High School FCCLA Officer Application This form completed is due

High School FCCLA Officer Application
This form completed is due no later than Friday August 31, 2012. You may complete this on line and return it to
Mrs. Nuzum or complete a hard copy and return it to Mrs. Nuzum. Please read the other page for information
about being an officer and the details about each office.
Name of Applicant: _________________________________________
Answer yes or no to each of the following questions:
Previously an officer in FCCLA ___________
Completed Power of One_______________
Participation in Star Event______________
Attend state leadership meeting_________
Participate in a state project activity______
Participate in a national project activity____
Office that you are applying for: _________________________________
Short Answer questions about FCCLA:
What are the FCCLA colors: __________________________
What is the FCCLA state theme for this year: _____________________________
Name one of the FCCLA state programs: __________________________________
Name one of the FCCLA National programs: _______________________________
Short Answer:
You are on an elevator and someone sees that you are wearing a FCCLA tee shirt, they want to know what
FCCLA is all about. What will you say? You are able to speak for one minute to them.
Why are you willing to give your personal time to being an integral part of FCCLA?
What should be the main goal of the Northwestern FCCLA chapter this school year?
Officer Details
Section 1: Officer Qualifications
The local organization shall have elected officers.
Officer must be a currently active and dues paying local chapter, state, and national member.
The member must have had a minimum of one FCS course.
Section 2: Officer Nomination and elections
Each member applying for an office will pick up a nomination form and complete it by a given date.
All Officers will be elected in an anonymous manner. Members will NOT be told whom they are voting for.
Each officer will hold only one office unless there is no one that meets the officer requirements and applies for the
office. In such a case an officer may hold more than one office with the exception of president.
Officers may hold the same office in subsequent years.
If the member is running for a high school office, the member must have been an officer at the Middle School level or
an active member for no less than one school year.
All members attending a regular scheduled meeting will be permitted to vote for officers.
Section 3: Officer Responsibilities
The essential function of the local FCCLA Chapter council shall be program development, program implementation and public
relations at the local level.
1. The President shall preside over all business meetings of the organization.
2. The Vice-President shall assume responsibility in the absence of the president and shall keep the minutes of all
chapter meetings.
3. The Treasurer shall assume responsibility for the money collected through Fund raising Events and community service
events. The treasurer shall be responsible for all money related activities the chapter partakes in. The treasurer shall
be responsible for keeping financial records for the chapter. The treasurer shall be responsible for all members
paying dues.
4. The Chair Person of Community Service shall provide leadership in planning and implementing the organization’s
community service programs.
5. The Chair Person of Membership shall provide leadership in planning and implementing programs for membership
promotion and development. He or she shall provide leadership in planning and implementing the organization’s
public relations. He or she will be responsible for the Chapter showcase located in the main hall of the school
6. The Chair Person of a specific National or State project shall provide leadership in planning and implementing the
organization’s national or state program activity. (There will be one officer for every state and national project that
the local chapter selects to do during the year.)
7. The officer must attend 90% of the scheduled meetings throughout the school year.
8. An officer must not receive the letter grade of “F” as a semester grade in any classes. If the officer does not fulfill this
requirement, he or she will be placed on probation and if the grade does not improve by next interim, he or she will
be required to step down.
9. The officer must participate in Power of One, a star event or Outstanding Chapter.
Section 4: Officer Council Responsibilities
The essential function of the local FCCLA Chapter council shall be program development, program implementation and public
relations at the local level.
The Chapter Executive Council shall have the following responsibilities:
1. Review the aims and objectives of the national program of Family, Career and Community Leaders of America.
2. Recommend the establishment of programs, projects and activities.
3. Plan the program for the chapter meetings.
4. Interpret and advocate the goals and program activities of Family, Career and Community Leaders of America to
groups and individuals within and outside the organization.
List of Offices to apply for
President- preside over all meetings
Treasurer- shall assume responsibility for the money collected through Fund raising Events and
community service events. The treasurer shall be responsible for all money related activities
the chapter partakes in. The treasurer shall be responsible for keeping financial records for the
chapter. The treasurer shall be responsible for all members paying dues.
Vice President- shall assume responsibility in the absence of the president and shall keep the
minutes of all chapter meetings.
Chair Person of membership- provide leadership in planning and implementing programs for
membership promotion and development. He or she shall provide leadership in planning and
implementing the organization’s public relations. He or she will be responsible for the Chapter
showcase located in the main hall of the school building.
Community Service- Chili Cook Off, Ronald McDonald House
Financial Fitness- Children Activity Book for money
Student Body- work with SADD on a tailgate or Olympics
Stop the Violence- Peace Rally
FREEDOM- Operation Evergreen
Cancer- Cupcakes for Cancer (Craft Show sale)