(English Learner) Considerations for EL

Guidelines for Incorporating English Learner (EL) Considerations for Students with Disabilities
The Why?
The Minnesota Department of Education is advising school districts to incorporate English Language (EL)
considerations into the special education documents of students with disabilities who are also English
Language Learners (ELL). The EL Assessment Considerations Checklist tool [create link] provides general
guidance in addressing questions related to an EL student receiving special education service. Additional
information can be obtained from the EL teacher if the student is receiving EL services. All referrals,
evaluations and Individual Education Plans (IEPs) should include information about the EL student’s
language/linguistic needs as well as considerations in developing and implementing a student’s IEP.
The following guidelines should be followed and/or considered when incorporating EL considerations.
Referral/Child Find:
 Follow the EL Assessment Considerations Checklist to obtain and document student specific
needs, strengths, concerns and data for EL students. The on-line special education referral form
also includes information about an EL student’s performance and needs including input from an
EL teacher.
 It is important for the Student Assistance Team and/or child study team to document
information related to EL student needs when determining whether a special education
evaluation is warranted.
 Continue to provide needed accommodations for an EL student who is evaluated for special
education. Follow the EL Assessment Considerations Checklist document to help identify the
evaluation accommodations (e.g., such as no standard scores will be reported, etc.
 Document information related to the EL student’s progress in the evaluation report.
Individual Education Plan (IEP) Components:
 IEP Team: If a student is receiving EL services, invite the EL teacher to all IEP team meetings.
This is in addition to the general education classroom teacher who is a required IEP team
member. The EL teacher is not required to attend but should be invited to provide input in the
development of the IEP.
 Present Level of Academic Achievement and Functional Performance (PLAAFP): Describe the
EL student’s language level as identified through the evaluation process. In addition, the EL
teacher may provide some present level performance data that can be used. If available,
include the W-APT or ACCESS test results and report the type and amount of EL services that
the student is receiving in the PLAFFP section (not on the service grid of the IEP). Describe any
other concerns that impact the student’s needs such as processing difficulties, rate of learning,
learning style, instructional level, possible accommodations and modifications.
Supplementary Service, Program Modifications: Based on EL student needs identified in the
PLAAFP, there may be accommodations or modifications that need to be incorporated into the
IEP (e.g., shorten verbal instructions, provide visual models, etc.) . Be in communication with
the EL teacher for EL strategies that can be reinforced in special education instruction and
State Testing: Input from the EL teacher may be helpful in determining accommodations
needed for testing.
The IEP case manager should provide the EL teacher with an IEP-at-a-Glance at the beginning of
the school year or at the beginning of each semester in a school year.
*DO NOT list EL services on the IEP in the Services section of the IEP. Only Special Education services
should be listed on the IEP.