EXTRACURRICULAR ACTIVITY GUIDELINES 2012-2013 To ensure student safety and for budgetary reasons, please follow the procedures below with all before or after school clubs/sports/activities: 1. The purpose of extracurricular activities/sports is so students have the opportunity to participate in and take pride in THEIR school beyond the academic day. School expectations should still be followed. 2. Club activities reach the part of the brain that school classrooms often do not reach and learning still goes on. These clubs help us to reach the “whole child” using other multiple intelligences. They can also provide academic support. Remember to teach and reach the MARS expectations while leading these activities. 3. A parent permission form should go home for parent signature with interested students at least a week prior to the first student meeting. The form should indicate to the sponsor how the student will get home each night: activity bus, walk, parent/family pickup. If a permission form has not been returned, the child should not stay for the activity until this form is in hand. 4. Each club should have at least 5 students participating in order for the club/activity to be held 5. The activity bus driver will need a copy of your roster with the bus riders’ names, addresses and phone numbers on a daily basis when the club/activity has bus riders. The sponsor must walk the students to the bus and give the copy of the list to the driver. Please have your students to the bus by 5:40 p.m. 6. Please discourage students who are involved in interscholastic sports (track, wrestling, basketball, volleyball) during their sports season from being in other after school activities. These athletes need to be at practice each day OR get their coaches permission otherwise. ALSO, students involved in academic tutoring must attend these classes as these are a priority for our school and students. 7. Academic tutoring is held Monday through Thursday from 3:50-5:40 p.m. There is a permission slip that must be signed and turned into the tutoring coordinator for the tutoring. It is available in English and Spanish. 8. The activity sponsor should turn in a copy of the activity attendance roster to Christina so that if questions arise from parents, the office has the correct information. This also gives us information as to who is in the building after hours and is data for our MSAP and Title I plans. 9. Based on the district M.S. Handbook, students participating in interscholastic sports cannot compete if the athlete has more than one “D” in any subject or one or more “F’s”. An “I” grade is considered an “F”. S/he can practice but must bring up that grade before competing again. Grade checks are done weekly allowing the student athlete at least 3 days to bring up the low grade/s. The AP in Charge of Athletics (Eric) will work with coaches on getting eligibility forms out and completed before each game, meet or match. Coaches, please let your athletes know these guidelines upfront. 10. The activity sponsor/coach is responsible for notifying the office when an activity/sport is cancelled on a scheduled day. An intercom announcement will be made if the sponsor/coach informs Paula for afternoon announcements. 11. If planning any special activities (i.e. assemblies, performances, field trips, etc) for your club/activity, let Christina and Paula know at least 2- weeks in advance for master calendar. Also, complete custodial request at least 3-days in advance. 12. Information on stipends from the district and from the MSAP grant will be communicated to you soon. At that time, you will hear about any extra MSAP needs as well. 13. A HUGE THANK YOU TO ALL WHO ARE INVOLVED WITH BEFORE OR AFTER SCHOOL ACTIVITIES. SOMETIMES THESE ARE THE MOST MEMORABLE PARTS OF A STUDENT’S YEARS IN MIDDLE SCHOOL.