Gravestone Abbreviations: AAONMS Ancient Arabic Order of Nobles

Gravestone Abbreviations:
AAONMS Ancient Arabic Order of Nobles of the Mystic Shrine (Masonic)
AASR Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite (Masonic)
ABA American Benefit Association
AF&AM Ancient Free and Accepted Masons
ALOH American Legion of Honor
AMD Allied Masonic Degree
AMORC Ancient and Mystical Order Rosae Crucis (Rosicrucians)
AMOS Ancient Mystic Order of Samaritans
AOF Ancient Order Of Foresters
AOH Ancient Order of Hibernians
AOKMC Ancient Order Of Knights of Mystic Chain
AOUW Ancient Order Of United Workmen
APA American Protective Association
AUM Ancient Order of Mysteries (Masonic)
714;left:135">AUSA Association of the United States
749;left:135">? AUV Association of Union Veterans
783;left:135">B of RTM Brotherhood of Rail Road Track
818;left:135">BARE Benefit Association Of Railway
852;left:198">Brotherhood of American Yeomen
870;left:135">BK of M Black Knights of Molders
887;left:198">Benevolent Knights Association
904;left:135">BLE Brotherhood of Locomotive
939;left:135">BLF&E Brotherhood of Locomotive
956;left:202">Firemen & Engineers
973;left:135">BPOE Benevolent and Protective Order
990;left:197">of Elks
1008;left:135">BPOEW Benevolent and Protective Order
1025;left:197">of Elks of the World
1042;left:135">BRT Brotherhood of Railway Trainmen
1059;left:192">Boy Scouts of America
1094;left:135"><b>C of C Children of the Confederacy</b>
1111;left:135"><b>CAR Children of the American </b>
1146;left:135">CBKA Commandery Benevolent Knights
1180;left:135">CBL Catholic Benevolent Legion
1197;left:135">CCTAS Crusaders-Catholic Total
1215;left:202">Abstinence Society
1232;left:135">CD of A Catholic Daughters of America
283;left:486">CK of A Catholic Knights of America
301;left:486">CMBA Catholic Mutual Benefit
335;left:486">COOF Catholic Order of Foresters
352;left:486"><b>CSA Confederate States Army</b>
370;left:486"><b>CSN Confederate States Navy</b>
387;left:486">CTAS Catholic Total Abstinence
439;left:486"><b>DAR Daughters of the American</b>
456;left:565"><b>Revolution </b>
473;left:486"><b>Deo Vindice Latin for God will Vindicate </b>
490;left:486">D.O.A./DA Daughters of America
507;left:486">DAC Daughters of the American
542;left:486"><b>DAV Disabled American Veterans</b>
559;left:486">DOKK Dramatic Order Knights of
576;left:548">Khorassan (Knights of Pythias)
594;left:486">DoL Daughters of Liberty
611;left:486">DOLLUS Dames of the Loyal Legion of
628;left:561">the United States
646;left:486">DON Daughters of the Nile (Masonic)
663;left:486"><b>DUV / DUVCW Daughters of Union </b>
680;left:557"><b>Veterans of the Civil War</b>
714;left:558">Experimental Aircraft Association
732;left:486">EAU Equitable Aid Union
749;left:558">Emerald Beneficial Association
783;left:486">FAA Free and Accepted Americans
801;left:486">FAM Free and Accepted Masons
818;left:486">FCB Knights of Pythias
835;left:486">FCL Fraternity, Charity, Loyalty, seen on
852;left:536">some Union and Masonic stones
870;left:486">FLT Independent Order of Odd
904;left:486">FMF Fleet Marine Force
921;left:486">FOAST Fraternal Order of Alaska State
956;left:486">FOE Fraternal Order of Eagles
973;left:486">FOF Fraternal Order of Firefighters
991;left:486"><b>FOP Fraternal Order of Police</b>
1025;left:486"><b>GAR Grand Army of the Republic </b>
1042;left:486"><b>GSA </b>Girl Scouts of America
1059;left:486">GALSTPTR German American Legion of
1077;left:553">St. Peter
1094;left:486">GLAUM Grand Lodge Ancient Order of
1111;left:544">Mysteries-Masonic Order
1128;left:486"><b>GLDS </b>Grand Lodge Daughters of Scotia
1146;left:486">GUOOF Grand United Order of Odd
1197;left:486">IBBH International Brotherhood of
1215;left:528">Blacksmiths and Helpers
1232;left:486">ICBU Irish Catholic Benevolent Union
1363;left:0"><hr><table border=0 width=100%><tr><td bgcolor=eeeeee align=right><font face=arial,sans-serif><a name=2><b>Page
2</b></a></font></td></tr></table></div><font size=3 face="Times"><span style="font-size:13px;font-family:Times">
