April 11, 2012 Wednesday - UNM Los Alamos

Higher Education Department Assessment for Core Competencies – University of New Mexico – Los Alamos
Area III – Science – Laboratory Sciences
Astronomy 101 & 101L: HED matrix, rubric, syllabi
Chemistry 121 & 123L: NMCCN: Chem 1214: HED matrix, rubric, syllabi
Chemistry 122 & 124L: HED matrix, rubric, syllabi
Physics 102 & 102L: HED matrix, rubric, syllabi
Physics 160: HED matrix, rubric, syllabus
Physics 161: HED matrix, rubric, syllabus
Physics 262: HED matrix, rubric, syllabus
Core Competencies Assessment 2011: Area III Courses
New Mexico Institution Name
Astronomy 101 & 101L
State Competencies
(Learning Outcomes Being
Assessment Procedures
ASTR 101 and ASTR 101L
Introductory Astronomy Lecture
and Lab
Laboratory Science Competencies
Assessment Results
Data from Summer 2011
ASTR 101: 9 students
ASTR 101L: 6 students
Note that my normal procedures
of course evaluation were
disrupted by the Las Conchas fire
(there was a reduced number of
tests and labs because of UNMLA being closed)
How Results Will Be Used To
Make Improvements
As with previous years, the two
classes (Summer vs. Fall) showed
differences in performance, with
the Fall class doing worse. This
pattern has occurred all years I
have taught these classes and used
the same teaching techniques both
semesters of the year, so I
conclude that the students who
take the class in the Summer are
better students, although there a
several possible reasons for this
disparity in performance...but I
have no way to know for sure
which reasons are the actual
Again, the students in the Fall
class did much worse on the pop
quizzes (which test to see if the
students did the reading
assignments). From those quiz
results and from asking questions
of the students in class, it was clear
that the Fall students were NOT
doing their reading even hough I
have increased my emphasis of
how important the reading
component of the course is.
Also, the Fall class again had
several students with poor
attendance to lectures, or poor
attention during lectures (using
their computers or phones to play
in Facebook or send messages
instead of listening). I strongly
And from Fall 2011
ASTR 101: 13 students
ASTR 101L: 7 students
Note that my normal procedures
of course evaluation were
disrupted somewhat by the threat
of a snow closure on final day
(and the University was giving
out conflicting information about
a closure)
1. Students will describe the
process of scientific inquiry.
Students should:
a. Understand that scientists
rely on evidence obtained
from observations rather than
authority, tradition, doctrine,
or intuition.
b. Students should value
science as a way to develop
reliable knowledge about the
This competency is measured
using questions regarding the
scientific method and what
constitutes a ‘good’ scientific
theory in ASTR 101 Test 1 and
Final exam.
Summer 2010*******
On Test #1: 78% of the students
correctly answered both
questions (full mastery); 11%
correctly answered one of the two
questions (partial mastery); 11%
did not master the material.
On the Final exam: 100%
demonstrated full mastery.
Fall 2010*******
On Test #1: 61% of the students
exhibited full mastery; 23%
showed partial mastery; 15% had
no masteryof the material.
On the Final exam: 75%
demonstrated full mastery; 8%
partial mastery; 17% showed no
2. Students will solve problems
Students should:
a. Be able to construct and test
hypotheses using modern lab
equipment (such as
microscopes, scales,
computer technology) and
appropriate quantitative
b. Be able to evaluate isolated
observations about the
physical universe and relate
them to hierarchically
organized explanatory
frameworks (theories).
This competency is measured by
testing the students understanding
of the Doppler shift technique we
use in the four of the ASTR 101L
labs (Earth’s Orbital Velocity,
Measuring Solar Rotation, Crab
Nebula Expansion, and Hubble’s
Summer 2011*******
83% of the students fully
understood the method and
applied it properly.
17% of the students did not even
attempt to do the take-home test,
so they are counted as showing
no mastery.
This was tested in with a takehome lab (individual project) on
using the Doppler method.
3. Students will communicate
scientific information.
Students should:
This competency is measured
using the “diagram/short essay”
questions that are part of ASTR
101 Tests 1, 2, and 3. The answers
to these questions will be
evaluated to determine the number
of students who can relate all of
the concepts, most of the
concepts, some of the concepts,
and none of the concepts required
to answer the questions.
Fall 2011*******
33% of the students fully
understood the method and
applied it properly.
33% understood most of the
concepts involved.
33% did not even try to do the
exercise (no mastery).
Summer 2011*******
Of the 18 responses to various
diagram/short essay questions:
67% indicated full mastery.
33% indicated partial mastery.
0% indicated no understanding.
Communicate effectively about
science (e.g., write lab reports in
standard format and explain
basic scientific concepts,
procedures, and results using
written, oral, and graphic
presentation techniques.)
4. Students will apply
quantitative analysis to
scientific problems.
Students should:
a. Select and perform appropriate
quantitative analyses of scientific
b. Show familiarity with the
metric system, use a calculator to
perform appropriate mathematical
operations, and present results in
tables and graphs.
This competency is measured
using three ASTR 101 test
questions that involve actual
calculation (applying Kepler’s 3rd
Law, telescope magnification,
and, and Hubble’s Law).
Fall 2011*******
Of the 37 responses to various
diagram/short essay questions:
60% indicated full mastery.
40% indicated partial mastery.
0% indicated no understanding.
Summer 2011******
On Test 1, 67% of the students
were able to do the calculation
correctly; 22% showed partial
mastery; 11% no mastery.
On Test 2, 77% demonstrated full
mastery; 11% partial; 11% no
On the Final, 77% demonstrated
full mastery; 11% partial; 11% no
Fall 2011******
Again, there was a large
difference in performance
between the Summer and Fall
classes on the exact same
exercise, but the Fall students
showed an improvement relative
to Fall 2010 (the previous year)
discourage this behavior, but some
of them were still doing it
throughout the course and got poor
Unlike previous years, this takehome exercise was required (in
past years it was optional). This is
almost certainly the reason for the
improved performance over last
year. The students who did not
even attempt the exercise were the
same students who were showing
attendance and attention problems
in the lecture class.
The low number of responses
from the Summer class is because
of the missing test dues to the Las
Conchas fire that caused missed
classes and a rescheduling (with
fewer tests).
I will continue to use this
diagram/essay question to measure
student understanding and ability
to communicate, since it is the best
measure I have of how well they
are doing (I can often tell how well
a student is doing in the course
based upon just this question).
The poorer performance on the
Test #1 question (Kepler’s 3rd
Law) is expected because it is the
hardest of the three.
In future I will again emphasize
that students should write down
the steps of their calculation so I
can better see who has partial
understanding (some students
simply put down an answer and
did not show their work).
Again, the Fall students did
worse, but they did do slightly
better than the Fall 2010 students
from the pervious year.
5. Students will apply scientific
thinking to real world
Students should:
a. Critically evaluate scientific
reports or accounts presented in
the popular media.
b. Understand the basic scientific
facts related to important
contemporary issues (e.g., global
warming, stem cell research,
cosmology), and ask informed
questions about those issues.
End – Laboratory Science
This competency is measured
using questions regarding the
“greenhouse effect” and the ozone
layer in ASTR 101 Tests 1 and 2,
and the future of our Sun in ASTR
101 Test 3.
On Test 1, 31% of the students
were able to do the calculation
correctly; 31% showed partial
mastery; 38% showed no
On Test 2, 50% demonstrated full
mastery. 17% demonstrated
partial mastery. 33%
demonstrated no mastery.
On Final; 83% of the students
demonstrated full mastery and
17% showed partial mastery.
Summer 2010*******
Earth’s greenhouse effect
question (Test 1):
67% correct, 33% incorrect.
When the question was repeated
on the Final exam: 89% correct,
11% no mastery.
Earth’s ozone layer question
(Test #1): 100% correct. When
repeated on the final: 100%
Venus’s greenhouse effect
question (Test 2):
89% correct; 11% no mastery
When the question was repeated
on the Final exam, also 100%
Sequence of our Sun’s evolution
question (Test 3): 91%
completely correct; 9% no
mastery. When the question was
repeated on the Final exam, 91%
completely correct; 9% partially
Fall 2010*******
Earth’s greenhouse effect
question (Test 1):
46% correct, 54% incorrect,
When the question was repeated
on the Final exam: 77% correct,
The students very often confuse
the greenhouse effect with the
ozone layer (a confusion often see
in the popular press as well). Part
of this may be because of the
proximity of the two topics in my
lecture (they are both in the
section about the Earth’s
atmosphere), even though I
specifically tell them that the
topics are unrelated.
The results when the same
questions are asked later on the
Final test almost always show
improvement, so the failure to
improve on some of the questions
exhibited here is anomalous.
I will again try to emphasize the
separation of the two topics
(greenhouse effect and the ozone
layer) in my lecture.
23% incorrect,
Earth’s ozone layer question
(Test #1): 85% correct, 15% no
mastery. The same results
occurred on the Final when the
question was repeated.
Venus’s greenhouse effect
question (Test 2):
92% correct, 8% incorrect. The
same results occurred on the
Final when the question was
Sequence of our Sun’s evolution
question (Test 3): 34%
completely correct; 58% partially
correct, 8% no mastery. When
the question was repeated on the
Final exam, 42% completely
correct; 50% partially correct, 8%
no mastery.
Area III Assessment completed by
Thomas E. Beach 6-13-2012 Phone: 505-662-5919 ext 605
The University of New Mexico - Los Alamos
Astronomy 101 — Introduction to Astronomy
Fall 2011 Section 300
Instructor: Dr. Thomas Beach Email: tbeach@unm.edu Office: #623F (662-0347)
Course Meetings: T & Th 6:00 - 7:15 PM Room 517 Office hours: Mon 2:00-5:00 PM
Text book (required): Astronomy: The Evolving Universe, 9th edition, by Michael Zeilik
Schedule and reading assignments Chapters:
Aug. 23 Science of Astronomy. Overview of the universe ...................................... 25 The sky ........................................................................................................ 1
27 Pajarito Astronomers Dark Night Viewing Session, 7:40 PM (see below)
30 Early models of the Solar System ............................................................... 2
Sept. 1 Copernicus, Tycho, Kepler ......................................................................... 3
6 Galileo and Newton. Physics ..................................................................... 4
8 Einstein and relativity .................................................................................. 7
13 Lunar motion, tides, & eclipses ................................................................... 1.3, 1.5, p.169
15 The Earth ..................................................................................................... 8
20 ***Test #1 22 The Moon .................................................................................................... 9 (Moon only)
24 Pajarito Astronomers Dark Night Viewing Session, 7:00 PM (see below)
27 Origin and structure of the Solar System ................................................... 11
29 More on the Solar System. Minor planets & comets. Meteors. ................ 11
Oct. 4 Terrestrial planets ........................................................................................ 9
6 Terrestrial planets (finish) ........................................................................... 9
11 Jovian planets .............................................................................................. 10
13 Jovian planets, Jovian moons, Pluto and Trans-Neptunian objects ............ 10
18 Optics, Telescopes. 6
20 ***Test #2 22 Pajarito Astronomers Dark Night Viewing Session, 6:20PM (see below)
25 Spectra and astrophysics ............................................................................. 5
27 Spectra and astrophysics. The Sun ............................................................. 5, 12
Nov. 1 Stars. Stellar structure. ................................................................................ 13
3 Stellar structure. .......................................................................................... 13
8 Stellar evolution .......................................................................................... 15
10 Deaths of stars ............................................................................................. 16
15 Interstellar Medium ..................................................................................... 14
17 ***Test #3 19 Pajarito Astronomers Dark Night Viewing Session, 5:00PM (see below)
22 Our Galaxy .................................................................................................. 17
24 Thanksgiving Holiday — No class.
29 Other galaxies .............................................................................................. 18
Dec. 1 More galaxies and Extra-galactic objects .................................................... 19
6 The origin and evolution of the Universe .................................................... 20
8 The Universe, continued ............................................................................. 20
13 ***Final Exam (approx. half new, half recycled from first three tests). -
Course Grading and Attendance:
3 Tests 57% — NOTE! Makeup tests will not be given (see optional term paper below).
Final Exam 28% — Approximately half material since test #3, half questions from previous tests.
