LH Book Press Release FINAL (word)


Media contact:

Jill Mangino

Circle 3 Media



Awaken the Wisdom of Your Soul’s Journey & Transform Your Life

Pioneering Akashic Records Expert Linda Howe’s New Book Enhances Your

Ability to Consciously Access Your Past Lives and Catapult Your Divine Potential

Akashic Records expert Linda Howe's third book,




2015/$14.99), takes readers into the Records as a means of spiritual enlightenment and personal growth. In her new book, readers experience the foremost expert in the



(aka energetic history of the Soul) in an accessible, fresh way that opens the world of Akasha to an evergrowing audience around the world.

Not since Edgar Cayce has there been such a renewed interest in the Akashic Records, or an authority on the topic like Howe. However, unlike Cayce (aka the “Sleeping

Prophet”) , Linda empowers readers with her guidebook —designed for them to learn “how-to” tap the eternal wisdom of their Soul for practical application in their daily lives.

According to Howe, “Your soul’s path becomes clear as you engage who you are, within the life you are now living and lives you have lived.” She adds, “I like to think of the Records as the Cosmic Chronicles of You . Essentially a spiritual resource, you don’t need to be a psychic

to engage the Akasha or to benefit from the Akashic Atmosphere of infinite kindness, respect, and appreciation.”

Akashic Records can be further defined as the vibrational archive of every soul and its human journey through time and space, sort of a Library of Universal Consciousness where everything is recorded. Each set of Records is made up of two distinct parts: the energetic blueprint of the soul — outlining Divine Potential — and the catalogue of lifetimes experienced by a human being awakening to this blueprint and growing into Divine Potential, one lifetime at a time.

Howe has developed a proprietary Pathway Prayer Process © to help her students and readers fast-track the experience, whether opening their personal “Akasha” or assisting others in this practice. In fact, she counts many healing practitioners and therapists among her growing fan base.

Linda Howe's adept presentation in DISCOVER YOUR SOUL'S PATH THROUGH THE

AKASHIC RECORDS provides readers a primer describing the benefits of the Akashic Records; the author's own experiences and what she feels is a significant challenge of our times; how working in the Akashic Records can help us discover our soul's path; and concepts that ultimately transform our lives for the better!

Howe’s book is available at amazon.com, hayhouse.com, bn.com,

or with various book retailers nationwide. To find out more about her book and on-going, popular on-line courses and in-person trainings, please visit:



Linda Howe is a dynamic, award-winning author and teacher, and the leading expert in the field of Akashic Studies. In 1996 she became the first person to bring the Akashic Records to the world community and make teachable access to the Records available to anyone with a desire to learn. She is founder of the Linda Howe

Center for Akashic Studies, where she continues to teach hundreds of thousands of people globally. Linda’s joy and passion is helping others utilize the Akashic Records as a spiritual resource for personal empowerment and spiritual transformation. She is the author of

Discover Your Soul's Path Through the Akashic Records:

Taking Your Life from Ordinary to ExtraOrdinary

(Hay House),

Healing Through the Akashic Records (Sounds True, 2011), and

How to Read the Akashic Records (Sounds True, 2009), www.AkashicStudies.com
