DEDICATED COMPUTER LAB BUSINESS CASE CWU BUILDING INVENTORY & CLASSIFICATION OF INTERIOR SPACES TABLE OF CONTENTS EXECUTIVE SUMMARY .....................................................................................................................................................................1 1. Problem Definition ..........................................................................................................................................................2 2. Addressing Problem with CWU existing tools and products (i.e. PeopleSoft) ...........................................2 3. Organizational Impact ....................................................................................................................................................3 4. Benefits.................................................................................................................................................................................3 5. Strategic Alignment .........................................................................................................................................................4 6. Cost.........................................................................................................................................................................................4 7. Alternatives (add lines as necessary) .......................................................................................................................4 8. Timing / Schedule (add lines as necessary) ...........................................................................................................5 9. Technology Migration/Resource Identification....................................................................................................5 10. Product Life/Application Sunsetting or Decommissioning .............................................................................6 11. References ..........................................................................................................................................................................6 12. Recommendation ............................................................................................................................................................6 13. Approvals ...........................................................................................................................................................................6 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY 1 Purpose: Re-purposing of the computer lab in Shaw-Smyser 214 from general purpose student use to specialized ITAM Department use. Summary: The ITAM Department is experiencing phenomenal student growth with high demand STEM degrees including cybersecurity, networking, web and database. Currently ITAM has over 950 majors and minors with the potential of exponential growth in the cyber security and networking student numbers. To meet the demand in these high tech areas, the department is requesting a second, dedicated computer lab in Shaw-Smyser to offer additional classes in cybersecurity and networking. This computer lab will be equipped and managed by ITAM with specialized software and hardware. The ITAM faculty are working closely with Gene Shoda, Assistant Vice President of Information Technology, CWU on this request due to the sensitive nature of the specialized software and hardware. Currently there are 78 Network majors, 28 Cybersecurity majors, and 69 Cybersecurity minors for a total of 175 students in the ITAM major/minor programs. We forecast double the cybersecurity students in the next 12-18 months. Benefits: The main benefit of acquiring this additional computer lab space is to meet the specialized computer hardware/software needs of this increased student base. This will result in students being more effective in the skills they need in order to be successful in the job market after graduation. Complete the following information: Sponsoring Department(s): Information Technology & Administrative Management (ITAM) Date of Business Case Preparation: July 1, 2014 Contact Person Name/Phone: Dr. Chet Claar, 509.963.2618 New Product/Service If there is a draft or sample contract, please provide a copy. Renewal of Existing Product/Service – if checked, include background information. If there is a site license agreement, existing contract or new contract draft, please provide a copy. 1. Problem Definition The ITAM Department is experiencing phenomenal student growth with high demand STEM degrees including cybersecurity, networking, web and database. Currently ITAM has over 950 majors and minors with the potential of exponential growth in the cyber security and networking student numbers. To meet the demand in these high tech areas, the department is requesting a second, dedicated computer lab in ShawSmyser to offer additional classes in cybersecurity and networking. This computer lab will be equipped and managed by ITAM with specialized software and hardware. 2. Addressing Problem with CWU existing tools and products (i.e. PeopleSoft) The current cyber security and networking programs utilize one dedicated computer lab in Shaw-Smyser. This first dedicated computer lab includes cyber security and networking classes as well as open lab time to meet the curriculum needs of the faculty and students. To meet the growth needs of these high demand programs, ITAM has hired three new cybersecurity and networking tenure track faculty for Fall 2014, and added additional classes to teach the specialized classes. Without the second dedicated computer lab, those 2 classes will have to be cancelled and the program curtailed. CWU would not be able to meet the student demand. The ITAM faculty are working closely with Gene Shoda, Assistant Vice President of Information Technology, CWU on this request due to the sensitive nature of the specialized software and hardware. Currently there are 78 Network majors, 28 Cybersecurity majors, and 69 Cybersecurity minors for a total of 175 students in the ITAM major/minor programs. We forecast double the cybersecurity students in the next 12-18 months. 3. Organizational Impact Research: An analysis was conducted by the ITAM cybersecurity and networking faculty and staff over the past 12 months. It resulted in funding for three new tenure tack faculty in these areas of expertise to meet growth demand and the rework of technology fees to cover specialized hardware and software. This research surrounded an analysis of all current computer lab space, the use of that space, the growth of the ITAM Department and the current and future demand of the programs. The ITAM faculty are working closely with Gene Shoda, Assistant Vice President of Information Technology, CWU on this request due to the sensitive nature of the specialized software and hardware. Currently there are 78 Network majors, 28 Cybersecurity majors, and 69 Cybersecurity minors for a total of 175 students in the ITAM major/minor programs. We forecast double the cybersecurity students in the next 12-18 months. Identity and Consultation of Stakeholders: 1. 