Formal meeting minutes 11-13

Honors Club
Meeting Minutes
November 13, 2014
I. Call to order
Randy Kerr called to order the Honors Club meeting at 3:35 pm on November 13, 2014
at CFCC, room U-153.
II. Roll call
No roll call conducted. The following persons were present:
Randy Kerr
Andrew Wishon
Kat Andre
Vaughn Rizzo
Brittany Garrett
Bobby Neuling
Candice Jackson
Dundee Belford Conklin
Mary Beth Williams
III. Old Business-
A. Updates- Randy Kerr and Andrew Wishon discussed updates regarding Vets &
Pets and T-shirts.
1. Vets & Pets – This service project is still experiencing difficulties. Discussion
ensued regarding whether HC should continue to attempt to participate in this
Motion to drop Vets & Pets as a service project at this time;
individuals can still self-voluntarily participate if desired- proposed by
Kat Andre and seconded by Andrew Wishon; approved in favor at 3:35p
2. T-shirts – Currently, we do not have a budget that will cover the costs of shirts.
Combined with the extra time needed to communicate with various CFCC
departments it has been a difficult task to get going.
Motion to delay the purchase of shirts until Jan/Feb- proposed by
Andrew Wishon and seconded by Kat Andre; approved in favor at 3:36p
B. College Tour- Kat Andre discussed the proposed itinerary for December’s college
tour (12/15-12/16) and presented information regarding the options for last school to
Motion to visit Campbell University- proposed by Bobby Neuling and
seconded by Candice Jackson; approved in favor at 3:40p
C. Skating social- details were discussed regarding November’s skating social (12/30).
Information to be sent to student emails.
D. Food with Faculty- CFCC staff holiday party is being held December 3rd so an
alternative date had to be selected, as well as the foundation of how staff would be
selected to attend.
Motion to hold event Monday, December 1st from 11-1p- proposed by
Andrew Wishon and seconded by Vaughn Rizzo; approved in favor at
IV. New business
A. Head Games Trivia Bowl - Phi Theta Kappa is hosting a trivia challenge among
the clubs. There are prizes for all competitors and it would be a good way to give HC
some exposure to CFCC. Members volunteered to form a team. They will be as
 Andrew Wishon
 Vaughn Rizzo
 Mary Beth Williams
 Randy Kerr- alternative
*Prof Metzger and/or Dr. Brandon are being commissioned as the fourth team member.
B. Holiday Party- It was proposed to hold a Holiday Party for the staff and students of
the Honors Program. This family friendly event will be held on Thursday, December
4th. Time and location will follow soon.
V. Open Floor
A. Naming Prof Mathis Honors Program Director- Last month, Brittany
Garrett brought it to the club’s attention that Prof Mathis still did not have an
official title. It is due to her hard work and support that the Honors Program even
exists and we feel it is appropriate we petition for Prof Mathis to be named to the
position. To promote this cause, Randy Kerr delegated a special committee to
work towards this goal. Brittany Garrett was nominated as committee chairperson
and Vaughn Rizzo will act as advisor. Brittany will be selecting another two
members to work on this committee.
B. Membership changes- Andrew announced that we will be having three new
students in the Honors Program next term—Mary Beth, Mohammad, and another
gentleman. Also, Dundee Belford-Conklin will be leaving us to return to New
York at the end of the term.
VI. Adjournment
Randy Kerr adjourned the meeting at 4:29 pm.
Minutes submitted by: Kat Andre
Minutes approved by: [Name]