Other 10% — Pop quizzes (see below) and class participation (ask good questions!)
5% — Observations at the Pajarito Astronomers darknight session.
Class attendance is required. Unexcused absences will result in a lower grade: Missing up to 2.5 hours (two
class sessions) without an excused absence will not affect your grade, but any unexcused absences beyond that
will lower your grade by approximately one full grade level per 3.75 hours of class missed. I generally take
attendance at the start of class; if you are late, it is your responsibility to see me during break or after class that
same day to be sure your presence is recorded! Be sure to inform me if you missed class due to a reason that is
considered an excused absence by the University so that this absence will not count against your grade.
Tests will be closed book, and will cover material from both the lectures and reading assignments. The
regular tests are 36 questions long, with multiple choice, fill-in-the-blank, matching, and true-false questions.
There may be one question per test requiring a calculation (bring your calculator). There will be one question
requiring you to draw a diagram and write an explanation to answer it. The final exam is 56 questions long.
You are allowed to have one 8.5" x 11" single-sided page of notes during the test. See the attached rules for
making your note sheet.
Getting an ‘A’ on all three tests will exempt you from taking the final exam (but attendance of remaining
class sessions is required, or you must take the final). Grades on term papers do not count toward this exemption.
Optional Term Paper: One test grade may be replaced by an optional term paper. Papers must include at
least 9 pages of text (1-inch margins on all sides, 12-point font, printed double-spaced), plus a bibliography. Your
instructor must approve the topic no later than November 22. Papers are due by December 8. Plagiarism in your
report will earn an ‘F’ grade, which will replace your lowest test score—so don’t do it!
Optional Review Sessions for tests will be scheduled on the days of tests, if possible, the hour before class.
Your instructor will tell you when and where. Review sessions are for you to ask questions, so come prepared.
Pop Quizzes: There may be up to six pop quizzes given to test students’ understanding of the reading
assignment material. The dates of these quizzes will not necessarily be announced ahead of time. The quizzes
will be given at the start of class period. They will be very short: 2-4 questions, taking less than 3 minutes to do.
Pajarito Astronomers dark night sessions are public observing sessions scheduled by the local astronomy
club. 5% of your grade comes from observations made at a Pajarito Astronomers darknight (see schedule). They
are held at White Rock Overlook Park starting after sunset. You must turn in a one-page report from this
observing session to receive credit. The reports may be hand-written (nothing fancy required) and should include
the names, descriptions, and sketches of the objects viewed, types of telescopes used, and any additional
comments. Note: 5% can make a significant difference in your grade! If you can’t attend at least one of the dark
night sessions and make observations, you need to see your instructor about doing a replacement report.
Important Notes:
NOTE! It is not necessary (or advisable) to try to copy down everything that is being presented on the
transparencies in class. Scans of the transparencies will be available online so you can review anything you
missed (See URL on page 4. You will need the username and password that your instructor will give out in class).
Much of the material will also appear in your reading assignments. It is important to listen to what is being said
in lecture since this may include clarifications and additional information not on the transparencies or in the text.
Bring your textbook to class (we will often reference figures in it, especially later on).
Never hesitate to ask questions in class. If there is something you don’t understand in the reading or
lectures, ask about it in class; other students will also benefit from your questions. You can also ask me questions
before or after class, or during my office hours. If you have having difficulties with the material, please come and
see me during office hours so that I can help you individually. Help is also available through the Tutor Center.
Astronomy is a fascinating and enjoyable subject. If we’re not having fun, we aren’t doing it right!
Cell Phones, Pagers, and Portable Computing Devices.
Cell phone use during class is prohibited; turn off phones and pagers when coming to class. Similarly, you
may not use portable computing devices for communications during class (e-mail, web browsing, messaging,
etc.). See the UNM-LA student handbook for other University policies. Excessive violation of these policies may
result in your removal from the course.
Course Objectives
This course should give the student a basic understanding of where and when we are in the cosmos, how the universe is
structured, what physical laws govern the universe, and how the universe has evolved over time.
Learning Outcomes and Goals:
At the conclusion of the course, the student should be familiar with the following topics:
Motions of the sky (celestial sphere, planets, Sun, and Moon) on a daily, yearly, and long term.
Copernican (heliocentric) model of the solar system, with its correct explanation of retrograde motion.
Kepler’s laws of planetary motion.
Newton’s laws of motion and gravitation, and orbital motion.
Einstein’s theory of gravitation (General Relativity).
Phases of the Moon, and the causes of tides and eclipses (lunar and solar).
The structure of the Earth, its atmosphere, and magnetic field.
The structure of the Moon, its surface conditions, and its formation.
Formation and structure of the solar system (orbits, distances, terrestrial and jovian planets).
The structures and compositions of the planets and their atmospheres.
Rings and moons of the jovian planets.
Functions, types, and powers of telescopes.
Spectra (continuous, bright line, and dark line) and how they are formed and what we learn from them.
Composition and structure of our Sun (corona, chromosphere, photosphere, interior).
Energy generation in stars by thermonuclear fusion.
Characteristics of stars (masses, temperatures, sizes, spectral types) and how were determine these things.
H-R diagram: what it is and what it tells us.
Stellar structure (hydrostatic equilibrium, energy transfer, energy generation).
Stellar evolution (lifetime vs, mass; changes as fuel is depleted).
Stellar death (white dwarfs, novas, supernovas, neutron stars, black holes).
Star clusters (open and globular).
The structure of our Galaxy (disk, spherical component, dark matter) and stellar populations.
Characteristics of other galaxies (elliptical, spiral, irregular).
Clustering of galaxies (Local Group, other clusters, superclusters, and large-scale structure of the universe).
Active galaxies (radio galaxies, Seyfert galaxies, quasars).
Origin and evolution of the universe (expansion, big bang theory, possible future evolution).
Models and Scientific Inquiry: Students will be aware of models and theories, for example, heliocentric and geocentric
models of the universe and the Big Bang theory. Students will be able to recognize how the scientific process was
involved in the development and acceptance or rejection of such models and theories.
Knowledge of Basic Laws of Physics Related to Astronomy and Use of Units: Students will be able use basic laws of
physics related to astronomy to estimate answers to various problems. Students will be able to recognize metric units
and the correct units in which to measure various astronomical properties.
Basic Astronomical Phenomena: Students will understand basic everyday concepts like seasons, the rising and the
setting of the Moon and its appearance, and our place in the universe. Students will recognize valid explanations of these
Environmental Issues Related to Astronomy: Students will understand environmental issues that arise in the context of
astronomy, namely greenhouse gases, the ozone layer and light pollution.
Origin and Nature of the Universe: Students will understand the origin and nature of the universe – subjects with
relevance to contemporary societal issues.
Catalog Description
“Conceptual description of our fascinating universe: early astronomy, Newtonian synthesis, Earth, Moon, planets,
asteroids, comets, the Sun, our solar system, stars, black holes, galaxies, dark matter, dark energy and cosmological
mysteries. Meets New Mexico Lower Division General Education Common Core Curriculum Area III: Science (NMCCN Computer
Account Policy
You are required to have a Main campus computer account (NetID). You will also use this account to register for classes
through MyUNM, http://my.unm.edu, to read and send email (your UNM email address looks like NetID@unm.edu), print
transcripts, check financial status, and check degree progress.
Students are required to check their UNM email as this is the main communication method used by the university.
Students may visit http://it.unm.edu/howtos/504.html for simple instruction on how to forward their campus email to a
different email address
To access the PC computers on the UNM–Los Alamos campus, you need a UNM-LA computer account, which will use
your same NetID as your login name, and have the password NetIDpass (where the ‘NetID’ is your NetID). You will be
prompted to change the password when you first logon.
UNM–LA Wireless network—For more information about access to the UNM–LA wireless network please see the
instructions at http://www.la.unm.edu/Wireless/
Students should be aware of the computer use policies as they affect any aspect of their education at UNM-LA.
ADA Statement: In accordance with University Policy 2310 and the
American Disabilities Act (ADA), academic accommodations may be
made for any student who notifies the instructor of the need for an
accommodation. It is imperative that you take the initiative to bring such
needs to the instructor’s attention, as the instructor is not legally permitted to
inquire. Students who may require assistance in emergency evacuations
should contact the instructor as to the most appropriate procedures to follow.
Contact Accessibility Services at 505-661-4692 for additional information.
Unexpected Class Cancellation Policy:
Due to difficulties in informing students in advance of a teacher’s illness or emergency, students who arrive for class and
find the teacher isn’t there should wait 15 minutes (just in case he or she is simply late). After 15 minutes, students should go to building
1 to the front desk to seek information (in Los Alamos) or to their corresponding on-site contact for other
locations. If there is no information, students should assume that class has been canceled for the day and are free to leave.
When possible, teachers will call or email students to let them know of a canceled class meeting.
Dishonesty Policy:
Each student is expected to maintain the highest standards of honesty and integrity in academic and professional matters.
The University reserves the right to take disciplinary action, including dismissal, against any student who is found
responsible for academic dishonesty. Any student who has been judged to have engaged in academic dishonesty in course
work may receive a reduced or failing grade for the work in question and/or for the course.
Academic dishonesty includes, but is not limited to, dishonesty on quizzes, tests or assignments; claiming credit for work
not done or done by others; and hindering the academic work of other students.
UNM-Los Alamos conducts ongoing assessments of student learning so it can continue to improve its
curriculum to give you the best education possible. The mechanism for this assessment will be selected by your
instructor and may include exams, projects or other assignments. The assessment will focus on the learning
outcomes listed in this syllabus. The data from this assessment will be collected anonymously. It will be reported
to the department, the Office of Instruction and posted on the web. The information collected will be used to
make improvements to curriculum and teaching. This assessment is not a reflection of your grade and is not a
grading exercise; it is simply an evaluation of how well students are mastering certain skills.
A copy of the syllabus can be found online at:
The link to the scanned class notes is also on this page. You will need the username and password given out in class to
access the notes online.
Astronomy 101
Rules for Making Your Note Sheet for the Test
You are allowed to make one sheet of notes to bring to each test.
The notes must be on a single-sided sheet, no larger than 8.5 x 11 inches in size.
You must prepare the note sheet yourself (not copy a note sheet prepared by somebody else).
You may write out the sheet by hand, or you may type it on a computer and print it out.
