TOURIST DEVELOPMENT COUNCIL MARCH 25, 2015 – 2:00 P.M. COURTYARD BY MARRIOTT, COCOA BEACH The Tourist Development Council met on March 25, 2015 at 2:00 p.m. The meeting was held at the Courtyard By Marriott, Cocoa Beach. Members present were: Chairwoman Laurilee Thompson, Vice Chairman Mayor William Capote, Vice Mayor Walt Johnson, Commissioner Robin Fisher, Tom Williamson, Jim Ridenour, Tim Deratany. Absent member was Bob Baugher. TDC Staff present: Eric Garvey, Kalina Person, Candace Narmore, Stacy Delano, Danny Czerwinski. WELCOME AND INTRODUCTIONS –CHAIRMAN LAURILEE THOMPSON Guests present were: Becky Behl-Hill, Assistant County Attorney; Tom Hermansan, Ocean Partners; Rusty Buchanan, Space Coast Sports; Neta Harris, Brevard Nature Alliance; Neil Levine, Brevard Cultural Alliance; Linda Brandt, Brandt Ronat; Wayne Belden, John Belden, Space Coast Fun Guide; Chip Eickmann, Mike McBride, Rebecca Crisafulli, McBride Marketing Group; Emily Kruse, Kim Isemann, Lorri Shaban, TWsquared; Lori Helton, District 3 Commission Office; Mike McGarry, Office of Natural Resources; Vickie Northrup, Palm Bay Chamber; Barbara McManus, Michigan State University; Keith Winsten, Brevard Zoo; Terry Grillo, Brevard Natural Resources; Samantha Senger, City of Cocoa; Dave Berman, Florida Today; Dave Seehafer, Boards and Waves Expo. APPROVAL OF AGENDA: Board members were asked to disclose any Conflict of Interest with any agenda items and/or any business relationships between the Board. None were disclosed. ACTION: Ridenour moved to approve the Tourist Development Council March 25, 2015 meeting agenda with no changes. Capote seconded the motion and the motion was unanimously approved. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: ACTION: Ridenour moved to approve the Tourist Development Council minutes of January 28, 2015. Johnson seconded the motion and the minutes were unanimously approved. CAPITAL FACILITIES COMMITTEE REPORT – WALT JOHNSON Johnson reported the Capital Facilities Committee met on February 20, 2015. There was discussion on the $2.5 million cost estimate for the design, construction and operation of an Interstate 95 Visitor Information Center (VIC) located north of Titusville came in way over the anticipated amount for construction. Also of concern was the importance of not loosing the Florida Department of Transportation I-95 Visitor Center agreement. Garvey presented a plan to revise the I-95 Visitor Information Center project and in its place develop a project and program scope for a Gateway and Information Network. After looking at how modern travelers receive and consume information, Garvey agreed with the recommendation of the Capital Faclities Committee to create a Space Coast Gateway. This Space Coast Gateway would consist of an art-inspired monument, the shape of which resonates with the character of the county - space, nature, beaches - and would be fully interactive with a Space Coast mobile app. Williamson said that when revising the plan at the minimum some type of beautification needs to be done to the rest stop area. ACTION: Johnson moved to recommend the TDC revise the 1-95 Visitor Information Center project and in its place develop a project and program scope for a Gateway and Information Network. Ridenour seconded the motion and the motion was unanimously approved. Johnson stated the Capital Facilities Committee reveiwed the FY 2015 Capital Facilities Financial Report and the FY 2014-15 Capital Facilities budget and recommended TDC approval.. ACTION: Johnson moved to approve the FY 2015 Capital Facilities Financial Report and the FY 2014-15 Capital Facilities budget. Capote seconded the motion and the motion was unanimously approved. Johnson stated the Capital Facilities Committee recommends the TDC conduct a Destination Product Assessment. Johnson moved to approval to conduct a Destination Product Assessment which will evaluate current tourism product on the Space Coast, identify gaps and determine in priority order the recommended best opportunities for Capital Facilities projects. Priority list should cite relevant examples in other communities and provide an initial estimate of tourism impact and return-on-investment. Capital Facilities Funds shall be placed on hold until Destination Product Assessment report is submitted and approved by committee and TDC. Ridenour seconded the motion and the motion was unanimously approved. MARKETING COMMITTEE REPORT – ERIC GARVEY Website Update: A detailed report was included in the packet. Website Development Project Update: Czerwinski said the wireframe and style guide has been approved so they are in the process of building a prototype. The prototype should be built in approximately one week. The next step will be to review the prototype internally and present it to the Marketing Committee. Garvey said the next step will be to schedule Marketing Committee to review the prototype and if approved it will then go to build out. Czerwinski said after the prototype is approved it will take approximately 15 weeks to build out. Advertising Update: Person gave the advertising update. Trade Show Reports: The following travel/trade show reports were included in the packet: Tampa Outdoor Expo and Tourism Day in Tallahassee. Sales Action Team and Film Activity Report: The Sales Action Team update and a Film activity report was included in the packet. TWsquared Public Relations Report: Lori Shaban gave the public relations report. A detailed report was included in the packet. SPORTS COMMISSION – TIM DERATANY Rusty Buchanan, Space Coast Sports gave the sports activity update. A detailed report was included in the packet. CULTURAL COMMITTEE – TOM WILLIAMSON Neil Levine, BCA, gave an update on cultural activities. BEACH IMPROVEMENT