Nutritional Requirements of Ruminants

Nutritional Requirements
Ruminant Animals
Created by:
Barrett, Arlene
Bratton, Dennis
Gumfory, Mariah
Vrazel, Haley
• Evaluate the protein requirements and what is
required of a ruminant animal
• State the nutritional requirements of
ruminant animals
• Analyze the protein percentages in common
Ruminant Requirements
• Feed value is a measure of its main nutritional
components. For ruminants, the worth of any
fodder depends mainly on the concentration of
energy and protein in the feed.
• Other nutritional components of a feed can greatly
influence cattle production.
• Production can be significantly restricted by a
number of deficiencies, such as calcium,
magnesium, phosphorus, copper, cobalt, vitamins A
or D.
Dry Matter
• It is important to have some idea of the dry matter
(DM) content of feed because cattle consume a fairly
predictable quantity of dry matter per day, if feed is
readily available.
• Cattle generally eat a quantity of dry matter each day
equivalent to two or three per cent of their
• On a fresh weight basis, a ruminant would eat a lot
more silage (20% to 30% DM) than hay (80% to 90%
DM) per day, even though both feeds may have similar
energy and protein values on a DM basis.
Energy and Nutrition
• There are several reasons why agriculturist want to know the
relative energy values of feed. Some include…
• The diet of a ruminant must have an energy value above a
particular level. Some feeds are simply too low in energy (low
energy concentrations) and ruminants are incapable of eating
enough of them to meet the energy demand ie: grain vs.
• It is useful to cost out each of the feeds on its monetary value
per unit of Metabolisable Energy (ME). Ex: the ME value of
oats is 12 and that of medium quality hay is 8 so oats can cost
up to one and-a-half times that of hay per unit weight of DM
and still be a better buy if the feeds are being compared on
their energy values alone.
• The protein requirements of cattle vary according to
the weight as well as the level of production
(growth, reproduction and lactation).
• It is important to know the protein levels of various
feed so that management can match the protein
available in an animal's diet with the animal's
• Crude protein values give a good indication of
whether or not a particular feed will satisfy the
protein needs of the animal.
Protein Continued
• The crude protein value of a feed is determined by the
quantity of nitrogen-containing substances it contains.
These substances do not have to be proteins. Therefore the
crude protein concept relies on microbes of the rumen
being able to synthesize microbial protein from all the
nitrogen containing substances the ruminant eats.
• At least 2/3 of an animal’s crude protein intake should be
provided as natural protein. No more than 1/3 of the crude
protein should be represented by non-protein nitrogen
(NPN) - such as urea.
• NPN should not be included in levels above 2% of the diet.
Protein Continued
• Research has shown clearly that ruminants don't digest
all dietary protein in the same way.
• Proteins vary in the extent to which they are broken
down (fermented) in the rumen.
• Cattle for example use protein that resist rumen
fermentation, but which are digested lower down the
digestive tract much more efficiently than those that
are readily fermented in the rumen.
• Cattle only derive the full value from grains such as
wheat, rye, sorghum, barley, and peas if they are rolled
or coarsely milled. This will increase the digestibility of
grain by approximately 30%.
Ruminant System
Department of Primary Industries
• Evaluate the protein requirements and what is
required of a ruminant animal
• State the nutritional requirements of
ruminant animals
• Analyze the protein percentages in common