ALLEGHENY #1 ELEMENTARY SCHOOL OCT. 2008 PTO MINUTES Meeting and introduction of attendees was called to order by Mandi Robertson on Oct. 6, 2008 at 7:00 p.m. Those in attendance were: Brenda Basal, Ali Stroz, Alicia Redinger, Heather Boydston, April Helsel, Barbara Gillooly, Leslie Rupp, Heather Davis, Francine Endler, Marie Gallagher, Mandi Robertson, Pam Schobel, Kim McGarvey, and Erica Longstreth. Approval of Sept. 8, 2008 Minutes was approved. Motion made by Pam Schobel, seconded by Brenda Basal. PRINCIPAL TIME -Harvest party is October 31. -Clearances are coming in. Approximately 12 people got their TB tests through the district. -Retake of pictures to be announced. Sports pictures have not been taken yet. TEACHER TIME -Mrs. Vallani requested hospitality have refreshments at the Dec. chorus concert. -Can teachers use generic headings for classroom earned items? PTO voted as long as students are aware of what they are aiming towards. April Helsel motioned, Barbara Gillooly seconded. -Determination of winning classes for contests--it was decided to use a % due to some classes having less students. Kim McGarvey motioned, Brenda Basal seconded. -Can monies earned be held? PTO decided to retrieve monies earned per marking period. This will ensure students reap the benefits of their earned efforts. Motioned by Erica Longstreth, seconded by Kim McGarvey. BUDGET FOR 2008-09 SCHOOL YEAR (see new budget sheet) Motion made by Brenda Basal and seconded by Marie Gallagher to approve the 2008-09 budget. TREASURER’S REPORT General Account $2,096.98 Best Way/Hat Day/Martin’s/ Target Account 1,851.32 (made $43.10 from hat day) Sound System Account 319.65 ($106.45 received) OLD BUSINESS -Harvest Carnival-Some of teachers of younger grades concerned about their students being around older students this early on in the year. Carnival will not be planned this year--- too short of time to coordinate. Maybe next yr. could have a carnival for upper grades. -Can store overflow of clothes donations for nurse in PTO room. -Nurse needs help in spring. Would like to do some things w/the track. We could start a wellness committee. -Nurse requesting money to purchase more necklaces & bracelets for the track incentive. Agreed upon to give nurse $40. Pam Schobel motioned. Some of student’s necklaces breaking. Suggested first free & 2nd parents purchase if funds run out. -Ali Stroz informed Drayer makes donations to wellness programs. She will check into. NEW BUSINESS -Yearbook pictures will be up for bid in the spring. Parents are permitted to give feedback on their opinion of our current photographer, Provine. -PTO will purchase totes to organize the PTO room -Mrs. Endler checking w/district as to whether or not we can turn in ink cartridges for money towards PTO -Would like to have a Science & Ag. Assembly-Sr. High students can help w/Science -Ali Stroz looking into Blair Co. Water Conservation for an assembly -Erica Longstreth asked if anyone objected to a canned goods drive for the month of Nov. for her church which supplies food to nearly 250 families per mo. in our area -Heather Boydston suggested a winter warmth project-Ali Stroz will come up with a fireplace that students can place items on-Mrs. Endler suggested we coordinate this through the nurse & guidance counselor -Heather Boydston looking into a Humane Society drive for January COMMITTEE REPORTS Mandi sent out a general committee letter to all chairs BEST WAY/HAT DAY-Will be the first Friday of every month. Pam Schobel suggested a drawing be made from the students who attend. Marie Gallagher & Kim McGarvey suggested the prize could be money to the student store and that we give $1.00 each for five students. Money earned goes to the sound system. RIF-Everything on hold due to grant. WEB-SITE-Erica Longstreth will contact Linda Russo. FIELD DAY-Mrs. Endler suggested no rain date due to parents taking off work in advance. Also, we would lose some of our help. Mrs. Endler looking into a date. PTO considering yearbooks will be students’ prize. Heather Davis got info. from ELF Entertainment. Pricing to come. Need to check into liability, etc. Would come from Pittsburgh. If they come, we will owe full amount rain or shine. We can have a time frame to cancel due to inclement weather. A-TEAM-Barnes & Noble Night is Thurs., Oct. 16, 5-7:30. Homecoming parade Oct. 17. SOUND SYSTEM-Two different proposals from Bettwy & online Replace one we have-3 mics & stand $1489 Portable-Cable, 3 mics, & stands, carry bag $2025 Wireless mic $431 Whole new system $2500 (labor-free & will come in & instruct how to use) Similar system online $1500-last year’s model. Installation fee will incur ART SQUAD-Work in progress DRAMA-submitting information for Mrs. Endler’s approval RED RIBBON-Having in-school seminar/possible date 27th/maybe do small groups instead of large group FUNDRAISING-Started calling parents for 12/5 help to distribute Wolfgang Mandi Robertson attended the district PTO meeting. If whole school takes home information on a f.r., it is considered a school-wide f.r. Committees can have their own f.r. though. -PTO decided not to do school mall this year as a f.r. The Jr. High sells magazines & does really well. We do not want to take from that success. -Hungry Howies has a f.r.-Buy a med. for $8 & school makes $3. -F.R. committees with over 30 students must be coordinated through the district -Mandi asked at district meeting if committees can put out a jar for donations at functions. Fine as long as the jar is monitored by a parent. Next meeting will be the first Monday in November @ 7:00 Motion was made by Mandi Robertson to adjourn. Meeting adjourned at 8:21 p.m. Minutes submitted by: Erica Longstreth