Brecknock and Radnor Community Health Council Welsh Language Scheme prepared in accordance with the Welsh Language Act 1993 To be applied by the CHC December 2011 1 Brecknock and Radnor Community Health Council Welsh Language Scheme This scheme was approved by the Welsh Language Board in accordance with Section 14(1) of the Welsh Language Act 1993. The Community Health Council has adopted the principle that the English and Welsh languages will be treated on the basis of equality when conducting public business in Wales. This scheme sets out how they will give effect to that principle when providing services to the public in Wales. The general scheme was approved by the Board of Community Health Councils in Wales on and by Brecknock and Radnor CHC on 12th September 2011 This Scheme was approved by the Welsh Language Board on 20th March 2012. 2 Contents Page Preface by the Chairman and Chief Officer of Brecknock and Radnor Community Health Council 5 1. Introduction 6 2. The planning and provision of services 6 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 Mainstreaming and monitoring by the CHC New policies and initiatives Service provision Service quality standards 3. Dealing with the Welsh speaking public 6 7 7 8 8 3.1 Correspondence 8 3.2 Telephone communication 9 3.3 Public meetings 9 3.4 Other meetings 10 3.5 Information Technology 10 4. The Community Health Council’s public image 10 4.1 Corporate identity 10 4.2 Signs 10 4.3 Forms 11 4.4 Published material 11 4.5 Press information 11 4.6 Publicity, advertising, marketing and display material 11 5. Implementing and monitoring of the scheme 12 5.1 Staff and Recruitment 12 5.2 Learning Welsh and Vocational Training 13 3 5.3 Administration arrangements 13 5.4 Outside agencies 14 5.5 Partnership working 14 5.6 Monitoring the scheme 14 5.7 Complaints 15 5.8 Section 17 Investigations 16 5.9 Publication of information regarding performance 16 5.10 Publication of the scheme 16 5.11 Indicators / Timetable / Action Plan 16 CHC Contact Details CHC Welsh Language Scheme Timetable Appendix 1 Appendix 2 4 17 18 Preface Welcome to Brecknock and Radnor Community Health Council’s latest Welsh Language Scheme. We are pleased to write a preface for this document and fully acknowledge the importance of the Welsh Language Act 1993. Under the Welsh Language Scheme, we aim to have a positive impact on the services the Community Health Council (CHC) provides in the area it serves, namely the district of Brecknock and Radnor within the County of Powys. Community Health Councils were established to ensure that patients and the public are able to have a voice in how the NHS is delivered. The CHC represent the interests of the public in the NHS by monitoring NHS activity, by helping patients or relatives who wish to make complaints about the NHS and by making comments on NHS proposals for service change, having canvassed public opinion where appropriate. The CHC has adopted the principle that in the conduct of its public business it will treat the English and Welsh languages on the basis of equality. This Scheme sets out how the CHC implements that principle when providing its services to the public. The CHC recognises that members of the public can express their views and needs better in their preferred language and that enabling them to use their language of choice is a matter of good practice. A denial of that fundamental right could place members of the public at a real disadvantage. The CHC will offer the public the right to choose which language to use in dealings with it and will apply this principle to its expectations of the bodies with whom it deals. The CHC’s aim is to enable everyone who receives or uses the CHC’s services to do so through the medium of Welsh or English, according to personal choice. It will encourage a similar choice to be offered within the local NHS. The CHC is committed to ensuring that everyone who comes into contact with it should be treated with dignity and respect and receive a responsive service that is accessible in their language of choice. Monty J Graham Chairman J David Adams Chief Officer 5 1. Introduction 1.1 Brecknock and Radnor Community Health Council represents the public interest in the NHS for the population resident in the Brecknock & Radnor areas of the county of Powys. Brecknock and Radnor Community Health Council’s office is situated at Neuadd Brycheiniog, Cambrian Way, Brecon LD3 7HR 1.2 Brecknock & Radnor CHC is a public body as defined by the Welsh Language Act 1993. The Act ensures that users, staff and members have the right to Welsh language services if that is the language of their choice. The Community Health Council will uphold the principle, when conducting business on behalf of the people of its area, that the English and Welsh language will be treated on the basis of equality. This Scheme sets out how the Community Health Council will give effect to that principle when providing services to the public in Wales. 1.3 This scheme identifies the services already provided in Welsh, and developments in the future. It outlines those developments and provides a timetable for their application, the arrangements for monitoring individual elements and the scheme as a whole are outlined. 