SEA Strategic Environmental Assessment

Sustainable Landscapes Partnership (SLP)
― Indonesia ―
Activity Title:
for North Sumatra
Conservation International as Facility Administrator
Request for Applications Reference Number: SEA-NS/G/03/2015
The Opening and Closing deadline dates for this call for applications:
Opening Date: March 31, 2015
Closing Date: April 17, 2015
The Sustainable Landscapes Partnership Request for Grant Applications
I. Type and Method of Solicitation
Through this RFA, Conservation International (CI), in its role as Facility Administrator for
The Sustainable Landscapes Partnership (SLP) in Indonesia is now soliciting grant
applications from potential and qualified civil society and private sector organizations
to conduct Strategic Environmental Assessment for Spatial Plan in North Sumatera
This solicitation is fully competitive; this is advertised in national newspaper and posted
in CI official website. All selection procedures related to the evaluation and selection
of the grantee to implement the activity will be consistent with USAID procedures and
SLP Grants Manual.
II. SLP Background
Sustainable Landscapes Partnership (SLP) works with local governments, communities,
and private sector partners to conserve nature and improve community livelihoods in
Indonesia. With SLP support, governments, communities, businesses and NGOs are
working together to develop and test innovative, landscape-scale approaches to
reducing carbon emissions, conserving areas of biological significance and addressing
climate change. Landscapes include watersheds, protected areas, production forests,
national parks, agricultural lands, and towns and cities. The goal is a sustainable
development path that protects our food, fresh water and livelihoods and that takes
into account nature’s critical long-term role in our wellbeing.
SLP solutions focus on smart land use planning, improved forest management, low
carbon-emission development, sustainable agricultural production and green supply
chains. SLP provides information and tools that partners use to make informed
decisions. SLP also facilitates agreements among partners and works with them to
develop and test targeted interventions. To achieve maximum impact and ensure
long-term change, SLP helps partners to align these interventions with existing policies
and processes at local, provincial and national levels. SLP then catalyzes replication
and amplification through grants, training and toolkits.
SLP’s integrated activities work together to build a new way of doing business in priority
watersheds in three contiguous landscapes in North Sumatra, namely Mandailing Natal
(Madina), South Tapanuli (TapSel), and North Tapanuli (TapUt). Examples of these
activities include:
 strategic environmental assessments,
 ecosystem valuations,
carbon accounting and spatial planning for government agencies,
conservation agreements for communities,
sustainable action plans and best management practice guidance for private
sector partners, and
livelihood training and improved market access for farmers of common
commodities such as rubber, coffee and cocoa.
Throughout, SLP facilitates strategic conversations across sectors so partners can link
activities and work together to implement sustainable development across the
landscape. SLP is working in three districts in Indonesia: Madailing Natal (Madina),
South Tapanuli (Tapsel) and North Tapanuli (Taput). CI has signed MoUs with all three
district governments to provide technical support and activities that help to promote
sustainable development in each district. Under this grant SLP aims to amplify and
expand lesson’s learned to the province of North Sumatra.
SLP is a flagship program in CI’s work to conserve natural capital through partnerships
that improve governance and support sustainable production. CI’s vision is healthy,
sustainable societies for everyone. The Sustainable Landscapes Partnership (SLP) is a
grant facility established with financial support from the U.S. Agency for International
Development (USAID) and the Walton Family Foundation.
The Government of Indonesia (GoI), USAID, and Conservation International (CI) are the
implementing partners and sit on the SLP Management Council (MC). With practical
input from public and private sector partners, the SLP will mobilize its investment facility
to identify, develop, and test new private sector investment opportunities.
The investment opportunities are needed to transform increasing demand for
sustainably produced commodities to sufficient returns on investment and in the
process transform avoided loss of ecosystem services into tangible incentives.
