Ad Astra Infant School Pupil Premium Statement 2014-15 Pupil premium grant (PPG) received Our Pupil Premium figures in this table include all pupils eligible for Free School Meals, those eligible in the past 6 years, services children, Looked After Children and those adopted from care. £72,042 Total amount of PPG received AAIS National % of PP eligible pupils 22% % of PP pupils per year group Year R 18% 26% Year 1 20% Year 2 30% Objectives Statement 2014-15 The Pupil Premium money that is received by the school annually is used to improve pupil attainment and achievement; narrow the gap for disadvantaged pupils and help overcome barriers to learning. Summary of spending and actions taken 2014-15 Costings The Pupil Premium funding that is received by the school each financial year is used in a variety of ways in order to improve pupil progress and attainment and narrow any gaps between these groups of pupils and all other children. Detailed above is the amount of funding the school received for the school year 2014-15 with which to undertake certain activities. Also shown in this report, are the levels of attainment and progress which these pupils achieved at the end of Key Stage One in May 2015 – compared to national results where possible. In addition to the school’s usual focus on high quality teaching and learning for all pupils, the actions and spending which helped to narrow the gaps of attainment and progress, were as follows: Educational support: Additional individual / small group intervention programmes in Maths and English for those children who need extra support in order to reach their potential. Speech and language support Spirals language intervention Programme Starting out programme Learn to Move/Move to Learn intervention (Physical Development: fine and gross motor skills) First Class at Number (Maths) Fischer Family Trust Intervention (Reading and Writing) £44,465 Previous performance of pupils eligible for PP 2015 The data below is for the disadvantaged pupils at Ad Astra Infant School using the current “Raise online” definition: All pupils eligible for Free School Meals in the past six years, Looked After Children and those adopted from care. (Service children are not included in this data section but would be in receipt of Pupil Premium funding) Pastoral Support/ Emotional Literacy Support: £14,331 To support the school’s financial commitment to providing excellent pastoral care across the school. Our Pastoral Care Worker works with PP pupils and families daily to support them with not only their learning, but also the fundamentals which need to be in place to enable learning to take place, e.g. behaviour support; liaison with social care; police liaison; and other support services, such as outreach and counselling. To support the school’s financial commitment to providing excellent Emotional Literacy support through the provision of an ELSA (Emotional Literacy Support Assistant). Our ELSA provides counselling and mental health support for pupils. Parent workshops: £1000 The school runs a variety of workshops including maths and phonics to help parents develop their understanding of the curriculum and its expectations and enable them to support their children at home. Breakfast/Lunchtime club: £2,300 Provision of before-school breakfast club and lunchtime support for identified children. This ensures that our more vulnerable children come to school regularly, start lessons on time and have a healthy start to the day – ready to learn. The lunchtime support is offered to those pupils who need regular support in the middle of the day to prepare them for afternoon sessions. PP Activities and Uniform: £1,500 Free school book bag and PE bag Free sweatshirt Subsidising trips and visits Clubs and activities Achievement for All project: Free school meals £3000 As part of our commitment to supporting all pupils we are this year entering into partnership with the Achievement for All Project. Achievement for All is a project that supports schools to focus on achieving educational change. The aim of the project is to support schools in building a world in which all children are seen as having potential and where every child is enabled to be the best they can be regardless of their background, the challenges they face or the needs they may have. The support offered to pupils is monitored closely by the project on a fortnightly basis with an Achievement for All coach liaising with the school’s Achievement for All champion. For identified pupils staff will undertake a termly structured conversation with parents. Teaching staff are released from class to undertake the meetings that offer parents a longer time than the usual parent consultation. The aim of these meetings is to establish and develop effective engagement with parents which will impact on their child’s progress as part of the meeting both school and hope agree actions and targets to focus on in school and at home. £620 £12,867 Free hot meals and desserts are provided daily for those pupils who qualify for this funding. 2 Free milk £307 Free semi-skimmed milk is offered to all our Pupil Premium children if they wish to take up the offer. The activities listed above were funded through the use of both the PP funding and additional financial commitments from the school’s main budget. This reflects the school’s commitment to ensuring all pupils, irrespective of household income or home circumstances, achieve their full potential. Early Years Outcomes 2015 % achieving a GLD National Non Pupil premium 2015 66% School results non disadvantaged pupils 2015 67% School disadvantaged pupils 2015 59% Year Two SATS data 2015 READING 2+ 2B+ 3+ National 2015 90% 82% 32% School -All pupils 2015 91% 87% 48% School -Pupil premium 2015 81% 69% 27% 2+ 2B+ 3+ National 2015 88% 72% 18% School -All pupils 2015 88% 74% 24% School- Pupil premium 2015 85% 50% 11% 2+ 2B+ 3+ National 2015 93% 82% 26% School -All pupils 2015 97% 97% 33% School -Pupil premium 2015 92% 92% 11% WRITING MATHS Average Point Scores Year 2 Pupil Premium Non Pupil Premium National other pupils Reading 15.4% 18.8% 17.1% Writing 14.1% 16.7% 15.8% 3 Maths 15.7% 18.3% 16.9% All subjects 15.1% 17.9% 16.1% (Reading, Writing and Maths YEAR 2 PUPIL PROGRESS Pupil Premium pupils Pupil Progress % of pupils making expected progress School-all pupils Reading Writing Maths Reading Writing Maths 92% 92% 100% 98% 96% 100% YEAR 2 – ATTENDANCE 2015 ATTENDANCE FIGURES PP pupils Not PP pupils 94.89% 96.60% YEAR 1 - PHONIC TEST RESULTS 2015 National 2015 -all pupils 77% School results 2015 - all pupils 37% National pupil premium 66% School pupil premium 25% YEAR 2 - PHONIC TEST RESULTS 2015 National 2015 90% School results 2015 85% National Pupil premium 72% School pupil premium 84% Ad Astra Infant School Pupil Premium Statement 4 2015-16 Number of pupils and pupil premium grant (estimate) AS AT SEPTEMBER 2015 Our Pupil Premium figures in this table include all pupils eligible for Free School Meals, those eligible in the past 6 years, services children, Looked After Children and those adopted from care. Total number of pupils on roll 266 Total number of pupils eligible for PP (FSM children; service children; Looked After children) 47 children Percentage of pupils who qualify for PP % of PP pupils per year group Estimate of total amount of PPG to be received 18% YR 14% Y1 18% Y2 23% £75,240 Proposed spending and actions for 2015-2016 Costings This year, financial support will be provided to eligible families to ensure they attend school regularly; they are emotionally, socially and physically well and that, where required, parents/carers are also supported in developing their children’s progress and well-being. In addition to the school’s usual focus on high quality teaching and learning for all pupils, the actions and spending which will help to narrow the gaps of attainment and progress this year, will be as follows: Educational support: Additional individual / small group intervention programmes in Maths and English for those children who need extra support in order to reach their potential. Intervention programmes to close the gap in maths, sight reading, phonics, comprehension and writing. Speech and language support Spirals language intervention Starting Out programme Learn to Move/Move to Learn intervention (Physical Development: fine and gross motor skills) First Class at Number (Maths) £35,800 Pastoral Support/ Emotional Literacy Support: To support the school’s financial commitment to providing excellent pastoral care across the school. Our Pastoral Care Workers work with PP pupils and families daily to support them with not only their learning, but also the fundamentals which need to be in place to enable learning to take place, e.g. behaviour support; liaison with social care; police liaison; and other support services, such as outreach and counselling. To support the school’s financial commitment to providing excellent Emotional Literacy support through the provision of an ELSA (Emotional Literacy Support Assistant). Our ELSA provides counselling and mental health support for pupils. £21,324 5 Breakfast/Lunchtime: Provision of a before-school breakfast club and lunchtime support club for identified children. This ensures that our more vulnerable children come to school regularly, start lessons on time and have a healthy start to the day – ready to learn. The lunchtime support is offered to those pupils who need regular support in the middle of the day to prepare them for afternoon sessions. £2,500 PP Activities and Uniform: £1,500 Sweatshirt Free book bag and PE bag Subsidising trips and visits Clubs and activities Minibus/other transport: £250 The minibus is available to be used to collect persistently late and absent pupils to ensure they attend school regularly and on time. Taxis are occasionally funded by the school to ensure the safe passage of some of our pupils in exceptional circumstances. Achievement for All project: £3800 As part of our commitment to supporting all pupils we are entering our second year of the Achievement for All Project. Achievement for All is a project that supports schools to focus on achieving educational change. The aim of the project is to support schools in building a world in which all children are seen as having potential and where every child is enabled to be the best they can be regardless of their background, the challenges they face or the needs they may have The support offered to pupils is monitored closely by the project on a fortnightly basis with an Achievement for All coach liaising with the school’s Achievement for All champion. For identified pupils staff will undertake a termly structured conversation with parents. Teaching staff are released from class to undertake these meetings that offer parents a longer time than the usual parent consultation. The aim of these meetings is to establish and develop effective engagement with parents which will impact on their child’s progress as part of the meeting both school and hope agree actions and targets to focus on in school and at home. £1240 Parenting workshops/parenting classes: £TBC The school is committed to supporting families in ensuring that the home environment is calm and safe for all pupils. When required, we offer, provide and fund parenting support and classes to help ensure children receive consistent expectations and are well cared for at home. We aim to ensure we support parents in offering firm boundaries and clear practices for behaviour management but also support them in interacting positively with their children and having a warm, caring relationship with them. Curriculum workshops: £1000 The school runs a variety of workshops including maths and phonics to help parents develop their understanding of the curriculum and its expectations and enable them to support their children at home. Home visits: £1719 When our children join us in Year R, we intend to go to the home to visit children and families to start to establish effective home school links. This is to, not only aid transition, but also to ensure we can put into place any support which is required for the family/child early on in their time at the school. 6 We also intend to visit those families who may have had a previous home visit, but for whom there are concerns or if their personal / living circumstances have changed since the EYFS home visit. Again, this is to ensure that we are supporting the child and family in every way we can. In addition home visits will be undertaken for families joining us mid-year. Free milk: £1000 Free semi-skimmed milk is offered to all our Pupil Premium children if they wish to take up the offer. Home Academy Liaison Officer (HALO): Our Home Academy Liaison Office, Lesley Specterman, supports the school in matters such as attendance, family outreach and family support and signposting for other agencies and outreach services. She is an experienced Educational Welfare Officer and trained Family Outreach Worker. She is employed by the Trust and works to support all our families, but particularly the Pupil Premium families, across our four primary schools. Free school meals: £6500 £14,630 Free hot meals and desserts are provided daily for those pupils who qualify for this funding. The activities listed above are funded through the use of both the PP funding and additional financial commitments from the school’s main budget. This reflects the school’s commitment to ensuring all pupils, irrespective of household income or home circumstances, achieve their full potential. 7