Ugland Marine Services AS Environmental Report 2013 File ref. 080.00 Prep: JAD Document1 Checked: AOK Approved: ØB 1/11 Table of contents 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Scope Fuel consumption and air emissions Cylinder oil Environmental impact from Office Operation: 2011 – 2013 Global Reporting Initiative - Environmental Environmental – Targets and improvement Programs 2013 Oil Spill 2013 2/11 1 Scope The purpose of this section is to present the company vessel and office environmental performance. In the report some of the more significant aspects are recorded for the latest period and compared with previous data. The report is compiled to include environmental elements in accordance to Global Reporting Initiative 2013 (GRI – G4) 2 Fuel consumption and air emissions The main consumers of fuel oil and lube oil on board are the main and auxiliary engines producing propulsion and electric/hydraulic energy. Boilers may also in some instances be significant consumers. Fuel consumption as follows is reported for the UMS bulk fleet. 3/11 The specific energy consumption from our vessels compared with other means of transport is shown in the table below. Energy Use Wh/tonnekm UMS vessels 2009/2010/2011/2012/2013 20.19/19.31/17.86/17.17/15,04 Rail Electric 43 4/11 Rail - Diesel Heavy Truck Boeing 747-400 67 180 2000 5/11 The air emissions resulting from combustion and burning of fuel oil from our vessels compared with other means of transport are illustrated below. Emissions (g/tonnekm) UMS vessels 2009/2010/2011/2012/2013 Rail Electric Rail - Diesel Heavy Truck Boeing 747-400 CO2 5.59/5.34/4.94/4.69/4,19 18 17 50 552 SOX 0.091/0.092/0.089/0.083/0.070 0.01 0.00005 0.00006 0.17 NOX 0.180/0.172/0.159/0.151/0,135 0.044 0.35 0.31 5.69 3 Cylinder oil The vessels have for some time been in a supervised program for controlled reduction of specific cylinder oil consumption. For most vessels noticeable savings have been achieved. The graph gives litres of cylinder oil relative tonnes of fuel. 6/11 4 Environmental impact from office operation: 2011 - 2013 The office operation consumes energy for heating, lighting and cooling purposes in addition to other office equipment (office machines/computers etc.). The consumed energy is virtually only electric power. An oil fired boiler is provided as backup, and tested at regular intervals for contingency purposes. The raw materials consumed are mainly paper and tap water. Office equipment and utensils contribute to a lesser degree. Achieved 2011 - 2013: Energy - Electric Power, 2011 - 2013 600000 500000 kWh 400000 2011 300000 2012 200000 2013 100000 0 Electrical power regular 7/11 Electrical power occasional Total electric power consumption 2013 is increased by 8,8 % from 2012. This is believed caused by the very cold spring in Norway during most of Q2-2013. The total electric power consumption is also increased due to 13% additional office area, which is rented by AS Nymo from September 2013. Kg Raw Materials Paper Usage, 2011 - 2013 2000 1800 1600 1400 1200 1000 800 600 400 200 0 2011 2012 2013 Printing/writing paper Mail,magazines and newspapers Other paper Total paper usage in 2013 is on the same level as in 2012, but down 6,5 % compared to 2011, and reduced by 18 % from 2010. This is a result of several actions; one being double sided copying aimed to reduce paper usage and secondly increased use of electronic media/own website as alternative to paper brochures etc. Raw Materials Water Consumption, 2011 - 2013 600000 500000 Litres 400000 2011 300000 2012 200000 2013 100000 0 Main water Garden water Water consumption has increased by 38,3 % in 2013 compared to 2012. This is caused by the unusual hot and dry summer/autumn in 2013 compared to the year before and in an attempt to maintain the grounds thorough watering. 