III. Strategic Environmental Assessment
The Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) is a legally required planning tool for
district and provincial governments to assess policies, plans and programs in their mid
and long-term development plans and district spatial plans (RTRW). In 2009, the
Government of Indonesia revised its Law for Environmental Protection and
Management (Law no. 32/2009), article number 15, stating that the Strategic
Environmental Assessment (SEA) is a mandatory tool for assessing policies, plans and
programs including long-term and mid-term development plans, and district/provincial
spatial plans (RTRW) legal product. By definition, SEA refers to a range of “analytical
and participatory approaches that aim to integrate environmental considerations into
policies, plans and programs and evaluate the inter linkages with economic and social
considerations” (OECD, 2006).
Each SEA is intended to contribute to the improvement of district/provincial-level spatial
planning and will help district governments to be more environmentally conscious in its
development planning. Recognizing the importance of SEAs, SLP is supporting the
preparation of a SEA in the province of North Sumatra. The SEA development process
includes field activities, such as assessments, surveys, consultative meetings and the
establishment of a SEA Task Force in North Sumatra.
A final SEA report will identify environmental conditions and propose a number of
strategies to promote low emissions development, conserve areas of high value
biodiversity while supporting sustainable development and that are suited to the
geographical and social challenges in North Sumatra. The objective of the SEA in the
SLP context is to:
1. Support the government to develop a sustainable spatial plan which helps set
the province on a ‘green’ development pathway with emphasis on low
emissions development, conservation of high value areas of biodiversity,
mitigating erosion of natural capital but supporting sustainable development;
2. Improve the capacity of district and/or provincial-level Task Forces to develop
the SEA and imbed this within spatial planning documents;
3. Assess and streamline existing policies, plans, and programs (PPP) on Low
Emission Development (LED); i.e. outputs from this process should provide the
basis for other plans such as the Strategi dan Rencana Aksi Provinsi (SRAP) and
other REDD+ interventions;
4. Encourage investments from the private sector by providing clarity on land status
through streamlined PPPs and simplified regulations;
5. Improve information on key natural capital assets in the landscape, so
stakeholders can understand implications of PPPs on ecosystem services. The
landscape value include High Conservation Value (HCV), carbon value, water
procurement, agriculture, economic, and cultural values;
6. Reduce risk to communities and human wellbeing from disasters such as floods,
landslides, etc. in the target landscape.
In addition to the above, SLP’s other objectives of the SEA are to:
ensure that the process not only results in a product that reflects the needs and
alternative green business blueprint for these districts/provinces but
fundamentally creates a sense of ownership of the outcomes that have been
ensure that the process emphasizes tangible follow-up actions that emerge from
the work that stakeholders agree to and will drive forward with after the SEA
process has been completed.
IV. Description of the Grant
SLP needs a partner that have interest, concern and technical expertise in Strategic
Environmental Analysis sector to help North Sumatera Province develop their SEA draft
for Spatial Planning.
The grant will finance expert fees (mainly for hiring consultants and special trainers, and
providing travel expenses).
As the project will be implemented using GRANT
mechanism which basically is a partnership, in the financial application there will be a
column for applicant to fill in cost sharing. Cost sharing may be in the form of cash or
in-kind contribution such as the use of applicant’s office, vehicle or any kind of
equipment in the project.
Meanwhile, for capacity building activities that need specific venues and meeting
packages, CI-SLP will pay directly to the vendor for these kinds of expenses. In addition
to this, Provincial Government may also contribute through the use of their special
meeting and training facilities inside Provincial Government office compound.
V. Objectives of the Grant
Please refer to the Terms of References (TOR) as attached.
VI. Required Tasks and Intended Outputs
Please refer to the Terms of References (TOR) as attached.
VII. General Terms & Conditions of the Grant
1. Budget;
As CI-SLP has no experience in conducting SEA in provincial level, there is
no pre-set maximum amount for grant budget. However in the initial
screening CI-SLP may use median or average of proposed amount of the
applicants as a base of a range of preferable amount. The activity will be
funded by USAID through Fixed Obligation Grant (FOG) mechanism.
