
2 December 2014
Registrant Name:
Michelle Eileen Crozier
Registration Number (SCR):
Part of NISCC Register:
Social Care Worker
In accordance with Section 6 of the Health & Personal Social Services Act (Northern Ireland) 2001
A Conduct Hearing will take place at 10 am on Thursday 18 December and 9.30 am on Friday 19 December
2014 in Millennium House (7th Floor), Great Victoria Street, Belfast, BT2 7AQ to consider the following Charge:
That, being registered under the Health and Personal Social Services Act (Northern Ireland) 2001 (as
You were convicted of the following offences which took place on 15 August 2008:
Charge 1:
Defendant on the 15 August 2008 at the junction of Beech Park and Princess
Way, Portadown in the County Court Division of Craigavon, whilst driving a motor vehicle used a
hand-held mobile telephone in contravention of Regulation 125A(1)(a) of the Motor Vehicle
(Construction and Use) Regulations (Northern Ireland) 1999, contrary to Article 56A(b) of the
Road Traffic (Northern Ireland) Order 1995
Charge 2:
Defendant on the 15-AUG-2008 in the County Court Division of Craigavon, drove
on a road a motor vehicle namely a Renault Scenic registration SLZ 8076 without being the holder
of a driving licence authorising them to drive a motor vehicle of that class contrary to Article 3(1) of
the Road Traffic (Northern Ireland) Order 1981.
Charge 3:
Defendant on the 15-AUG-2008, in the County Court Division of Craigavon, used
a motor vehicle, namely a Renault Scenic registration SLZ 8076, on a road or other public place,
namely, the junction of Beech Park and Princess Way, Portadown, without there being in force in
relation to the user of the said motor vehicle by you such a Policy of Insurance or such a Security
in respect of third-party risks as complied with the requirements of Part V111 of the Road Traffic
(Northern Ireland) Order 1981 contrary to Article 90(4) of the Road Traffic (Northern Ireland) Order
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You were convicted of the following offences which took place on 15 December 2009:
Charge 1:
Defendant on the 15th day of December 2009 in the County Court Division of
Craigavon, used on a road, namely Lurgan Road, Portadown, a motor vehicle to which Article 63
of the Road Traffic (Northern Ireland) Order 1995 applied and as respects which no test certificate
had been issued within the appropriate period before that date contrary to Article 63(1) of the
Road Traffic (Northern Ireland) Order 1995.
Charge 2:
Defendant on the 15th day of December 2009, in the County Court Division of
Craigavon, used a motor vehicle, namely a Renault VRM SLZ 8076, on a road or other public
place, namely, Lurgan Road, Portadown, without there being in force in relation to the user of the
said motor vehicle by you such a Policy of Insurance or such a Security in respect of third-party
risks as complied with the requirements of Part V111 of the Road Traffic (Northern Ireland) Order
1981 contrary to Article 90(4) of the Road Traffic (Northern Ireland) Order 1981.
Charge 1:
Defendant on the 15-DEC-2009 on the public road at Lurgan Road, Portadown in
the said District and County Court Division did use a mechanically propelled vehicle Registration
Mark SLZ8076 for which a licence under the Vehicle Excise and Registration Act 1994 was not in
force, contrary to Section 29(1) of the said Act Defendant is further liable under Section 30(1) of
the said Act, to pay an amount equivalent to all arrears of duty owed by them, and calculated as
amounting to £258.34 from 01-JUL-2008 to 15-DEC-2009.
You were convicted of the following offences which took place on 02 February 2010:
Charge 1:
Defendant on the 2nd day of February 2010, in the County Court Division of
CRAIGAVON, used a motor vehicle, namely, a Renault Scenic SLZ8076, on a road or other public
place, namely, Wilson Street, Portadown, without there being in force in relation to the user of the
said motor vehicle by you such a Policy of Insurance or such a Security in respect of third-party
risks as complied with the requirements of Part V111 of the Road Traffic (Northern Ireland) Order
1981 contrary to Article 90(4) of the Road Traffic (Northern Ireland) Order 1981.
Charge 2:
Defendant on the 2nd day of February 2010, in the County Court Division of
CRAIGAVON, drove on a road a motor vehicle namely a Renault Scenic SLZ8076 without being
the holder of a driving licence authorising you to drive a motor vehicle of that class contrary to
Article 3(1) of the Road Traffic (Northern Ireland) Order 1981
Charge 3:
Defendant on the 2nd day of February 2010 in the County Court Division of
CRAIGAVON, used on a road, namely Wilson Street Portadown, a motor vehicle to which Article
63 of the Road Traffic (Northern Ireland) Order 1995 applied and as respects which no test
certificate had been issued within the appropriate period before that date contrary to Article 63(1)
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of the Road Traffic (Northern Ireland) Order 1995.
On 11 April 2012, you pleaded guilty and were convicted on 16 May 2012 of the following charge:
Charge 1:
Defendant on 5th of September 2011 in the County Court Division of
CRAIGAVON unlawfully assaulted a minor contrary to section 42 of the Offences Against the
Person Act 1861
On 09 April 2014, you pleaded guilty and were convicted on 21 May 2014 of the following charge:
Charge 1:
Defendant on a date between 30-JUN-2013 and 24/08/2013 in the County Court
Division of Craigavon pursued a course of conduct which amounted to harassment of a female
and which you knew or ought to have known amounted to harassment, contrary to Articles 3 and 4
of the Protection from Harassment (Northern Ireland) Order 1997.
On your Application Form for Registration with the Northern Ireland Social Care Council dated 03
December 2012, you gave dishonest answers in that:
You answered “Yes” to the question “Have you ever been convicted of a criminal offence in the
UK or any other country?” and provided the following details only:
Details of Conviction
Car Insurance
Date of conviction
Court where you were
Car Insurance
You answered “No” to the question “Have you ever been investigated as a perpetrator of child or
adult abuse?”
Your answers at (a) – (b) above were dishonest as you had at the time of your application been
convicted of the charges set out at paragraphs 1-4 above.
And your actions as set out above amount to misconduct, such as to call into question your suitability to
remain on the Social Care Register.
Registration with the Council recognises each worker’s professional commitment to high standards in their
conduct, training and practice. The NISCC investigates allegations of misconduct by Registrants and where
someone is found to have breached the standards set out in the NISCC Code, they can have an
admonishment placed on their Registration record, they can be suspended from the Register, or in serious
cases where it is considered they are no longer suitable to work in social care, they can be removed from the
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1. Hearings are normally open to members of the public. Anyone wishing to attend the hearing should
contact the Committee Administrator. Email niscc.committee@hscni.net or call 028 9536 2932.
2. NISCC investigates fully all allegations of misconduct against Registrants. Conduct hearings are held
where a NISCC Registrant is suspected of misconduct after evidence has been gathered. The Conduct
Committee is made up of members who have an interest or background in the social care sector but take
decisions in the public interest. Options open to the Committee are admonishment, suspension or removal
of the Registrant from the Register.
3. Witnesses for Conduct cases may not be identified. In order to protect the confidentiality of these
witnesses, including children, limited information is available from the NISCC before the hearing.
4. The NISCC is unable to confirm how long a hearing will last, or whether there will be adjournments or
requests for them to be held in private. In accordance with the NISCC’s Conduct Rules, hearings may be
held in private if the particular circumstances of the case outweigh the public interest in holding a public
hearing. A full copy of the Conduct Rules is available from the NISCC’s website www.niscc.info
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