8/11 Total release of CO2, 2011 - 2013 250000 200000 Kg 150000 100000 50000 0 2011 2012 2013 Reporting of releases to air is limited to the effect of employees travel activities, where CO2 emissions are accounted for, and the use of the oil fired boiler. This boiler has only been test fired in the last years. Office staff is recommended not to use air transport for business in the Oslo area and encouraged to use the public long distance bus and or train transportation offered. The total release of CO2 is decreased by 12,5 % in 2013 compared to 2012. A significant portion of the total CO2 releases are caused by short distance air flights linked to the increased overall activity of the company, including the company reentering the offshore supply vessel market, contracting a new PSV and cooperation with an external investors. Kg Releases to land, 2011 - 2013 9000 8000 7000 6000 5000 4000 3000 2000 1000 0 2011 2012 2013 The total releases to land increased by about 53 % in 2013 compared to 2012. This is caused by a major review of the main office archive material in 2013 and removal of files of no historic value and or outdated documents . The waste of food is decreased by 23,5% in 2013 9/11 5 Global Reporting Initiative (GRI-G4) 2013 – Category: Environmental GRI – G4 EN3 - Energy Consumption within the Organization a) b) c) d e) f) g) Total fuel consumption (ships) from non-renewable sources 2013 (11 vsl) Total fuel consumption from renewable sources 2013 Total electricity consumption (office) 2013 Total energy sold Total energy consumption (ship and shore) Methodology: Continuous reporting of actual values Source: DnV Services laboratory analysis of fuel energy content 2085 TJ None 1,724 TJ N/A 2086,7 TJ GRI – G4 EN6 - Reduction of Energy Consumption a) b) c) d Reduction of energy consumption (14 vsl/2010 - 11vsl/2013) Type(s) of energy (ships/office) Baseline for calculation Methodology: Continuous reporting of actual values 1099 TJ Fuel oil/Electricity 2010 - 2013 GRI – G4 EN8 – Total water withdrawal by source a) b) Total water withdrawn from municipal water supply Methodology: Continuous reporting of actual values 421 mT GRI – G4 EN23 – Total volume of Waste a) b) Total volume of hazardous and non-hazardous waste (ship) Source: Disposed directly by the Organisation and actual values reported. 796 m3 GRI – G4 EN24 – Significant spills a) b) c) Total number and volume of significant spills Location and material Impact of significant spills NIL N/A N/A 6 Environment - Targets and Improvement Programs 2013 Vessels: 1. Bunker consumption (Bulk/PSV). The bunker consumption has been monitored and recorded in 2013 as has been the case in previous years. Consumption has been compared to previous results. However as most of the vessels are on TC, no specific target has been established. 2. Hull resistance 1 (Bulk). A group has during 2012 investigated the cost and gains of improved ship bottom paint. It has been decided to apply a high efficient type antifouling on a number of ships. This has been continued during 2013. The new type of antifouling is expected to have a positive environmental effect in terms of reduced fuel consumption and 10/11 subsequently less emission to air. (First indication are promising) 3. Hull resistance 2 (Bulk). An evaluation is presently on-going to consider power (Torque meter) versus speed in order to follow-up and compare hull underwater condition and treatments. 4. Cylinder oil scrapedown (Bulk). A program is on-going with ExxonMobile to reduce the consumption of cylinder lub oil. This is done by monitoring the level of wear particles in the oil and optimizing the feed rate accordingly. The goal is to include new buildings in the program after the run-in period. 5. Autopilot adjustment.(Bulk/PSV) A program to monitor use/(effect) of autopilot adjustment has been run during 2013 where the Technical Advisers will follow up progress during their stay on board a vessel. 6. Ozone depleting gases.(Fleet) The goal in 2013 is to get rid of all Ozone Depleting Gases (R-22) on board the vessels. Only one vessel left (Fermita). 7. Chemicals (Fleet). Work will continue to reduce the number of chemicals in use on board the fleet, and to replace certain chemicals with more environmental friendly substances. Office: 1. Punctured windows and outer door from canteen were replaced during 2012. Further replacement of punctured windows and two outer doors at ground floor will be replaced in 2013. The target of reduced consumption of electric power is by 3% in 2013, compared to the consumption in 2012. 2. Reduce the paper consumption in office operation by increased use of electronic media/own web-site. 3. Reduce release to land – waste of food – by 5 % in 2013 compared to 2012. 4. Monitoring existing parameters for environmental impacts from office operation, and initiate necessary action against unwanted increase in pollution. 7 Oil spill 2013 There is not reported any oil spill to sea during 2013. 11/11