Year 6 - Stivichall Primary School

Year 6 Thematic Curriculum Overview
Year 6
Key Stage 2
Autumn Term
Spring Term
World War II
Battle of Britain
As Historians we will
learn about the
Second World War
with a specific focus
upon evacuation, the
Coventry Blitz and the
As Historians we will
study the Battle of
Britain and its
importance as a key
turning point in British
As Scientists we will learn
about concepts of pressure and
thrust in relation to volcanic
We will also learn about
electrical circuits before
applying our knowledge to
create a volcano early warning
As Scientists we will
learn about evolution
and inheritance. We
will study the
adaptation of
numerous species over
time, and learn about
Charles Darwin and
his theory of
As Geographers we
will locate and plot
key areas and
locations associated
with the war.
As Geographers we
will locate and plot
the main areas where
the Battle of Britain
took place.
As Musicians we will
listen to and compose
pieces of music in the
1940’s style.
As Geographers we will be
locating volcanoes around the
globe and the nations and
continents that they occupy.
We will be studying past
volcanic eruptions and the
reasons for people living in
volcanic regions.
As Historians we will examine
the past society of Pompeii and
study archaeological
techniques. We will also plot
major volcanic eruptions onto a
As Artists we will
learn about war art
and create our own
thematic piece in this
As Artists we will study the
work of Jackson Pollock and
create pieces of art in his
In Religious Education
we will learn about
As Musicians we will compose a
piece of music to accompany a
volcanic eruption.
Summer Term
As Geographers
we will learn all
about mountain
environments and
their features.
As Scientists we
will learn about
living things and
their habitats,
with a focus
upon mountain
As Design
Technologists we
will study the
design of
skyscrapers with
a focus upon
their ability to
we will study the
temperatures of
mountain regions
using charts,
graphs and
The Mayans
El Mexicana’s
As Historians we will be
finding out about the
ancient civilisation of
the Mayans. We will
evaluate conflicting
opinions regarding the
decline of Mayan
civilisation, and evaluate
their legacy.
As Geographers we
will compare and
contrast an area of
Britain with modern
day Mexico with a
focus upon the desert
environment. We will
locate Mexico and its
major cities and
physical features. We
will study differences
between human and
physical geography.
As Design Technologists
we will design and
create a Mayan mask.
We will also study
Mayan architecture and
As Scientists we will
learn about light and
shadow linked to Mayan
sun worship.
As Musicians we will
compose and perform a
piece of music to
accompany a Mayan
In Physical Education
we will create and
perform our own Mayan
As Scientists we will
investigate how
materials are used to
keep people cool in
warm environments.
As Artists we will
study influential
Mexican painters and
their art. We will also
create our own pieces
in their style.
As Food Technologists
we will create and
taste Mexican food.