical Drive from Eskenazi Avenue to Barnhill Drive
Clinical Drive
Patterson Street
Vermont Street from Beauty Street to University Blvd.
Wilson Street
Walnut Street (city owned)
Hadley Street service drive
North Street (city owned)
Blackford Street (city owned)
Ohio Street
Blake Street
Priority II:
California Street from New York Street to Michigan St.
Hine Street (student apartments)
Vermont Street (student apartments)
University Blvd. from New York Street, south and east to Blackford Street .
SPEA service drive- north from New York Street to Taylor Hall handicapped parking
Limestone Street (city owned)
Lansing Street
Beauty Street
Hanson Avenue
Vermont Street from Blackford Street to West Street
City streets cleared by CFS Facility Operations under emergency conditions
Wishard Blvd. from Wilson Street to Barnhill Drive
(Monitor) Wishard Blvd. west bound from University Blvd. to Barnhill Drive
Wishard Blvd. east bound; from Barnhill to University Blvd.
Wilson Street from 10th Street to Wishard Blvd.
North Street from University Blvd. to Blackford St.
Limestone Street from Michigan Street to New York Street
Walnut Street from Hadley Drive to University Blvd.
Blackford Street from Indiana Avenue to Ohio Street
E. Building Schedules; Special Events
1. Hours of Operation: (see complete list of building operating hours at
2. Academic schedule M-Thur, 7:30am–10:00pm; Friday, 9am – 8:40pm
Saturday classes: 9am-9pm
3. 24/7
a. Hospitals
b. IT computer labs
c. Ronald McDonald House
4. Weekends:
a. Weekend special events: as posted at http://www.iupui.edu/outreach/planning/oems/ .
b. Weekend College:
Saturday classes begin at 9:00am.
Most Sunday classes begin at 1:00pm.
Buildings for Weekend College: CA, TH, ET, SL, LD, BS, HM, ES, UL.
F. CFS Client Contract Services
1. Campus Student Housing: The following are procedures and responsible parties for clearing
and treating streets, sidewalks, building entries, and parking lots at Campus Housing for the
Riverwalk Apartments, Graduate Townhouses, and Ball Residence. (see below for details for
University Tower).
Campus Student Housing employs a building maintenance staff through the Office of Housing
and Residence Life.
a. Sidewalks1. Facility Operations:
a. A broom operator will clear the sidewalks.
b. A 2 person crew with a utility cart, ice melt salt, and spreader follows the broom,
spreading ice melt, hand shoveling walk intersections and sidewalk/street ramps asneeded.
2. Housing Maintenance Staff:
a. Crews clear and salt building steps, ramps, and entryways to connect to perimeter
walks for all housing centers.
b. Streets –
1. Grounds Operations:
a. Street plow truck w/salt spreader clears Hine St., Vermont St., and Medical Drive
(Ball Residence) as part of a campus street route. Repeat plowing and salting as
b. Grounds Operations will clear Hine Street parking at the HC spaces on the north side
of street (if spaces are empty); east end of Hine Street.
2. Housing Maintenance:
a. Housing Maintenance crews will plow and salt the north-south pass-thru street
between Hine and Vermont, including the parking spaces and door entries at the
Riverwalk offices.
b. During or after a heavy snow accumulation (3+”) Grounds Operations will contact
Gary Wilson to coordinate snow clearing operations. Housing Maintenance will
supplement street plowing when there is a rapid accumulation of snow covering
after the initial plow-thru by Grounds Operations.
c. Parking Lots1. Grounds Operations:
Lot Plowing truck crew(s) will push drive lanes and spread salt on lanes.
NOTES: The Riverwalk, Ball Residence, and Grad Townhouse parking lots (#’s 64, 65, 66,
67, 68, 27, & 28) are parked full 24 hours /day. This is prohibitive to clearing parking
spaces. Pushing accumulations of 3+” of snow will create wind rows behind parked
vehicles. When possible, after the initial round of plowing all lots on campus, efforts will
be made to clear wind rows in the drive lanes.
2. Housing Maintenance will supplement lot plowing when there is a rapid accumulation of
snow covering after the initial plow-thru by Grounds Operations. During or after a heavy
snow accumulation (3+”), Grounds Operations will contact Gary Wilson to coordinate
snow clearing operations.
2. University Tower - Campus Facility Services and Student Housing have coordinated snow
removal procedures and areas of responsibility for all sidewalks, building entries, and drives for
University Tower as follows:
1. Operational Procedures
a. Sidewalks1. Facility Operations will clear and salt perimeter walks.
2. University Tower staff will clear and salt walks at each building entry, connecting with
perimeter walks.
b. North Drive and Blake Street ParkingGrounds Operations will clear and salt drive and parking spaces as-needed.