PESTICIDE REDUCTION CAMPAIGNS MODULE INFORMATION PURPOSE OF THE MODULE: To determine awareness and impact of local pesticide reduction campaigns. Note: Health Units selecting this module will need to provide the name and description of their local pesticide reduction campaign. MODULE HISTORY: March 2004 (Wave 39) - The Naturally Green Campaign module was added to RRFSS and was specific to the Halton pesticide reduction campaign May 2005 (Wave 53) – Questions ng_1 and ng_2 were revised to include the MiddlesexLondon pesticide reduction campaign September 2005 (Wave 57) – The module was renamed Pesticide Reduction Campaigns and a new question ng_3 related to methods of hearing about the campaign was added. October 2005 (Wave 58) - Questions ng_1 and ng_2 were revised to include the Toronto pesticide reduction campaign and a skip was added before question ng_2 so that only respondents who have a lawn are asked the question. DATA DICTIONARY HISTORY: Created: Revised: December 12, 2003 January 21, 2009 (all questions and indicators updated) Rapid Risk Factor Surveillance System (RRFSS) PESTICIDE REDUCTION CAMPAIGNS MODULE QUESTIONS VARIABLE NAME: ng_1 VARIABLE HISTORY: Wave 39, March 2004 - new variable QUESTION: Halton: Have you seen or heard ANYTHING about the Naturally Green Campaign in your community? The campaign includes lawn signs, brochures, and ads in the newspaper which encourage people to avoid pesticides and try pesticide free methods. INTERVIEWER: IF NEEDED, the symbol of the campaign is a green flower with the words Naturally Green in the middle. The "Pestcide Exchange Week" held at Halton's Waste Management Site is part of the Naturally Green Campaign. Middlesex-London (added Wave 53, May 2005): Have you seen or heard ANYTHING about the Simple and Effective Law Care Campaign in your community? The campaign includes lawn signs, brochures, and ads in the newspaper which encourage people to avoid pesticides and try pesticide free methods. INTERVIEWER: IF NEEDED, the "Simple and Effective Law Care campaign" is part of the city of London's "Plant Health Care - Integrated Pest Management Program". Toronto: (added Wave 58, October 2005): Have you seen or heard ANYTHING about an education campaign in your community that encourage people to reduce pesticides and try natural lawn care methods. The campaign includes advertisements and pamphlets. Response Options 1 yes 5 no 8 don't know 9 refused ANALYSIS ISSUES: Wave 41, May 2004 the question wording for Halton was changed from “ads on the radio” to “ads in the newspaper” and the sentence: “The "Pesticide Exchange Week" held at Halton's Waste Management Site is part of the Naturally Green Campaign.” was added to the Halton interviewer prompt. COMPARABILITY TO OTHER SURVEYS: None VALIDITY/RELIABILITY TESTS: None EVALUATION QUESTIONS: Waves 42-47 Rapid Risk Factor Surveillance System (RRFSS) PESTICIDE REDUCTION CAMPAIGNS MODULE QUESTIONS VARIABLE NAME: ng_2 VARIABLE HISTORY: Wave 39, March 2004 - new variable QUESTION: Halton: Since you first heard about the Naturally Green Campaign would you say you have made more use of pesticide free methods on your lawn and garden, or has it made no difference? Middlesex-London (added Wave 53, May 2005): Since you first heard about the Simple and Effective Lawn Care Campaign would you say you have made more use of pesticide free methods on your lawn and garden, or has it made no difference? Toronto: (added Wave 58, October 2005): Since you first heard about the education campaign would you say you have made more use of natural methods on your lawn and garden, or has it made no difference? Response Options 1 Made more use of natural methods 5 made no difference 8 don’t know 9 refused ANALYSIS ISSUES: Respondents asked this question must also be asked the first question of the Pesticides and Lawns module (pbl_1) Starting Wave 57, October 2005 only asked of respondents who have a lawn (pbl_1=1) Only asked of those who have heard about the campaign (ng_1=1) COMPARABILITY TO OTHER SURVEYS: None VALIDITY/RELIABILITY TESTS: None EVALUATION QUESTIONS: Waves 42-47 Rapid Risk Factor Surveillance System (RRFSS) PESTICIDE REDUCTION CAMPAIGNS MODULE QUESTIONS VARIABLE NAME: ng_3 VARIABLE HISTORY: Wave 57, September 2005 - new variable QUESTION: Halton: Where did you see or hear information about the Naturally Green Campaign? Middlesex-London: Where did you see or hear information about the Simple and Effective Lawn Care Campaign? Toronto: (added Wave 58, October 2005): Where did you see or hear information about the education campaign? INTERVIEWER: Check all that apply. Do not read list. Variable Name ng_3_1 