UNT Study Abroad in BERLIN! May 11-May 31, 2014 Earn 3 hours of Advanced German credit towards your minor/major in German in three weeks! Course: GERM 3040: Topics in German Culture: Berlin’s History & Culture 1871-today Prerequisites: Completion of GERM 2050 (or the equivalent) by May 2014, minimum required 2.00 GPA, email recommendation from a former German instructor and approval by Dr. Costabile-Heming. Program includes: Housing in a hostel (breakfast included), local transportation, entrance fees; UNT tuition for 3 hours; health & accident insurance coverage; emergency assistance. Excursions include: Potsdam, Sachsenhausen, plus tours of the German Parliament (Bundestag), a former East German prison, and remnants of the Berlin Wall Not included: Textbooks; airfare; passport; spending money, optional travel in & around Germany and Europe. For details contact: Dr. Carol Anne Costabile-Heming (carolanne.costabile-heming@unt.edu) Or UNT Study Abroad Office, 236 Sage Hall (940) 565-2207 Studyabroad@unt.edu Financial Aid applies; Scholarships are available Applications available online at: International.unt.edu/studyabroad