Title: Evaluation of feed resources in mixed crop

Title: Evaluation of feed resources in mixed crop-livestock systems in Sudano-Sahelian
zone of Mali
Umutoni, Clarisse1 & Ayantunde, Augustine2
International Livestock Research Institute (ILRI), c/o ICRISAT, B.P. 320 Bamako, Mali;
International Livestock Research Institute (ILRI), c/o CIFOR, B.P. 9478 Ouagadougou, Burkina
A study was carried out to assess existing and potential feed resources and constraints to
livestock production in Koutiala and Bougouni districts in Southern part of Mali. A Feed
Assessment Tool was used to collect necessary data on livestock production systems and feed
resources. The assessment included focus group discussions and individual interviews. Results
showed that seasonal shortage in feed supply, animal diseases, absence of stock route and lack of
watering point were the major constraints facing livestock production in the study areas.. Main
feed resources for livestock in the study sites were natural pasture, crop residues, shrub/tree
leaves and agro-industrial byproducts especially cereal bran and cottonseed cake. Pastures and
green forage (herbage) were the main feed for animal during the wet season (June to October),
contributing more than 80% of animal diet during this period. The quantity and quality of pasture
declined as the season advances from wet to dry. Results further showed that almost all types of
crop residues were used for livestock feeding compared to other uses. Feeding of crop residues
mostly began soon after crop harvest in October/early November and extending up to February
or early March. Browses tended to form a significant part of the ruminant diet in the late dry
season (February to May). The highest dry matter contents of ruminants’ total diet came from
grazing (50 and 59% in Koutiala and Bougouni districts, respectively). Crop residue is second to
grazing in the provision of the animal’s dietary nutrient requirements. Results show that better
integration of crop and livestock systems is critical to whole farm productivity and profitability.
Miss Clarisse UMUTONI has completed her from DVM program in 2012 from Cheikh Anta
Diop University. She is currently a PhD student doing her research with International Livestock
Research Institute (ILRI).
Dr. Augustine Ayantunde is senior livestock scientist. He holds a PhD in ruminant nutrition and
has more than 15 years of research experience in ruminant nutrition, rangeland management,
analysis of pastoral and agro-pastoral systems, and crop-livestock modelling. His areas of
expertise include evaluation of feed resources in the West African Sahel, ruminant nutrition,
evaluation and monitoring of natural resource use in pastoral and agro-pastoral systems,
assessment of vulnerability of pastoral and agro-pastoral systems in arid and semi-arid subSaharan Africa to climate change and variability, and documentation of indigenous ecological
Presenting author details
Full name: Clarisse Umutoni
Contact number: +223 74 10 04 49
Twitter account: Clarisse umutoni
Linked In account: Clarisse umutoni
Session name/ number:
Category: (Oral presentation/ Poster presentation): Poster presentation