v. 141107 EXPOSURE DRAFT Carbon Credits (Carbon Farming Initiative Reducing greenhouse gas emissions from fertiliser in irrigated cotton) Methodology Determination 2014 Carbon Credits (Carbon Farming Initiative) Act 2011 I, Greg Hunt, Minister for the Environment, make the following determination. Dated Greg Hunt [DRAFT ONLY—NOT FOR SIGNATURE] Minister for the Environment Contents Part 1 Preliminary 1 2 3 4 5 Part 2 Name of determination Commencement Authority Duration Definitions 4 4 4 4 4 Irrigated cotton projects 6 Irrigated cotton projects 7 Part 3 Project requirements Division 3.1 7 Eligible projects Operation of this Part 8 8 Application for declaration Emissions Intensity Reference Period Maps 8 9 10 Management action Management actions New management actions 8 8 11 Emissions intensity reference period Determining the emissions intensity reference period 9 12 13 14 Project area requirements Project area Stratification Mapping format and precision Division 3.2 Division 3.3 Division 3.4 Division 3.5 10 10 10 Part 4 Net abatement amount Division 4.1 15 16 The net abatement amount The net abatement amount Overview of gases accounted for in abatement calculations 12 12 17 18 Method for calculating net abatement amount Calculation of the carbon dioxide equivalent net abatement amount Inputs required by the Irrigated Cotton Calculator 13 14 Division 4.2 Subdivision 4.2.2 19 20 Subdivision 4.2.3 21 Part 5 Baseline emissions The baseline The variance discount 14 15 Project emissions Project emissions 15 Reporting, record-keeping and monitoring requirements Division 5.1 22 Operation of this Part Application Carbon Credits (Reducing greenhouse gas emissions from fertiliser in irrigated cotton) Methodology Determination 2014 17 2 Division 5.2 23 Offsets report requirements Information in each offsets report 17 24 Record-keeping requirements Records that must be created and kept 17 25 26 27 28 29 Monitoring requirements General Cotton area Lint yield Synthetic fertiliser Green manure 18 18 19 19 19 Division 5.3 Division 5.4 Carbon Credits (Reducing greenhouse gas emissions from fertiliser in irrigated cotton) Methodology Determination 2014 3 Part 1 Preliminary 11.1 Name of determination This determination is the Carbon Credits (Carbon Farming Initiative - Reducing greenhouse gas emissions from fertiliser in irrigated cotton) Methodology Determination 2014. 21.2 Commencement This determination commences on the day after it is registered. 31.3 Authority This determination is made under subsection 106(1) of the Carbon Credits (Carbon Farming Initiative) Act 2011. 41.4 Duration Note See subsection 122(1) of the Act. This Determination remains in force for the period that: (a) begins when the determination commences; and (b) ends on the day before this determination would otherwise be repealed under subsection 50(1) of the Legislative Instruments Act 2003. 51.5 Definitions In this determination: Act means the Carbon Credits (Carbon Farming Initiative) Act 2011. cotton area in relation to a given year and project area, is an area of land within the project area that is the aggregate of the paddocks on which cotton was planted and irrigated. Note The cotton area is a subset of the project area and is expected to change on an annual basis due to a range of factors, including water availability and rotational cropping. The cotton area does not include parts of the project area on which cotton was not planted in a given year. The cotton area does not need to have a single boundary. Cotton Research and Development Corporation means the statutory authority of that name, established under section 8 of the Primary Industries Research and Development Act 1989. emissions intensity reference period is a historic period from which data is sourced in order to calculate the emissions intensity of the baseline. enhanced efficiency fertiliser means a fertiliser that can reduce nutrient losses from the soil while increasing nutrient availability to a plant growing in that soil. Carbon Credits (Reducing greenhouse gas emissions from fertiliser in irrigated cotton) Methodology Determination 2014 4 green manure means a legume that is planted, but not harvested, on a given paddock in order to improve the soil for a subsequent cotton crop. historic management actions means all management practices undertaken with respect to a project area during the emissions intensity reference period that could impact on nitrogen fertiliser use efficiency. Note Management practices that could impact on nitrogen fertiliser use efficiency are described in subsection 10(4). Irrigated Cotton Calculator means the Calculator of that name published by the Department on its website to calculate the carbon dioxide equivalent net abatement amount in accordance with this Determination and includes updates to the tool published on the website which: (a) update inputs and variables used by the tool consistent with the latest National Inventory Reports and carbon dioxide equivalence and applicable