Profile for the Learning Environment Directorate Acute Education Lead for Area Education Lead Contact Details Learning Environment Lead HEI Representative HEI’s using this Learning Environment Learning Environment Misson Statement Date of Profile July 2015 Rosie Goulding/Elizabeth Reed;; Tel: 01983 534660/534652 Heather Thomas – E: T: 01983 822099 5410 Moira Sugden – University of Southampton University of Southampton; University of Portsmouth To provide timely, high quality, patient focussed Care. PROFILE Area Emergency Department LEARNER INFORMATION Work Pattern (Start, finish times) Service Emergency Department & GP Practice Walk in Centre (Beacon) Location Level A, St. Mary’s Hospital, Newport IOW, PO30 5TG E: 08.00 - 14.00 L: 14.15 - 20.15 LD: 08.00 - 20.15 TWL: 1400 – 02:15 N: 20.00 - 08.15 Dress Code IOW NHS Trust dress code policy Induction/Orientation programme Organisational induction by LEL followed by local induction within clinical area Learning Resources The Oliveira Library is based at St Mary's Hospital in the education centre and provides a full library service to all students on placement. A reference service is also available to the general public. We aim to provide information and support on the following: Clinical questions, Evidence based Healthcare, Education, Research, Continuing Professional Development, Lifelong Learning, Management, Clinical Governance and Audit If you would like further information on library services, please contact Anne Lancey, Library and Knowledge Services Manager. Tel. 01983 534519 Fax 01983 534232 Email: All students will have access to our ‘Training Tracker’ e-learning resources organised on induction by the Learning Environment Team. All students can access our Intranet through a generic student log in which will be distributed at Induction. Staff room / rest room facilities Staff Canteen in St. Mary’s Hospital, staff room in the Emergency Department. Prior recommended reading A student induction pack is available prior to start of placement by contacting education lead. This is emailed out to student on request. Common Abbreviations ABG Arterial Blood Gas, ACS Acute Coronary Syndrome, BIBA Brought in by Ambulance, COPD Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease, CTPA CT Pulmonary Angiogram, CVA Cerebrovascular Accident, CXR Chest X ray, D&V Diarrhoea & Vomiting, ECG Electrocardiogram, FB Foreign Body, GI Gastrointestinal, GORD Gastro-oesophageal Reflux Disease, HCG Human Chorionic Gondaotrophine, HTN Hypertension, ()IPJ Interphalanegeal Joint (P proximal, M medial, D distal), IVA Intravenous Access, IVU Intravenous Urogram, LRTI Lower Respiratory Tract Infection, MCPJ MetacarpoAll relevant policies and procedures relevant to the learning environment can be accessed via the Intranet Common Conditions Common Procedures Learning Opportunities - HUB Learning Opportunities - SPOKE phalangeal Joint, MEWS Modified early Warning Score, MI Myocardial Infarction, MUA Manipulation Under Anaesthetic, NOF Neck Of Femur, OD Overdose, OPG Othopantomogram, PEWS Paediatric Early Warning Score, PID Pelvic Inflammatory Disease, POP Plaster of Paris, PUO Pyrexia of Unknown Origin, RTC Road Traffic Collision, SOB Shortness of Breath, STD Sexually Transmitted Disease, STM Short Term Memory, TIA Transient Ischaemic Attack, URTI Upper Respiratory Tract Infection, USS Ultrasound Scan, UTI Urinary Tract Infection Abdominal Pain, Ankle Injuries, Back Pain, Chest pain, Collapse?cause, D&V, Falls in the Elderly, FB – eyes, Fitting, Fractured NOF, GI Bleed, Headache, Head Injuries, Knee Injuries, Neck Pain, Overdose, Self Harm, Shortness of Breath, Stroke/TIA, Wrist Injuries. Arterial Line Insertion, Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation, Chest Drains, Central Line Insertion, Dressings, Intubation, Log Rolling, Manipulations of Shoulders, Wrists & Ankles, Plastering, Slings, Spinal Immobilisation, Splinting, Trauma Resuscitation, Trephining, Urinary Catheterisation, Wound closure: Gluing, Steristrips, Suturing. Working alongside Doctors, ENP’s, ANP’s and GP’s. Assessment of critically ill patients, walking wounded, full age spectrum, multiply injured patients, psychiatric patients. Working alongside MDT. Managing a complex and fluctuating workload. Dealing with Death and Bereavement, breaking bad news. GP Walk –in Centre, IW Ambulance Service; Fracture Clinic; Critical Care Outreach; MAU; ITU; CCU; Diagnostic Imaging. All relevant policies and procedures relevant to the learning environment can be accessed via the Intranet