The note sheet may contain any diagrams that you wish to draw.
For the final exam, the note sheet is for the material covered since test #3 only (NOT material covered on the
first three tests).
The note sheet must NOT include any of the following:
 Material photocopied or scanned from a book or my lecture notes.
 Lists of questions and answers from the example questions on reserve in the library.
 Lists of questions/answers from previous tests (such as questions or answers from the first three tests when you are
preparing your note sheet for the final exam).
Your instructor may examine your note sheet before or during the test. If it is found to contain material
forbidden by these instructions, it will be confiscated.
Note: The purpose of allowing the note sheet is to encourage you to study the textbook and lecture notes to
find the important concepts and condense them onto one page. It is the process of creating the sheet that
people find most helpful as a study aid—not the having of the sheet during the test to look up answers
(although that is useful, too, if you happened to put down the right material). Don’t count on the note sheet as
a source of answers for material you don’t understand. It is not advisable to spend too much time during the
test hunting through your sheet for answers—if you don’t have some idea where the answer is, it probably
isn’t there (you made the sheet yourself, you know, so you should be familiar with its contents
The University of New Mexico - Los Alamos
Astronomy 101 L — Astronomy Laboratory
Fall 2011 Section 300 Online copy: http://www.unm.edu/~tbeach/ASTR101L
Instructor: Dr. Thomas Beach E-mail: tbeach@unm.edu Office: #623F (662-0347)
Course Meetings: Thursday 7:30 - 9:30 pm
UNM-LA Room 517 (some early labs in 628)
Office hours: M 2:00-5:00 pm
Required Materials: Astro 101L Laboratory Packet — from UNM-LA Bookstore
Edmund Star Locator “star wheel”
Ruler with millimeter scale — at least 12 inches long...transparent plastic is best.
#2 pencil. Eraser.
Calculator (one with scientific functions is preferred, but not necessary)
Flashlight (Red light color suggested to prevent loss of night vision)
Important! Bring your required materials to all lab sessions!!
If you fail to bring the required materials to class,
you can lose points on the lab.
Catalog Description: “Intended as an adjunct to ASTR 101, this course deals with elementary techniques in
astronomical observations. Two hrs. Meets New Mexico Lower Division General Education Core Curriculum Area
III: Science (NMCCN 1114). Pre- or co-requisite: ASTR 101.”
Course Objectives: This course should give the student a basic understanding of how basic astronomical
observations are made and interpreted. This includes outside observations with naked eye and telescopes, and
indoor labs where the student analyzes observational data taken by professional astronomers. The labs are
designed to reinforce the studentʼs understanding of the material in the ASTR 101 lecture class.
Class Sessions: Class sessions will be dedicated to a specific lab or labs chosen by the instructor for that day.
Some labs can be worked on outside of class time (such as making observations at the Pajarito Astronomers
Darknight public viewing sessions).
Lab Packet: The laboratory packet contains 21 lab exercises. It is available for purchase at the UNM-LA
Bookstore. Your grade in this class will be determined by the number of labs you complete satisfactorily (see
course grading below). A number of indoor and outdoor labs chosen by your instructor will be conducted in class.
There will be one take-home individual lab (worth up to 1.5 labs). Completing all of the in-class labs plus the takehome
lab satisfactorily will be sufficient to earn a “B” grade in this class; to earn a higher grade, students must
complete additional labs outside of class time. You will choose the other labs you wish to do from the remainder
of the exercises in the lab packet. The Sky Test lab (see lab packet) is required for an “A” grade. Without this lab
the highest grade you can get is an “A-”.
The lab packet contains a variety of labs. Some are observational labs that may be worked on during in-class
observing sessions. Other observational labs are designed to be completed outside of class. Some of the
observational labs (such as observing the sunset point) are long-term labs that require a few minutes of
observation every few days. Some labs count as more than one lab when determining your grade. Several labs
use the Voyager II™ computer program available in the computer lab room 516A.
NOTE! Look through the lab packet and decide which labs you plan to do, in addition to the in-class labs, if
you want to get an "A" grade. Completing only the in-class labs (and take-home lab) labs earns a "B" grade.
Course Grading: Your grade will be determined by the number of labs you satisfactorily complete. You will be
allowed to re-work unsatisfactory labs in most cases.
A – 17 labs The 17 must include the Sky Test lab in order to get an A grade.
B – 14 labs These grade requirements may be lowered if we experience long stretches
C – 12 labs of poor observing weather or equipment problems, but donʼt count on it. The
D – 10 labs requirements will not be increased.
Attendance: Attendance is required. Missing more than two labs for unexcused reasons will result in a lower
grade (lowered by one grade level for every two unexcused absences beyond the first two). Be sure to report the
reason for any excused absences to your instructor so that they will not be counted against your grade.
Some missed labs can be made up outside of class time (see your instructor during office hours). Other
missed labs cannot be made up (due to the need for special equipment setup or certain astronomical conditions,
such as the phase of the Moon). Other labs from the lab packet can be done to replace missed labs.
Lab Partners: In most cases you will work on the labs with lab partners (except on the individual take-home lab,
which is a course assessment tool). Most scientific research is the result of collaboration between several
scientists, and it will be the same with your lab groups. This class is not graded on a curve: Helping each other
understand and complete as many labs as possible is the major goal of this class. We will not assign permanent
lab partners: You will select your lab partners as needed (you need not have the same lab partners for all labs).
Voyager program lab exercises: Several of the labs use the Voyager program on the Macintosh computers,
available in the Macintosh Lab, Room 638. Two Voyager exercises will be worked on during lab class. Any extra
Voyager labs you choose to do (or if you need to complete labs not finished in class time) must be worked on
outside of class or may be worked on during lab sessions with open observing. The Mac lab is open for your use
whenever there are no Mac classes scheduled, during normal campus hours. Your instructor will demonstrate the
use of the Macintosh computer and Voyager II program during an early class session.
Important: The lab exercises are designed to illustrate some point in astronomy. If you find yourself wondering
just what is the point of any lab, or any part of a lab, ask you instructor for an explanation.
Questions are always encouraged!
Finals week: There is no lab class during finals week (there is no final exam in lab). All labs, lab corrections,
and extra credit labs are due on the day of the last lab class (the meeting of the lab class before finals week).
Learning Outcomes and Topics Covered
At the conclusion of the course, the student should be familiar with the following topics:
Appearance and motions of the celestial objects in the sky.
Basic use of a telescope.
Appearance of celestial objects viewed through telescopes.
Planetary motions and retrograde loops.
Using spectra and the doppler equation to determine velocities in various situations, such as motion of the
Earth in orbit, rotation of the Sun, and expansion of the universe.
Use of time-series photographs to determine motions of objects, such as the rotation rate of the Sun and
expansion rate of the Crab Nebula.
Stellar spectral type classification.
During this course, the student will demonstrate the ability to:
Solve problems scientifically.
Communicate scientific information.
Apply quantitative analysis to scientific problems.
Apply scientific thinking to real world problems
Computer Account Policy
You are required to have a Main campus computer account (NetID). You will also use this account to register for classes
through MyUNM, http://my.unm.edu, to read and send email (your UNM email address looks like NetID@unm.edu), print
transcripts, check financial status, and check degree progress.
Students are required to check their UNM email as this is the main communication method used by the university.
Students may visit http://it.unm.edu/howtos/504.html for simple instruction on how to forward their campus email to a
different email address
To access the PC computers on the UNM–Los Alamos campus, you need a UNM-LA computer account, which will use
your same NetID as your login name, and have the password NetIDpass (where the ‘NetID’ is your NetID). You will be
prompted to change the password when you first logon.
UNM–LA Wireless network—For more information about access to the UNM–LA wireless network please see the
instructions at http://www.la.unm.edu/Wireless/
Students should be aware of the computer use policies as they affect any aspect of their education at UNM-LA.
Cell Phones, Pagers, etc. should be turned off when coming to class.
Unexpected Class Cancellation Policy:
Due to difficulties in informing students in advance of a teacher’s illness or emergency, students who arrive for class and
find the teacher isn’t there should wait 15 minutes (just in case he or she is simply late). After 15 minutes, students should go
to building 1 to the front desk to seek information (in Los Alamos) or to their corresponding on-site contact for other
locations. If there is no information, students should assume that class has been canceled for the day and are free to leave.
When possible, teachers will call or email students to let them know of a canceled class meeting.
Dishonesty Policy:
Each student is expected to maintain the highest standards of honesty and integrity in academic and professional matters.
The University reserves the right to take disciplinary action, including dismissal, against any student who is found
responsible for academic dishonesty. Any student who has been judged to have engaged in academic dishonesty in course
work may receive a reduced or failing grade for the work in question and/or for the course.
Academic dishonesty includes, but is not limited to, dishonesty on quizzes, tests or assignments; claiming credit for work
not done or done by others; and hindering the academic work of other students.
ADA Statement: In accordance with University Policy 2310 and the American Disabilities Act (ADA), academic
accommodations may be made for any student who notifies the instructor of the need for an accommodation. It is imperative
that you take the initiative to bring such needs to the instructor’s attention, as the instructor is not legally permitted to
inquire. Students who may require assistance in emergency evacuations should contact the instructor as to the most
appropriate procedures to follow. Contact Accessibility Services at 505-661-4692 for additional information.
Astr 101L Course Schedule
Because the timing of when we do certain labs depends on the weather conditions or timing of certain astronomical
occurrences, such as the phase of the moon, we don’t have a definite week-by-week schedule ahead of time. Your instructor
will be able to tell you each week what lab we will be doing on the following week (or, if it is an outdoor observing lab, what
alternate indoor lab we will do instead).
Here is a list of the labs from the Astronomy 101L Lab Packet that we will do this semester (in approximate order). If
weather conditions do not allow us to do certain outdoor observing labs, we will substitute additional indoor labs (such as
Missing Mass in the Virgo Cluster).
Week Lab Topic
1 Introduction to Astr 101L lecture How the class works, materials, topics.
2 Introduction to Voyager Using the sky simulator software
3 Motions of the Planets Retrograde loops (using Voyager program)
4 The Orbit of Mars Deriving the elliptical orbit of Mars from Tycho’s
data using graphical methods
5 Earth’s Orbital Velocity Using Doppler shift of lines in stellar spectra to
determine velocities
6 Telescopes (part 1) Lecture and theoretical calculations
7 Telescopes (part 2) Outdoor lab. Aligning, pointing, setting circles, and
filed of view of telescopes
8 Lunar Surface Features Observing the moon through telescopes and
matching observations to lunar maps
9 Handy Angular Measurement
Outdoor lab. Calibrating your hand for angular
measurements on the sky.
10 Measuring Solar Rotation Determining solar rotation from sunspot photographs
and solar spectral lines
11 Spectral Classification Classifying stars by spectral type using lowresolution
12 Hertzsprung-Russel Diagram Plotting stellar properties for nearby and bright star
13 Crab Nebula Expansion Measuring expansion of a supernova remnant.
14 Pulsars Measuring distances to pulsars by dispersion of
pulses in their radio data
15 Hubbles’s Law Measure the expansion rate of the universe from
galaxy red shifts and sizes
Sky Test Lab can be taken on most clear nights after class, or at the dark night viewing session (if the instructor is available
Core Competencies Assessment 2011-2012: Area III Courses
(Place University/College Name here)
(UNM-Los Alamos: Chem 121 + Lab General Chemistry, Chem 123L)
State Competencies
Assessment Procedures
(Learning Outcomes Being
1. Students will describe the
process of scientific inquiry.
