Q #01: Distinguish between diagnostic and procedural suffixes. List 5 examples of each along with their meanings. Indicate why it is important to know the difference between the diagnostic suffix and the procedural suffix. How does this difference affect the meaning of a medical term? Answer: Suffix is a letter or a group of letters that is added to the end of a word to change its meaning or to form a different word. Suffixes are divided in to two groups: 1. Diagnostic suffixes. 2. Procedural suffixes. Diagnostic suffixes: Diagnostic suffixes describe diagnoses; they describe disease conditions or their symptoms. Some examples of diagnostic suffix are: No. Suffix Meaning 1 -algia Pain 2 -emia Blood condition 3 -ia Examples Arthralgia, myalgia, neuralgia 1..Leukemia, 2..septicemia, 3..ischemia, 4...uremia. Condition/disease Pneumonia Meaning The conditions describing the pain in joints, muscles and nerves respectively. 1...cancer of blood in which there is increase production of WBCs. 2... infection in the blood specially cause by bacteria or toxin. 3... decrease in blood supply (to any area). 4...is a condition in which there is increase in the level of urea occurs in blood. Is a lung inflammation caused by bacterial or viral infection, in which 4 -itis Inflammation 5 -ic Pertaining to Meningitis, hepatitis, Esophagitis. 1... thoracic, 2... cardiac the air sacs fill with pus and may become solid. Inflammation may affect both lungs. Diseases in which inflammation of meninges of brain, liver, and esophagus occur respectively. Pertaining to thorax/chest, 2... Pertaining to heart. Procedural suffixes: Procedural suffixes used in patient care. Some examples of procedural suffixes are: No. Suffix 1 centesis Meaning Surgical puncture to remove fluid Examples Thoracentesis Amniocentesis Arthrocentesis Meaning These are the processes in which we remove the fluid surgically from the chest cavity, amniotic fluid, and from the joints respectively. 2 -ectomy removal Tonsillectomy Salpingectomy Cholecystectomy Removal of tonsils. Removal of fallopian tubes. Removal of gall bladder. 3 -graphy Process of recording Electroencephalography Process of recording of electrical activity of brain. Electrocardiography Process of recording of electrical activity of heart. 4 -plasty Surgical repair or surgical correction Rhinoplasty Angioplasty Surgical repair or surgical correction of nose. Surgical repair or surgical correction of vessels. 5 -stomy opening Colostomy Tracheostomy Surgical opening of colon. Surgical opening of trachea. It is important to know the difference between the diagnostic suffix and the procedural suffix because in medical profession the exact knowledge of suffix can clear the concept otherwise one can’t properly understand the meaning of a medical term e.g. only one root word chole- can take different forms by adding different suffixes to it i.e., Cholecystectomy, cholecystitis, cholelithiasis, etc. in these 3 words we should properly understand that cholelithiasis, cholecystitis are diseased conditions of the gallbladder but cholecystectomy is a procedure of removal of gallbladder due to any disease/condition. It is also important to know because doctor can write management plan of a patient on his/her file and if in history section a doctor on duty wrote cholecystectomy instead of cholelithiasis in the patient who is presented with cholelithiasis and now he is admitted for cholecystectomy, it makes a big confusion for senior/other doctors. So not only in medical practice but also in medical studies it is very important to clear the concepts about diagnostic and procedural suffixes because these will make a proper medical term. This difference can affect a medical term e.g. with one root word we can make many medical terms and if we don’t properly know the meaning of these suffix this can make a confusion as describe in above example. Q #02: choose 3 examples of diagnostic suffixes. Differentiate among the 3 examples by providing their meanings and stating how they differ from one another then name 5 medical terms that use this specific word part. Answer: The examples of diagnostic suffixes are: 1. –oma 2. –megaly 3. –pathy No. Suffixes Meanings 1 -oma Tumor/mass 2 -megaly Enlargement 3 -pathy Disease The meanings of all 3 examples are different. Only one root word can change according to these suffixes. 1… -oma Hepatoma. Angioma. Blastoma. Epithelioma. Hemangioma. 2… -megaly Hepatomegaly. Cardiomegaly. Splenomegaly. Acromegaly. Cytomegaly. 3… -pathy Nephropathy. Neuropathy. Myopathy. Encephalopathy. Myelopathy. Q #03: Specify which type of suffix is the word part “-therapy”? Differentiate between radiotherapy and radiology. Answer: “-therapy” is a procedural suffix that means “treatment”. Some of its examples are: Chemotherapy. Cryotherapy. Hydrotherapy. Radiotherapy Radiology Radiotherapy is the treatment of disease, especially cancer, using X-rays or similar forms of radiation. Radiology is the science dealing with X-rays and other high-energy radiation, especially the use of such radiation for the diagnosis and treatment of It is the part of study of radiology. It is a therapeutic procedure mostly for malignancies. disease. It is a separate field/subject/science that is use for diagnostic purposes as well as for therapeutic purposes. It gives the knowledge about its application in different fields of life. Reference: Chabner, D. E. (2012). Medical terminology: A short course (6th Edition). St. Louis: Saunders Elsevier. Medical terminology. A programmed learning approach to the language of health care (2 nd edition). Marjorie Canfield Willis. http://www.slideshare.net/jdtomines/medical-term-2 http://quizlet.com/1057828/medical-terminology-suffixes-3-diagnostic-suffixes-flash-cards/ Thank you