There will be no receipts needed to submit at each milestone for
payment. However Grant mechanism needs cost sharing from grantee, so
please fill in cost sharing column. After final evaluation, SLP Grants &
Contract Manager will conduct grant negotiation with the selected
grantees to modify, finalize and approve the budget and detailed-cost
sharing for implementation of the activity.
2. Project Period;
The expected period of this grant will be June 1, 2015 – December 20,
3. Technical & Administrative Preparation Prior to Signing;
Selected Grantee will provide the time to have their Project Manager and
Lead and Senior Consultant join pre-award meeting sessions conducted by SLP
SEA Technical Team. In this session grantee is expected to discuss detailed work
plan and strategy for provincial level capacity building. The schedule is around
3 weeks before Grant signing and start of the project. These detailed work plan
and capacity building strategy documents will be used as deliverable to justify
initial grant disbursement within one week after signing.
VIII. Eligibility
Applicants must be a legally registered entity authorized to work in Indonesia, such as:
 Consulting Firm
 University based-Research Center
 Independent Think Tank
 Foundation
 Other types of Community based-organizations and NGOs.
IX. Minimum Qualifications of Institution to Apply:
1) 10 years of experience preparing spatial planning, analysis, and mapping for
Indonesian government agencies.
2) 5 years of experience preparing Local Spatial Plans (Provincial or District Level)
and SEA reports
3) Ability to hire the required technical expertise as follows (indicative):
SEA & RTRW Manager
GIS & Spatial Modeling Expert
Agriculture and Forestry Other Land Use (AFOLU) Expert
Carbon Specialist
Watershed Management Expert
Biodiversity Conservation Expert
Livelihoods & Value-chain Analyst
Public Policy Specialist
Cultural & Social Work Professional
X. Application Submission and Format Instructions
1. Complete Applications may be submitted in English or Bahasa Indonesia
2. Each Complete Application must include:
A. Technical Application
B. Financial Application (Budget)
C. Track Record; consists of:
 Institutional Resume with previous example of relevant work
 CV of key project staffs
 Two references from previous donors/clients
1. Evaluation Criteria includes:
A. Technical Proposal:
• Proposed methodology for SEA development including specific information
regarding 1) Baseline screening and scoping; 2) Analysis of impact of PPP on
sustainable development for a low emissions scenario; 3) Designing and
formulating alternatives such as through the use of MCE and the use MOLA; 4)
Integration of recommendations into Spatial Plan and policy;
• Proposed capacity building process and activities to ensure that PokJa and
SKPD members have the ability to prepare the SEA outputs and integrate
recommendations into future spatial plans, providing government and other
stakeholder buy-in/ownership of all SEA outputs. Capacity building processes
need to ensure that the approach is founded on a practical ‘on-the-job’,
learning by doing as contrast with theoretical and detached capacity building;
• Proposed public consultation processes that will underpin the SEA.
• Other technical criteria please refer to the Terms of Reference (TOR) as
B. Financial Proposal:
 Proposed fees and expenses are allowable, allocable and reasonable;
 Proposed fees and expenses directly reflected the detailed proposed technical
C. Track Record:
• Relevant past institutional experience show similar theme, equal complexity and
same magnitude to the SEA project launched by this Request for Grant
CV of key project personnel demonstrates individual ability to carry out
proposed technical activities to prepare a SEA for a local or provincial
government agency and to develop capacity of local stakeholders;
4. Complete Application must be submitted by 17 April 2015 Close of Business (COB).
Late applications will not be considered.
5. Complete Application may be submitted electronically to:
Hery Kameswara
SLP Grants & Contract Manager
Conservation International
Jl.Pejaten Barat No.16A, Kemang
Jakarta 12550
XI. Pre-Submission Inquiries
All inquiries regarding the submission of a proposal must be made in writing and
submitted by email to:
Inquiries should be received no later than 5 calendar days prior to the Closing Date of
this RFP to allow sufficient response time. Otherwise, a response cannot be guaranteed.
