Our learning goals today:
1. Learn the email address for assignments. tcline@graniteschools.org a. You must put your period in the subject area: 1a, 2a, 3a, 2b, 3b, 4b
2. How did continents really started ? Why many sources cannot be trusted.
3. Vocabulary a. Primary Source b. Secondary Source c. Pre-history d. Paleolithic period e. Neolithic period f. Mesolithic period g. Civilization
4. Analyze a primary source
5. Daily Reading
6. Activity – Looking at sources and survival exercise
7. Assessment: Telling me in a paragraph how your group survived, citing what you used or did first, and what period of time it came from. To tell me the period of time put a letter “N” for Neolithic, “M” for Mesolithic and “P” for paleolithic. The paragraph is a group effort , each person must do some writing and write their own name.
Artifact Analysis Worksheet
1. TYPE OF ARTIFACT: Describe the material from which it was made: bone, pottery, metal, wood, stone, leather, glass, paper, cardboard, cotton, plastic, other material.
2. SPECIAL QUALITIES OF THE ARTIFACT: Describe how it looks and feels: shape, color, texture, size, weight, movable parts, anything printed, stamped or written on it.
A. What might it have been used for?
B. Who might have used it?
C. Where might it have been used?
D. When might it have been used?
A. What does it tell us about technology of the time in which it was made and used?
B. What does it tell us about the life and times of the people who made it and used it?
C. Can you name a similar item today?
5. What period of time would this artifact have been invented? (Paleoithic,
Neolithic, Mesolithic) Explain why.
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