1.4 This Scheme was approved by the Welsh Language Board in accordance with section 14(1) of the Welsh Language Act 1993 on 20th March 2012. 1.5 This Scheme, and its implementation, is the corporate responsibility of Brecknock & Radnor CHC (to be referred to from now on as the ‘CHC’). 2. The planning and provision of services 2.1 Mainstreaming and monitoring by the Community Health Council When new policies and initiatives are proposed by the CHC, or when it updates current policies, it will assess the implications for Welsh language services to ensure that it meets the commitments of this Scheme. This will be within its core work of monitoring the quality of health services on behalf of patients and the public. The CHC will use new policies and initiatives or updated initiatives to facilitate the use of the Welsh language and to enable the organisation to implement the principle of language equality. 6 The CHC will audit the Scheme on an annual basis. As part of its core functions the CHC will look at how NHS bodies provide for the needs of Welsh language patients and their carers during its monitoring visits in Wales and in England. 2.2 New policies and initiatives 2.2.1. The CHC will ensure that new policies and initiatives are consistent with this scheme and provide a way of facilitating the use of Welsh and achieving the principle of equality at every opportunity 2.2.2 With regard to forming new policies and planning new initiatives, the CHC will assess the results regarding the English and Welsh languages as a central part of the process. Any opportunities to promote the aim of the CHC as specified in 1.3 above will be taken. 2.2.3 The CHC will consult with the Welsh Language Board regarding matters that could mean changes to this scheme. No changes will be implemented without the Welsh Language Board’s agreement. 2.3 Service provision 2.3.1 The CHC provides a range of services to the public. It is committed to developing good practice in Wales so that members and users have a choice regarding which language they use. 2.3.2 The CHC will ensure that the chosen language will be confirmed and documented (subject to the provisions of the Data Protection Act). Information regarding the language of choice will be recorded and easily accessible. The process of considering the language of choice will be an automatic/inevitable step whenever members or service users need to be contacted. 2.3.3 The CHC will ensure that choosing to use the Welsh language will not mean that service standards will be lower or slower. This is clearly identified when offering a choice of language and this will be monitored (see 5.7 below). 7 2.3.4 If there is no Welsh speaking member of staff available immediately, it will be arranged that Welsh speakers are available to offer assistance. A list of members and staff will be kept who can deal with issues through the medium of Welsh. The list will include members of staff at other CHC workplaces. Training, advice and guidance will be offered to staff and members regarding these arrangements (see 5.2 and 5.3 below). 2.3.5 The CHC will review these arrangements every year. 2.4 Service quality standards The CHC is committed to providing high quality services in both the Welsh and English Languages and the CHC will state this in key documents. The CHC will: · · · set standards for providing services and dealing with the public in Welsh ensure consistency in the quality of service provided in Welsh monitor the standard of service and its implementation using the same performance indicators as the Welsh Language Board. 3. Dealing with the Welsh speaking public 3.1 Correspondence 3.1.1 The CHC welcomes correspondence written in Welsh and in English. 3.1.2 All correspondence in Welsh will receive a Welsh response and all correspondence in English will receive an English response.(see paragraph 2. 3. 2.) A data base of the choice of language will be kept. Once the CHC is aware of the chosen language written correspondence will be in that language. 3.1.3 The response time will be the same for Welsh and English correspondence. Standard acknowledgement letters and interim response letters in Welsh will be prepared to ensure timely compliance. If there is no Welsh speaking member of staff available to prepare correspondence in the 8 contacted office, arrangements will be made for other Welsh speakers to be available to offer assistance as a priority, via the Board of Welsh CHCs. 3.1.4 All correspondence, whether in Welsh or in English, will be signed. 3.1.5 Standard letters and leaflets made available publicly in Wales from the CHC Office will be bilingual. 3.1.7 The CHC will install Welsh spellcheckers on the word processing systems used by Welsh speaking members of staff. 3.1.8 The CHC welcomes e-mail messages in Welsh and English. Translation facilities will be available to translate email messages, in the same way as other written correspondence. Standard acknowledgement e-mail responses will be prepared to ensure timely compliance. 3.2 Telephone communication 3.2.1 The CHC welcomes phone calls in Welsh and English. 3.2.2 Each external call will be answered with a bilingual greeting. Staff and volunteers answering the phone on behalf of the CHC will be given guidelines regarding how to use the bilingual greeting. Therefore, this will ensure that staff and volunteers will be given appropriate assistance as this measure is implemented. 