Minutes Minnesota State Council May 4th 2011 Minnesota Department of Health 10am Name Chapter State Council Role Present Voting Members Deb Horsman GTC President yes Dede Koenekamp Greater Twin Cities (GTC) Secretary/Treasurer yes Colleen Seelen Central Chapter President/President Elect yes Jane Smalley Central Representative/Peds Chair yes Bill Schutt Lake Superior President Dawn Bowan Lake Superior Representative yes Mary Arola Lake Superior Representative no Bonnie Swanoski Lake Superior Representative no Joan Somes GTC Representative yes Karie Pearce GTC Representative yes Pete Benolken GTC Representative Jeff Nordlinder GTC President yes Carole Gordon ZVC Representative yes Marnie Johnson ZVC President yes Laurie McLevis ZVC Representative yes Diane Wrobleski ZVC Representative/ Stat Editor yes Yes (phone) no Consulting/Non-voting Members Pat Christofferson ZVC Governmental Affairs no Karen Manor GTC Trauma Chair yes Guests Bruce Olson GTC Guest yes Kathryn Brown LS Guest Yes (phone) Guest The meeting was called to order at 1012 by Deb Horsman. Introductions were made. Previous minutes were approved, with thanks from Deb for everyone pulling the meeting together in her absence. The proposed agenda was approved. Financial report: Checking: $21,775.06 Savings: $20,006.74 (opened 2/11, $6.74 in interest.) PSA’s on Public radio: This initiative was started by the Lake Superior Chapter! State Council offered $1000 towards this cause at our last meeting. Dawn has done some investigation with MPR. The theme is safety and injury prevention. They have run $250 worth of regional spots on bike helmets, reflective clothing, and life jackets with a tag line …..”committed to patient safety”. If the State wants to pursue this, costs were discussed. (Dawn will send an electronic attachment) Cost per spot is $80 for 40 words, or a package price of $2080 for 36 messages. . Messages would be run Friday and Sunday afternoons to target the tourist crowd. These would be broadcasted State wide. There was discussion about finding collaborating financial partners to improve visibility of these messages. Karen/Joanie/Dawn/Bill/Jane, will work on developing this. Governmental affairs: Bonnie was thanked for traveling on behalf of Minnesota ENA to Washington DC. She had a write up in the STAT and a photo in the ENA Connection. Bonnie sent an email out requesting MN ENA members write a letter to their legislators to get a MN representative on the Nursing caucus that is attached. Pediatric: They are working on the upcoming ENPC revision/roll out. There will be testing over the summer, with a roll out in September at national. Investigating have a state sponsored course in Thief River Falls. Trauma: They are using conference call technology to hold meetings, and have several new attendees due to that technology. Investigating a state sponsored TNCC course in the fall. An instructor “Thank you” luncheon will be held July 22 nd 2011. Quality reports were excellent on MN TNCC instructors. Injury Prevention: Toward Zero Death conference: save the date November 16th and 17th in Duluth. There are scholarships available (20) and we will post info on our web site. GTC is working with the planning committee to provide 1 to 2 speakers. These will offer a continuing education component. TZD has recognized that ED nurses are excellent partners in this effort. Social Networking/Statewide event: There was a statewide event/dinner held in St. Paul March 25th, 2011. 20 attendees, including some past members. It was well received. The intent is to hold this event each year at rotating locations. There was a motion to hold this networking event in the fall in conjunction with the Twin cities Cornerstones conference. October 12th and 13th 2011. With subsequent years to move around the State. Approved and passed. This will be coordinated with GTC members as well as state Council members. Jeff will coordinate an e-mail meeting. Central: Holdings meetings with an educational component and have had several new attendees. Good networking. Working on bylaws. Baskets have been delivered to Brainerd, Little Falls, and Onamia ED’s. They are considering starting a conference plan. GTC Debbie Summers from Kansas City spoke last evening on Stroke Care and systems. Cornerstones conference is October 12th and 13th, 2011. June 1st Vidacare will speak on EZ-Io. Planning stage for a CEN/CPEN review. Networking event on June 1st at the Twins Game. 40 people will attend. Chapter has written a resolution for Stroke care. . Lake Superior: They will hold their conference tomorrow. They have developed a chapter brochure to hand out at ENPC/TNCC classes. They are sending a Thank you to the papers for our EMS partners for EMS week. Zumbro 1) Zumbro Valley ENA’s 36th Annual Essentials of Emergency Evaluation was held April 12th and 13th in Rochester, MN. We had 77 paid registrants for Day 1 and 80 paid registrants for Day 2. We had a total of 11 paid vendors (although one was stuck at the airport for Day 1 and came for Day 2 instead!!) Online registrations were about 25 for attendees, including one walk-in who was extremely pleased that she was able to pay with her card online onsite. Several vendors also chose to pay online. A paper survey was offered for those who registered online and those will be given to Dede. From the planning committee’s perspective, the online registration process was successful and we would use it again. Reviews of the speakers and overall conference experience were very high; attendees indicated a preference for the Marriott location as opposed to the Kahler and we have tentatively booked April 5th and 6th at the Marriott for 2012. Planning committee members were: Diane Wrobleski, Jean Peterson, Pat Christofferson, Michon Dohlman, Susan Todzy, Rebecca Westendorf, and Marnie Johnson. Two new members were gained during the conference and 6 renewals were received as well. 2) Networking Dinner was again a moderate success, with both of our national speakers attending and nurses from the Rochester and Blue Earth health systems attending. 