methods under s 10(3) of the National Greenhouse and Energy Reporting Act 2007; (b) are of a minor nature; or (c) are necessary or incidental to updates referred to in paragraphs (a) or (b). Note The Irrigated Cotton Calculator is available via the Department’s website. irrigation status, in relation to a paddock, means whether water was applied to the the whole area of the paddock at least once. lint means unprocessed cotton; the fibrous material of a cotton boll. National Inventory Report means the most recently published document that is: (a) known as the National Inventory Report; and (b) prepared by the Department in fulfilment of obligations that Australia has under the Climate Change Convention. new management action means a project management action that: (a) is undertaken with respect to a cotton area during the crediting period; and (b) differs from historic management actions. A new management action can include an enhancement or improvement to a historic management action. Note New management actions must be consistent with section 10. nitrogen fertiliser use efficiency means the ratio of lint yield to nitrogen, applied via synthetic fertiliser. paddock means a defined area of land with a single boundary within a project area on which cotton could be grown during either the emissions intensity reference period, the crediting period, or both. project management actions means all management actions undertaken on a project area during the crediting period. stratification means the division of a project area into one or more paddocks. Carbon Credits (Reducing greenhouse gas emissions from fertiliser in irrigated cotton) Methodology Determination 2014 5 synthetic fertiliser means a product, including urea, applied to soil to enhance soil fertility which has a manufacturer’s label that guarentees a minimum nitrogen content: (a) for solid fertilisers, greater than or equal to 0.5 per cent; or (b) for liquid fertiliser and solid fertiliser applied in solution greater than or equal to 0.1 per cent. Note Synthetic fertilisers may include products with an organic base that are supplemented, where necessary to meet the applicable minimum nitrogen contents, with inorganic nitrogenous compounds. t CO2-e means tonnes of carbon dioxide equivalent. yield, with reference to cotton lint, means the amount (mass) produced. Note Other words and expressions used in this determination have the meaning given by the Act. These include: crediting period eligible offsets project emission greenhouse gas legislative rules offsets project offsets report project project area project proponent Regulator; and reporting period. Carbon Credits (Reducing greenhouse gas emissions from fertiliser in irrigated cotton) Methodology Determination 2014 6 Part 2 62.1 Irrigated cotton projects Irrigated cotton projects (1) For paragraph 106(1)(a) of the Act, this determination applies to an emissions avoidance offsets project which aims to avoid emissions from the cultivation of irrigated cotton by increasing the nitrogen fertiliser use efficiency of that process. (2) A project covered by subsection (1) is an irrigated cotton project. Carbon Credits (Reducing greenhouse gas emissions from fertiliser in irrigated cotton) Methodology Determination 2014 7 Part 3 Project requirements Division 3.1 Eligible projects 73.1 Operation of this Part For paragraph 106(1)(b) of the Act, this Part sets out requirements that must be met for an irrigated cotton project to be an eligible offsets project. Division 3.2 83.2 Emissions Intensity Reference Period Maps At the time of the application under section 22 of the Act, the project proponenet must provide the Regulator with an annual map for each year in the emissions intensity reference period in which there was a cotton area, stratified in accordance with section 13. Division 3.3 93.3 Application for declaration Management action Management actions (1) For each year in the crediting period in which there is a cotton area, at least one new management action must be undertaken either before or during the year which aims to increase the nitrogen fertiliser use efficiency of the cotton area in respect of that year. (2) For each project area, a project proponent must provide the Regulator with the following: (a) a description of the historic management actions undertaken during the emissions intensity reference period; (b) a description of the new management actions undertaken during the crediting period; and (c) an explanation of how the new management actions are consistent with the requirements in section 10. 