SACE Stage 1 Physics B Experiment DC Motor Efficiency Electric Motors consume roughly half of all electricity generated in 1st world economies. This means that their efficiency is of crucial importance to minimise waste. Aim: To accurately measure the efficiency of an electric D.C. motor. Method: Before the advent of efficient transformers, voltage/current conversion could only be achieved through the use of motor/generator sets. They are still used in certain situations where transformers are not appropriate such as high power AC – DC conversion. Ai 2-12 V D.C. level Ao Vi M G Vo 5Ω Build the circuit shown. When you are ready to begin ask to have your circuit checked /2 Why is it important to place the voltmeter across the motor and generator as against across power supply and the resistor? /2 Explain what efficiency is and how it is calculated from the voltage and current readings. /2 Explain why a column showing theoretical efficiency is necessary and how it is calculated. /2 Measure all quantities as accurately as possible for six different input voltages. Results: Vi (volts) Ii (amps) Pi (watts) Vo (volts) Io (amps) Po (watts) Efficiency Theoretical Efficiency /2 Graph the results of your experiment showing input power vs voltage, output power vs voltage and theoretical efficiency vs voltage on the grid below. On the left vertical axis plot power. On the right vertical axis plot theoretical efficiency. /2 Conclusions & Questions: What was the maximum theoretical efficiency achieved by the motor and at which voltage did this occur?/1 Why wasn’t the motor 100% efficient? Identify three causes of energy loss. 1. 2. 3. /3 Identify two unavoidable inaccuracies of the experimental setup. 1. 2. /2 Where and how was the useful output energy dissipated? /2 Knowledge and Understanding Application Analysis and Evaluation Investigation Stage 1 Physics PERFORMANCE STANDARDS FOR ASSESSMENT A B C D E Designs and implements a logical, coherent, and detailed plan for a physics investigation. Critically and logically selects and consistently and appropriately acknowledges information about physics and issues in physics from a range of sources. Designs and implements a well-considered and clear plan for a physics investigation. Logically selects and appropriately acknowledges information about physics and issues in physics from different sources. Designs and implements a considered and generally clear plan for a physics investigation. Selects with some focus, and mostly appropriately acknowledges, information about physics and issues in physics. Prepares the outline of a physics investigation. Identifies a simple procedure for a physics investigation. Selects and may partly acknowledge one or more sources of information about physics or an issue in physics. Identifies a source of information about physics or an issue in physics. Manipulates apparatus and technological tools carefully and highly effectively using well-organised safe and ethical investigation procedures. Obtains, records, and displays findings of investigations using appropriate conventions and formats accurately and highly effectively. Manipulates apparatus and technological tools carefully and mostly effectively using organised safe and ethical investigation procedures. Obtains, records, and displays findings of investigations using appropriate conventions and formats mostly accurately and effectively. Uses clear and wellorganised analytical skills to examine connections between data, concepts, and issues in physics. Evaluates procedures and suggests some appropriate improvements. Uses apparatus and technological tools with inconsistent care and effectiveness and attempts to follow safe and ethical investigation procedures. Obtains, records, and displays findings of investigations using conventions and formats inconsistently, with occasional accuracy and effectiveness. Describes basic connections between some data, concepts, and issues in physics. Attempts to use apparatus and technological tools with limited effectiveness or attention to safe or ethical investigation procedures. Attempts to record and display some descriptive information about an investigation, with limited accuracy or effectiveness. Uses perceptive and thorough analytical skills to examine connections between data, concepts, and issues in physics. Logically evaluates procedures and suggests a range of appropriate improvements. Systematically analyses and evaluates data and other evidence to formulate logical and highly relevant conclusions. Applies physics concepts and evidence from investigations to suggest solutions to complex problems in new and familiar contexts. Uses appropriate physics terms, conventions, formulae, and equations highly effectively. Uses mostly logical approaches to analyse and evaluate data and other evidence to formulate consistent and relevant conclusions. Applies physics concepts and evidence from investigations to suggest solutions to problems in new and familiar contexts. Uses appropriate physics terms, conventions, formulae, and equations effectively. Manipulates apparatus and technological tools generally carefully and effectively using safe and ethical investigation procedures. Obtains, records, and displays findings of investigations using generally appropriate conventions and formats with some errors but generally accurately and effectively. Uses generally organised analytical skills to examine connections between data, concepts, and issues in physics. Evaluates some procedures in physics and suggests some improvements that are generally appropriate. Analyses and evaluates data and other evidence to formulate simple and generally relevant conclusions. Demonstrates initiative in applying constructive and focused approaches to individual and collaborative work skills. Consistently demonstrates a deep and broad knowledge and understanding of a range of physics concepts. Uses knowledge of physics perceptively and logically to understand and explain contemporary applications. Applies mostly constructive and focused approaches to individual and collaborative work skills. Applies a variety of forms to communicate knowledge and understanding of physics coherently and highly effectively. Applies a variety of forms to communicate knowledge and understanding of physics coherently and effectively. Demonstrates some depth and breadth of knowledge and understanding of a range of physics concepts. Uses knowledge of physics logically to understand and explain contemporary applications. Applies physics concepts and evidence from investigations to suggest some solutions to basic problems in new or familiar contexts. Uses generally appropriate physics terms, conventions, formulae, and equations with some general effectiveness. Applies generally constructive approaches to individual and collaborative work skills. Demonstrates knowledge and understanding of a general range of physics concepts. Uses knowledge of physics with some logic to understand and explain one or more contemporary applications. Applies a variety of forms to communicate knowledge and understanding of physics with some general effectiveness. For some procedures, identifies improvements that may be made. Acknowledges that connections exist between data, concepts, and/or social issues in physics. Acknowledges the need for improvements in one or more procedures. Attempts to extract meaning from data and other observations and to formulate a simple conclusion that may be relevant. Applies some evidence to describe some basic problems and identify one or more simple solutions, in familiar contexts. Attempts to use some physics terms, conventions, formulae, and equations that may be appropriate. Attempts to organise some limited data or observations. Attempts individual work inconsistently, and contributes superficially to aspects of collaborative work. Demonstrates some basic knowledge and partial understanding of physics concepts. Shows emerging skills in individual and collaborative work. Identifies and explains some physics information that is relevant to one or more contemporary applications. Shows an emerging understanding that some physics information is relevant to contemporary applications. Attempts to communicate information about physics. Communicates basic information to others using one or more forms. Identifies a basic problem and attempts to identify a solution in a familiar context. Uses some physics terms or formulae. Demonstrates some limited recognition and awareness of physics concepts.