1 Junior/Senior Honors Project Guideline Bouvé College of Health Sciences School of Pharmacy University Honors Program The Junior/Senior Honors Project is a culminating experience in a student’s academic career. It is an opportunity for students to work with a faculty member to explore issues and topics of research interest. This requirement satisfies the college project distinction requirements of the University Honors Program. Eligibility Honors students are eligible to complete the project during their junior or senior years (4th and 5th year of the PharmD program). If you are not a member of the University Honors Program, you may petition for admission if you have a cumulative 3.60 QPA and have an academic plan to complete the junior/senior honors project as defined below. Contact the University Honors Program at 150 West Village F (617-373-2333 or www.honors.neu.edu). Completion of the Junior/Senior Honors Project for students graduating in 2006 and beyond requires eight credits of academic independent research (PMDU, PSCU, or TOXU 4970 and 4971). A student should discuss these options with his or her academic advisor and the School of Pharmacy honors advisor (currently Professor Jennifer Kirwin). The following procedures outline the major steps required to complete the Junior/Senior Honors Project. Procedures 1. Decide on an honors project and faculty research advisor with the approval of the School of Pharmacy Honors Advisors. Students should meet first with the School of Pharmacy honors advisor early in the semester that precedes the first semester for the project to explore the various options for conducting an honors project. Students will then be directed to discuss these options with a discipline-suitable faculty member who will serve as the student’s research advisor. The selection of a research advisor to direct the project is generally based on a student’s interest in a faculty member’s research or interest in a class taken with a specific faculty member. The student’s research advisor will be responsible for assessing progress, advising, and recommending the final grade. 2. Prepare the project proposal and supporting materials: Students are expected to submit: Junior/Senior Honors Project Approval Form (see last page) A project proposal that identifies the research hypotheses and the methodological approach of the research (see below) A research schedule detailing targeted dates for completing various stages of the project. Preparing the Project Proposal. In consultation with the research advisor, the student will prepare a project proposal. The proposal should be no more than four typed pages (not including bibliography) and should generally cover the areas listed below. Project Overview and Focus – State your central research question, and list hypotheses. Research Significance – Explain the significance or importance of your research. Why is the research question you are asking important? This part of the proposal should describe the broader context for your project. It typically reviews the relevant literature and general context for your research question. Last Update January 2010 1 2 Research Methodology and Resources – Explain how you will study and answer your research question. What is your research methodology (e.g., interviews, surveys, etc.) and/or what kind of resources will you need to complete your project? As part of this section, briefly describe the schedule of activities you will engage in to complete your project. Bibliography – List scholarly materials (e.g., books and journal articles) that are relevant to your research. 3. Submit Project Proposal and supporting materials to research advisor and School of Pharmacy Honors Advisor. Students must allow adequate time for review by the School of Pharmacy honors advisor and the research advisor. Students should be approved for their projects by the final exam week in the semester preceding the beginning of the project credit. 4. Submission of Approved Project Materials to Honors Program Office. The School of Pharmacy Honors Advisor will send a list of approved projects to the Honors Program Office during exam week of the semester preceding the beginning of the project credit. The list includes project title, student name and ID number, semesters approved for credit and student email address. The Pharmacy Honors advisor will send the student an approval letter (with a copy to the research advisor and School of Pharmacy honors advisors). The Pharmacy Honors Advisor will use a Directed Study Form to register the student for the appropriate credit (PMDU, PSCU, or TOXU 4970 and 4971 are assigned for the eight-credit research projects). 5. Conduct your research and prepare a written report. Students are strongly encouraged to submit the research project for presentation at a professional meeting (in poster format, etc.) or in appropriate journals. Students will also be asked to participate in the University Honors Evening, a poster session held at the end of each Spring semester. 6. Submit a Copy of the Research Project and Appropriate Correspondence. To obtain the distinction: The student must submit a copy of the completed research project to the Honors Program Office in PDF electronic format only by the last week of the semester prior to graduation. Submission guidelines and exact dates are available on the Honors Program website under Junior/Senior Honors Project forms (www.honors.neu.edu) A copy must also be submitted to the research advisor and to the School of Pharmacy honors advisor by the end of final exams in the spring semester of the senior year (5th year of the PharmD program). If a copy of the research project in PDF format is not received, the Honors Program Office cannot post the earned Honors Program distinction to the student’s transcript. Last Update January 2010 2 3 Funding Opportunities: Talk to your research advisor about the need for funding to complete your research. Some possible resources are listed below; your research advisor may be able to recommend discipline-specific resources. Provost Undergraduate Research Grant The Provost's Office is sponsoring a number of undergraduate research projects during the 2008-2009 academic year. Awards up to a maximum of $1,000 are provided to support student research such as purchase of supplies, software, reference books, or travel to research sites and to present work at professional meetings. Team research is also supported and, in appropriate cases, the award amount is larger than the single-student maximum. Students who wish to be considered should first discuss possible topics with their faculty sponsor. For more information please go to: http://www.northeastern.edu/research/students/undergraduate_research/grants/ Honors Program Funding (more info at www.honors.neu.edu) Students who are approved for their Junior/Senior Honors Project may apply for the Honors Senior Fellow,Gladys Brooks Award or a Junior/Senior Honors Grant. Applications are available in the spring semester with a deadline near the end of the semester. See the Honors website for additional details. Last Update January 2010 3 4 Junior/Senior Honors Project Approval Form Bouvé College of Health Sciences School of Pharmacy University Honors Program This form does not create project credit. Rather, academic credit for the project is created by the University Honors Program using a Directed Study Form after receipt of (1) a signed Junior/Senior Honors Project Approval Form and (2) a copy of the approved research project proposal. Student Name: ___________________________________ Student ID:______________________________ Local Mailing Address: ________________________________________________________________________________________ Phone Number: _________________________ E-Mail Address: ___________________________________ Major: Project Option: ______ Pharmacy _____ Eight Credits of Research ______ Toxicology List Semesters for Research Project: Term: ____________ Year: _______ Term:____________ Year:_______ Research Project Information: Title of Research Project: __________________________________________________________________________________________ Brief Description of Research Project: __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ Required Signatures: _____________________________________ Research Advisor Signature _____________________________________ School of Pharmacy Honors Advisor Last Update January 2010 ________________________________________ Printed Name & Date ________________________________________ Printed Name & Date 4