103.4 New management actions (1) A new management action for the purposes of subsection 9(1) must not be inconsistent with the relevant myBMP (Best Management Practice) standard for the action, as published by the Cotton Research and Development Corporation. Note The Cotton Research and Development Corporation’s Best Management Practice standards are available at: www.mybmp.com.au Carbon Credits (Reducing greenhouse gas emissions from fertiliser in irrigated cotton) Methodology Determination 2014 8 (2) At least one new management action undertaken for the purposes of subsection 9(1) must be demonstrated to have the potential to increase the nitrogen fertiliser use efficiency of the cotton area. (3) Nitrogen fertiliser use efficiency can be increased by: (a) improving the lint yield of the cotton area without a corresponding increase in the rate of nitrogen applied via synthetic fertiliser; or (b) decreasing the rate of nitrogen applied via synthetic fertiliser to the cotton area without a corresponding decrease in the lint yield. (4) Actions which may achieve the outcomes specified in subsection (3) include, but are not limited to, modifying the synthetic fertiliser: (i) application rate; (ii) application timing; (iii) application method; Note For the purposes of (2)(iii), application method refers to how the synthetic fertiliser is applied. For example, via aerial spraying or placement at depth in the soil. (iv) efficiency by the application of an enhanced efficiency fertiliser; or (v) a combination of the above modifications. Division 3.4 Emissions intensity reference period 113.5 Determining the emissions intensity reference period (1) The emissions intensity reference period is the six year period starting from the day six years before the first day of the crediting period. (2) The emissions intensity reference period must include a minimum of three years in which the project area included a cotton area. (3) In order for a year to count for the purposes of subsection (2), the information required under Division 5.4 must be available for that year. (4) If information required under Division 5.4 is available for a year during the emissions intensity reference period in which the project area included a cotton area, that information must be inputted into the Irrigated Cotton Calculator. For the avoidance of doubt, data for the purposes of Division 5.4 is not required for every year during the emissions intensity reference period in which the project area included a cotton area. (5) If the requirements in subsection (2) are not met in the period mentioned in subsection (1), the emissions intensity reference period can be extended, up to a maximum of three times, by moving the start date to a year earlier until the requirements are satisfied. Note Under this subsection, the emissions intensity reference period may need to be extended to either 7, 8 or 9 years for the project to have three years of relevant cotton data and thus be an eligible offsets project. Carbon Credits (Reducing greenhouse gas emissions from fertiliser in irrigated cotton) Methodology Determination 2014 9 Division 3.5 Project area requirements 123.6 Project area (1) A project area must be the same area of land in all years in both the emissions intensity reference period and in the crediting period. (2) For the avoidance of doubt, subsection (1) does not require a project which consists of project areas to include the same project areas in each year in the emissions intensity reference period and in the crediting period. 133.7 Stratification (1) The project proponent must produce a map which stratifies a project area into paddocks for each year in the: (a) the emissions intensity reference period; and (b) the crediting period. (2) Each paddock identified in a map produced for the purposes of subsection (1) must be issued a unique identifier. If a paddock’s perimeter is the same between two maps produced for the purposes of subsection (1), the unique identifier issued to the paddock in accordance with subsection (2) must be the same in both maps. (3) For the avoidance of doubt, a map produced for the purposes of subsection (1) does not need to align with calendar or financial years. Note For the purposes of administrative simplicity, project proponents are encouraged to align the 12 month period covered by their annual map with the relevant cotton growing season rather than a calendar of financial year. (4) The map produced for the purposes of subsection (1) may only include a paddock as part of the cotton area if: (a) cotton is planted in the paddock; (b) the paddock is irrigated; and (c) the residue remaining in the paddock after the harvest of cotton is not burnt. 