course code CIC6013 course title in Estonian Hiina keel algajatele 2

course code
course title in Estonian
course title in English
ECTS credits
approximate amount of
contact lessons
teaching semester
assessment form
course objectives in
course objectives in
Hiina keel algajatele 2
Chinese for Beginners 2
Luua eeldused keeleliste pädevuste omandamiseks kirjalikus ja
suulises itaalia keeles B1.1 tasemel, nagu on sätestatud Euroopa
Keeleõppe Raamdokumendis. Kursuse peamine sihtgrupp on EHI
Lähis-Ida ja Aasia kultuuriloo üliõpilased, kuid sobib ka teiste
erialade hiina keelt A2 tasemel oskavatele tudengitele.
To develop prerequisites for the acquisition of oral and written
language skills in Chinese at B1.1 level according to the European
Language Portfolio. The course is designed to target the students
whose command of Chinese equals to A2 level according to ELP.
brief description of course
content in Estonian
Following topics are covered in this class: expressing one’s
opinion; presenting a gift; giving advice; indicating change and
making a summary; rivers and lakes in China; guessing and
giving a vague response; environment protection; making
additional remarks; reproaching and questioning; climate; at a
restaurant; wedding. The main grammar content includes: “把”
sentence; rhetorical question; verb use; sentence with serial verb
brief description of course phrases; resultative complements; sentences indicating existence
content in English
or emergence; structural particle “地”; modal complement;
pivotal sentences; approximate numbers; structural particles “的、
地、得”; complement of possibilities; the subjectless sentence;
fractions, percentages and multiples; constructions; etc.
The course is composed of 84 hours of learning vocabulary and
grammar, reading and writing, and of 56 hours of listening and
speaking practice.
Iseseisva töö sisuks on koduste ülesannete sooritamine,
independent work in
kodulugemine, töö sõnaraamatutega, individuaalsete ja
rühmaettekannete ettevalmistamine nii kõnes kui kirjas.
Individual work involves fulfilling home assignments, home
independent work in
reading, work with dictionaries, preparation for individual and
group presentations both in oral and written form.
learning outcomes in
-Can understand the main points of clear standard input on
familiar matters regularly encountered in work, school, leisure,
learning outcomes in
-Can deal with several situations likely to arise whilst travelling in
an area where the language is spoken.
-Can produce simple connected text on topics which are familiar
or of personal interest.
-Can describe experiences and events, dreams,
hopes and ambitions and briefly give reasons and explanations for
opinions and plans.
- Can recognize and use 250 new characters; total of 950
characters in spoken and written assignments.
assessment methods in
assessment methods in
responsible lecturer
study literature
Preliminary examination.
- New Practical Chinese Reader Textbook and Workbook 3
(2002). Edited by Liu, Xun. Beijing Language and Culture
University Press.
- In-class handouts and additional readings.
workload (in semester) and
forms of full-time
study: weekly hours
- Discover China: 100 Interesting Topics to Feel China (2009).
- Discover China: 100 Interesting Topics to Feel China (2009).
China Intercontinental Press.
replacement literature
- Bo, Jin (2008). Understanding China: Introduction to China’s
History, Society and Culture. China Intercontinental Press.
- Li, Xiaoqi (2004). Boya Chinese, basic 3. Beijing University
- Cui, Yonghua (2012). New Concept Chinese 3, Beijing
Language and Culture University Press.
- Oxford Beginner’s Chinese Dictionary (2000). Edited by
Boping Yuan and Sally K. Church. Oxford UP.
course duration in weeks 14
The course content and plan follows the sequence of New
Course contents by weeks Practical Chinese Reader Textbook 3 in 14 weeks.
(including topics of each
Week 1-2 Lesson 27 入行随俗 Grammar: “把”sentence; the
class and important
grammar points):
adverbs“更、最”used to express comparisons; separable verbs; the
construction “一边……,一边……”. Topics: expressing one’s
opinion; giving an example.
Week 2-3 Lesson 28 礼轻情意重 Grammar: using the verb “有/
没有”to express comparisons; rhetorical question; sentences with
serial verb phrases; “上”and“开”as the resultative complements.
Topics: comparing; presenting and appreciating a gift; asking in
retort; worrying.
Week 3-4 Lesson 29 请多提意见 Grammar: sentences
indicating existence or emergence; reduplication of an adjective;
structural particle “地”; “把”sentence. Topics: describing
something; emphasizing affirmation; expressing modesty.
Week 4-6 Lesson 30 他们是练太极剑的 Grammar: sentences
indicating existence or emergence; “了”indicating a change in
circumstances; modal complement; construction “又……
又……”. Topics: indicating a change; making a summary;
Week 6-7 Lesson 31 中国人叫它“母亲河”Grammar: numbers
over 10,000; approximate numbers; pivotal sentences;
construction “只要……,就……”. Topics: giving an
encouragement; asking about the property or state of something.
Week 7-8 Lesson 32 这样的问题现在也不能问了 Grammar:
structural particles “的、地、得”; summary of “把”sentence;
adverbs “就”and “还”.Topics: getting acquainted with somebody;
guessing; giving a vague response; explaining.
Week 8-9 Lesson 33 保护环境就是保护我们自己 Grammar:
complement of possibility; extended usage of “出来”;
reduplication of nouns, measure words, and numeral-measure
word phrases; construction “既……,又……”.Topics: indicating
a possibility; expressing one’s concern; bringing up a topic.
Week 9-10 Lesson 34 神女峰的传说 Grammar: sentence with a
subject-predicate phrase as predicate; interrogative pronouns
indicating indefinite reference; “着”and“住”as the resultative
complements; subjectless sentence; construction “连 X 也/
都……”.Topics: making additional remarks; making emphasis;
telling a story.
Week 10-11 Lesson 35 汽车我先开着 Grammar: interrogative
pronouns indicating arbitrary reference; fractions, percentages
and multiples; construction “一……也/都+没/不……”; “就
是……,也……”.Topics: reproaching and questioning; refusing;
making an explanation.
Week 11-12 Lesson 36 北京热起来了 Grammar: Complement
of possibility; extended usage of “起来”; construction “一……
就”; “除了……以外, 还/都/也……”. Topics: talking about the
climate; making a suggestion; indicating a possibility.
Week 12-13 Lesson 37 谁来买单 Grammar: the extended usage
of “下去”. Interrogative pronouns indicating arbitrary reference;
making comparison by using the preposition “比”; construction
“越……,越……”. Topics: at a restaurant; expressing a surprise.
Week 13-14 Lesson 38 你听,他叫我“太太” Grammar: types of
complements; flexible usage of interrogative pronouns; adverbs
“再”and“又”. Topics: congratulating the newly-weds; clarifying
one’s point of view; comforting or consoling; making a decision.
Methods of learning
Students will use varied methods in class to practice vocabulary
and sentence patterns, as well as to learn conversation skills.
These methods include paired dialogues, role play, group
discussion, debate, acting out situations, and practice in both oral
and written translation.