HISTORY What was it like for Mayan men, women and children? What was Mayan religion like? What jobs did Mayan people do? What was daily life like for the Mayans? What impact did the Spanish discovery of the Mayans have on their culture? How did Mayan civilisation change over time? What was the Olmec civilisation? What were Mayan temples and cities like? ENGLISH Class Reader: Journey to the River Sea Can I write a newspaper report about an unusual event? Can I write a story about life as a Mayan? Can I write an information text about the way the Mayan people lived? Can I understand why the characters in a story make the choices that they make? Can I write a story in the style of another author? SCIENCE What did the Mayans know about the planets? What scientific discoveries did the Mayans have? What science did the Mayans use which we use today? The Mayan Civilisation ART – SCULPTURE/WEAVING Can I use binca to create a piece of sewing with more complicated stitches and create a design? Can I create a wire sculpture? Can I embellish my sculpture? Can I look at my design work critically and explain what I would do differently next time? Class 5 GEOGRAPHY What is the weather like in Mexico? How do plants and animals in Mexico differ to plants and animals in the UK? How did the environment contribute to the way the Mayans built their homes? Can I explain what the Mexican biome is like? Can I describe Mexico using terms such as climate zone and vegetation belt? OUTCOME We are planning on holding a Mayan Celebration day where we will practically explore and celebrate what it was to live as a Mayan. Further details will follow in the half term. MUSIC Can I learn songs that support my understanding of topics and my emotions? Can I continue to work on using musical recording to support my compositions? Can I sing as a whole group, in parts and in canon with others? Can I learn songs that have repetition for effect to support the development of my memory? SCIENCE A study of a famous British scientist, their discoveries and how they impact our lives today. PE Swimming: Children will be in ability groups and will continue to follow the challenging programme of study. Dance: With Mrs Priest SEAL Going for Goals Do I understand how and why people set goals or targets? Can I set a target with achievable steps? Can I monitor my progress? Do I know how to support others to help them reach their goal? COMPUTING Can I save an image document as a .gif or .jpeg? Can I explore the menu options in Textease Paint and experiment with the graphics I choose to use? Can I add special effects, such as shadows, to an image? Can I choose images to import into a word document? Can I choose the correct text wrapping tool for the purpose I need? RE What can I find out about Islamic and Jewish prayer? What can I learn from Islamic and Jewish prayer? Do I understand why prayer is important to believers? Can I draw links between my own experiences and the experiences of Jewish and Islamic believers?