143.8 Mapping format and precision (1) A map produced for the purposes of subsection 13(1) must be in a digital Geographic Information System format. (2) The boundary of a paddock identified in accordance with section 13 must have a horizontal accuracy either: (a) of 10 metres at 95 per cent threshold; or (b) as specified by the Intergovenmental Committee on Surveying and Mapping Australian Map and Horizontal Accuracy Standard 2009. Carbon Credits (Reducing greenhouse gas emissions from fertiliser in irrigated cotton) Methodology Determination 2014 10 Note While any Geosgraphic Information System format which meets the requirements in subsection (2) is acceptable for the purposes of subsection (1), project proponents are encouraged to use the Carbon Farming Initiative Mapping Tool, available on the Department’s website. The Standard mentioned in paragraph (b) is available at: http://www.icsm.gov.au. Carbon Credits (Reducing greenhouse gas emissions from fertiliser in irrigated cotton) Methodology Determination 2014 11 Part 4 Net abatement amount Division 4.1 The net abatement amount 154.1 The net abatement amount (1) For paragraph 106(1)(c) of the Act, this Part specifies the method for working out the carbon dioxide equivalent net abatement amount for a reporting period for an irrigated cotton project that is an eligible offsets project. (2) The greenhouse gas emissions avoided as a consequence of the project is the carbon dioxide equivalence of the difference between the baseline and the project emissions from the cotton area over the reporting period. (3) If a calculation in this Part includes a factor or parameter that is defined or calculated by reference to another instrument or writing, the factor or parameter to be used for a reporting period is the factor or parameter referred to in, or calculated by reference to, the instrument or writing as in force at the end of the reporting period. Note Subsection (3) includes the the global warming potentials for methane and nitrous oxide prescribed by the National Greenhouse and Energy Reporting (Measurement) Determination 2008. (4) For an eligible offsets project to which this Determination applies, the carbon dioxide equivalent net abatement amount is the carbon dioxide equivalence of the amount of greenhouse gas emissions avoided as a consequence of the project in relation to a project area in a reporting period, calculated: (a) using the Irrigated Cotton Calculator in accordance with this Part to determine the carbon dioxide equivalent net amount of greenhouse gas emissions avoided as a consequence of the project for the cotton area, for each year in the the reporting period; and (b) summing the amounts under paragraph (a) for all years and project areas which are part of the reporting period. (5) If the net abatement amount of a year is less than zero, for the purposes of subsection 4(b) it is taken to be zero. Note Years in which the net abatement amount is less than zero, that is, years in which project emissions are greater than baseline emissions, must be reported, but are not deducted from the net abatement amount. This treatment of negative abatement amounts is possible from a greenhouse gas accounting perspective because of the variance discount applied to the baseline which reduces positive abatement amounts (see Subdivision 4.2.2). 164.2 Overview of gases accounted for in abatement calculations (1) The following table provides an overview of the greenhouse gases and emissions sources that are relevant to working out the carbon dioxide equivalent net abatement amount for an irrigated cotton project. Carbon Credits (Reducing greenhouse gas emissions from fertiliser in irrigated cotton) Methodology Determination 2014 12 Greenhouse gases and emissions sources Item Relevant emissions calculation Emissions source Greenhouse gas 1 Baseline emissions Project emissions Synthetic fertiliser application other than urea Nitrous oxide (N2O) 3 Baseline emissions Synthetic fertiliser application (urea) Carbon dioxide (CO2) Green manure residue Nitrous oxide (N2O) Project emissions 4 Baseline emissions Project emissions (2) For a year, green manure residue is only relevant to working out the carbon dioxide equivalent net abatement amount for an irrigated cotton project if: (a) the green manure crop is planted on an area of land that is a part of the cotton area in the year; and (b) there are no other crops planted between the green manure crop and the a cotton planting in the year. (3) For a year, synthetic fertiliser is only relevant to working out the carbon dioxide equivalent net abatement amount if the synthetic fertiliser is applied: (a) after the harvest of the crop previous to the cotton planting; and Note The crop previous to the cotton planting could be a cotton crop, or a crop grown in rotation with cotton. (b) before the harvest of the cotton area in the year. Division 4.2 Method for calculating net abatement amount 174.3 Calculation of the carbon dioxide equivalent net abatement amount (1) The carbon dioxide equivalent net abatement amount for the cotton area must be calculated using the Irrigated Cotton Calculator by entering the inputs required by the Irrigated Cotton Calculator. (2) Inputs required by the Irrigated Cotton Calculator for the purposes of subsection (1) include inputs outlined in section 18 and: (a) the identification of a region; and (b) the application by the Irrigated Cotton Calculator of the results of scientific research pertaining to the effect of management practices on greenhouse gas emissions in the cotton industry. Carbon Credits (Reducing greenhouse gas emissions from fertiliser in irrigated cotton) Methodology Determination 2014 13 184.4 Inputs required by the Irrigated