What is the possible diagnosis? (2 marks)

1- A male patient 55year old, presented to the outpatient
clinic complaining of sever dysuria and hematuria. He
gave a strong positive history of bilharziasis. These
symptoms did not respond to urinary antiseptics. U/S
showed back pressure of the left kidney and thickened
lateral bladder wall.
• What is possible diagnosis? (2 mark)
• Mention another condition that may give same clinical
picture in this patient.
How to differentiate between both? (5 mark)
• Enumerate the investigations required to confirm your
diagnosis? (3mark)
Bladder CA until prove otherwise. ct< Cystoscopy and
biopsy is mandatory
A 28 year old male patient, presented with purulent
urethral discharge for 1 week duration. He gave history
of sexual relation with a prostitute since two weeks.
What’s your provisional diagnosis? Write treatment
Provisional diagnosis : Gonorrheal infection
Treatment plan : 1) Avoid sexual relation during the course
of treatment, 2) Give antibiotic : Ceftriaxone or Quinolone..3)
if the patient was married,his wife should get antibiotic
treatment but Quinolone can't be given if his wife is
A pregnant lady, 28 year old, presented to emergency
department with nausea and vomiting, temp. 39.5°C ,
rigor, right flank pain, and mild dysuria.
What’s your provisional diagnosis? Write in brief broad
lines of management?
Acute pyelonephritis with pregnancy usually need
hospitalization, bed rest,and IVF
imperical anti biotic suitable for pregnant until doing culture
and sensitivity
yas, also should be given parentral and it should be broad
spectrum acting mainly on gram negative
A male patient, 56 year old, complaining of gross
hematuria.Cystoscopic examination revealed two
bladder masses. Biopsy was taken and Histopathologic
examination revealed non-muscle invasive tumor grade
2. Write lines of treatment
Transurethral resection of the tumor followed by immediate
single post operativeintravesicle instillation of chemotherapy
or BCG, with follow up for 5 years to detect recurrence.
superficial bladder cancer
Hasan is 15 year old, He presented to Emergency Room
with acute onset of painful scrotal swelling with nausea
and vomiting. Physical examination revealed tender
high riding left testis. He gave history of similar
previous episodes. What is your provisional diagnosis
and Differential diagnosis?
provisional diagnosis is testicular torsion
Differential diagnosis is1- epididymo-orchitis there is
fever,pyuria&leucocytosis. 2- hydrocele which is painless
&transillumination. 3- testicular tumor is rarely acute. 4idiopathic scrotal edema there is thickened,inflamed skin and
testis is not tender and of normal size and position.
1.Scrotal color doppler sonogram.
2.Testicular nuclear scan to differentiate torsion from acute
a 75 year old male patient presented to emergency unit
with an attack of urine retention. he stated that it is the
3rd attack in this year. on examination there is
suprapubic tenderness and dullness. cathetrization
what is the most probable cause of retention
are parasympathomimetic beneficial
how to manage this case?
Failed cathtrization means it is difficult to pass up to the
bladder mostly due to enlarged prostate or urethral stricture
here we need you to mange this acute situation ie to do
suprapubiccathetrization to relieve the retention after that
complete the investigation and ttt
in emergency department just suprapubiccystocath... then
prepare the patient as an elective case in operation list for
surgical intervention
enlarged prostate or urethral stricture
Parasympathomimitics has no role in case of organic
bladder outlet obstruction as in this case of BPH, we should
remove the obstructing cause or overcome it by supra-pubic
catheter (if urethral cathetrization failed)
here we need you to mange this acute situation ie to do
suprapubiccathetrization to relieve the retention after that
complete the investigation and ttt
in emergency department just suprapubiccystocath... then
prepare the patient as an elective case in operation list for
surgical intervention
In a case of BPH with moderate symptoms associated
with inguinal hernia and chronic cough..plan your
combining mesh hernioplasty and trans uretheral resection
of prostate is a better option because of low wound infection
and low hernia recurrence rate , combining these two also
saves the patient to undergo another hospital admission and
cost saving
chronic cough should be controlled to prevent recurrence of
hernia . The treatment of chronic cough is directed toward
the particular by the" cause". However, patients may get
symptomatic relief from over-the-counter cough medicines
containing guaifenesin and/or dextromethorphan, drinking
lots of water, inhaling steam, and using cough lozenges. In
severe cases a doctor may prescribe codeine, which is an
effective cough suppressant.
what are DD of a flank mass in a child?