ng_3_2 ng_3_3 ng_3_4 ng_3_5 ng_3_6 ng_3_7 ng_3_8 ng_3_9 ng_3_10 Variable Label Bus shelters / transit ads Pamphlet / fact sheet / brochure / newsletter Newspaper / magazine Garden centre / hardware store / other retail Telephone information help line Community event / special day Internet / web site / on-line Community centre / library TV / radio Other (please specify) Response Options 0 not mentioned by respondent 1 yes 8 don’t know to question (ng_3_1 only) 9 refused to answer question (ng_3_1 only) ANALYSIS ISSUES: Only asked of those who have heard about the campaign (ng_1=1) Text file for ng_3_10 requires separate analysis COMPARABILITY TO OTHER SURVEYS: None VALIDITY/RELIABILITY TESTS: None EVALUATION QUESTIONS: None Rapid Risk Factor Surveillance System (RRFSS) PESTICIDE REDUCTION CAMPAIGNS MODULE INDICATORS AWARENESS OF LOCAL PESTICIDE REDUCTION CAMPAIGN INDICATOR DESCRIPTION: The percent of adults (18+) who have heard about the local pesticide reduction campaign INDICATOR OBJECTIVES: Increase awareness of alternatives to pesticides Increase awareness of avoidance of pesticides ANALYSIS CHECK LIST: No Analysis Issues METHOD OF CALCULATION: # adults (18+) who have heard about the pesticide reduction campaign (ng_1=1) all adults (18+) Rapid Risk Factor Surveillance System (RRFSS) PESTICIDE REDUCTION CAMPAIGNS MODULE INDICATORS USE OF PESTICIDE FREE/NATURAL METHODS INDICATOR DESCRIPTION: The percent of adults (18+) who have made more use of pesticide free/natural methods since hearing about the local pesticide reduction campaign INDICATOR OBJECTIVES: Increase awareness of alternatives to pesticides Increase awareness of avoidance of pesticides ANALYSIS CHECK LIST: Starting Wave 57, October 2005 only asked of those who have a lawn (Pesticides and Lawns pbl_1=1) Only asked of those who have heard about the campaign (ng_1=1) Denominator is respondents who have a lawn (pbl_1=1) and have heard about the campaign (ng_1=1) METHOD OF CALCULATION: # adults (18+) who have made more use of pesticide free/natural methods (ng_2=1) adults (18+) who have a lawn (pbl_1=1) and have heard about the campaign (ng_1=1) Rapid Risk Factor Surveillance System (RRFSS) PESTICIDE REDUCTION CAMPAIGNS MODULE INDICATORS METHOD OF HEARING ABOUT LOCAL PESTICIDE REDUCTION CAMPAIGN INDICATOR DESCRIPTION: The percent of adults (18+) who heard about the campaign through different methods INDICATOR OBJECTIVES: Increase awareness of alternatives to pesticides Increase awareness of avoidance of pesticides ANALYSIS CHECK LIST: Only asked of those who have heard about the campaign (ng_1=1) Denominator is respondents who have heard about the campaign (ng_1=1) METHOD OF CALCULATION: # adults (18+) who heard about the local pesticide reduction campaign through Bus shelters / transit ads (ng_3_1=1) adults (18+) who have heard about the campaign (ng_1=1) # adults (18+) who heard about the local pesticide reduction campaign through Pamphlet / fact sheet / brochure / newsletter (ng_3_2=1) adults (18+) who have heard about the campaign (ng_1=1) # adults (18+) who heard about the local pesticide reduction campaign through Newspaper / magazine (ng_3_3=1) adults (18+) who have heard about the campaign (ng_1=1) # adults (18+) who heard about the local pesticide reduction campaign through Garden centre / hardware store / other retail (ng_3_4=1) adults (18+) who have heard about the campaign (ng_1=1) # adults (18+) who heard about the local pesticide reduction campaign through Telephone information help line (ng_3_5=1) adults (18+) who have heard about the campaign (ng_1=1) # adults (18+) who heard about the local pesticide reduction campaign through Community event / special day (ng_3_6=1) adults (18+) who have heard about the campaign (ng_1=1) Rapid Risk Factor Surveillance System (RRFSS) PESTICIDE REDUCTION CAMPAIGNS MODULE INDICATORS METHOD OF HEARING ABOUT LOCAL PESTICIDE REDUCTION CAMPAIGN METHOD OF CALCULATION (continued): # adults (18+) who heard about the local pesticide reduction campaign through Internet / web site / on-line (ng_3_7=1) adults (18+) who have heard about the campaign (ng_1=1) # adults (18+) who heard about the local pesticide reduction campaign through Community centre / library (ng_3_8=1) adults (18+) who have heard about the campaign (ng_1=1) # adults (18+) who heard about the local pesticide reduction campaign through TV / radio (ng_3_9=1) adults (18+) who have heard about the campaign (ng_1=1) # adults (18+) who heard about the local pesticide reduction campaign through Other method (ng_3_10=1) adults (18+) who have heard about the campaign (ng_1=1) Rapid Risk Factor Surveillance System (RRFSS)