Cotton Calculator (1) The following table provides an overview of the inputs required to work out the carbon dioxide equivalent net abatement amount for an irrigated cotton project. Inputs required by the Irrigated Cotton Calculator Item Relevant period Input Unit 1 Emissions intensitry reference period; and crediting period Mass of synthetic fertiliser applied for each type of synthetic fertiliser applied Tonnes 2 Emissions intensitry reference period; and crediting period Nitrogen concentration for each type of synthetic fertiliser applied Per cent 3 Emissions intensitry reference period; and crediting period Cotton area Hectares 4 Emissions intensitry reference period; and crediting period Green manure area Hectares 5 Emissions intensitry reference period; and crediting period Lint yield Tonnes Subdivision 4.2.2 Baseline emissions 194.5 The baseline (1) The baseline for the project must be calculated using the Irrigated Cotton Calculator, for each year in a reporting period, for the cotton area by entering each input required by the Irrigated Cotton Calculator into the Irrigated Cotton Calculator. (2) For the purposes of subsection (1), the baseline will be the emissions estimated to occur had the new management actions not been implemented in the relevant year in the reporting period, minus the variance discount, determined in accordance with section 20. (3) For a project area, for each year in the reporting period, the Irrigated Cotton Calculator must determine the baseline on an emissions intensity basis by: (a) determining emissions, in t CO2-e, from each of the emissions sources specified in section 16: Carbon Credits (Reducing greenhouse gas emissions from fertiliser in irrigated cotton) Methodology Determination 2014 14 (i) for synthetic fertiliser, using methods consistent with those used in the National Inventory Report, for each year in the emissions intensity reference period; and (ii) for green manure in a year in which it is relevant to working out the carbon dioxide equivalent net abatement amount, by multiplying the emissions intensity of green manure residue, in t CO2-e per hectare, calculated assuming a yield of 2 tonnes of dry matter per hectare, by the number of hectares of green manure in the year; (b) summing the emissions, determined in accordance with paragraph (a), for each year in the emissions intensity reference period; (c) calculating the emissions instensity, in t CO2-e per tonne of cotton lint produced for each year in the emissions intensity reference period, by dividing the sum obtained in accordance with paragraph (b) by the lint yield for the year; (d) calculating the mean emissions intensity for the emissions intensity reference period, in t CO2-e per tonne of cotton lint produced, based on the annual emissions intensities determined in accordance with paragraph (b); (e) multiplying the mean emissions intensity determined in accordance with paragraph (c) by the number of tonnes of cotton lint produced in the relevant year in the crediting period; and (f) applying the variance discount, as specified in section 19, to the baseline emissions for each year calculated in accordance with paragraph (d). 204.6 The variance discount The variance discount is 6.5 per cent of the emissions estimated to occur had the new management actions not been implemented in the relevant year in the reporting period. Note A variance discount of 6.5% is applied to the baseline to ensure that the net abatement amount excludes emissions reductions that may have occurred due to natural variation (see also paragraph 14(5)). Subdivision 4.2.3 Project emissions 214.7 Project emissions (1) Project emissions must be calculated using the Irrigated Cotton Calculator, for each year in a reporting period, for the cotton area by entering each input required by the Irrigated Cotton Calculator into the Irrigated Cotton Calculator. (2) For a project area, for each year in the reporting period, the Irrigated Cotton Calculator must determine emissions, in t CO2-e, by summing: (a) the emissions from synthetic fertiliser, in t CO2-e, as determined using methods consistent with those used in the National Inventory Report, for each year in the emissions intensity reference period; and Carbon Credits (Reducing greenhouse gas emissions from fertiliser in irrigated cotton) Methodology Determination 2014 15 (b) for emissions from green manure in t CO2-e, in each year in which it is relevant to working out the carbon dioxide equivalent net abatement amount, by multiplying the emissions intensity of green manure residue, in t CO2-e per hectare, calculated assuming a yield of 2 tonnes of dry matter per hectare, by the number of hectares of green manure in the year. Carbon Credits (Reducing greenhouse gas emissions from fertiliser in irrigated cotton) Methodology Determination 2014 16 Part 5 Reporting, record-keeping and monitoring requirements Division 5.1 Operation of this Part 225.1 Application For subsection 106(3) of the Act, the project proponent