Newsletter of The Parish of St James the Great SURPRISE, SURPRISE! In 1973 Fidel Castro said “The US will come to talk to us when they have a black president and the world has a Latin American Pope”. Universities of London Goldsmiths & London Southbank Catholic Chaplaincy Monday 21st September – Sunday 27th September 2015 Mass Intentions Monday Tuesday Wednesday 7pm Thursday Friday Saturday 10.00am 6pm Sunday 08.30am 10.00am 12 Noon Mary Fitzpatrick R.I.P Mary O’Leary R.I.P Madeline Merriefield’s Intention Donors Intention Holy Souls Priest’s Intention Donors Intention Georgina Barry R.I.P Twenty-Sixth Sunday (B) Day of Prayer for the Harvest Sr. Alphonsus The People of the Parish Priest’s Intention Fr Jack If you were asked, “what is the best way to enjoy life?” You would think and think again and say, “That is an impossible question.” And in one sense you would be right. If we look at our readings for today we get a few very clear guidelines. So simple you could miss them. The Godless man in the first reading is a despicable character. His job is to trap other people. Like someone who is trying to get their child into a Catholic school by lies. Whereas the virtuous man has God for his help and will thrive. The second reading is very clear, JEALOUSEY AND AMBITION destroy everything and everyone, even the person who has these vices. Jesus leaves us in no doubt. “People who want to be the greatest?” WE ARE CALLED TO BE SERVANTS. Obstacles are things a person sees when he takes his eyes off the goal HOME MISSION SUNDAY Today is Home Mission Sunday that is spreading the Gospel here in the UK and especially here in Peckham. The mission of the church is the need to spread the Gospel, and that is the job of every baptised Christian and not just priests and nuns. The mission of the church/evangelization/the spreading of the Gospel of Jesus Christ/ the spreading of love is very close to Pope Francis’ heart and should be to every baptised Christian. So please invite your friends or anybody interested in hearing about the Catholic church to a meeting on Thursday night at 7pm. Bill will be starting his RCIA group at that meeting. There is chaplaincy provision at 56, Amersham Road, New Cross. Drop in Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday during the week. For information, a quiet space, a chance to chat, prayer. To contact a chaplain please email or More details are available on the term cards at the back of the church. Confirmation Anybody over the age of 12 (and that may include you at 55) who would like to be Confirmed this coming year, please drop a line to Fr. Jack before the 20th September telling him you would like to be confirmed. Prayer for Day of Renewal at St George’s Cathedral 26th September 2014 9.45am – 4.45pm Father, pour out your spirit upon your people and grant us a new vision of your glory, a new experience of your power, a new faithfulness to your service, that your love may grow amongst us and Your Kingdom come through Jesus Our Lord. The day will start with refreshments in the Amigo Hall. There will be praise and worship music, Sacrament of Reconciliation, Eucharistic Healing Service, Testimony and Mass in the Cathedral and a talk from Fr Stephen Wymer. Full details of the event are displayed on the Church notice board. Everyone is welcome. You are advised to bring a packed lunch. If you require further information contact Stefanie on 01892 542245 or 07976 245685 or email or visit the website FIRST COMMUNION Programme will be starting on 3rd October at 10.45am. All those who have registered should come and see Fr.Jack before then. Text 07909 140867 to make an appointment and he will call you back.