Students should:
a. Understand that scientists
rely on evidence obtained
from observations rather than
authority, tradition, doctrine,
or intuition.
b. Students should value
science as a way to develop
reliable knowledge about the
2. Students will solve problems
Students should:
a. Be able to construct and test
hypotheses using modern lab
equipment (such as
microscopes, scales,
computer technology) and
appropriate quantitative
b. Be able to evaluate isolated
observations about the
physical universe and relate
them to hierarchically
organized explanatory
frameworks (theories).
Laboratory Science Competencies
(NMCCN: CHEM 1214)
Assessment Results
Course Name and NMCCN
(Process/Instrument named or
described – rubric attached)
Data presented are for Fall 2011
Competency 1 is addressed by:
1. Learning outcome (lecture):
Structure of the periodic table
Good understanding corresponds
to scores
of 75-100%
Moderate understanding
corresponds to scores
of 55-75%
Poor understanding corresponds
to scores
less than 55%
How Results Will Be Used
To Make Improvements
Nothing should be changed at this
Assessment measure:
1. Questions on the final exam
Rubric attached
Competency 2 is addressed by:
Good understanding: 90%
Moderate understanding: 10%
Poor understanding: 0%
1. Learning outcomes (lecture):
Mole concept
2. Learning outcomes (lab):
Mathematical analysis of the
experimental results
Assessment measure:
1. Integrative problems on the
final exam exams.
Rubric attached
Good understanding: 50%
Moderate understanding: 30%
Poor understanding: 20%
Provide with more examples of
practical application of scientific
Core Competencies Assessment 2008-2009: Area III Courses
New Mexico Institution Name
State Competencies
Assessment Procedures
(Learning Outcomes Being
Course Name and NMCCN
(Process/Instrument named or
described – rubric attached)
3. Students will communicate
scientific information.
Students should:
Communicate effectively about
science (e.g., write lab reports in
standard format and explain
basic scientific concepts,
procedures, and results using
written, oral, and graphic
presentation techniques.)
4. Students will apply
quantitative analysis to
scientific problems.
Students should:
a. Select and perform appropriate
quantitative analyses of scientific
b. Show familiarity with the
metric system, use a calculator to
perform appropriate mathematical
operations, and present results in
tables and graphs.
Competency 3 is addressed by:
1. Learning outcome (lab)
Reporting, graphing and
interpreting of measured data
Assessment Results
Good understanding: 80%
Moderate understanding: 20%
Poor understanding: 0%
How Results Will Be Used
To Make Improvements
Compared to the fall 2010 the
results improved.
Nothing should be changed at this
Assessment measure:
1. Final lab report
Rubric attached
Competency 4 is addressed by:
1. Learning outcomes (lecture):
Mole concept
2. Learning outcomes (lab):
Mathematical analysis of the
experimental results
Assessment measure:
1. Integrative problems on the
final exam exams.
Assessment measure:
1. Final exam questions
2. Lab final exam questions
Rubric attached
5. Students will apply scientific
thinking to real world
Students should:
a. Critically evaluate scientific
reports or accounts presented in
Laboratory Science Competencies, cont.
Good understanding: 70%
Moderate understanding: 20%
Poor understanding: 10%
Results are expectable.
Nothing should be changed at this
the popular media.
b. Understand the basic scientific
facts related to important
contemporary issues (e.g., global
warming, stem cell research,
cosmology), and ask informed
questions about those issues.
End – Laboratory Science
Area III Assessment completed by
Phone number
Oksana Gerlits
Printed Name
Outcomes assessment plan for Chem 121 + Chem 123L
Fall 2011
Instructor: Oksana Gerlits
State Competencies:
1. Students will describe the process of scientific inquiry.
2. Students will solve problems scientifically.
3. Students will communicate scientific information.
4. Students will apply quantitative analysis to scientific problems.
5. Students will apply scientific thinking to real world problems.
Course outcomes:
The following outcomes will assess the success in achieving of the state competencies. The outcomes were chosen to cover some of the most important
subjects and laboratory techniques of general chemistry, not necessarily to cover all the course topics.
To assess Chem 121:
1. Mole concept: Understand the concept of the mole; employ dimensional analysis to perform mass-mole conversions in chemical reactions.
(competency 2, 4)
2. Structure of the periodic table: students should know the structure of the periodic table, write correct electron configurations for elements, understand
periodic trends of properties for elements in the table and use the periodicity law to predict missing properties (competency 1, 2)
3. Chemical bonding: students should describe the types of chemical bonding and distinguish between ionic and molecular compounds, draw correct
Lewis structures and discuss, on elementary level, chemical bonding (competency 2, 3)
To assess Chem 123L:
4. Mathematical analysis of the experimental results (competency 2, 4)
5. Reporting, graphing and interpreting of measured data: students should be able to briefly discuss the results and draw conclusions using written lab
reports (competency 3)
Assessment data collection:
Chem 121: The assessed material is covered in the lectures and contained in the textbook. For each outcome a set of workout problems or a
multistep problem are developed. Problems are designed to have different levels of difficulty. These problems will be given as part of the final exam.
Chem 123L: Outcomes were assessed on lab reports and specific question of the final lab exam.
In order to maintain the validity of the questions, the exams will not be given out to the students.
Rubric for Grading Outcomes Assessment:
“If students average <55% on a set of three or four questions, they understand it poorly. If they average 55% to 74% they have a moderate
understanding. For 75% and more they have a good understanding.
Full mastery
Student completes problem perfectly
including demonstrating understanding of
concept, performance of any arithmetic
needed, correct thought processes,
organization of information and work,
90% to 100 %
Basic skill mastery
Student demonstrates
understanding of the concept
and solves most of the
problems correctly. Student
could have some minor
computational mistakes.
75% to 89%
Partial mastery
Student demonstrates knowledge
of the concept can workout
straight forward simple problems
but may not be able to put the
whole picture together or
misunderstood a needed concept.
55% to 74 %
No mastery
Student demonstrates some
familiarity with the concept but
makes multiple mistakes, cannot
apply definitions , equations and
concepts to a problem
Less than 55%
Report on Outcomes assessment for Chem 121 + Chem 123L, Fall 2011
Instructor: Oksana Gerlits
Total number of students: 10
The data shown summarize the responses on every competency for each particular student
Assessment measure
Lecture final exam questions:
i) Which one in a) and b) has the larger radius: a) Al or N? b) O2- or Mg2+?
ii) Which one in a) and b) has the greater ionization energy: a) Na or Cl? b) N or Si?
iii) Choose the more electronegative element in a) and b): a) O or Se? b) B or N?
iv) Group the elements according to the similarities of their properties. Explain your
answer. In your answer use the symbols of elements not their names:
potassium, oxygen, bromine, sodium, chlorine, sulfur, neon
2. In the experiment similar to our experiment #1 several different diluted sugar water solutions
were made and the following data were collected: (the % concentrations by mass and densities
of the diluted solutions are given). The density of the unknown soft drink was measured to be
1.028 g/mL. Use the information given to find the % concentration by mass of the soft drink
and the amount of sugar in it if the drink volume is 355 mL.
# stud.
# stud.
# stud.
12 points correspond to 100%
Lecture final exam questions:
1. A student needs 300 mL of 0.500 M aqueous solution of K2Cr2O7. There are two methods
for the preparation. Potassium dichromate is a solid under normal conditions.
a). One is diluting of the more concentrated solution. For example there is a plenty
of 0.600 M K2Cr2O7: i) How many mL of this solution you will use to prepare the solution
of required concentration; ii) How many mL of water you will add.
b) Suggest another method and perform necessary calculations. All steps of procedure
should be briefly described.
# stud.
10 points correspond to 100%
Final Lab paper:
Final lab paper is a written scientific report on one of lab experiments. The report is required to
contain the following sections: purpose of the experiment; experimental procedure;
experimental data/observations; calculations/results; discussion; conclusion
1, 4
20 points correspond to 100%
Lecture final exam questions:
1. After 3.8 mL of ethanol, CH3OH, (d = 0.789 g/mL) was allowed to burn in the presence of
12.5 g of oxygen gas, 3.10 mL of water (d = 1.00 g/mL) was collected. Determine the limiting
reactant, theoretical yield of H2O, and percent yield for the reaction.
Lab final exam questions:
Experiment: Mole relationships in a Chemical Reaction
In similar experiment a student was studied decomposition of potassium chlorate, KClO3:
Possible equations to describe the reaction are:
1. 4 KClO3  2 K2O(s) + 2 Cl2(g) + 5 O2(g)
2. 2 KClO3  2 KCl(s) + 3 O2(g)
The experimental data are:
Mass of crucible, g
Mass of crucible with
Mass of crucible with the solid
KClO3, g
product, g
Using the reported data determine the correct reaction of the decomposition of KClO3
13 points correspond to 100%
Chem 121: General Chemistry I
Course Syllabus Fall 2011
Course information
Instructor: Dr. Oksana Gerlits
Office: 623E
Phone: (505) 662-0345 ext.345
E-mail: ogerlits@umn.edu
Textbook: Chemistry, 10th Ed., by Chang
Required Lecture Materials: Notebook, pen/pencil and calculators for all classes.
Lecture: MW 10:00-11:15 am, Classroom 606
Office Hours: MW 8:30 – 9:30 am
Catalog Description: Introduction to the chemical and physical behavior of matter.
Prerequisite: ACT=>25 or SAT=>570 or MATH 121 or MATH 123 or MATH 150 or MATH 162 or
MATH 163 or MATH 180 or MATH 181 or MATH 264. Corequisite: 123L. Meets New Mexico Lower
Division General Education Common Core Curriculum Area III: Science (NMCCN 1214).
Assessment: UNM-Los Alamos conducts ongoing assessments of student learning so it can
continue to improve its curriculum to give you the best education possible. The mechanism for this
assessment will be selected by your instructor and may include exams, projects or other
assignments. The assessment will focus on the learning outcomes listed in this syllabus. The data
from this assessment will be collected anonymously. It will be reported to the department, the Office
of Instruction and posted on the web. The information collected will be used to make improvements
to curriculum and teaching. This assessment is not a reflection of your grade and is not a grading
exercise; it is simply an evaluation of how well students are mastering certain skills.
1. Introduction to the concepts and principles of chemical science and their application to chemical
problems solutions and data analysis.
2. Preparation for future courses involving chemical concepts whether in chemistry or related fields.
3. Demonstration of the relevance of chemistry to our daily lives.
Learning outcomes
At the conclusion of the course, the student should be able to:
1. Know classification of matter and identify different subcategories of matter based on composition
and properties.
2. Report numerical answers using appropriate units and the correct number of significant figures.
3. Write correct formulas for compounds from given names or vice versa.
4. Balance chemical equations and interpret the meaning of the coefficients of a balanced equation.
5. Understand the concept of the mole; employ dimensional analysis to perform mass-mole
conversions in chemical reactions.
6. Recognize and describe basic types of reactions in aqueous solutions such as precipitation,
oxidation-reduction, acid-base; carry out quantitative analysis of solutions using molarity.