2. 3. 4. Information Technology & Administrative Management (ITAM) Department - faculty Information Services (IS), formerly ITS CWU Students Industry – Advisory Board Users/Partners: 1. 2. 3. Information Technology & Administrative Management (ITAM) Department - faculty Information Services (IS), formerly ITS CWU Students Student Impacts/Benefits: ITAM students will be the beneficiaries of additional computer lab space. The ITAM students as well as students in ITAM minors such as law and justice, computer science, and business will work with specialized hardware and software in the cybersecurity and networking fields. Contributors: The ITAM department will provide the hardware and software for this second, dedicated/ computer lab. Working with CWU IS, the ITAM faculty will ensure that the hardware and software is not problematic with the current CWU IS infrastructure. Impacts: The costs associated with the second dedicated computer lab will be expensed by ITAM. The ITAM faculty are working closely with Gene Shoda, Assistant Vice President of Information Technology, CWU on this request due to the sensitive nature of the specialized software and hardware. This synergy also allows for both dedicated computer labs to be “off the CWU grid” during some classes. Training: None. IT System Impacts: 26 additional workstations, associated peripherals and networking/cybersecurity equipment will be added to the campus infrastructure. 4. Benefits 3 ITAM students will be the beneficiaries of additional computer lab space. The ITAM students as well as students in ITAM minors such as law and justice, computer science, and business will work with specialized hardware and software in the cybersecurity and networking fields. The second dedicated computer lab will help student prepare for industry with the right skill sets on the most current equipment and software. CWU benefits by providing “job ready” graduates with the right skill sets on the most current equipment and software to Washington State companies. 5. Strategic Alignment This proposal directly supports the mission and vision of CWU... “It is distinguished regionally for the rigor of its curriculum and scholarship, for the excellence of its pedagogy..." and “CWU strives to create an engaging learning environment and therefore places its highest priority on teaching, learning, and student success...” It also supports the CWU Strategic Plan, Core Theme 1, “Teaching and Learning: Student success is the highest priority of the university, and achievement of programmatic student learning outcomes is the prime measure of that priority. CWU therefore works to provide its students with accessible, diverse, personalized, distinctive, and rigorous curricular, co- curricular, and extra-curricular programs. ...Objective 1.1: Enhance student success by continually improving the curricular, co-curricular, and extracurricular programs.” 6. Cost This section needs to include Source of Funding (Project ID) or a Description of the Source of Funding and the Cost Breakdown. Cost breakdown should include the one-time cost, recurring costs and a five year ownership cost for the applicable cost types (consulting, hardware, application software) Source of Funding (Project ID) or Description of the Source of Funding. PID: 43221000-1 (Administrative overhead funds for facilities and construction) projects.) Cost Breakdown Expense Initial 2014-15 Computer lab $40,000 furniture (One time cost) Computer $15,000 $5,000 software Computer $34,572 Hardware * TOTAL $89,572 $5,000 * See Attachment – Hardware Quote.pdf 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19 $5,000 $5,000 $5,000 $5,000 $5,000 $5,000 $40,000 $5,000 $45,000 7. Alternatives (add lines as necessary) Alternative Reasons For Not Selecting Alternative Use current single dedicated computer Researched only offering all current and lab space. new cybersecurity and networking classes in the current dedicated computer lab. Does not meet needs of increased ITAM student demand. New classes scheduled for Fall 2014 will need to be canceled without second dedicated lab. 4 Alternative Reasons For Not Selecting Alternative Use current ITAM labs during off hours Does not allow for enough off hours for – non-classroom hours. students to work on specialized hardware and software. 8. Timing / Schedule (add lines as necessary) Task Target Date Complete requested paperwork. Start June 1 – July 1 Order items for lab July 8 Install items in new lab August 18 – August 19 Configure into campus network August 20 –August 21 9. Technology Migration/Resource Identification Resource Loading Chart Resource Jan Feb Mar Apr May June Chet Claar Assistant Professor Gray Rogers Assistant Professor .1 WLU .1 WLU .1 WLU .1 WLU .1 WLU .1 WLU .1 WLU .1 WLU .1 WLU Total Hours .2 .2 .2 .2 WLU WLU WLU WLU Sept Oct Nov Dec .1 WLU .1 WLU .1 WLU .1 WLU .1 WLU .1 WLU .1 WLU .1 WLU .1 WLU .1 WLU .1 WLU .2 .2 .2 .2 .2 .2 WLU WLU 5 July Aug WLU WLU WLU WLU 10. Product Life/Application Sunsetting or Decommissioning Product life is estimated to be, with upgrades as provided, per software warranty plans. 11. References Information gathered from CWU SAFARI. CWU Strategic Plan Retrieved on June 1, 2014. Computer equipment costs – Attachment, Hardware Quote.pdf Schedule of classes for dedicated labs (2014 -15) - Attachment, Lab Schedule.pdf Networking and Cybersecurity faculty – Attachment, Faculty Vitae.pdf Course syllabi for courses taught in dedicated labs – Attachment, Syllabi.pdf 12. Recommendation It is recommended that additional computer lab space be acquired, specifically SS 214 as it is currently underutilized and adjacent to current ITAM students and labs/classrooms. 13. Approvals This section should be left blank. The following actions have been taken by the appropriate Sub-Council (ATAC or NonAcademic Sub-Council) and Enterprise Information System Committee (EISC): Date Action By 7/21/2014 Approved EISC Upon approval by the Enterprise Information System Committee (EISC) or one of the two Sub-Councils (Academic or Non-Academic), CWU procurement policies and procedures should be used to initiate a purchase. Please contact the Purchasing office at x1001 with any questions regarding the procurement process. If you have any questions, please contact Sue Noce 963-2927 or Tina Short 963-2910. 6