1 Supporting Information 2 Text S1. The changes in feedstuffs for ruminants 3 To our knowledge, data on the past evolution of ruminant diet composition for 4 European countries do not exist. As an alternative, we looked into the evolution of 5 non-grass feedstuffs in Europe. The feedstuff used to feed ruminant livestock was 6 calculated using a simple feed model (Ciais et al., 2007), and the residual feed 7 demand by ruminant livestock was assumed to rely on local forage and grass. The 8 details in the simple feed model and the methodology were described by Ciais et al. 9 (2007). The input data for this feed model are crop trade and harvest statistics from 10 FAOstat - Commodity Balances (hereinafter referred to as FAO-CB, available at 11 http://faostat3.fao.org/) as well as the number of poultry, pigs, sheep and goats, and 12 cattle. From the feedstuff products inventoried in the FAO-CB, we selected 21 major 13 ones including cakes of cereals and oilseeds, brans, pulses and grains compose the 14 diet of farmed pigs and poultry and the concentrates in the diet of farmed ruminants 15 [Kuratorium fur Technic und Bauwessen in der Landwitschaft, 2000]. The supply of 16 these feedstuffs was distributed successively to poultry and pigs according to their 17 specific nutritional demands using this simple feed model, with some country- 18 dependent adjustments for farming intensity. Farming intensity (for poultry feeding) 19 was set to be the same given the fact that the 30 countries considered in this study 20 (EU28, plus Norway and Switzerland) are all developed countries. In Europe, non- 21 cereal crop products and by-products used as feedstuff have continually increased 22 over the last five decades. Grain-feed (mainly wheat and maize) for farm animals 23 increased significantly during 1961-1985, then decreased for 1985-1992, then 24 increasing again after 1992 (Fig. S4a), whereas the total livestock population did not 25 show the same pattern as feedstuffs (Fig. S4b). Poultry kept continually increasing. 26 Pigs and sheep/goats started to decrease since around 1988, and cattle started to 27 decrease even earlier (since 1975). After being distributed to farm poultry and pigs 28 using the simple feed model, the evolution of residual grain-feed for farm cattle 29 (sheep and goats are excluded because the grain-feed consumption by sheep and goats 30 is only 2% of their total dry matter intake; Bouwman et al., 2005) shows a similar 31 variation as grain-feed for all farm animals (Fig. S4a). As a result, the grain-feed 32 consumption per head of cattle doubled during 1961-1984, then declined by 35% 33 between 1985 and 1992, and has again increased rapidly since 1993 (Fig. S4c). 34 However, the fraction of grass-feed in the ruminant diet cannot be simply calculated 35 by subtracting the fraction of feedstuffs in ruminant diet, because the feedstuffs 36 considered in this study are not complete. For example, the medium eared whole- 37 maize silage (green fodder) and the fibrous by-products (e.g., wheat straw, barley 38 straw and maize stover) are not considered. Yet these can comprise a significant part 39 of the total dry matter intake (e.g., residues and fodder comprise 38% of total dry 40 matter intake for beef cattle, 45% for dairy cows and 8% for sheep and goats in 41 western Europe; Bouwman et al., 2005). 42 43 Reference: 44 Beer C, Weber U, Tomelleri E, Carvalhais N, Mahecha M, Reichstein M (2014) 45 Harmonized European Long-Term Climate Data for Assessing the Effect of 46 Changing Temporal Variability on Land-Atmosphere CO2 Fluxes. Journal of 47 Climate, 27, 4815-4834. 48 49 50 Bouwman AF, Van der Hoek KW, Eickhout B, Soenario I (2005) Exploring changes in world ruminant production systems. Agricultural Systems, 84, 121-153. Chang JF, Ciais P, Viovy N, Vuichard N, Sultan B, Soussana J-F (2015) The 51 greenhouse gas balance of European grasslands. Global Change Biology, 52 doi:10.1111/gcb.12998. 53 Ciais P, Bousquet P, Freibauer A, Naegler T (2007) Horizontal displacement of 54 carbon associated with agriculture and its impacts on atmospheric CO2. Global 55 Biogeochemical Cycles, 21, GB2014, doi:10.1029/2006GB002741. 56 FAO-CB (2013) http://faostat3.fao.org/download/FB/BC/E 57 IPCC (2006) 2006 IPCC Guidelines for National Greenhouse Gas Inventories, 58 Prepared by the National Greenhouse Gas Inventories Programme (eds 59 Eggleston HS, Buendia L., Miwa K, Ngara T, Tanabe K). IGES, Japan. 60 KTBL (Kuratorium fur Technic und Bauwessen in der Landwitschaft) (2000) KTBL 61 Pocket Book Agriculture 2000/01 (in German), 20th ed., Kuratorium fur 62 Technic und Bauwessen in der Landwitschaft, Munster, Germany. 63 Leip A, Britz W, Weiss F, de Vries W (2011) Farm, land, and soil nitrogen budgets 64 for agriculture in Europe calculated with CAPRI. Environmental Pollution, 65 159, 3243-3253. 66 Leip A, Marchi G, Koeble R, Kempen M, Britz W, Li C (2008) Linking an economic 67 model for European agriculture with a mechanistic model to estimate nitrogen 68 and carbon losses from arable soils in Europe. Biogeosciences, 5, 73-94. 69 Leip A, Weiss F, Lesschen JP, Westhoek H (2014) The nitrogen footprint of food 70 products in the European Union. Journal of Agricultural Science, 152, S20- 71 S33. 72 Olesen JE, Bindi M (2002) Consequences of climate change for European agricultural 73 productivity, land use and policy. European Journal of Agronomy, 16, 239- 74 262. 