7. Calculate the effect of temperature and pressure changes on gases.
8. Distinguish energy changes during chemical reactions; calculate enthalpy and heat of chemical
9. Understand the quantation of energy; write correct electron configuration for any element within
the periodic table.
10. Know the structure of the periodic table; understand periodic trends for physical and chemical
properties of atoms and ions in periods and groups.
11. Describe the types of chemical bonding, draw correct Lewis structures and predict 3D geometry
of molecules using VSEPR. Discuss, on an elementary level, chemical bonding using molecular
orbital theory.
The lecture grade will be computed from:
Examinations: There will be four tests worth 67 points each. Students are expected to take all
examinations. The best three exam grades will be counted toward the final grade. For the dates,
please refer to the schedule.
In-class quizzes: There will be 9 in-class quizzes worth 15 points each. The best 9 quiz grades will
be counted toward the final grade.
Homeworks: Each chapter covered in class has an accompanying homework problem set (8 point
each). Best nine problem sets will be counted toward the final grade, the remaining set/sets will be
treated as extra credit. Homework problem sets are computerized. Each set is due in one week after
it was assigned
The final examination will be a cumulative test worth 107 points and will be given during the regularly
scheduled final exam period.
The grade will be determined according to the following point distribution:
Exams (Best 3 X 67 points)
In-class quizzes (Best 8 X 15 points)
Homework problem sets (Best 9 X 8 points)
Final exam (cumulative test)
Letter Grades will be assigned based on the following scale (the scale may be varied slightly):
98-100 % A+
85-86 % B+
73-77 % C+
57-59 % D
90-97 % A
80-84 % B
65-72 % C
55-56 % D87-89 % A78-79 % B60-64 % C< 55 %
Keep in mind: One of the best ways to prepare for examinations in chemistry is to work as
many problems as possible
Course policies
Attendance: Regular attendance at lectures is strongly encouraged. Your attendance will be
recorded and in cases of excessive absences the university counselors will be alerted to a possible
problem. A student who misses 10 or more classes will administratively dropped from the class. If
you have to miss class, it is your responsibility to get notes, handouts, etc., from a classmate.
Make-up: There will be no make-up exams or quizzes
Courtesy: Please, turn off cell phones before class starts. Please, arrive on time unless you have
an emergency. If you do have to be late, try to slip into the back of the classroom quietly.
Unexpected Class cancellation: Due to difficulties in informing students in advance of a teacher’s
illness or emergency, students who arrive for class and find the teacher isn’t there should wait 15
minutes (just in case he or she is simply late). After 15 minutes, students should go to building 1 to
the front desk to seek information (Los Alamos) or to their corresponding on-site contact for other
locations (provide). If there is no information, students should assume that class has been canceled
for the day and are free to leave. When possible, the instructor will call or email students to let them
know of a canceled class meeting.
American Disabilities Act:
In accordance with University Policy 2310 and the American Disabilities Act (ADA), academic
accommodations may be made for any student who notifies the instructor of the need for an
accommodation. It is imperative that you take the initiative to bring such needs to the instructor's
attention, as the instructor is not legally permitted to inquire. Students who may require assistance in
emergency evacuations should contact the instructor as to the most appropriate procedures to follow.
Contact Accessibility Services at 505-661-4692 for additional information
Dishonesty Policy: Each student is expected to maintain the highest standards of honesty and
integrity in academic and professional matters. The University reserves the right to take disciplinary
action, including dismissal, against any student who is found responsible for academic dishonesty.
Any student who has been judged to have engaged in academic dishonesty in course work may
receive a reduced or failing grade for the work in question and/or for the course.
Academic dishonesty includes, but is not limited to, dishonesty on quizzes, tests or assignments;
claiming credit for work not done or done by others; and hindering the academic work of other
Computer Account Policy:
Students should be aware of the computer use policies as they affect any aspect of their education at
You are required to have a Main campus computer account (NetID). You will also use this
account to register for classes through MyUNM, http://my.unm.edu, to read and send e-mail (your
UNM e-mail address looks like NetID@unm.edu), print transcripts, check financial status, and check
degree progress.
Students are required to check their UNM email as this is the main communication method
used by the university. Students may visit http://it.unm.edu/howtos/504.html for simple instruction on
how to forward their campus e-mail to a different email address
Your UNM NetID will be used to access computers on the UNM–Los Alamos campus
UNM–LA Wireless network—For more information about access to the UNM–LA wireless
network please see the instructions at http://www.la.unm.edu/Wireless/
You are also required to have a UNM-LA computer account. Students will logon to computers on
the UNM-Los Alamos campus using their UNM-Los Alamos account. This will be created for you by
the computer center administrator. Your UNM NetID will be your user name, and the temporary
password will be NetIDpass. You will be asked to change your password the first time you logon.
Preparation: Chemistry is a highly structured course, with each new topic based on others previously
developed. Thus it is critical for students to keep consistently up-to-date in their readings and
assignments. Therefore students should:
1) review previous material, especially if it was not perfectly understood
2) complete reading assignments before the lecture in which the topics are covered, or at least
immediately after the lecture
3) complete assigned problems and exercises on time
Syllabus and Assignments: The foregoing provides a general plan for the course, deviations from
which may be necessary. The instructor will announce any such changes in class.
Tentative Schedule:
Chapters to be covered: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9,10
Week of Monday
8/22: Orientation;
Chapter 1: Chemistry the Study of Change
8/29: Quiz #1,Chapter 1
8/24: Chapter 1
8/31: Chapter 2: Atoms, Molecules, and Ions
9/05: H O L I D A Y
9/07: Chapter 2
9/12: Exam #1
9/14: Chapter 3: Mass Relationships in
Chemical reactions
9/19: Quiz #2, Chapter 3
9/21: Chapter 3, Chapter 4: Reactions in
Aqueous Solutions
9/26: Quiz #3, Chapter 4
9/28: Chapter 4
10/03: Quiz #4, Chapter 5: Gases
10/05:, Chapter 5
10/10: H O L I D A Y
10/12: Exam #2
10/17: Chapter 6: Thermochemistry
10/24: Quiz #5, Chapter 6
10/19: Chapter 6
10/26: , Chapter 6
10/31: Quiz #6, Chapter 7: Quantum Theory
and the Electronic Structure of Atom
11/07: Exam #3
11/02:, Chapter 7
11/14: Quiz #7, Chapter 8, Chapter 9:
Chemical Bonding I: Basic Concepts
11/21: Quiz #8, Chapter 9
11/28: Exam # 4
12/05: Chapter 10
12/12: Final exam
11/09: Chapter 8: Periodic Relationships
Among the elements
11/16:, Chapter 9
11/23:, Chapter 10: Chemical Bonding II:
Molecular geometry and Hybridization of
Atomic Orbitals
11/30: Chapter 10
12/07: Quiz #9, Review
Chem 123L: General Chemistry I Laboratory
Course Syllabus Fall 2011
Course information
Instructor: Dr. Oksana Gerlits
Office: Rm. 623E
Phone: (505) 662-0345 ext.345
E-mail: ogerlits@umn.edu
Lab Meetings: M 1:30-4:20 p.m., Room 312
Lab volunteer: Dr. Thomas Newton
Textbook: Will be provided
Required Materials: Notebook, pen/pencil and calculators.
Notebook: You must have a bound and stitched lab notebook. Leave two pages blank at the front
of the notebook for a Table of Contents. All pages must be numbered, each entrance in the notebook
must be dated. All data must be recorded in this notebook in ink. Do not use pencil. Do not record
data on loose sheets of paper. Your lab notebook will be checked from time to time, and signed
each lab period.
Catalog Description: Introduction to basic chemical laboratory principles and techniques.
Prerequisite: ACT=>25 or SAT=>570 or MATH 121 or MATH 123 or MATH 150 or MATH 162 or MATH
163 or MATH 180 or MATH 181 or MATH 264. Corequisite: 121.
Assessment: UNM-Los Alamos conducts ongoing assessments of student learning so it can
continue to improve its curriculum to give you the best education possible. The mechanism for this
assessment will be selected by your instructor and may include exams, projects or other
assignments. The assessment will focus on the learning outcomes listed in this syllabus. The data
from this assessment will be collected anonymously. It will be reported to the department, the Office
of Instruction and posted on the web. The information collected will be used to make improvements
to curriculum and teaching. This assessment is not a reflection of your grade and is not a grading
exercise; it is simply an evaluation of how well students are mastering certain skills.
1. To train students in basic chemical laboratory techniques.
2. Learn safe laboratory practices.
3. Introduction to scientific method: observations, data recording and analysis, results interpretation
and draw conclusions.
Learning outcomes
At the conclusion of the course, the students should have personal experience with the following
1. Measure and transfer liquids using a beaker, graduated cylinder, volumetric flask, and pipette.
2. Determine the mass of a substance on a balance.
3. Create a solution of known concentration.
4. Use a burette to perform a titration.
5. Cary out gravity filtration.
6. Observe the effects of a chemical reaction.
7. Perform mathematical analysis of results
8. Calculate and evaluate the error in measured data.
9. Graph and interpret measured data.
The lab grade will be computed from:
Pre-lab quiz: There will be 9 quizzes each covering a new lab experiment. The best 8 will be counted
toward the final grade.
Lab reports: There will be 10 lab reports; one of the labs has 2 reports to it. The best 9 will be counted
toward the final grade. Lab reports are due at the beginning of next lab exercise. If it is handed in one
class late, a 10 % deduction will be taken, two classes late, 20 % and so on (Note: 20% grade of
each lab report are points for lab conducting).
Final lab paper: There will be one write-up report. The format of the write-up report is explained in the
lab manual and will be discussed during the lab period. The final paper is due on the day of the final
lab exam.
The final examination will be a test given in the last week of classes. The format of the exam will be
discussed during the lab period. There will be no make-up for the final exam.
The grade will be determined according to the following point distribution:
Prelab quizzes (Best 8 X 5 points)
Lab reports (Best 9 x 5 points)
Final exam
Final lab paper
Letter Grades will be assigned based on the following scale (the scale may be varied slightly):
98-100 %
90-97 %
87-89 %
85-86 %
80-84 %
78-79 %
73-77 %
65-72 %
60-64 %
57-59 %
55-56 %
< 55 %
Course policies
Attendance to lab and lab lectures is required. You may miss up to 2 regular labs in case of illness, business
trips, etc. Missing more than 2 labs will result in reduction of your grade. If you have missed only one lab, it
will be dropped as having the lowest grade. If you have missed 2 labs, no grades will be dropped. If you have
to miss class, it is your responsibility to get notes, handouts, etc., from a classmate.
Make-up: There is only one make-up lab allowed in case of illness or business trip.
Courtesy: Please, turn off cell phones before class starts. Please, arrive on time unless you have an emergency.
Working in the lab: Safety glasses required at all times. Cleaning up is part of the lab session. Students
should stop working and begin cleaning up their work area 15 minutes before the conclusion of the lab
session. Failure to follow safety procedures will result in expulsion from that lab session with no make-up
Unexpected Class cancellation: Due to difficulties in informing students in advance of a teacher’s illness or
emergency, students who arrive for class and find the teacher isn’t there should wait 15 minutes (just in case he
or she is simply late). After 15 minutes, students should go to building 1 to the front desk to seek information
(Los Alamos) or to their corresponding on-site contact for other locations (provide). If there is no information,
students should assume that class has been canceled for the day and are free to leave. When possible, the
instructor will call or email students to let them know of a canceled class meeting.
American Disabilities Act:
In accordance with University Policy 2310 and the American Disabilities Act (ADA), academic
accommodations may be made for any student who notifies the instructor of the need for an accommodation. It
is imperative that you take the initiative to bring such needs to the instructor's attention, as the instructor is not
legally permitted to inquire. Students who may require assistance in emergency evacuations should contact the
instructor as to the most appropriate procedures to follow. Contact Accessibility Services at 505-661-4692 for
additional information
Dishonesty Policy: Each student is expected to maintain the highest standards of honesty and integrity in
academic and professional matters. The University reserves the right to take disciplinary action, including
dismissal, against any student who is found responsible for academic dishonesty. Any student who has been
judged to have engaged in academic dishonesty in course work may receive a reduced or failing grade for the
work in question and/or for the course.
Academic dishonesty includes, but is not limited to, dishonesty on quizzes, tests or assignments; claiming credit
for work not done or done by others; and hindering the academic work of other students.
Computer Account Policy:
Students should be aware of the computer use policies as they affect any aspect of their education at UNM-LA.
You are required to have a Main campus computer account (NetID). You will also use this account to
register for classes through MyUNM, http://my.unm.edu, to read and send e-mail (your UNM e-mail address
looks like NetID@unm.edu), print transcripts, check financial status, and check degree progress.
Students are required to check their UNM email as this is the main communication method used by the
university. Students may visit http://it.unm.edu/howtos/504.html for simple instruction on how to forward their
campus e-mail to a different email address
Your UNM NetID will be used to access computers on the UNM–Los Alamos campus
UNM–LA Wireless network—For more information about access to the UNM–LA wireless network
please see the instructions at http://www.la.unm.edu/Wireless/
You are also required to have a UNM-LA computer account. Students will logon to computers on the
UNM-Los Alamos campus using their UNM-Los Alamos account. This will be created for you by the
computer center administrator. Your UNM NetID will be your user name, and the temporary password will be
NetIDpass. You will be asked to change your password the first time you logon.
Syllabus and Assignments: The foregoing provides a general plan for the course, deviations from which may
be necessary. The instructor will announce any such changes in class.
Tentative Schedule:
Week of
Diagnostic test, Check in, safety orientation
Exp.1: Determination of sugar in commercial beverages
Determination of sugar in commercial beverages
Exp.2: Mole relationship in a decomposition reaction of NaHCO3
Exp.3: Identification of Selected Anions
Exp.4 : Gravimetric analysis of an unknown chloride salt
Exp.5: Standardization of solutions
Standardization of solutions
Exp. 6: Boyle’s Law
Exp. 7: Analysis for carbon in carbonates
Assignments of experiments for the final lab paper
Exp. 8: Calorimetry: determination of the heat of fusion of ice
Paper drafts are accepted for the revision
Calorimetry: determination of the heat of fusion of ice
Due for the paper drafts to be accepted for the revision
Exp. 9: Lewis Structures and molecular geometry
Final lab exam
Core Competencies Assessment 2011-2012: Area III Courses
New Mexico Institution Name
(UNM-Los Alamos: Chem 121 + Lab General Chemistry, Chem 123L)
State Competencies
Assessment Procedures
(Learning Outcomes Being
1. Students will describe the
process of scientific inquiry.
Students should:
a. Understand that scientists
rely on evidence obtained
from observations rather than
authority, tradition, doctrine,
or intuition.
b. Students should value
science as a way to develop
reliable knowledge about the
2. Students will solve problems
Students should:
a. Be able to construct and test
hypotheses using modern lab
equipment (such as
microscopes, scales,
computer technology) and
appropriate quantitative
b. Be able to evaluate isolated
observations about the
physical universe and relate
them to hierarchically
organized explanatory
frameworks (theories).
Laboratory Science Competencies
(NMCCN: CHEM 1224)
Assessment Results
Course Name and NMCCN
(Process/Instrument named or
described – rubric attached)
Data presented are for
Spring 2012
Good understanding corresponds
to scores
of 75-100%
Moderate understanding
corresponds to scores
of 55-75%
Poor understanding corresponds
to scores
less than 55%
Competency 2 is addressed by:
1. Learning outcome (lab):
Prediction of the experiment
How Results Will Be Used
To Make Improvements
Good results, nothing should be
changed at the time
Good understanding: 90%
Moderate understanding: 10%
Poor understanding: 0%
Assessment measure:
1. Practical final lab exam
Rubric attached
Core Competencies Assessment 2008-2009: Area III Courses
New Mexico Institution Name
State Competencies
Assessment Procedures
(Learning Outcomes Being
Course Name and NMCCN
(Process/Instrument named or
described – rubric attached)
Laboratory Science Competencies, cont.
Assessment Results
How Results Will Be Used
To Make Improvements
3. Students will communicate
scientific information.
Students should:
Communicate effectively about
science (e.g., write lab reports in
standard format and explain
basic scientific concepts,
procedures, and results using
written, oral, and graphic
presentation techniques.)
4. Students will apply
quantitative analysis to
scientific problems.
Students should:
a. Select and perform appropriate
quantitative analyses of scientific
b. Show familiarity with the
metric system, use a calculator to
perform appropriate mathematical
operations, and present results in
tables and graphs.
Competency 3 is addressed by:
1. Learning outcome (lab):
Systematization and reporting of
the experimental data
Good understanding: 40%
Moderate understanding: 50%
Poor understanding: 10%
Results are not as good compared
to Fall 2011.
Should strongly encourage early
submission of the report to allow
for feedback from the instructor
Assessment measure:
1. Final lab report
Rubric attached
Competency 4 is addressed by:
1. Learning outcomes (lecture):
Chemical Equilibrium
2. Learning outcome (lab):
Mathematical analysis of
experimental results
Assessment measure:
1. Questions on the final exam
2. Questions on the final practical
lab exam
Good understanding: 70%
Moderate understanding: 10%
Poor understanding: 30%
Quantitative analysis in the
second portion of general
chemistry course is much more
complicated compared to chem.
121 and this explains that results
are poorer.
Need to rethink the structure of
the lecture, more time should be
devoted to problem solving rather
than concept covering.
Rubric attached
5. Students will apply scientific
thinking to real world
Students should:
a. Critically evaluate scientific
reports or accounts presented in
the popular media.
b. Understand the basic scientific
facts related to important
contemporary issues (e.g., global
warming, stem cell research,
cosmology), and ask informed
questions about those issues.
End – Laboratory Science
Area III Assessment completed by
Oksana Gerlits
Phone number
Printed Name
Outcomes assessment plan for Chem 122 + Chem 124L
Spring 2011
Instructor: Oksana Gerlits
State Competencies:
1. Students will describe the process of scientific inquiry.
2. Students will solve problems scientifically.
3. Students will communicate scientific information.
4. Students will apply quantitative analysis to scientific problems.
5. Students will apply scientific thinking to real world problems.
Course outcomes:
The following outcomes will assess the success in achieving of the state competencies. The outcomes were chosen to cover some of the most important
subjects and laboratory techniques of general chemistry, not necessarily to cover all the course topics.
To assess Chem 122:
1. Chemical Equilibrium: understand the concept of equilibrium, its application to acids, bases, and solubility and the factors that affect chemical
equilibria. Apply the concepts involved in Bronsted acids and bases, write acid-base reaction equations, calculate pH; understand how buffer solutions
work (competency 2, 4)
To assess Chem 124L:
2. Systematization and reporting of the experimental data (competency 3)
3. Prediction of the experiment outcomes (competency 2)
4. Mathematical analysis of experimental results (competency 4)
Assessment data collection:
Chem 122: The assessed material is covered in the lectures and contained in the textbook. For each outcome a set of workout problems or a
multistep problem are developed. Problems are designed to have different levels of difficulty. These problems will be given as part of the final exam.
Chem 124L: Outcomes were assessed on lab reports and specific question of the final lab exam.
In order to maintain the validity of the questions, the exams will not be given out to the students.
Rubric for Grading Outcomes Assessment:
“If students average <55% on a set of three or four questions, they understand it poorly. If they average 55% to 74% they have a moderate
understanding. For 75% and more they have a good understanding.
Full mastery
Student completes problem perfectly
including demonstrating understanding of
concept, performance of any arithmetic
needed, correct thought processes,
organization of information and work,
90% to 100 %
Basic skill mastery
Student demonstrates
understanding of the concept
and solves most of the
problems correctly. Student
could have some minor
computational mistakes.
75% to 89%
Partial mastery
Student demonstrates knowledge
of the concept can workout
straight forward simple problems
but may not be able to put the
whole picture together or
misunderstood a needed concept.
55% to 74 %
No mastery
Student demonstrates some
familiarity with the concept but
makes multiple mistakes, cannot
apply definitions , equations and
concepts to a problem
Less than 55%
Report on Outcomes assessment for Chem 122 + Chem 124L, Spring 2011
Instructor: Oksana Gerlits
Total number of students: 10
The data shown summarize the responses on every competency for each particular student
Assessment measure
Final practical laboratory exam
Students were provided with the sample of the unknown acid and standardized NaOH solution
and the list with possible acids. After the experiment students should be able to identify an
unknown from the list.
1, 4
14 points correspond to 100%
Final Lab paper:
(20 Pts) Final lab paper is a written scientific report on one of lab experiments. The report is
required to contain the following sections: purpose of the experiment; experimental procedure;
experimental data/observations; calculations/results; discussion; conclusion
Lecture final exam questions:
1. Consider the titration of a 25.0-mL sample of 0.175 M NH3 with 0.150 M HBr.
NH3(aq) + HBr(aq)  NH4Br(aq)
Determine each of the following:
a) the initial pH at 0.0 mL of added acid;
b) the pH before equivalence point, estimate acid amount/volume you need for this
c) the pH at equivalence point;
# stud.
# stud.
# stud.
# stud.
Final practical laboratory exam
Ability to analyze and graph the experimental data
59 points correspond to 100%
Observations and action plan:
The concepts which are covered in the second part of chemistry are much more challenging to students relatively to the subjects of general
chemistry I. This in parts explains the assessment results for state competencies #2 and #4. Another factor which affects the assessment is the
population of student body in the class. The second semester of chemistry unites a challenging cluster of students: about 2/3 of the class are
students who completed the first part of general chemistry in the preceding fall semester and ~ 1/3 of the class are students who had chemistry one
couple or more semesters ago. It is the second group of students which are very challenging. They require a lot of material from the first part to be
reviewed and some of that needs to be even relearned. This creates specific problems, they are not able to digest the material with the same speed
and to the same end point compared to the students who are continuing the subject.
In general, I would suggest to our advisers to make recommendations for students who needs to complete a sequence of courses in one discipline
(regardless of the field of discipline) to do it in a row leaving no semesters in between.
Chem 122: General Chemistry II
Course Syllabus Spring 2012
Course information
Instructor: Dr. Oksana Gerlits
Office: Rm. 623E
Phone: (505) 662-0345 ext.345
E-mail: ogerlits@umn.edu
Textbook: Chemistry, 10th Ed., by Chang
Required Lecture Materials: Notebook, pen/pencil and calculators for all quizzes and exams.
Lecture: MW 10:00-11:15 a.m., Classroom 606
Office Hours: MW 8:45 – 9:45 a.m., Tuesday by appointment
Catalog Description: Continuation of 121. Meets New Mexico Lower Division General Education
Common Core Curriculum Area III: Science (NMCCN 1224).
Pre- or Co-requisite: 124L
Prerequisite: (ACT=>25 or SAT=>570 or MATH 121 or MATH 123 or MATH 150 or MATH 162 or
MATH 163 or MATH 180 or MATH 181 or MATH 264) and (121 and 123L) or 131L
Assessment: UNM-Los Alamos conducts ongoing assessments of student learning so it can
continue to improve its curriculum to give you the best education possible. The mechanism for this
assessment will be selected by your instructor and may include exams, projects or other
assignments. The assessment will focus on the learning outcomes listed in this syllabus. The data
from this assessment will be collected anonymously. It will be reported to the department, the Office
of Instruction and posted on the web. The information collected will be used to make improvements
to curriculum and teaching. This assessment is not a reflection of your grade and is not a grading
exercise; it is simply an evaluation of how well students are mastering certain skills.
CHEM 122 is a continuation of CHEM 121. CHEM 122 focuses on chemical transformations. The
principles introduced in this course include thermodynamics, chemical kinetics, chemical equilibria,
and electrochemistry.
The goals of this course are to develop an understanding of these principles, to apply that
understanding to solve chemical problems and analyze data, to understand how these principles
apply to the world around us, and to develop an understanding of the languages (write/verbal,
mathematical, graphic) of chemistry.
Learning outcomes
At the conclusion of the course, the student should be able to:
1. Know types of intermolecular forces.
2. Understand and describe physical properties of solutions.
3. Calculate reaction rates; understand activation energy, reaction mechanisms and catalysis.
4. Understand the concept of equilibrium, its application to acids, bases, and solubility and the factors
that affect chemical equilibria.
5. Apply the concepts involved in Bronsted acids and bases, write acid-base reaction equations,
calculate pH; understand how buffer solutions work.
6. Work problems in acid-base and solubility product reactions and apply principles to qualitative
7. Discuss spontaneous and nonspontaneous processes and apply the concept of Gibbs Free
8. Understand redox reactions in terms of standard electrode potentials, the concept of spontaneity
of redox reactions and the importance of concentration of cell EMF.
The lecture grade will be computed from:
Examinations: There will be four tests worth 67 points each. Students are expected to take all
examinations. For the dates, please refer to the schedule. The best three exam grades will be
counted toward the final grade.
In-class quizzes: There will be 9 in-class quizzes worth 15 points each. The best 8 quiz grades will be
counted toward the final grade. There will be no make-up quizzes.
Homeworks: Each chapter covered in class has an accompanying homework problem set (8 point
each). Nine problem sets will be counted toward the final grade, if there are more sets, they will be
treated as extra credit. Homework problem sets are computerized. Each set is due in one week after
it was assigned
The final examination will be a cumulative test worth 107 points and will be given during the regularly
scheduled final exam period. There will be no make-up for the final test.
The grade will be determined according to the following point distribution:
Exams (Best 3 X 67 points)
In-class quizzes (Best 8 X 15 points)
Homework problem sets (Best 9 X 8 points)
Final exam (cumulative test)
Letter Grades will be assigned based on the following scale (the scale may be varied slightly):
98-100 %
90-97 %
87-89 %
85-86 %
80-84 %
78-79 %
73-77 %
65-72 %
60-64 %
57-59 %
55-56 %
< 55 %
Course policies
Attendance: Regular attendance at lectures is strongly encouraged. Your attendance will be
recorded and in cases of excessive absences the university counselors will be alerted to a possible
problem. A student who misses 10 or more classes will administratively dropped from the class. If
you have to miss class, it is your responsibility to get notes, handouts, etc., from a classmate.
Make-up: There will be no make-up exams and quizzes.
Courtesy: Please, turn off cell phones before class starts. Please, arrive on time unless you have
an emergency. If you do have to be late, try to slip into the back of the classroom quietly.
Unexpected Class cancellation: Due to difficulties in informing students in advance of a teacher’s
illness or emergency, students who arrive for class and find the teacher isn’t there should wait 15
minutes (just in case he or she is simply late). After 15 minutes, students should go to building 1 to
the front desk to seek information (Los Alamos) or to their corresponding on-site contact for other
locations (provide). If there is no information, students should assume that class has been canceled
for the day and are free to leave. When possible, the instructor will call or email students to let them
know of a canceled class meeting.
American Disabilities Act: In accordance with University Policy 2310 and the American Disabilities
Act (ADA), academic accommodations may be made for any student who notifies the instructor of the
need for an accommodation. It is imperative that you take the initiative to bring such needs to the
instructor's attention, as the instructor is not legally permitted to inquire. Students who may require
assistance in emergency evacuations should contact the instructor as to the most appropriate
procedures to follow. Contact Accessibility Services at 505-661-4692 for additional information.
Dishonesty Policy: Each student is expected to maintain the highest standards of honesty and
integrity in academic and professional matters. The University reserves the right to take disciplinary
action, including dismissal, against any student who is found responsible for academic dishonesty.
Any student who has been judged to have engaged in academic dishonesty in course work may
receive a reduced or failing grade for the work in question and/or for the course.
Academic dishonesty includes, but is not limited to, dishonesty on quizzes, tests or assignments;
claiming credit for work not done or done by others; and hindering the academic work of other
Computer Account Policy: Students should be aware of the computer use policies as they affect
any aspect of their education at UNM-LA.
You are required to have a Main campus computer account (NetID). You will also use this
account to register for classes through MyUNM, http://my.unm.edu, to read and send e-mail (your
UNM e-mail address looks like NetID@unm.edu), print transcripts, check financial status, and check
degree progress.
Students are required to check their UNM email as this is the main communication method
used by the university. Students may visit http://it.unm.edu/howtos/504.html for simple instruction on
how to forward their campus e-mail to a different email address
Your UNM NetID will be used to access computers on the UNM–Los Alamos campus
UNM–LA Wireless network—For more information about access to the UNM–LA wireless
network please see the instructions at http://www.la.unm.edu/Wireless/
You are also required to have a UNM-LA computer account. Students will logon to computers on
the UNM-Los Alamos campus using their UNM-Los Alamos account. This will be created for you by
the computer center administrator. Your UNM NetID will be your user name, and the temporary
password will be NetIDpass. You will be asked to change your password the first time you logon.
Preparation: Chemistry is a highly structured course, with each new topic based on others previously
developed. Thus it is critical for students to keep consistently up-to-date in their readings and
assignments. Therefore students should:
1) review previous material, especially if it was not perfectly understood
2) complete reading assignments before the lecture in which the topics are covered, or at least
immediately after the lecture
3) complete assigned problems and exercises on time
Syllabus and Assignments: The foregoing provides a general plan for the course, deviations from
which may be necessary. The instructor will announce any such changes in class.
Tentative Schedule:
Chapters to be covered: 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 18, 19
Week of
01/16: H O L I D A Y
01/23: Chapter 11: Intermolecular Forces
and Liquids and solids
01/30: Chapter 12: Physical properties of
01/18: Orientation; brief review; Quiz
01/25: Quiz #1, Chapter 11
02/06: Chapter 13: Chemical Kinetics
02/08: Exam 1 (Ch. 11, 12)
02/13: Chapter 13
02/20: Chapter 14: Chemical Equilibrium
02/27: Chapter 14
03/05: Quiz #5, Chapter 15
03/19: Chapter 15
03/26: Chapter 16
04/02: Chapter 16
04/09: Chapter 18: Entropy, Free Energy,
and Equilibrium
02/01: Quiz #2,Chapter 12
02/03: Last day to drop a course without a
grade (100% refund)
02/10: Last day to change grading options
02/15: Chapter 13
02/22: Quiz #3, Chapter 14
02/29: Quiz #4, Chapter 15: Acids and
03/07: Exam 2 (Ch.13, 14)
03/21: Quiz #5, Chapter 16: Acid-Base
Equilibria and Solubility Equilibria
03/28: Quiz #6, Chapter 16
04/04: Exam 3 (Ch 15, 16)
04/11: Quiz #7, Chapter 18
04/13: Last day to withdraw without
approval of Student Services
04/16: Chapter 18
04/23: Chapter 19
04/30: Chapter 19
05/07: Final exam
04/18: Quiz #8, Chapter 19: Electrochemistry
04/25: Exam #4 (Ch. 16, 18, 19)
05/02: Quiz #9, Review
04/05: Last day to withdraw from a course
with approval of Student Services
05/09: NO CLASS
Keep in mind!
One of the best ways to prepare for examinations in chemistry is to work as many problems
as possible.
Chem 124: General Chemistry I Laboratory
Course Syllabus Spring 2012
Course information
Instructor: Dr. Oksana Gerlits
Office: Rm. 623E
Phone: (505) 662-0345 ext.345
E-mail: ogerlits@umn.edu
Lab volunteer: Dr. Thomas Newton
Textbook: Will be provided
Required Materials: a stitched binding notebook for laboratory work (note: spiral, cemented, or looseleaf notebooks are not acceptable!), pen/pencil and calculators.
Lab: M 1:30-4:20 p.m., Room 312
Catalog Description: Experiments illustrating the fundamental principles and techniques of chemistry.
(3 hour lab)
Pre- or Co-requisite: 122
Prerequisite: (ACT=>25 or SAT=>570 or MATH 121 or MATH 123 or MATH 150 or MATH 162 or
MATH 163 or MATH 180 or MATH 181 or MATH 264) and (121 and 123L) or 131L
Assessment: UNM-Los Alamos conducts ongoing assessments of student learning so it can
continue to improve its curriculum to give you the best education possible. The mechanism for this
assessment will be selected by your instructor and may include exams, projects or other
assignments. The assessment will focus on the learning outcomes listed in this syllabus. The data
from this assessment will be collected anonymously. It will be reported to the department, the Office
of Instruction and posted on the web. The information collected will be used to make improvements
to curriculum and teaching. This assessment is not a reflection of your grade and is not a grading
exercise; it is simply an evaluation of how well students are mastering certain skills.
1. To train students in basic chemical laboratory techniques.
2. Learn safe laboratory practices.
3. Introduction to scientific method: observations, data recording and analysis, results interpretation
and draw conclusions.
Learning outcomes
At the conclusion of the course, the students should have personal experience with the following
1. Titration of oxidation-reduction reactions
2. Use of spectrophotometer to determine the solubility of ionic compounds
3. Investigate the kinetics of the persulfate-iodide reaction
4. Study of chemical equilibrium
5. Investigation of effects of temperature, concentration on the chemical equilibrium
6. Use of pH meter, titration of strong and weak acids
7. Qualitative analysis:
8. Observe the effects of a chemical reaction.
9. Perform mathematical analysis of results
10. Calculate and evaluate the error in measured data.
11. Graph and interpret measured data.
The lab grade will be computed from:
Prelab questions: There will be 8 prelabs assigned. The best 7 will be counted toward the final grade.
Prelabs are due at the beginning of the lab to which they are assigned.
Lab reports: There will be 10 lab reports; two of the labs have 2 reports per lab. The best 9 will be
counted toward the final grade. Lab reports are due at the beginning of next lab period. If it is handed
in one class late, a 10 % deduction will be taken, two classes late, 20 % and so on. (Note: 20% grade
of each experiment is points for lab conducting).
The final examination will be given in the last week of classes. The format of the exam will be
discussed during the lab period. There will be no make-up for the final lab.
The grade will be determined according to the following point distribution:
Prelabs (Best 7 X 5 points)
Lab reports (Best 9 x 5 points)
Final exam
Final lab paper
Letter Grades will be assigned based on the following scale (the scale may be varied slightly):
98-100 %
90-97 %
87-89 %
85-86 %
80-84 %
78-79 %
73-77 %
65-72 %
60-64 %
57-59 %
55-56 %
< 55 %
Course policies
Attendance to lab and lab lectures is required. You may miss up to 2 regular labs in case of illness,
business trips, etc. Missing more than 2 labs will result in reduction of your grade. If you have missed
only one lab, the lowest grade will be dropped. If you have missed 2 labs, no grades will be dropped.
If you have to miss class, it is your responsibility to get notes, handouts, etc., from a classmate.
Make-up: You are eligible for maximum of 1 make-up. Make-up labs can be arranged during the
regular lab sections or during the week of 05/02.
Courtesy: Please, turn off cell phones before class starts. Please, arrive on time unless you have an
Working in the lab: Safety glasses required at all times. Cleaning up is part of the lab
session. Students should stop working and begin cleaning up their work area 15 minutes before the
conclusion of the lab session. Failure to follow safety procedures will result in expulsion from
that lab session with no make-up allowed.
Unexpected Class cancellation: Due to difficulties in informing students in advance of a teacher’s
illness or emergency, students who arrive for class and find the teacher isn’t there should wait 15
minutes (just in case he or she is simply late). After 15 minutes, students should go to building 1 to
the front desk to seek information (Los Alamos) or to their corresponding on-site contact for other
locations (provide). If there is no information, students should assume that class has been canceled
for the day and are free to leave. When possible, the instructor will call or email students to let them
know of a canceled class meeting.
American Disabilities Act:
In accordance with University Policy 2310 and the American Disabilities Act (ADA), academic
accommodations may be made for any student who notifies the instructor of the need for an
accommodation. It is imperative that you take the initiative to bring such needs to the instructor's
attention, as the instructor is not legally permitted to inquire. Students who may require assistance in
emergency evacuations should contact the instructor as to the most appropriate procedures to follow.
Contact Accessibility Services at 505-661-4692 for additional information
Dishonesty Policy: Each student is expected to maintain the highest standards of honesty and
integrity in academic and professional matters. The University reserves the right to take disciplinary
action, including dismissal, against any student who is found responsible for academic dishonesty.
Any student who has been judged to have engaged in academic dishonesty in course work may
receive a reduced or failing grade for the work in question and/or for the course.
Academic dishonesty includes, but is not limited to, dishonesty on quizzes, tests or assignments;
claiming credit for work not done or done by others; and hindering the academic work of other
Computer Account Policy: Students should be aware of the computer use policies as they affect
any aspect of their education at UNM-LA.
You are required to have a Main campus computer account (NetID). You will also use this
account to register for classes through MyUNM, http://my.unm.edu, to read and send e-mail (your
UNM e-mail address looks like NetID@unm.edu), print transcripts, check financial status, and check
degree progress.
Students are required to check their UNM email as this is the main communication method
used by the university. Students may visit http://it.unm.edu/howtos/504.html for simple instruction on
how to forward their campus e-mail to a different email address
Your UNM NetID will be used to access computers on the UNM–Los Alamos campus
UNM–LA Wireless network—For more information about access to the UNM–LA wireless
network please see the instructions at http://www.la.unm.edu/Wireless/
You are also required to have a UNM-LA computer account. Students will logon to computers on
the UNM-Los Alamos campus using their UNM-Los Alamos account. This will be created for you by
the computer center administrator. Your UNM NetID will be your user name, and the temporary
password will be NetIDpass. You will be asked to change your password the first time you logon.
Syllabus and Assignments: The foregoing provides a general plan for the course, deviations from
which may be necessary. The instructor will announce any such changes in class.
Tentative Schedule:
Week of
Experiments order
Check in, safety orientation
Lab #1: Oxidation-reduction titration
Oxidation-reduction titration
Lab #2: Solubility lab
Lab #3: Freezing point depression
Lab #4: Kinetics Lab
Kinetics lab
Lab # 5: Chemical Equilibrium
Chemical Equilibrium
Lab # 6: Chemical Equilibrium, Le Chatelier’s principle
Lab # 7: pH titration, Standardization of pH meter
Lab # 7: pH titration
Lab # 8: Qualitative analysis: identification of alkali metal and ammonium ions
Lab reports and point destribution:
1. Oxidation reduction
2. Solubility
3.Freezing point depression
4. Kinetics
5. Chemical Equilibrium
6. Le Chatelier’s principle
7. pH titration
8. Qualitative analysis
12 points: 2 lab reports: 6 points each
6 points
6 points
6 points
6 points
6 points
12points: 2 lab reports: 6 points each
6 points
Core Competencies Assessment 2011-2012: Area III Courses
New Mexico Institution Name:
(UNM-Los Alamos)
Laboratory Science Competencies
(No NMCCN code)
State Competencies
Assessment Procedures
(Learning Outcomes Being
Course Name and NMCCN
(Process/Instrument named or
described – rubric attached)
Phyc102 (lecture)
1. Students will describe the
process of scientific inquiry.
Students should:
a. Understand that scientists
rely on evidence obtained
from observations rather than
authority, tradition, doctrine,
or intuition.
b. Students should value
science as a way to develop
reliable knowledge about the
The process of scientific inquiry
was emphasized throughout the
course. The assessment is based
on overall class work, including
class interaction, homework,
quizzes, and in-class exams. The
students have shown good
understanding of the process.
Good understanding:
2. Students will solve problems
Students should:
a. Be able to construct and test
hypotheses using modern lab
equipment (such as
microscopes, scales,
computer technology) and
appropriate quantitative
b. Be able to evaluate isolated
observations about the
physical universe and relate
them to hierarchically
organized explanatory
frameworks (theories).
Competency 2 is addressed by:
Good understanding:
3. Students will communicate
scientific information.
Students should:
This is based on
Learning outcome:
Electricity and Magnetism
Assessment measure:
Overall average grades of each
student for two in-class Exams
Assessment Results
Basic skill mastery
Partial mastery
No mastery
How Results Will Be Used
To Make Improvements
Continue to educate students in
the terms of scientific process.
Learning outcome:
This concept is very essential, and
we should always remind students
about its importance.
The result showed most students
mastered the class materials in a
satisfactory level. There are a
few students that have difficulties
with the set-up methodology and
lack understanding of basic
concepts. Those students may
need extra help, such as extra
tutoring. They need to learn stepby-step logical thought processes.
When I assigned homework,
I had tried to give hints, to show
students how to use step-by-step
concept of physics to solve
problems. Usually, the students
can follow these leads to solve the
homework problems. However, to
master this method, students really
need to improve their basic
learning method, such as how to
conclude and connect everything
together. They also should
understand that sometimes
memorization is important in the
learning process. This scope is
broader than the physics course
It shows the some students need
more training on how to handle
the scientific data.
The lab training may help students
to improve their ability in this
Assessment measure:
Problems extracted from in-class
Basic skill mastery
Partial mastery
Communicate effectively about
science (e.g., write lab reports in
standard format and explain
basic scientific concepts,
procedures, and results using
written, oral, and graphic
presentation techniques.)
4. Students will apply
quantitative analysis to
scientific problems.
Students should:
a. Select and perform appropriate
quantitative analyses of scientific
b. Show familiarity with the
metric system, use a calculator to
perform appropriate mathematical
operations, and present results in
tables and graphs.
5. Students will apply scientific
thinking to real world
Students should:
a. Critically evaluate scientific
reports or accounts presented in
the popular media.
b. Understand the basic scientific
facts related to important
contemporary issues (e.g., global
warming, stem cell research,
cosmology), and ask informed
questions about those issues.
Electricity and Magnetism
No mastery
Assessment measure:
The score of each student on the
problems extracted from two inclass Exams.
Competency 4 is addressed by:
Learning outcome (lecture):
Electricity and Magnetism
Good understanding:
Basic skill mastery
Partial mastery
Assessment measure:
Overall average grades of each
student for two in-class Exams
This shows some students have
poor math skill besides the
physics concepts. Since
mathematics is an important tool
for physics, physics problems
cannot be analyzed without
proper math skills.
While teaching physics, I always
try to teach some math. On the
other hand, the students should
better prepare themselves in basic
algebra before this class.
Need to continue to relate the
everyday phenomena to the
subject taught in the class. To
persuade students to understand
the physics behind these
Class demo and lab training.
No mastery
Competency 5 is addressed by:
Good understanding:
Learning outcome (lecture):
Electricity and Magnetism
Basic skill mastery
Partial mastery
Assessment measure:
Problems extracted from in-class
No mastery
End – Laboratory Science
Area III Assessment completed by
Jiaming Morgan
Jiaming Morgan
Printed Name
Phone number:
505 662-7729
Outcome Assessment for Physics 102 Lecture, Fall 2011
Instructor: Jiaming Morgan
UNM-LA Campus
State Competencies:
1. Student will describe the process of scientific inquiry.
2. Students will solve problems scientifically.
3. Students will communicate scientific information.
4. Students will apply quantitative analysis to scientific problems.
5. Students will apply scientific thinking to real world problems.
Course Outcomes:
The following outcomes assess the success in achieving of the state competencies. The outcomes were chosen to cover the most basic subjects of this introductory
physics course, not necessarily to cover all the course topics.
1. Mechanics: Newton’s three laws of motion, gravity, work and energy, and projectile motion.
2. Thermodynamics: temperature, internal energy, heat (energy transfer, including heat capacity, phase transition), 1st and 2nd law of thermodynamics.
3. Electricity and magnetism: Coulomb forces between electric charges, Ohm’s Law and electric circuits, poles, cause of magnetism, Faraday’s law.
4. Light and geometry optics: wavelength, frequency and color, speed of light, laws of reflection and refraction.
Assessment procedures:
Total of two in-class exams, Exam1 and Exam2, were given to the students in the fall, 2011. This assessment is based on questions or problems extracted from Exam
1 and Exam 2. I have listed the problems used for each outcome below.
Outcome 1 (extracted from Exam 1):
Three multiple choices: #1.5 (Newton’s 3rd law), #1.6 (𝑤𝑜𝑟𝑘 = 𝑓𝑜𝑟𝑐𝑒 × 𝑑𝑖𝑠𝑡𝑎𝑛𝑐𝑒) and #1.3 (gravitational force).
Two work-out problems: #2 (Newton’s 2nd law: 𝑛𝑒𝑡 𝑓𝑜𝑟𝑐𝑒 = 𝑚𝑎𝑠𝑠 × 𝑎𝑐𝑐𝑒𝑙𝑒𝑟𝑎𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛 