Chapter 1: Historical Perspectives on Work (1700-1950s) capitalism industrialization industrial society accumulation capitalist system of production power control inequality conflict mercantile capitalism commercial capitalism industrial capitalism feudal society Industrial Revolution pre-market economy pre-capitalist economy putting out system industrial mill gender-based division of labour great transformation staple products deindustrialization skilled craftworkers mode of production means of production social relations of production class conflict bourgeoisie proletariat petite bourgeoisie socialist society conflict perspective division of labour craftwork assembly-line factories social cohesion consensus approach bureaucracy Chapter 2: Contemporary Debates on Work (1950s to Present Day) managerial revolution managers postindustrial society knowledge workers creative class super creative core creative professionals new economy globalization industrial restructuring deindustrialization economic changes ideological changes new information and communications technologies cultural changes nonstandard or contingent work logic of industrialism thesis of economic, political, and cultural convergence newly industrializing countries subcontracting systems family enterprise market transition theory Keynesian economic principles interactive service work caring work emotional labour mobile workers telecommute hot-desk virtual teams power control inequality consensus conflict discipline surveillance self-disciplining Bourdieu’s field, habitus, and capital economic capital social capital cultural capital symbolic capital gendered capital reflexivity individualization Chapter 3: Canadian Employment Trends demographic shifts population aging baby-boom generation age distribution social safety nets visible diversity visible minority educational attainment lifelong learning learning organizations labour force participation unemployed job stability life-course perspective industry primary sector secondary sector tertiary sector service upper tier service lower tier service occupation skill type skill level blue-collar white-collar staple theory of economic growth Chapter 4: Good Jobs, Bad Jobs, No Jobs extrinsic job rewards occupational status intrinsic work rewards paid employees female-male earnings ratio gender wage gap income distribution low-income cutoff working poor employment benefits occupational status occupational prestige part-time work multiple-job holders self-employed own-account temporary own-account self-employment involuntary part-time workers temporary employment self-employed employers flextime job sharing unemployment rate discouraged workers cyclical unemployment frictional unemployment structural unemployment Chapter 5: Labour Markets: Opportunities and Inequality labour market human capital theory labour market segmentation theory supply side of labour demand side family socio-economic status (SES) equality of opportunity intergenerational transfer of advantage educational and occupational aspirations school-work transition studies cultural capital social capital extra-credential experiences status attainment research meritocracy primary labour market secondary labour market dual economy core sector periphery sector primary labour market secondary labour market job ghettos internal labour market ports of entry mobility chains labour market shelters professions market closure discrimination racially split labour market systemic discrimination age discrimination semi-autonomous workers initial proletarianization homogenization of labour segmentation of labour temporary foreign workers labour market polarization student labour market temporary/contract labour market income inequality working poor declining middle class Chapter 6: Gender and Paid Employment unpaid domestic labour social reproduction double day/ second shift household managers family wage male breadwinner female labour force participation individualization process occupational gender segregation job ghettos shelters life chances gender labelling feminization non-traditional jobs horizontal occupational gender segregation vertical segregation glass ceiling gender wage gap (female-male earnings ratio) real earnings wage discrimination gender-segregated structure human capital theory labour market segmentation theory homophily structure of opportunities sexual harassment employment equity systemic discrimination pay equity equal pay for work of equal value equal pay for equal work equal pay for similar work Chapter 7: Household, Family, and Caring Work household work unpaid work caregiving capitalism patriarchy housework caring and emotional work kin and community work domestic work social reproduction single-earner family dual-earner family lone-parent families time budget studies instrumental care or caring for expressive care or caring about childcare eldercare compassionate care kin work volunteer work work-family conflict role overload work-to-family conflict family-to-work conflict time-based conflict strain-based conflict behaviour-based conflict stratified hierarchies of reproduction Chapter 8: Organizing and Managing Work bureaucracy bureaucratic personality managerial authority rational-legal value system informal work groups piecework payment system mechanistic work organization organic work organization sociotechnical system privilege cost accounting management ideology scientific management Taylorism labour process perspective lean production corporate welfare industrial betterment human relations school of management compliance coercive management techniques utilitarian methods normative approaches informal group norms human resource development Chapter 9: In Search of New Managerial Paradigms paradigm new management literature decentralization of authority adhocracy matrix structure flattening of organizational structures flexibility emphasis on customers or clients empowerment of workers embracing of change tacit skills sociotechnical work design autonomous work teams quality of working life (QEL) job enlargement job enrichment job rotation autonomous work team quality circles total quality management organizational culture learning organizations flexible specialization functional flexibility numerical flexibility pay flexibility lean production re-engineering post-Fordist approach kaizen high-performance workplaces continuous bargaining Chapter 10: Conflict and Control in the Workplace labour process surplus value alienation simple control technical control bureaucratic control agency frontier of control responsible autonomy despotic organization of work hegemonic organization of work electronic control call centres enskilling substantive complexity decision-making autonomy multi-tasking multi-skilling informated work automated work economic determinism social determinism downsizing survivor syndrome participative management employee empowerment hyper-Taylorism neo-Taylorism social technologies Chapter 11: Union and Industrial Relations system of job regulation collective bargaining collective agreement managers of discontent union democracy iron law of oligarchy business unionism social unionism social movement unionism union wage premium monopoly collective voice craft unions labour market shelter international unions industrial unionism institutionalize conflict conciliation arbitration collective bargaining rights union shop union dues checkoff permanent exceptionalism union density collective bargaining coverage comparative industrial relations globalized production networks transnational union networks concession bargaining pay equity company union free-rider problem solidarity militancy institutionalized strike lockout unorganized conflict organized conflict wildcat strikes sympathy strike rotating strikes working-to-rule mobilization Chapter 12: Alternative Approaches to Economic Organization militancy class consciousness dual consciousness explosions of consciousness industrial fatality rates work-related injury and illness time-loss work injuries administrative model of regulation collective bargaining no-fault compensation systems internal responsibility system joint health and safety committees right to be involved right to refuse unsafe work right to be informed employer self-regulation industrial democracy representative democracy work councils codetermination dual representation system employee share ownership plans worker buyouts producer co-operatives Chapter 13: Work Values and Work Orientations values work orientations job satisfaction ideology of work humanist tradition latent functions of work manifest function of work stigma corporate social responsibility proletarian workers deferential workers instrumental work orientations privatized workers intrinsic work rewards extrinsic work rewards gender-role socialization employability skills employability skills profile personal management skills teamwork skills academic skills welfare dependency Chapter 14: Job Satisfaction, Alienation, and Work-Related Stress job satisfaction job dissatisfaction alienation work-related stress behavioural intention aging effect life-cycle effect self-selection gender model job model extrinsic work rewards intrinsic work rewards work organization features hygiene factios motivators two-facto theory technological determinism work and well-being work-related stress demand-control model job demands person-environment fit