PRACTICE PROFILE Area Location Contact Number Radiology St Mary’s Hospital Isle of Wight 01983 822099 Ext 4669 Directorate Acute Clinical Directorate Annual Review of Profile due April 2016 Professional Lead Amanada Shaw / Emily Chambers Department Manager Amanda Shaw Education Lead Heather Thomas Education Lead Contact Details 01983 822099 Ext 5410 HEI Representative Chris Wells HEI’s using this Learning Environment UoP Learning Environment Mission Statement LEARNING ENVIRONMENT PROFILE General Information Description of Service and Client Group Diagnostic imaging Student Radiographers Description of related services & Client group Students Radiographers training towards their degree LEARNER INFORMATION Work Pattern (Start, finish times) Normally 9-5. Occasionally weekend days, also 9-5. Occasional night shifts 8pm – 8am (depending on level) Dress Code IOW NHS Trust dress code policy (insert link) Induction/Orientation programme Organisational induction by CET followed by local induction within clinical area Staff / rest room facilities Staff Room in Dept. Staff canteen. Changing room. Lockers avaliable Expectations during placement Please see UoP Standards for conduct. Learning contract completed by each student prior to Placement. LEARNING OPPORTUNITIES & RESOURCES Recommended reading/Websites Clarks Positioning for Radiographers Common Abbreviations Please see Abbreviations list supplied with welcome pack Specific learning opportunities General Radiography, Portables, Theatre, Dental, Trauma, Urology, Interventional, Paediatrics CT, Ultrasound, MRI Specific areas of expertise/clinical skills Common Assessments / Interventions/Care pathways Models of practice experience e.g Hub and Spoke, Care pathways, Patient Journeys Please see above Chest x-ray, Pelvis X-ray, Spine x-ray, Extremity X-ray , Management of a list, Ct Head, Trauma Imaging, Imaging Remote from the Department Patient journey, Hub and Spoke learning through different placements. Learning about care pathways through white-paper work MULTIAGENCY LEARNING OPPERTUNITIES / RESOURCES Multiprofessional learners accessing Students are encouraged to work with other health care professionals during the environment placement, Mainly ENP’s and nursing staff, but also with Dr’s when relevant Radiographers, Radiologists, Nursing staff Professionals working in the environment All relevant policies and procedures relevant to the learning environment can be accessed via the Intranet Opportunities to meet EU directives (Nursing) N/A All relevant policies and procedures relevant to the learning environment can be accessed via the Intranet