3) Most recent chapter business meeting was held April 13th after the conclusion of the conference and focused on planning for our summer picnic, 2nd Annual Zumbro Valley ENA Road show during Emergency Nurses Week, calls for elections, and our May outreach event. 4) Next meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, May 10th in Sleepy Eye, MN. Our business meeting will be conducted from 5:00-6:00, with a break for dinner before our presenter; Teri Campbell from VidaCare will educate us on the EZ- IO. All chapter hospitals, as well as those from Central Chapter in close proximity, have been invited. Dinner and CEU’s are both free and sponsored by the chapter. 5) Items on the agenda for the business meeting include financial report, continuing work on our Procedures, evaluation of how well we are conforming to the Bylaws we approved last June, and evaluation of our current officers and Board of Director members’ performance and status. A box of chapter records has also been found that needs detailed review and sorting; chapter will set a date for this record review to occur as a group. 6) We currently have 111 chapter members. We will be promoting membership at our May outreach event. 7) Marnie Johnson will be transitioning out of the Zumbro Valley Chapter and into the Lake Superior Chapter in December. We will be putting out a call for a President-elect and Treasurer for September elections. The current plan is for the Presidency to revert to Immediate Past-President Jean Peterson January 1st as the new Presidentelect is mentored. 8) Congratulations to Michon Dohlman, who has received a nomination for the national Rising Star Award. Events: Trauma awareness Month: May is trauma awareness month. Several groups are having activities. Joanie will be sending out the injury prevention brochures we developed last year for TZD along with the lifesavers/band aid kits and an ENA card to all the hospitals ED's during trauma awareness month . Jane held a stand strong for life program, Central-RTAC partnered with ATT for an anti-texting program where participants sign a promise card. Deb: Mayo case studies in Regional areas. Spot surveillance of employee ramp for seatbelt compliance. (70% were wearing, and 9/10 had a cell phone in their hand) Bike helmet sale to employees. Video promoting safety. Manning a booth at Twins games. Karie: Crunch mascot has a coloring book promoting safety. Jane/Central display in a Coburn’s window display. Stroke Event: ENA will have a free booth to vend. June 13th free conference at MDH, currently over 200 attendees. We will be handing out MN ENA flashlights. Resolutions MN will be presenting two: 1. Impaired persons (State) 2. Stroke (GTC) Both have been through the resolutions committee, and final revisions have been made. Joanie will inquire as to the best way to solicit supporters. There are other resolutions which have been sent to Minnesota for review and support. These topics include: Paid reservations in the ED Advertised wait times Firearm safety for children/Injury prevention Forensic Nursing These will be sent on to chapters for discussion, chapters may choose to sign as supporters, and a decision about state support will be made at the September meeting. STAT A discussion was held as to the best way to disseminate this publication. Cost is approx. $300/issue. A decision was made to keep it mailed for any issues with applications and calls for member participation. Issues with only news will be emailed to members, and then any that are rejected, are then sent via mail. A paper copy will be sent to all hospitals. Rationale for this expense of mailing is that our rural communities often do not have adequate internet access, and visibility is increased by using a combination of paper and electronic means. A motion was made and passed to continue the current process. State Achievement Award-free registration A discussion was held as to how to award this free registration. Ideas were entertained, and it was decided that a call will go out in the “STAT” for an essay about Emergency Nursing. (Questions to be developed by Deb). Applications will be reviewed by Chapter Presidents, and ranked and decisions returned to Deb. She will notify the recipient in enough time to register for the early bird rate for the fall (Tampa) conference. National Elections: Reminder to vote May 12th through June 10th, 2011 Delegate Selection: A concern was made that there is some confusion on the application. Does the number of meetings need to be at the local chapter, or does State Council substitute for local involvement. Should the essay be on a separate form? Dede will look at other State applications and we will review this form for the next year. Delegate selection ensued, we had many applicants! The MN ENA delegate selection guideline was followed. The following is the list as drawn. We do not have final numbers from National, so the delegates will be notified when final numbers are in. Delegation: We do not have a final number for Minnesota; this is only the list as drawn. Please do not tell someone they are going until we get final numbers from National! MN State President: Deb Horsman GTC: Jeff Nordlinder ZVC: Marnie Johnson Central: Colleen Seelen Lake Superior: Bill Schutt Michon Dohlman Dede Koenekamp Nancy Johnson Pete Benolken Jane Smalley Pat Christofferson Nancy Lash Diane Wrobleski Kayla Swanson Karie Pearce Joan Somes Jean Peterson Susan Todzy Mary Piner Award: Applicants were: Rebecca Westendorf Colleen Seelen Jane Smalley Jean Peterson Michon Dohlman All applications were reviewed, and a paper vote was taken. Colleen Seleen was notified she was the winner in a great pool of candidates! Next meeting date: September 15th 10am Minnesota Department of Health!