Action Plan for Swatch Bharat Abhiyan (02.10.2014 to 31.10.2014) The action plan for the Swatch Abhiyan at PPS-I shall be as follows S.No Action Plan Cobwebs, general housekeeping of the areas 1. Compressor House Building 2. Facility Building 3. 2.2MEL(MCC Room)/7.5MEL(Switch Gear Room) 4. BFP Building 5. Control Room/Relay Room 6. Battery Room 7. STG Floor Area 8. GT Hall 9. DG Set 10. Fin Fan Area 11. Cable Gallery(Near CEP) 12. Cable Gallery(BFP Building)) 13. Unloading Bay and CEP Pit 14. Air Filter House 15. Air Washer(GT Hall) 16. Air Washer(18MEL & 20MEL) 17. Air Washer(BFP Building) 18. Air Handling Unit 19. CW Pump House 20. Fire Pump House 21. HSD & Naptha Forwarding Pump House Stacking of Scattered materials 22. Old Furniture to be stacked in designated location 23. Placing of Waste oil drums in Hazardous Waste Oil Yard 24. Stacking of operational documents systemically General House Keeping 25. Special cleaning of all toilets, urinals, toilet floor and walls 26. Sweeping /Cleaning of GT Surrounding 27. Silt removal of all trenches and plant drains Associated Works in tandem with other department 28. Removal of mechanical waste/scrap from BOP and Main Plant Area to the designated scrap yard-Action by Mechanical Department 29. Removal of building materials from BOP and Main Plant Area to the designated location-Action by Civil Department 30. Stacking of material in unloading bay- Action by Mechanical Department 31. Scrap identification and segregation of non metallic waste scattered in BOP & MPA for further disposal through plant dustbin - Action by Mechanical Department 32. Proper Stacking of empty drums/pipes/sheets/insulating material at designated place- Action by Mechanical Department 33. Removal of cut grasses /bushes from BOP & MPA-Action by Civil Department 34. Fencing of CW-Forebay & possibly CT Sump by non metallic mesh -Action by Civil Department 35. Stacking of cable drum and loose wire near O&M-Store Building -Action by C&M/Electrical Department Target date 03.10.2014 03.10.2014 03.10.2014 05.10.2014 03.10.2014 03.10.2014 10.10.2014 20.10.2014 11.10.2014 09.10.2014 17.10.2014 18.10.2014 14.10.2014 12.10.2014 13.10.2014 21.10.2014 22.10.2014 18.10.2014 16.10.2014 15.10.2014 19.10.2014 08.10.2014 18.10.2014 06.10.2014 08.10.2014 20.10.2014 26.10.2014 As per schedule for respective area. As per schedule for respective area. As per schedule for respective area. As per schedule for respective area. As per schedule for respective area. As per schedule for respective area. As per schedule for respective area. As per schedule for respective area. 36. Removal of all unwanted waste around C&M Building -Action by C&M Department 37. Proper stacking & shading of pipes/oil drum etc around O&M Building -Action by C&M Department 38. Proper storage of Oil drum placed in Transformer area in designated location-Action by Electrical Department 39. Segregation and storage of all electronic waste at designated location -Action by C&I Department 40. Cleaning of street light/light fitting and Switchgear Panel -Action by Electrical Department 41. Cleaning of Relay Panels--Action by C&I/Protection Department 42. Accumulation of Oil Cotton, wood materials, Oil soaked filter waste to a designated location like Tray or Bin- Action by all department As per schedule for respective area. As per schedule for respective area. As per schedule for respective area. As per schedule for respective area. As per schedule for respective area. As per schedule for respective area. As per schedule for respective area. Schedule for respective areas 1. Cleaning of dust in office premise. : 2nd to 4th Oct 2. Cleaning of scrap/garbage/unused dismantled material/equipment cleaning etc. for any leakage etc. a. GT area : 09th & 10th Oct b. STG area :11th & 12th Oct c. HRSG area : 13th to 16th Oct d. BOP area : 17th to 21st Oct e. Lab area/site stores : 22nd to 25th Oct f. EHV Transformer Area : 26th to 28th Oct. g. Transformer Area : 29th to 30th Oct. h. HT MCC Rooms : 9th to 10th Oct. i. LT MCC Rooms : 11th to 20th Oct. j. Battery Rooms : 21st to 23rd Oct. k. DG Room : 24th Oct. l. Inergen Room : 25th to 26th Oct. m. Control Rooms : 27th to 28th Oct. 3. Scattered Spares to be stacked properly. : 7th Oct to 10th Oct. 4. Old records to maintain properly. : 11th Oct to 14th Oct. 5. General housekeeping to be maintained. : daily basis 6. Old scrap furniture to be taken out & be dumped in scrap yard.: 15th to 17th Oct 7. Office/street light to be cleaned & maintained properly. a. Street lights of plant area 2nd to 10th b. Street lights of BOP area 10th to 15th c. HRSG lighting 15th to 17th d. GT Hall Lighting 18th to 20th e. STG area lighting 21st to 23rd f. BFP/Compressor 24th to 25th g. C & M area 26th to 27th h. Store area 28th