2015-2016 School Improvement Plan


School Improvement Plan 2015-2016

Linked District Goal

Miles River Middle School

Craig Hovey, Principal Liz Lovell, Assistant Principal

Actions/Timelines Benchmarks/Products School Goal

-Develop curriculum documents for grades

6-8 that clearly define what students will need to know and be able to do in order to be successful in the


-Develop PK-12 curriculum documents that clearly define for all stakeholders what students will need to know and be able to do in order to be successful in the


- Develop content area transfer goals based upon Schooling by

Design model by January utilizing release day (September) and professional development day


-Develop overarching understandings and overarching essential questions by June utilizing professional development day


-Use developed transfer goals, overarching understandings and essential questions to develop cross-curricular transfer goals, overarching understandings and essential questions

-Content area transfer goals

-Content area overarching understandings

-Content area essential questions





-6-12 Curriculum








School Goal

Implement a developmentally appropriate middle school schedule that incorporates a team structure

Linked District Goal Actions/Timelines

Create developmentally appropriate schedules at the middle and high schools to support student learning

-Implement a team based schedule at beginning of 15-16 school year


-Utilize common planning time to address student concerns, meet with parents and plan as a team

-Develop and refine WIN block and team time to address individual and group academic and social/emotional learning needs

(ongoing) interdisciplinary units (ongoing)

-Collect feedback on schedule and team effectiveness (Ongoing)

-Develop a Building Leadership

Team (September)

- Provide professional development for team leaders



-Ongoing list of schedule strengths and areas that need adjustment for this year and next year

-Schedule effectiveness discussions at staff meetings in September,

December, and April.

-Monthly Building Leadership Team meetings to discuss school concerns and provide input on school decisions

-Summary of proposed changes to schedule for 16-17 year to Principal by June

-Implement schedule adjustments for 16-17 school year (July/August)



-School administration

-Team leaders

-School staff