3.2.3 Staff answering calls will transfer Welsh language calls to the appropriate member of staff. If there is no Welsh speaking member of staff available in the contacted office, it will be arranged that Welsh speakers are available to offer assistance as a priority. 3.2.4 If a Welsh speaking member of staff is not available the caller will be given the choice, to either arrange for a Welsh speaker to call back as soon as possible, continue the call in English, or to present a written enquiry in Welsh. 3.2.5 All answerphone messages will be bilingual. The message will be short. 3.3 Public meetings 9 3.3.1 Publicity regarding public meetings will be bilingual. It will include a statement that attendees are welcome to speak Welsh or English, and a request to inform the CHC in advance of the language they wish to speak. Simultaneous translation facilities will be provided at public meetings given a request five working days in advance of the language of choice of those proposing to attend. 3.3.2 Welsh speaking staff and members will wear Iaith Gwaith/Working Welsh badges when attending meetings. 3.3.3 At least one member of staff or CHC Member who can speak Welsh will attend all public meetings. 3.4 Other meetings 3.4.1 When the CHC organises meetings with organisations that normally work through the medium of Welsh, the meeting will be held in Welsh, or simultaneous translation equipment will be supplied. The CHC will ensure that competent Welsh speaking staff will be available for the private meetings with individuals who want to use the Welsh language including the important work of complaints advocacy. The CHC will ensure that the use of the Welsh language is promoted and heard in its activities. 3.5 Information Technology 3.5.1 The CHC will develop a bilingual website. This will be achieved according to a defined timetable agreed with the Welsh Language Board (See Appendix 2). 4. The Community Health Council’s public image 4.1 Corporate identity The CHC has a bilingual corporate identity that includes the name of the organisation, the address and sub-heading on corporate letters, publications, signs, fax paper, business cards, ID cards, merchandise and other materials. Staff and members will receive written guidelines regarding CHC corporate identity. 10 4.2 Signs 4.2.1 All signs owned by the CHC, outside and inside, and in the public eye, will be bilingual. The Welsh language version will be to the left or above the English language version. The Welsh version will be of equal prominence to the English version. The size, quality, clarity and prominence of the text and signs will respect this principle of equality. 4.2.2 If separate Welsh and English signs are used, they will be of equal size, quality, font and format and will be of equal prominence. 4.2.3 Each new sign, or sign replacing an old sign in will be completely bilingual, and both languages will be equal regarding format, size, quality, clarity and prominence. 4.3 Forms 4.3.1 The CHC will ensure that leaflets, questionnaires, forms, and explanatory material provided for the public in Wales are bilingual; if Welsh and English versions are published separately, they will be of the same standard and published at the same time. This will ensure that the individual can fill in the form in their language of choice. 4.4 Published material 4.4.1 The CHC’s public documents will be bilingual according to the timetable agreed with the Welsh Language Board . 4.4.2 CHC staff and designers will receive guidelines on the preparation of bilingual materials and/or in Welsh/English only. 4.5 Press information 4.5.1 The CHC press releases will be issued in English to English Language media and in Welsh to Welsh Language media. Where such information is issued to both English and Welsh language media the press/media release will be in the two languages with both versions distributed simultaneously. 11 4.5.2 Press conferences will be bilingual with the welsh language input provided by a CHC Member who is Welsh speaking. 4.5.3 Notices in the press will be bilingual in English publications and in Welsh only in Welsh publications. 4.5.4 The CHC will form a list of staff and members who are willing to speak welsh on the radio and on television. Those listed will receive guidelines regarding the use of Welsh. 4.6 Publicity, advertising, marketing and display material 4.6.1 Material produced will be bilingual however; material may need to be produced separately in Welsh and English. These will be published to the same standard and the Welsh version will be available to Welsh speakers to the same extent as the English version will be available to English speakers. 4.6.2 Additional material may be produced in Welsh only for specific purposes. 4.6.3 Interviews for surveys will be held in Welsh and English, according to the choice of the interviewee. 4.6.4 Recruitment and advertising will be bilingual, which is co-ordinated centrally by the Board of CHCs in Wales’ Human Resources Manager via NHS Jobs. 5. Implementing and monitoring of the scheme 5.1 Staff and recruitment 5.1.1 The CHC recognises that the ability to speak Welsh is a valuable and valid skill, in order to fulfil its commitments in the scheme in accordance with 1.3 above. 