of an eligible offsets project to which this determination applies must comply with the monitoring, recordkeeping and reporting requirements in this Part. Division 5.2 235.2 Offsets report requirements Information in each offsets report The following information must be included in each offsets report: (a) the annual map for each year in the reporting period, stratified in accordance with section 13; (b) the new management action undertaken in each year in the reporting period; and (c) all inputs and outputs from the Irrigated Cotton Calculator for each year in the reporting period. Note Other record-keeping requirements are prescribed in the legislative rules. Division 5.3 Record-keeping requirements 245.3 Records that must be created and kept (1) For each year in the crediting period, records of each new management action and their compliance with section 10 must be kept. (2) For the emissions intensity reference period, records of the following parameters monitored in accordance with Division 5.4 must consist of at least one level 1 and one level 2 record if available: (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) cotton area; irrigation status; lint yield; amount of nitrogen applied via a synthetic fertiliser; and green manure area. (3) Except for lint yield, if level 1 records are not available for a monitored parameter specified in subsection (2), that record must consist of: Carbon Credits (Reducing greenhouse gas emissions from fertiliser in irrigated cotton) Methodology Determination 2014 17 (i) a level 2 record; and (ii) a level 3 record consistent with the level 2 record mentioned in (i). (4) For the crediting period, records of a monitored parameter specified in subsection (2) must consist of: (a) at least one level 1 record; and (b) at least one level 2 record. (5) For the monitored parameter amount of nitrogen applied via synthetic fertiliser, level 1 records must include an invoice specifying, for each type of synethetic fertiliser applied: (a) the product name; (b) the mass supplied; and (c) the nitrogen content. (6) In this section: (a) level 1 record means a record generated by a person other than the project proponent which specifically relates to the cotton area or project, whichever is more relevant; (b) level 2 record means a record generated by the project proponent which specifically relates to the project or cotton area, whichever is more relevant; and (c) level 3 record means a proxy record. (i) Proxy records can include, but are not limited to: (A) local or regional averages with reasonable standing; or (B) records which relate to parts of the project area which are not the cotton area. Note Other record-keeping requirements are prescribed in the legislative rules. Division 5.4 255.4 Monitoring requirements General For the purposes of entering the inputs required by the Irrigated Cotton Calculator, the parameters in this Division must be determined in accordance with the requirements in this Division. Note In addition to the parameters specified in this Division, proponents must monitor parameters necessary to meet the record-keeping requirements in the legislative rules. See in particular the eligibility parameters, listed in Part 3. 265.5 Cotton area For each year in the emissions intensity reference period and the crediting period, the following parameters must be monitored in relation to each paddock in the cotton area: Carbon Credits (Reducing greenhouse gas emissions from fertiliser in irrigated cotton) Methodology Determination 2014 18 (a) the area, in hectares; (b) planting density, in kilograms of seed planted per hectare; and (c) irrigation status. Note See sections 12 and 13 for annual mapping requirements. 275.6 Lint yield (1) For each year in the emissions intensity reference period and in the crediting period, the lint yield must be determined for each paddock. (2) For the purposes of subsection (1), the lint yield is taken to be the tonnes of lint received by the cotton gin from the paddock. 285.7 Synthetic fertiliser For each year in the emissions intensity reference period and in the crediting period, the total amount of nitrogen, in kilograms, applied via a synthetic fertiliser to each paddock in the cotton area must be determined by monitoring, for each type of synthetic fertsiliser applied: (a) the mass of the synthetic fertiliser applied, in kilograms; and (b) the nitrogen content of the synethetic fertiliser, in percent nitrogen of total mass. 295.8 Green manure (1) For each year in the emissions intensity reference period and in the crediting period in which a cotton crop was planted, the area, in hectares, of green manure planted must be determined. (2) For each hectare planted with green manure and counted in accordance with subsection (1), planting density, in kilograms of seed planted per hectare, must be recorded for each paddock in the cotton area. Carbon Credits (Reducing greenhouse gas emissions from fertiliser in irrigated cotton) Methodology Determination 2014 19