XII. Application Processing
When the deadline for the application submission has arrived, the Evaluation Team or
Panel will review all incoming applications. The Panel may request clarifications from
the applicants, when the evaluation is complete; the Panel will identify finalist(s) and
may invite them to do presentations. Negotiations with one or more finalists are also
appropriate at this time, as part of the presentations or following the presentations.
Applicant selected to implement this activity will be required to complete CI’s Financial
Risk Questionnaire and submit organizational and financial documents about their
organization. Successful applicants that do not have a DUNS number will be required
to obtain one. A DUNS number is a unique nine-character number that identifies your
organization and is required for every recipient of US government funding. A DUNS
number can be requested free of charge online. You can apply for a DUNS number if
you wish to establish your company as a federal government contractor or grantee
(USAID fund), using this link: 5
Applicants will be notified via email within one month of their submission if they have
been selected for consideration of a contract award. Successful applicants will be
expected to develop a detailed work plan and capacity building strategy document
prior to contract, in consultation with SLP staff. Capacity building strategy document
will include at least: the detailed planning to assess knowledge gap of POKJA, the
described methodology to develop capacity of POKJA through in-class training and on
the job training (participate in the drafting of SEA with Consultants), the detailed topics
(session by session) to be covered at each POKJA in-class Training, who will be the
resource person for each topic and why he or she is a relevant capacity builder etc.
The timeframe for processing the grant application and approval is approximately 2
months from the date of submission.
XIII. Contact Information
Successful applicant will receive written notice informing them that the SLP Project
intends to engage the applicant in further negotiations with respect to a potential
grant agreement, during which details of the grant will be discussed including a review
of budget and development of detailed work plans. Negotiations conducted after the
receipt of an application do not constitute an obligation on the part of the SLP Project
to sign an agreement. Unsuccessful applicants will be notified in writing by the SLP
Grants Manager.
Questions on the Application
1. Term of Reference (TOR)
2. Technical Application Template
3. Financial Application Template
Attachment I
for North Sumatra
Associates Committee
Agriculture and Forestry Other Land Use (AFOLU)
Areal Penggunaan Lain (Other Land Use)
Conservation International
Chief of Party
Focus Group Discussion
Forest Management Units
Green House Gas
Geographic Information System
Government of Indonesia
High Conservation Value Forest
Key Biodiversity Area
Kajian Lingkungan Hidup Strategis (Strategic Environmental
Low Emissions Development
Management Council
Monitoring and Evaluation
Multi-Objective Land Approach
Memorandum of Understanding
Multi-Stakeholder Forum
Technical Working Group
Policies, Plans, and Programs
Rencana Aksi Daerah - Gas Rumah Kaca (Provincial GHG
Reduction Action Plan)
Rencana Aksi Nasional - Gas Rumah Kaca (National GHG
Reduction Action Plan)
Reduced Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation
Long-Term Development Plan
Medium-Term Development Plan
Rancangan Tata Ruang Wilayah (Spatial Planning)
Steering Committee
Strategic Environmental Assessment
Sustainable Investment Action Plans
Surat Keputusan (Decree)
Regional Government Task Force
Sustainable Landscapes Partnership
Tapanuli Utara (TapUt)
United States Agency for International Development
Walton Family Foundation
SLP Background
Sustainable Landscapes Partnership (SLP) works with local governments, communities,
and private sector partners to conserve nature and improve community livelihoods in
Indonesia. With SLP support, governments, communities, businesses and NGOs are
working together to develop and test innovative, landscape-scale approaches to
reducing carbon emissions, conserving areas of biological significance and addressing
climate change. Landscapes include watersheds, protected areas, production forests,
national parks, agricultural lands, and towns and cities. The goal is a sustainable
development path that protects our food, fresh water and livelihoods and that takes
into account nature’s critical long-term role in our wellbeing.
