
Medieval Study Guide Topics 1-4
Byzantine EmpireJustinian developed a Byzantine law code modeled after 12 tables
Hagia Sophia-“Holy Wisdom” a church in Constantinople (one of first dome
churches of its time)
Mosaics –a Byzantine art form with many small tiles making a picture
Coining- a way to tax people; molded and sculpted
CastlesTurret- located on the side of the castle; purpose is to attack someone without
being attacked yourself. A person could shoot arrows out of the open space.
Keep-the inside of the castle; is a few feet high; where the royals would stay; not
located along the walls- it is the safest spot.
Bailey-inner court yard; inner space where people go if being attacked;
Manor House-located outside of the castle; typically a knight or lord would live
there; can be pretty nice; may have turrets at top but most likely wouldn’t come
under attack; was just a way to govern outside of the castle
Water Source- a way to get water into the castle; mostly used wells
Moat-water on the outside of the castle; helped protect against invaders had to
cross water
Hill- located on hills to help protect against invaders, had to climb up
Garden- may be found inside a castle, for example bailey is good for vegetation
and protected
Feudalism- everyone owes someone else something
King-sole leader of a certain piece of land; often ultimate leader of country
Wanted-protection/governing Needs- Loyalty from lords they could provide
protection from knights and even money
Pope- on top with the King, has a connection to God
Lord-a noble person who has a large piece of land; has a bunch of money from
family or renting
Need- protection, a decent chunk of land; may have a manor house or castle
Want-to be advisor to the King ; may even want to get him land
Knight-a powerful wealthy person; professional warrior (fight in armor)
Need- food, money, and land (if get divide among serfs and have them work for
Serf- low-class person; work on fields of the lord, or give them some of their crops
for right to work and live on land
Want- tiny piece of land to work and protection
Want-to move up in rank
Knighthood- Page-8-9 years old; Light armor and fighting
Squire-About 18 years old; personal assistant
Knight-Warrior who would hold an estate; fight as well as noble privileges
Chivalry- fight and die with honor, be loyal, believe in church rules, never use a
weapon on an opponent not equal to the attack, defend the weak and innocent
The Franks- in 732 CE Charles Martel nicknamed “The Hammer” because of his
strength in battle. He led the Franks in the Battle of Tours which is one of the
most important battles in European history. The Franks defeated an army of
Arabs and Berbers who had previously conquered Spain. The Arabs and Berbers
were Muslims, who hoped to spread their religion of Islam everywhere. Due to
the victory, Christianity survived in western Europe.
Charlemagne- most people in the empire could not read or write. He encouraged
churches and monasteries to found schools. He and the Pope wanted a new
Christian Empire in western Europe. His conquest brought him this goal. The Pope
declared Charlemagne was the new Roman emperor, but he was not pleased that
the Pope crowned him. This made it seem as if the emperor’s right to rule came
from the Pope rather than directly from God.