COMMITTEE Mike McGarry gave a beach renourshment update. McGarry reported that Brevard County will receive a national award for the North Reach beach renourishment project from the American Shore and Beach Preservation Association (ASBPA). The North Reach encompasses the beaches along Cocoa Beach and Cape Canaveral. McGarry explained the award recognizes the Cocoa Beach/Cape Canaveral area for being one of four U.S. beaches named a 2014 "Best Restored Beach". McGarry said he and Brevard County Commission Vice Chair Jim Barfield will be among the county officials meeting with congressional staffers in Washington DC to discuss the importance of beach restoration. A new Emergency Operations Center for the Space Coast will also be part of their discussions. DIRECTOR’S REPORT – ERIC GARVEY Tourist Tax Data and Statistics Report: Garvey stated the Tourist Tax Data and Statistics report is a financial reporting model that has been developed to deliver a better analysis of the tax collections. This report will be provided to the TDC on a monthly basis and in the future will be included in your advance packet. This report includes historical “Tax Data and Statistics” for the month ending November 30, 2014. The data in this report is grouped in accordance with guidelines as prescribed in Florida Statues. This report will provide you with the following information: 1) Tourist Tax Collections by Area 2) Tourist Tax Collections by Type 3) Titusville Area by Type 4) Cocoa Beach Area by Type 5) Cocoa-Merritt Island-Rockledge Area by Type 6) Melbourne Beach Area by Type 7) Melbourne-Viera-Palm Bay Area by Type 8) Tourist Tax Collections by Type by Area. 9) Revenue Analysis for FY13, FY14 and YTD FY15 10) Two Year Comparison by Area 11) Two Year Comparison by Area 12) Three Year Comparison by Area Chart 13) Three Year Comparison by Area Stacked Chart Tax Revenue Report: Garvey stated that staff has developed an Expenditure Detail Report which will report monthly where tourist tax funds are being spent. The monthly Expenditure Detail Report will expand to a quarterly Statement of Activities by Line Item Report that will include revenue and expenses for the quarter and will be presented on the third month in the following quarter for the preceding quarter. The TDC will be asked to approve the Statement of Activities by Line Item Report and it will reconcile to the Brevard County SAP system. McGladrey has reviewed the report and agrees that it is acceptable and will meet our needs. The Budget vs. Actual Tourist Tax Revenue Report will be presented on a monthly basis and will show the current Tourist Tax Collections and compares the actual tax collections to the budgeted tax collections for the year. This report also includes a comparison to the previous fiscal year’s tourist tax collections. Jill Reyes, McGladrey, talked about a process to deliver more timely financial reports to the TDC. Staff is working very hard to develop operating reports so you can see where the money is being spent. This requires a different process to be set up. A solution has been ratified with McGladrey, she will bring that before the audit board to once the solution of the new reporting proves to be acceptable and reconciles to the Brevard County SAP system. These reports will serve as the solution to the problem noted in the previous audit of an absence of quarterly financial reporting to the TDC and will allow TDC members to perform mandatory fiduciary duties. Brevard County Tourism Workshop: Ridenour said he would like to see the Brevard County Tourism Workshop moved because many in the tourism industry will be in Tallahassee for Tourism Day. ACTION: Ridenour moved to ask the County Manager to change the date of the BOCC Tourism Workshop to accommodate TDC members who will be attending Tourism Day in Tallahassee on March 12, 2015. Williamson seconded the motion and the motion was unanimously approved. Space Coast Stadium: The Nationals will definitely be here through 2016 but we won’t know for seven or eight months whether or not they will to be here in 2017. It is important to look at what BOCC is going to do if or when baseball leaves. Commissioner Fisher stated the United States Specialty Sports Association (USSSA) is interested in moving its national headquarters from Kissimmee to the Space Coast Stadium. USSSA is among the largest multisports athletic organization in the world. This non-profit nationally governs 13 amateur sports. USSSA made a presentation to the BOCC and having the organization here could generate 75,000 hotel room nights during its first year of operation in Brevard, growing to 100,000 by year three. The BOCC unanimously voted to immediately engage in talks with USSSA officials. Fisher said the organization could bring 200 to 300 teams per week to the Space Coast. Discover Cuba: Mayor Capote said an easing of trade with Cuba has the potential to allow for tourism between the two nations one day. Obama's action authorizes trade with Cuban private companies in building materials for private homes, goods for entrepreneurs and farm equipment for small farmers. These changes announced by Obama would immediately allow travel licenses for family visits, journalists, professional research and professional meetings, educational and religious activities, performances and athletic competitions, humanitarian projects and certain trade-related activities. The Cocoa Beach Chamber is organizing a trip to Cuba at the cost of $4,000. Mayor Capote recommended sending someone from the TDC to Cuba. ACTION: Williamson moved to approve $4,000 for TDO/Garvey to attend Chamber Explorations “Discover Cuba”. Capote seconded the motion and the motion was unanimously approved. OTHER BUSINESS: The meeting adjourned at 4:30 p.m.