SLP solutions focus on smart land use planning, improved forest management, low
carbon-emission development, sustainable agricultural production and green supply
chains. SLP provides information and tools that partners use to make informed
decisions. SLP also facilitates agreements among partners and works with them to
develop and test targeted interventions. To achieve maximum impact and ensure
long-term change, SLP helps partners to align these interventions with existing policies
and processes at local, provincial and national levels. SLP then catalyzes replication
and amplification through grants, training and toolkits.
SLP’s integrated activities work together to build a new way of doing business in priority
watersheds in three contiguous landscapes in North Sumatra, namely Mandailing Natal
(Madina), South Tapanuli (TapSel), and North Tapanuli (TapUt). Examples of these
activities include:
Strategic environmental assessments,
Ecosystem valuations,
Carbon accounting and spatial planning for government agencies,
Conservation agreements for communities,
Sustainable action plans and best management practice guidance for private
sector partners, and
Livelihood training and improved market access for farmers of common
commodities such as rubber, coffee and cocoa.
Throughout, SLP facilitates strategic conversations across sectors so partners can link
activities and work together to implement sustainable development across the
landscape. SLP is working in three districts in Indonesia: Madailing Natal (Madina),
South Tapanuli (Tapsel) and North Tapanuli (Taput). CI has signed MoUs with all three
district governments to provide technical support and activities that help to promote
sustainable development in each district. Under this grant SLP aims to amplify and
expand lesson’s learned to the province of North Sumatra.
SLP is a flagship program in CI’s work to conserve natural capital through partnerships
that improve governance and support sustainable production. CI’s vision is healthy,
sustainable societies for everyone. The Sustainable Landscapes Partnership (SLP) is a
grant facility established with financial support from the U.S. Agency for International
Development (USAID) and the Walton Family Foundation.
The Government of Indonesia (GoI), USAID, and Conservation International (CI) are the
implementing partners and sit on the SLP Management Council (MC). With practical
input from public and private sector partners, the SLP will mobilize its investment facility
to identify, develop, and test new private sector investment opportunities.
The investment opportunities are needed to transform increasing demand for
sustainably produced commodities to sufficient returns on investment and in the
process transform avoided loss of ecosystem services into tangible incentives.
Strategic Environmental Assessment
The Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) is a legally required planning tool for
district and provincial governments to assess policies, plans and programs in their mid
and long-term development plans and district spatial plans (RTRW). In 2009, the
Government of Indonesia revised its Law for Environmental Protection and
Management (Law no. 32/2009), article number 15, stating that the Strategic
Environmental Assessment (SEA) is a mandatory tool for assessing policies, plans and
programs including long-term and mid-term development plans, and district/provincial
spatial plans (RTRW) legal product. By definition, SEA refers to a range of “analytical
and participatory approaches that aim to integrate environmental considerations into
policies, plans and programs and evaluate the inter linkages with economic and social
considerations” (OECD, 2006).
Each SEA is intended to contribute to the improvement of district/provincial-level spatial
planning and will help district governments to be more environmentally conscious in its
development planning. Recognizing the importance of SEAs, SLP is supporting the
preparation of a SEA in the province of North Sumatra. The SEA development process
includes field activities, such as assessments, surveys, consultative meetings and the
establishment of a SEA Task Force in North Sumatra.
