Prioritization Scoring Template Pre

Project Scoring Template
Pre-Construction Phase – New Core/Branch Campus Projects
New core/Branch Campus Projects
Local contribution (#1)
Title I Percentage of the Inter-District Cooperative (#2)
Cohort Projections for Enrollment (#6)
Programs Offered at Temporary Locations (#7)
High Demand Programs (#9)
Partnerships Identified(#10)
Score received_____/ 10 Points
Score received_____/ 5 Points
Score received_____/ 30 Points
Score received_____/ 30 Points
Score received_____/ 10 Points
Score received_____/ 15 Points
Total Combined Score ______ / 100 Points
Priority Scoring Criteria Descriptions
The applicable Priority Criteria for a skill center’s project is described below. Note: Numbered criteria
refer to the Skill Center Capital Manual. Criteria will be scored by a group of school facility experts and
representatives from OSPI School Facilities and Organization.
You must complete all parts of this template highlighted in yellow.
Criteria One: Local Contribution
The project will be scored based on the amount of local contribution that will be provided for the
project based on the range identified below. When a waiver is being sought, the project’s inclusion into
the OSPI Capital Budget Request is dependent on the Superintendent’s approval of the waiver.
% Local Contribution
10 Points
8 Points
4 Points
Local Contribution = _____ ______ Points (10 Point Maximum)
Attach a local contribution form needs to be provided.
Criteria Two: Title I Percentage of the Inter-District Cooperative Member Districts
The project will be scored based on the Free and Reduced Price Lunch (FRPL) of the skill center cohort.
OSPI will calculate FRPL applications to total enrollment percentage for each district of the inter-district
cooperative. OSPI will also determine the percentage of students from each district that make up the
total skill center enrollment. Each cooperative member school district’s FRPL percentage will be
weighted by their enrollment percentage of the skill center.
5 Points
4 Points
2 Points
0 Points
Title I Percentage: ______  ______ Points (5 Point Maximum)
Criteria Six: Cohort Projections for Enrollment
The project will be scored based on the estimated amount of skill center growth or decline. OSPI will
compile current and projected enrollment for the skill center and member school districts. Using
WAC 392.343.045 to determine how to project enrollment three to five years into the future, OSPI will
determine the enrollment of grades 11 and 12 from all the member districts in the skill center
cooperative. Using a three year average of skill center enrollment information (the October headcount),
OSPI will determine the percentage of students attending the skill center from each member school
district. This percentage is individually applied to each school district of the cooperative to determine
future enrollment.
For new Core or Branch campuses that have no enrollment history, OSPI will follow the same process as
existing skill center campuses as described above, but OSPI will either use information from the
feasibility study or equivalent information to project enrollment.
The percentage of change in enrollment from the current school year to a three to five year projection
will derive scoring for this section based on a range.
If Negative Projected Cohort Decline
-6 to -10
3 Points
0 to -5 6 Points
Cohort Projection = ______ % Decline  ______ Points
If Positive Projected Cohort Growth
Cohort Projection =______ % Growth X 3 + 4 = ______ Points (30 Point Maximum)
Criteria Seven: Temporary Locations
The project will be scored based on the number of temporary locations which the project addresses.
Seven points are awarded for each current program being offered in a temporary location. A temporary
location can include an off campus site (e.g. leased), a portable, and on campus area not constructed or
acquired for instructional purposes (e.g. storage area, garage).
If a program is currently being held in a portable building and counted as a temporary location; the same
portable, housing a temporary program, cannot be counted in the future for a point in this category.
The intent is to create permanent space to replace temporary accommodations.
Type of Temporary Location
Programs offered at temporary locations ____ X 6 Points = _____ Points (30 Point Maximum)
Criteria Nine: Local Area and Statewide Demand Programs
The project score will be based on each program (associated with the project) receiving a
maximum of two points by being identified as either a local area demand program or a
statewide demand program–but not both. The programs must have a logical nexus with the
demand occupation it is being identified with.
Local Area Demand Program
Local area demand programs are programs that have been identified by the Washington State
Employment Security Department as providing for local area demand occupations in a skill
center service area. The lists for local area demand occupations can be found at
List each local area demand program followed by the relevant local area demand occupation(s).
Statewide Demand Program
Statewide demand programs are programs that prepare students for high demand occupations per
RCW 28A.700.020. The list of high demand occupations can be found at
List each statewide high demand program followed by the relevant high demand occupation(s).
Local Area Demand Programs ______+ Statewide Demand Programs ______ =____ Total Programs
Total Programs X 2 Points= _____ TOTAL Points (10 Point Maximum)
Criteria Ten: Partnerships Identified
The project score will be based on partnerships from: a) the community (e.g. local governments, clubs,
non-profits and community leaders, etc.); b) post-secondary organizations (e.g. colleges and trade
schools); and c) labor and business partnerships (e.g. specific businesses, unions, rotaries and trade
association which providing a contribution such as in-kind services, equipment donations or other
investments). Each partnership can only be awarded one point with a maximum point value for this
criterion of 15 points.
Type of Partnership
Number of Partnerships
a) Community
______ (Maximum of 5 points)
b) Post-secondary
______ (Maximum of 3 points)
c) Labor and business
______ (Maximum of 7 points)
TOTAL Partnerships=
______ Points (15 Point Maximum)
Attach a letter of support for each identified partnership or a signed resolution by skill center
administrative council acknowledging particular partnerships.