1471;left:135">IHSV Red Cross of Constantine(Masonic)
1489;left:135">IOA International Order of Alhambra
1506;left:135">IODE Independent Order, Daughters of
1523;left:193">the Empire
1540;left:135">IOF Independent Order of Foresters
1557;left:135">IOGT International Order of Good
1592;left:135">IOH Improved Order of Heptasophs
1609;left:135">IOI Independent Order of Immaculates
1627;left:135">IOJD Independent Order of Job's
1661;left:135">IOKP Independent Order of Knights of
1695;left:135">IOOF Independent Order of Odd Fellows
1713;left:135">IOOF-PM Independent Order of Odd
1730;left:185">Fellows, Past Master
1747;left:135">IOR Independent Order of Rechabites
1764;left:135">IORG International Order of Rainbow Girls
1799;left:135">IORM Improved Order of Redmen (Sons of
1834;left:135">IOStL Independent Order of St. Luke
1851;left:135">IOV International Order of Vikings
1868;left:135">ISDA Italian Sons and Daughters of
1902;left:135">ISH Independent Sons of Honor
1920;left:135">IUOM Independent United Order of
1954;left:135">IWW Industrial Workers of the World
1989;left:135">JAOUW Junior Order-Ancient Order of
2006;left:189">United Workmen
2023;left:135">J.O.A.M. Junior Order of American
2058;left:135">J.O.U.A.M. Junior Order of United
2075;left:189">American Mechanics
2109;left:135">K.of C. / KC Knights of Columbus
2127;left:135">K.of P. / KP Knights of Pythias
2144;left:135">K of FM / KFM Knights of Father Matthew
2161;left:135">K of H Knights of Honor
2178;left:135">K of L Knights of Loyola
2196;left:135">K of SJ Knights of St. John
2213;left:135">K of STP Knights of St. Patrick
2230;left:135">K of STW Knights of St. Wenceslas
2247;left:135">K of T / KT Knights of Tabor
2265;left:135">K of TM Knights of the Macabees
2282;left:202">Knights of St. George
2299;left:135">K.M. / KM Knights of Malta (Masonic)
2316;left:203">Knights Militant (KKK)
2334;left:135">K.T. / KT Knights Templar (Masonic)
2351;left:135">KGC Knights of the Golden Chain
2368;left:135">KGC Knights of the Golden Circle
2385;left:135">KGE Knights of the Golden Eagle
2403;left:135">KGL Knight Grand Legion
2420;left:135">KHC Knights of Holy Cross
1471;left:553">Knights of Klu-Klux Klan
1489;left:486">KLH Knights and Ladies of Honor
1506;left:486">KMC Knights of the Mystic Chain
1523;left:486">KOL Knights of Labor
1540;left:486">KPC Knights of Peter Claver
1557;left:486">KSC Knights of St. Columbkille
1575;left:557">Knights of Sherwood Forest
1592;left:556">Knights of St. Lawrence
1609;left:486">KOTM Knights of the Macabees
1627;left:486">KSTG Knights of St. George
1644;left:557">Knights of St. Ignatius
1661;left:560">Knights of St. Joseph
1678;left:486">KSTM Knights of St. Martin
1695;left:486">KSTP Knights of St. Paul
1713;left:486">KSTP Knights of St. Peter
1730;left:486">KSTT Knights of St. Thomas
1764;left:486">LAOH Ladies Ancient Order of
1799;left:486">LDG Independent Order of Foresters
1816;left:486"><b>LGAR Ladies of the Grand Army of the </b>
1851;left:486">LK of A Loyal Knights of America
1868;left:486">LOL Loyal Order Orange Lodge (The
1885;left:548">Orange Order){Orange Men}
1902;left:486">L.O.M Loyal Order of Moose
1920;left:486">LOOM Loyal Order of the MOOSE
1937;left:486">LOVUS Legion of Valor of the United
1989;left:486">MAW Marine Air Wing
2006;left:560">Mutual Benefit Society
2023;left:486">MCL Marine Corps League
2040;left:486">MRA Royal Arcanum
2058;left:486">M.W.A. Modern Woodmen of America
2075;left:486">MOPH Military Order of the Purple
2109;left:486">MOOSE Loyal Order of the Moose
2127;left:486"><b>MOS&B Military Order of the Stars </b>
2144;left:548"><b>and Bars </b>
2161;left:486">MOVPER Mystic Order of Veiled
2178;left:528">Prophets of the Mystic Realm (Grotto)
2196;left:486"><b>MOLLUS Military Order of the Loyal</b>
2213;left:544"><b>Legion of the United States</b>
2248;left:486"><b>NL Navy League</b>
2265;left:486">NU National Union
2282;left:486">N.O.W. Neighbors of Woodcraft
2299;left:486">NCOA Non-Commissioned Officers
2316;left:548">Association (Military Society)
2334;left:486">NEOP New England Order of Protection