A final SEA report will identify environmental conditions and propose a number of
strategies to promote low emissions development, conserve areas of high value
biodiversity while supporting sustainable development and that are suited to the
geographical and social challenges in North Sumatra. The objective of the SEA in the
SLP context is to:
1. Support the government to develop a sustainable spatial plan which helps
set the province on a ‘green’ development pathway with emphasis on low
emissions development, conservation of high value areas of biodiversity,
mitigating erosion of natural capital but supporting sustainable development;
2. Improve the capacity of district and/or provincial-level Task Forces to
develop the SEA and imbed this within spatial planning documents;
3. Assess and streamline existing policies, plans, and programs (PPP) on Low
Emission Development (LED); i.e. outputs from this process should provide the
basis for other plans such as the Strategi dan Rencana Aksi Provinsi (SRAP)
and other REDD+ interventions;
4. Encourage investments from the private sector by providing clarity on land
status through streamlined PPPs and simplified regulations;
5. Improve information on key natural capital assets in the landscape, so
stakeholders can understand implications of PPPs on ecosystem services. The
landscape value include High Conservation Value (HCV), carbon value,
water procurement, agriculture, economic, and cultural values;
6. Reduce risk to communities and human wellbeing from disasters such as
floods, landslides, etc. in the target landscape.
In addition to the above, SLP’s other objectives of the SEA are to:
 ensure that the process not only results in a product that reflects the needs and
alternative green business blueprint for these districts/provinces but
fundamentally creates a sense of ownership of the outcomes that have been
 ensure that the process emphasizes tangible follow-up actions that emerge from
the work that stakeholders agree to and will drive forward with after the SEA
process has been completed.
The guidance for SEA process
The SEA process must refer to guidance that has been established by the Ministry of
Environment of the Republic Indonesia and other relevant sources for SEA, such as the
SEA Guidance Book and SEA for Spatial Planning. The final SEA document will be
reviewed by the SEA Quality Assurance Team, which will be developed by the
Government of Indonesia.
Scope of Work and Milestones
The SEA and spatial planning shall be conducted through a flexible and transparent
approach based on:
clear goals and objectives;
participatory consultation processes;
underpinned by good science;
recommendations based on explicit justifications; and
integrated with existing policy and planning processes.
The SEA work shall be conducted by the provincial government of North Sumatra,
focused on a self-assessment process with assistance from an expert pool including SEA
specialists and related expertise. The approach is primarily a learning-by-doing process.
The SEA and spatial planning process will be broken down into various tasks. The SOW
will include, but will not be limited to, the following prescriptive tasks:
Milestone 1: Preparation and Screening – Development of Public Coalition and Work
A key focus of this milestone is to identify key stakeholders, consolidate support from key
stakeholders, create a SEA Taskforce and Technical Working Group (POKJA), develop
POKJA capacity on policy and legal aspects related to SEA and REDD implementation
with the following details:
Set-up Steering Committee with Governor of North Sumatra, Head of BAPPEDA,
Head of BPLHD, SLP North Sumatra Provincial Manager and other personnel as
Conduct Multi Stakeholder Forum (MSF) to Socialize Concepts relating to REDD+
implementation, SEA and spatial planning;
Set-up Task Force (SKPD) and Technical Working Group (POKJA);
Train POKJA on Policy and Legal Aspects related to REDD+, SEA and spatial
Develop SEA Work Plan in collaboration with stakeholders in government and CI,
clearly outlining timelines for intermediate outputs, stakeholder consultations and
public consultations;
Develop a comprehensive database of necessary data and information from
both government and credible non-government sources;
Conduct the screening phase of SEA to establish strategic issues for
consideration in the SEA process. The strategic issues relating to environment,
economy and human well-being will need to be identified and prioritised
through stakeholder consultations that highlight the importance of low emissions
development and good spatial planning.
 MOU Agreement signed by all parties;
 Multi-stakeholder Forum (MSF) Report and Attendance List;
 SK for establishment of task force (POKJA) signed by Governor of North Sumatra
and List of POKJA members;
 POKJA Training Attendance List; Pre and Post-Training Analysis & Evaluation
Results; Minutes of Training;
 SEA Work Plan; Screening Report.