5.1.2 The CHC, in conjunction with neighbouring CHCs and the Board of CHCs in Wales, will ensure it has enough bilingual staff to provide an appropriate service to the wider public in Wales. The CHC will ensure that there are staff available to deal with queries in Welsh and engage with the public of wales bilingually. 12 5.1.3 The CHC will identify posts where the Welsh language is essential or desirable. This will be done in an objective way. The criteria for this will be the nature of the post and the level of contact with the public in Wales. Any such identification will be included in the job descriptions and personal specifications. 5.1.4 The CHC will participate in language mentoring schemes and where possible, will address gaps in Welsh language provision. 5.2 Learning Welsh and Vocational Training 5.2.1 The CHC recognises and appreciates the effort of members of staff to learn and/or improve their Welsh. Appropriate support will be given to staff and members who wish to learn or improve their Welsh in accordance with the CHC training scheme. Priority will be given to staff who regularly deal with Welsh speaking members and members of the public or where their role requires that they speak Welsh in public on behalf of the CHC. This will be discussed with the staff as part of their development and training plan. 5.2.2 The CHC recognises the need to train some of its members and staff through the medium of Welsh and therefore will look favourably on reasonable requests.. 5.2.3 The CHC will assess Welsh medium training needs and will access training already available or (exceptionally) commission such training itself 5.2.4 This assessment and provision will be part of the Board of CHCs’ mainstream training for existing staff and will be an integral part of the induction of new staff 5.2.5 The CHC will ensure that : each member of staff will receive language awareness training – “Iechyd Da”; each member of staff able to speak Welsh will have the opportunity to improve their language skills in work where appropriate. 5.3 Administrative arrangements 13 5.3.1 The Chief Officer will be responsible for the overall implementation of the Scheme and report annually to the CHC Council and the Welsh Language Board. 5.3.2 The CHC will ensure that: the Welsh Language Scheme is implemented with its full authority ensure that everyone in the organisation is familiar with the Scheme, knows how it will be implemented and what is expected of them. Awareness sessions will be arranged throughout the organisation and staff will be notified regarding the relevance and importance of the practical aspects of the Scheme. The awareness of new staff will be raised further during the staff induction sessions. The CHC will ensure any equal opportunity training will also include language of choice. 5.3.3 The Scheme will be reviewed and amended every three years and a comprehensive evaluation report assessing performance over that period will be given to the Welsh Language Board. 5.4 Outside agencies The CHC will ensure that any agreements or arrangements made with any third party offering services to the public are in accordance with the principles and terms of this Scheme. Care will also be taken to ensure that any such agencies or contractors have the ability to implement all the relevant elements of this Scheme, and that they do so when offering services to the public. 5.5 Partnership working 5.5.1 If the CHC is the strategic leader in the partnership, it will ensure that the process of providing services to the public conforms to the Welsh Language Scheme. 5.5.2 When the CHC joins a partnership where the other body is the leader, the contribution of the CHC will conform to the Welsh Language Scheme and it will encourage, offer advice and support to other parties to conform. 14 5.5.3 When the CHC joins a partnership it will ask prospective partners for their welsh Language Scheme, their language policies, or the ways that they operate bilingually. Within any partnership, the CHC will offer advice and support to other partner organisations. 5.6 Monitoring the Scheme 5.6.1 The CHC will prepare internal progress reports regarding implementing the Scheme through a Welsh Language Scheme governance group. A report will then be presented annually to a meeting of the Council of the CHC in accordance with advice from the Welsh Language Board regarding ‘Reviewing the Implementation of the Scheme’. The aim of the review scheme will be to: measure whether the CHC conforms to the scheme; measure the CHC’s frontline service in Welsh; measure whether the CHC’s regulation/administration of the scheme is sufficient; measure the adequacy of language skills by comparing needs and resources; report on the steps taken to encourage Welsh language services; analyse performance according to priorities/targets A copy of this Report will be sent to the Welsh Language Board. 5.6.2 In the third year of implementing the scheme, the CHC will prepare a comprehensive evaluation report which will assess and evaluate performance regarding the implementation of the scheme. This report will: include the results of occasional reports seeking the opinions of Welsh speakers using the services for the range and standard of service provided through the medium of Welsh; • provide an overview of performance over the first three years of the scheme, from two perspectives – service provision and management of the scheme; • outline priorities for the next three years along with a revised timetable for implementing the measures in the scheme. 