The Great American Cleanup Litter Pick-Up Event April 20th REGISTRATION FORM _____ Yes, my group will participate in The Great American Cleanup!! PLEASE PRINT Name of Organization: ______________________________________________________________________ Contact Person: ___________________________________________________________________________ Telephone: (Work or Home)_______________________________ (Cell)_____________________________ Address: _________________________________________________________________________________ Total Number of Volunteers: ___________________________ Email Address: ________________________ Area Preferred: Specific areas will be assigned on a first-register basis. General Location Requested: [ ] North Thomas County [ ] South Thomas County [ ] East Thomas County [ ] West Thomas County Specific Location Requested: ________________________________________________________________ REGISTRATION DEADLINE IS Monday, March 25, 2013 Adopt-A-Highway spots are available! _____ Please send my group more information. Return this form to: Or Fax To: Keep Thomas County Beautiful P.O. Box 1632 Thomasville, GA 31799 229-226-2845 For Additional Information: 229-977-2559 Or KEEP THOMAS COUNTY BEAUTIFUL 2013 FOURTH ANNUAL GREAT AMERICAN CLEANUP EVENT APRIL 20, 2013 1. THE PREPARATION Organize your team. Decide who will be team captain. Register with Keep Thomas County Beautiful. Attend team captain training March 28th, 6pm (Location TBA) Team captains need to personally meet with KTCB (TBA) April 19 between 4pm-6pm to pick up supplies and a map. Communicate with your team to arrange for transportation, distribution of supplies, and discuss instructions for pick-up. 2. THE PICK-UP Clean-up time for Saturday will be from 9:00 AM to 12:00 Noon. You will be given a map outlining your designated clean-up area. Areas will be assigned on a first-register basis. Each team should arrange for its members’ transportation to and from the clean-up site. Teams should be trained on using garbage versus recycling bags: Recycle bags are either orange or clean and should be used for clean aluminum, other metals, or plastic. Garbage bags are for all other materials. As you fill garbage or recycle bags, tie a knot in the top and place it at least 3 feet off the side of the road. Crews will come by to pick up bags after 12 o’clock April 20th. Team captains should return leftover supplies to KTCB (TBA), Saturday by 1 pm or Monday, April 22nd between 1pm-6pm at the KTCB office at 330 North Broad St, Suite F. 3. HELPFUL HINTS: Spread out. Divide your team into small groups and work at intervals along your assigned roadside. You’ll cover more ground in less time that way. Don’t be deceived by areas where the grass is high: litter should be removed from this area before movers cut it up into small pieces. Pick up medians, right-of-ways up to fence lines, around utility poles and trees, etc. Right-ofways vary in size from 5 to 20 feet and may extend to 35 feet on bypasses. Pick up public right-of-ways, curbs and gutters. Do Not pick up on private property. Remove all signs in public right-of-way: political campaign, yard sale, business advertisements. Bypass assignments include access ramps. Pick up on the sides of the bypass, Do Not cross metal guard rails; pick up under them. As much as we hate cigarette butts, it is an impossible task to pick them up in the time we have on Saturday. Go after all other litter. Recommended attire: long pants and closed toe shoes. Optional: sunscreen, bug spray, hat, and/or sunglasses. Be aware of bitting, stinging insects, bugs or animals - DO NOT TOUCH SAFETY, SAFETY, SAFETY - FIRST THANK YOU FOR YOUR HELP! ... and BE SAFE 2013