Milestone 2: Scoping – Development of Technical Capacity of POKJA and develop
baseline/business-as-usual scenarios for Strategic Issues
A key focus of this milestone is to develop the technical capacity of POKJA and
conduct scoping phase with the following details:
 Train POKJA on technical aspects of REDD+ implementation, SEA and spatial
 Review provincial development priorities in treaties, MoUs, legislation, policy,
plans and programs (PPP), their implications for sustainable development of the
province as envisioned in existing Plans (Long-Term Development Plan (RPJM),
Medium-Term Development Plan (RPJP) and the Spatial Plan (RTRW), Action
Plans (RAN/RAD-GRK), etc). Include information on the following:
o Scale (International/Bi-lateral, National, Provincial, District, etc);
o Timing (Annual (RKT), 5-year, 10-15, 20-30, 30-50) and
o Budgeted funds (Recurrent Budget + Development Budget, etc);
o Identify environmental and landscape objectives, targets and indicators;
o Measure environmental impacts and risk to human wellbeing in the
context of PPP targets and ecosystem services;
o Review risk to human well-being from current policies and disaster
Review agents (direct cause) and drivers (underlying/indirect cause) of
environment degradation as it applies to:
o Landscape Degradation (loss of forest, etc);
o Other forms of degradation as identified by government stakeholders;
o Review effect of climate change on agriculture development.
Establish baseline/business-as-usual scenarios for land-use change and forest loss
in the province through land-use change modelling.
o Assess landscape indicators assuming agents and drivers of change
continue business-as-usual;
o Estimate the potential direct, indirect and cumulative effects of current
PPPs including the land use plan (pola ruang), infrastructure plan (struktur
ruang) and priorities of program in district planning RTRW;
o This model will be done for the period of the spatial plan and the period of
the proposed/plausible SRAP for North Sumatra Province.
Provide a profile of future trend analysis related to strategic issues and landscape
values, which will include carbon conservation/ sequestration values, water
provisioning values, high conservation value (HCV) for biodiversity, agricultural
suitability, socio-economic and cultural significance.
 POKJA Technical Training Attendance List; Pre and Post Training Analysis &
Evaluation Results; Minutes of Training;
 Scoping Report with review of current and baseline conditions;
 Profile of future trend in land use and Recommendations for the provincial SRAP
from a deforestation and land use change perspective.
Milestone 3: Analysis and Formulation Process
Provide necessary training to PokJa members in SEA best practices relating to
o Conducting consultative processes;
o Multi-Criteria Evaluation (MCE) methodology;
o Multi-Objective Land Allocation (MOLA) techniques and tools;
Conduct consultative process through FGD and MSF including various
stakeholders (SKPD, Private Sector and Community) to support the analytical
process and synthesize critical information needed to develop the multi-criteria
evaluation and formulation of land allocation options.
Conduct multi-criteria analysis process that will include, (but not limited to) the
following details:
o Identify spatially explicit environmental assets as they relate to the
strategic issues; Identify and differentiate between current sectoral modes
of operation (agriculture, forestry, water use, mining, etc.);
o Ensure risk to human well-being is minimized so that development doesn’t
put community in harm’s way;
o Employ rigorous scientific methods and consultative processes for
weighting different criteria and sensitivity analysis.
Work with PokJa to formulate strategies and recommendations for REDD+
through improved spatial planning that will include (but not limited to) the
following details:
o Identify alternative strategies and options to enhance opportunities low
emissions development and mitigate adverse impacts;
o Assess trade-offs between various mitigation and alternative strategies
using a MOLA approach that makes most efficient use of limited land and
natural resources;
o Identify Low Emission Development Strategies (LEDS) and on-the ground
interventions which enable small and growing rural businesses in the area
to access global markets and create sustainable livelihoods;
o Identify climate change mitigation and adaptation strategies to preserve
areas of High Ecosystem Values and rezoning areas of degraded and
abandoned land for plantations, agriculture and development.
 POKJA Training Attendance List; Pre and Post-Training Analysis & Evaluation
Results; Minutes of Training;
 FGD/MSF attendance list; FGD/MSF Report with detailed inputs and suggestions
for analysis and recommendations;
 Analysis and Formulation Report with draft spatial plan.