1- lymphoma
2- wilms tumor
6-renal cyst
7-benign renal adenoma
8-metastasis from distant 1ry tumor
9-renal cell carcinoma " more in adult"
Thanks Dra ShimaaElkamash plz. in that
Cystic kidneys
and various rare sarcomas.
how can you deferentiateEctopc testis in superficial
inguinal pouch from undescended testis in inguinal
may be:
-During contraction of external oblique muscle:
if in the canal....it will be less prominant
if in the pouch.... it will be more prominant
-By introducing the the tip of the little finger into the
superficial inguinal ring through the neck of the scrotum:
if in the pouch..... the cord will be felt against the margin of
the ring
if in the canal.... the ring will be empty or the gabernaculum
can be felt if intact
a 42 year old farmer, presented with lt testicular swelling
that enlarge progressively over the last 6months but
without pain. on examination the lt. testis is larger and
heavier than the rt. with loss of testicular sensation.
abdominal us revealed enlarged para-aortic LNs. the
pregnancy test is positive
what is your provisional diagnosis?
how to manage such case
pro .d: lt testicular tumor.
DD: torsion - epididymoorchitis -hydrocele
hernia - hematocele - $ gumma
spermatocele- epidermal cyst
management: radical orchiectomy - para aortic L.n
then according to whether the tumor is seminoma or not we
apply chemotherapy or radiotherapy...
another answer
case of testicular tumor most probably seminoma because:
age of the patient_loss of testicular sensation_early LN
stage2(para-aortic LN involvement)
DDx:teratoma - hydrocele - hematocele - spermatoceleepidydimo_ orchitis
manaement:CT-CXR-bone scan-.....>for staging
initial ttt>>>simple orchiectomy
further ttt>>>>according to stage
if stage2>>>radiotherapy to para -aortic LN and mediastinum
with protection of the other testis and both kidneys
if higher stage>>> chemotherapy can be added
follow up after surgery by tumor markers
A 4 year old girl presented by her mother to the
physician with abdominal swelling discovered
accidentally. On examination, the swelling was firm, felt
in the Rt lumber area, and by U/S it is a Rt. renal mass.
Reviewing the history, the mother observed that her
daughter had anorexia in the last few months and
started to lose weight.
1- What is the possible diagnosis? (2 marks)
2- Enumerate (name only) the DD of renal swelling (solid
or cystic) in such age. (4 marks)
3- Mention the investigation needed to confirm the
diagnosis. (4 marks
D.D of flank mass in child : hydronephrosis .
intrarenalneuroblastoma .cystic
kidneys.mesoblasticnephroma ..sarcoma ..hepatoblastoma ..
another answer
case of renal tumor mostly wilm's tumor because:
age of the patient-firm renal mass-anorexia-loss of weight
DDx:neuroblastoma-hepatoblastoma-cystic kidneyhydronephrosis
investigations:U/S +percutanous needle biopsy
spiral CT>>>confire and for staging
urine analysis>>>microscopic hamaturia
IVU (provided that KFTs are normal) >>>may show
displaced pelvicalceal system
VMA in urine>>>exclude neuroblastoma
pre -operative investigations:CBC,KFTs,FBS,ECG,CXR
a 57 year old male patient with a history of oxalate stone
passer. he had an attack of ureteric colic together with
significant heamaturia . an IVP revealed an irregular
filling defect in the renal pelvis & US revealed enlarged
para aortic LNs
what is the probable diagnosis
how to prove it?
long standing stone complicated by malignancy..
by biopsy??!!
Flexible Uretroscope can pass up to the renal pelvis and
biopsy can be taken
filling defect in IVU may be due to tumor ,radiolucent
stone(urate) or blood clot( he has significant hematuria)
however,LNs enlargement suggests renal pelvic tumor
case of renal pelvis tumor mostly SCC on top of leukoplakia
complicating along standing stone
A male patient 25 years old, presented with painful
scrotal swelling with discharging sinus posteriorly and
beaded vas. PCR indicates TB infection.
Write medical treatment?
ESWL is a new modality in treatment of
urolithiasis. Predict possible complications and its
Enumerate types of urinary stones.
how can u differentiate between chyloria and turbid
urine due to phosphaturi
write short account on pathogenesis of infection stone
write pathogenesis of urteropelvic junction obstruction.
where common sites of ectopic testis?
(1.Superficial inguinal pouch(the most common site).2.Base
of the penis(pubic).3.Perineum.4.Femoral canal.
what is the "Filarial dance sign”??
Direct ultrasonographic observation of adult filariae has been
reported in lymph vessels
Choose the correct answer and compete the following
1. Oligospermia means number of sperm less than
20000000 per ml.
2. Stress urinary incontinence means : riiruapo pgassap
auoegassupiogunssuupisaanssuupa aaisiaoapposinogipearsssupio
3. Drugs used for intracavernosal injection therapy for
ED are:
Papaverine - prostaglandinE2 - phenoxyenzamine - atropine
4. The average weight of the prostate in an adult male
aging 30 years is(18 gram)
5. The most common kind of bladder cancer is:
A) Transitional cell carcinoma
B) Squamous cell carcinoma
C) Adenocarcinoma
D) Undifranciated carcinomas.