15 On this basis the CHC will review and revise the Welsh Language Scheme. The CHC will hold occasional surveys seeking the views of Welsh language speakers who use its services for the range and standard of service provided through the medium of Welsh. 5.7 Complaints 5.7.1 The CHC deals with complaints regarding the implementation of the Welsh language scheme promptly and in line with its corporate standards and procedures. 5.7.2 The CHC will report on the number of complaints received regarding the implementation of the Language Scheme and the percentage of complaints dealt with in accordance with the standards of the organisation. 5.7.3 Matters of concern that do not come under the category of formal complaints will be given appropriate attention. If a member of the public receives a response to a complaint regarding the implementation of the language scheme with which they are dissatisfied, this complaint may be referred to the Welsh Language Board, who will deal with the complaint in line with the complaints procedure in Section 18 of the Welsh Language Act 1993. 5.8 Section 17 Investigation If the Welsh Language Board was required to carry out an investigation in accordance with Section 17 of the Welsh Language Act, the CHC would be prepared to cooperate fully by providing information, reports, documents and explanation to the Welsh Language Board. The CHC is prepared to do so in writing or in person and the Welsh Language Board will discuss with: an officer employed by the CHC; a service provider through agreement with their employee; any individual assisting the CHC to carry out its services. 16 5.9 Publication of information regarding performance Information regarding performance will be published and available to members and to the public. This information may be a summary of the full report published for internal purposes. The CHC will explain the reasons for failing to meet targets and the steps put in place to remedy this. 5.10 Publication of the Scheme 5.10.1 CHC Members and CHC staff will be informed of this scheme and copies will be available for them. 5.10.2 Information and training regarding the scheme will be central to the induction of new members of staff. 5.11 Indicators / Timetable / Action Plan – Appendix 2 APPENDIX 1 Brecknock and Radnor CHC Contact Details Cllr Ken Harris, Co-opted Member, Brecknock & Radnor CHC Mr J David Adams, Chief Officer, Brecknock & Radnor CHC Brecknock & Radnor Community Health Council 17 Neuadd Brycheiniog Cambrian Way Brecon LD3 7HR Tel: 01874 624206 E-mail 18 APPENDIX 2 Brecknock and Radnor Community Health Council Welsh Language Scheme Timetable Task 1 2 Timetable Bilingual Stationery Telephone and answerphone greeting Bilingual Annual Report Office signs Bilingual Member / staff ID Badges Bilingual reports, leaflets, forms and explanatory material for the public Bilingual patient/public questionnaires: hardcopy Bilingual patient/public questionnaires: website Responding in Welsh to Welsh Public meeting notices Welsh speaker badges to staff/members Achieved Achieved 12 Bilingual standard letters for complaints and acknowledgement January 2012 13 Welsh spellchecker on PCs From Jan 2012 14 Bilingual website April 2012 15 16 Bilingual agenda and minutes Welsh speakers for private/individual meetings Welsh language awareness for staff Welsh language awareness for members Review essential/desirable in job descriptions in accordance with the Welsh Language April 2012 Achieved 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 17 18 19 Achieved Achieved Achieved Achieved October 2012 October 2012 Achieved Achieved Achieved Annually Annually April 2012 19 Responsible Officer 20 21 22 Board and the Welsh Language List of Welsh speakers List of Welsh learners Press releases 23 Assess the effect of new and revised policies and initiatives 24 Establish the language choice of service users Provide training and guidance for staff on how to deal with other meetings with Welsh speakers Language scheme requirements will be communicated clearly to ensure it is an integral part of service provision by others Publish guidance for staff about answering and dealing with phone calls from Welsh speakers Provide Welsh language training or improvement (gloywi) as appropriate in accordance with the CHC’s training scheme Where a complaint is made about a public body’s bilingual provision, provide the complainant with information about the Welsh Language Board’s complaints procedure The CHC will promote specific activities which are provided through the medium of Welsh so that Welsh speakers can choose to use them Audit the use of the Welsh language by CHC staff 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 Annual Monitoring Report to the Welsh Language Board Achieved Achieved Implement from November 2011 From the date of the Approval of the Scheme Achieved January 2012 Within six months of the scheme’s approval Implemented Available on request Achieved On going Audit annually from end December 2011 Annually 20