Milestone 4: Socialization of options and Approval for SEA
Work closely with PokJa to develop the Final Draft of the SEA for the province
and will include (but not limited to) the followings:
o Compile findings and recommendations from previous steps;
o Ensure alignment of plans across various levels of management and
regulatory frameworks of different government agencies;
o Clearly explain steps required to move to a more sustainable green
approach for future development including mitigation activities, LED
Strategies, Interventions and investments;
o Monitoring and evaluation systems and processes - how future monitoring
and evaluation might be approached and managed – how is information
being collected and collated? What additional resources and capacity
building might be required to support longer-term data/information
Conduct Public Hearing with key stakeholders consists of executive and
legislative branches of district Government, private sector associations,
academics and communities. The purpose is to publicly discuss the semi-final
draft of SEA that has covered all information until formulation and
recommendations phase.
Finalize spatial plan with clear zoning regulations that will have the following
o improvements regulations and with clear responsibility of government
o help streamline approval process for private sector investments in
sustainable development (Reduce red tape, explore options for a ‘onestop-shop’, policies and regulations that support a green business
development trajectory).
Secure Governor of North Sumatra’s Approval Letter for North Sumatra’s SEA
Final Draft.
 POKJA Training Attendance List; Pre and Post-Training Analysis & Evaluation
Results; Minutes of Training;
 Official Public Hearing Report with all inputs and suggestions from attendees;
Public Hearing Attendance List;
 SEA Final Draft for North Sumatra with Spatial Plan;
 Governor’s Letter on North Sumatra Provincial Government’s receipt of SEA Final
Draft and commitment to install this as a key reference into next local
government spatial plans.
The assignment will ideally be completed as shown in the schedule below with
deliverables achieved as per milestones mentioned above. Applicants are required to
submit a more detailed indicative project time-line in the proposal that will achieve the
milestones against targeted timeline. The timelines will need to allow for time to
produce all reports in English and Bahasa Indonesia.
Mth Mth
Milestone 1: Preparation
Coalition, Work Plan &
Milestone 2: Scoping
Technical Capacity &
Review current situation
Milestone 3: Analysis,
Hearing, Final Drafting
Approval Letter
Technical Input and effort
The consultant team that conducts the SEA process must have capacity and
experience in developing SEAs. A general description of the required expertise is:
SEA & RTRW Manager,
GIS & Spatial Modeling Expert,
Agriculture and Forestry Other Land Use (AFOLU) Expert,
Carbon Specialist,
Watershed Management Expert,
Biodiversity Conservation Expert,
Livelihoods & Value-chain Analyst,
Public Policy Specialist,
Cultural & Social Work Professional
Applicants are welcome to submit different personnel and propose a level of effort in
line with scope and achievement of SEA objectives and milestone deliverables.
The technical assistant team of experts should have interdisciplinary background in
Strategic Environmental Assessment; GIS spatial modelling; environmental planning
(particularly focused on biodiversity and ecosystem services); Agriculture, Forestry and
Other Land Use (AFOLU) planning and assessment, cultural anthropology/sociology,
sustainable development and public policy.
The primary point of contact for contract related queries will be the SLP Grants and
Contracts Manager and SLP Spatial Planning Specialist. The SLP Chief of Party (COP)
will supervise the overall SEA activities. SLP Technical Personnel or District Coordinator
will be assigned as Field Project Manager to supervise the work of the organization
selected for this consultancy.
Provincial governments may have funds to support their planning process and could be
used to support consultation meetings and workshops. The successful applicant will be
able to leverage resources from district budgets to support this mandatory process.
Where this is not the case, a separate budget will be provided for stakeholder
consultations/workshops, travel costs for stakeholders and technical team.
The travel cost may include lump sum and/or per diem payments and will need to be
agreed upon by stakeholders.
The budgets for the stakeholder engagement meetings and multi-stakeholder
consultation workshops will need to be submitted to the SLP Grants & Contracts
Manager for prior approval.