2351;left:486">NOK New Order Knights
2551;left:0"><hr><table border=0 width=100%><tr><td bgcolor=eeeeee align=right><font face=arial,sans-serif><a name=3><b>Page
3</b></a></font></td></tr></table></div><font size=3 face="Times"><span style="font-size:13px;font-family:Times">
2659;left:135"><b>NSDAR National Society Daughters of </b>
2677;left:181"><b>American Revolution</b>
2694;left:135">NSSUP National Society Sons of Utah
2745;left:135">O of A Order of Amaranth (Masonic)
2763;left:135">O of UF Order of United Friends
2780;left:135">OCF Order of Chosen Friends
2797;left:135"><b>OCR Order of Confederate Rose</b>
2815;left:135">OES Order of the Eastern Star
2832;left:135">OGC Order of the Golden Cross
2849;left:135"><b>OSC Order of Scottish Clans (St. </b>
2866;left:181"><b>Andrew's Societies)</b>
2883;left:135">ODHS Des Schwestern Verbandes
2901;left:181">(Sisters of the Federation)
2918;left:135">OUAM Order of United American
2970;left:135">PF of A Patriotic Friends of America
2987;left:135">PH The Order of Patrons of
3004;left:177">Husbandry (The Grange)
3022;left:135">PM Patriarchs Militant (Independent
3039;left:177">Order of Odd Fellows)
3056;left:135"><b>PBA Police Benevolent Association</b>
3073;left:135"><b>POW / P.O.W. Prisoner of War</b>
3108;left:135">RA Royal Academy
3125;left:135">RA Royal Arcanum
3142;left:135">RK Roman Knights
3159;left:135">R.A.M. Royal Arch Masons
3177;left:135">R.N.A. Royal Neighbors of America
3194;left:135">RIP Requiescat in pace, Latin for REST
3211;left:177">IN PEACE
3228;left:135">ROJ Royal Order of Jesters (Masonic)
3246;left:135">RMOKHSJ The Religious and Military
3263;left:177">Order of Knights of the Holy
3280;left:181">Sepulcher of Jerusalem
3297;left:135">RO-AUM Rosicrucian Order (Masonic)
3332;left:135">RSGF Royal Society of Good Fellows
3349;left:135">RSM Royal and Select Masons
3366;left:135">RSTV Rite of St. Vaclara
3384;left:135">RSTV Rite of ST. Vita
3401;left:135">RTT Royal Templars of Temperance
3435;left:135">S of E
3435;left:205">Sons of England
3453;left:135">S of St.G Sons of St. George
3470;left:202">Scottish Rite (Masonic)
3487;left:200">Sons of Temperance
3504;left:135">SV Sons of Veterans of the United
3522;left:181">States of America
3539;left:135">S.A.L. Sons of the American Legion
3556;left:135">?SAR Sisters of the American
2659;left:486"><b>SAR Sons of the American Revolution</b>
2677;left:486">SBL Society B. Lafayette
2694;left:486"><b>SCV Sons of the Confederate Veterans</b>
2711;left:486"><b>SUV / SUVCW Sons of Union Veterans of </b>
2728;left:486"><b>the Civil War</b>
2745;left:486">S.A.W.V. Spanish American War Veteran
2763;left:486">SBCL Saint Bonifazius Catholic Union
2780;left:486">S.F.W.C. Supreme Forest Woodmen Circle
2797;left:486">SMAA Scandinavian Mutual Aid
2832;left:486">SNA-AUM Shrine of North America
2866;left:490">S.S.M.A. Soldiers & Sailors Memorial
2918;left:486">TCL Tall Ceders of Lebanon (Masonic)
2935;left:486">TH Temple of Honor and Temperance2952;left:523">Independent Order of Odd Fellows
2970;left:486">TH Temple of Honor-Independent
2987;left:532">Order of Odd Fellows
3004;left:486">TPLF Temple of Honor and Temperance,
3022;left:486">TROA The Retired Officer's Association
3056;left:486">UR The Uniform Ranks designation
UCV United Confederate Veterans
UDC United Daughters of the
UFL Union Fraternal League
U.S.A. United States Army
U.S.N. United States Navy
U.S.A.F. United States Air Force
U.S.C.G. United States Coast Guard
U.S.M.C. United States Marine Corp
UAOD United Ancient Order of Druids
UOPF United Order of Pilgrim Fathers
VFW Veteran's of Foreign Wars
W.C. Woodmen Circle
W.O.W. Woodmen of the World
W.O.W. Women of Woodcraft
WKSC White Knights of the Southern Cross (KKK)
YMCA Young Men's Christian Association
YWCA Young Women's Christian Association
<b>Military markers </b>
BTN Battalion
DIV Division
ART Artillery
INF Infantry
CAV Cavalry
<b>Rank </b>
PVT Private
CPL Corporal
SGT Sergeant
WO Warrant officer
LT JG Lieutenant Junior Grade
LT Lieutenant
COM Commander
CAPT Captain
COL Colonel
MAJ Major
ADM Admiral
GEN General