75 76 Table S1 Major agricultural regions in Europe (Olesen & Bindi, 2002). Grassland area Regions Countries Million ha % of land Nordic 28.6 27% Norway, Sweden, and Finland British Isles 13.5 52% Ireland, and United Kindom Denmark, Germany, Western 29.6 30% Netherlands, Belgium, Luxembourg, and France Portugal, Spain, Italy, Greece, Mediterranean 26.5 29% Malta, and Cyprus Alpine 4.1 34% Switzerland, and Austria Poland, Czech Republic, and North eastern 9.0 21% Slovakia Hungary, Slovenia, Croatia, South eastern 11.1 22% Romania, and Bulgaria Eastern Total 77 4.4 26% 126.7 29% Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania 78 79 Figure S1. The evolution of meat productivity of beef cattle and milk productivity of 80 cows in Europe. Data are averaged for EU28 plus Norway and Switzerland. Solid 81 lines indicate the productivities derived from FAOstat; dashed lines are the constant 82 productivities of ruminant livestock in the new calculation of ME requirement 83 assuming that the growth in feed conversion efficiency is consistent with the increase 84 of meat and milk productivities of ruminant livestock after 1991. 85 86 87 Figure S2. Grass-fed livestock numbers in each of major agricultural regions and their 88 evolution during the period 1961-2010. The numbers were converted to livestock unit 89 (LU) based on the calculation of metabolizable energy (ME) requirement of each type 90 of animal with variable (i.e., the growth in feed conversion efficiency is consistent to 91 the increase of meat and milk productivities of ruminant livestock after 1991; dashed 92 lines) or constant (solid lines) feed conversion efficiency. 93 94 95 Figure S3. Spatial distribution of the changing rate (linear trends) during the period 96 1991-2010 in: (a) mean annual temperature, (b) total annual precipitation, (c) 97 nitrogen fertilization, (d) atmospheric nitrogen deposition, (e) grassland area, (f) 98 ruminant livestock numbers and (g) in fraction of intensively managed grassland in 99 total grassland area with constant feed conversion efficiency (FCE) or (h) with 100 assumed changes in FCE. The changing rate in (c) nitrogen fertilization and (d), 101 atmospheric nitrogen deposition are estimated for the period 1991-2000, because in 102 the database they are assumed to be constant from 2000 till 2010. Temperature and 103 precipitation were from ERA-WATCH reanalysis climate forcing data at a spatial 104 resolution of 25 km (Beer et al., 2014). Gridded mineral fertilizer and manure 105 nitrogen application rate was estimated by the CAPRI model (Leip et al., 2011, 2014), 106 based on combined information from official and harmonized data sources such as 107 Eurostat, FAOstat and OECD, and spatially dis-aggregated using the methodology 108 described by Leip et al. (2008); grassland area was extracted from the HILDA data set 109 (Fuchs et al., 2013); ruminant livestock numbers were taken from FAOstat with 110 annual country-averaged statistical data on major ruminant livestock numbers for 111 dairy cows, beef cattle, sheep and goats; livestock species are converted to livestock 112 unit (LU) based on the calculation of metabolizable energy requirement (see 113 Supplementary Information Text S1 of Chang et al., 2015); fraction of intensively 114 managed grassland in total grassland area is as established by Chang et al. (2015), 115 constrained by the total forage requirement (derived from metabolizable energy 116 requirement) of grass-fed livestock numbers. 117 118 119 Figure S4. Temporal evolution of (a) total feedstuff products, (b) farm animal 120 numbers, and (c) feedstuff for ruminant and grain-feed consumption per head of 121 ruminant during the last five decades. For the feedstuffs, cereal grains include maize 122 and other cereals; other crop products and by-products included cakes of cereals and 123 oilseeds, brans, and pulses; grain for cattle was the residual grain-feed for cattle after 124 being distributed successively to poultry and pigs using the simple feed model (Ciais 125 et al., 2007). To keep data consistency, the figure shows the total quantities from 23 126 countries of Europe, where data from Croatia, Czech Republic, Estonia, Latvia, 127 Lithuania, Slovakia, and Slovenia were not included in due to the short period of data 128 availability. 129 130 131 Figure S5. Shift in seasonal evolution of grassland GPP during the last two decades in 132 the Nordic countries and the British Isles. The monthly mean GPP of grassland was 133 simulated by ORCHIDEE-GM, aggregated and averaged over each region according 134 to the area and the management intensity (extensively or intensively managed) of 135 grassland in the enhanced historic land-cover maps delineating grassland management 136 intensity (Version 1; see main text section ‘Simulation set-up’ for detail). Decadal 137 averages of monthly GPP (for the period 1991-2000 and 2001-2010 respectively) 138 were used. GPP: gross primary production. 139 140 141 Figure S6. (a) mean nitrogen addition rate over European grassland (including 142 fertilization and atmospheric deposition) and (b) its normalized changing rate during 143 the period 1991-2000. The normalized changing rate of nitrogen addition is calculated 144 as the ratio of changing rate (linear trend) to mean nitrogen addition rate. 145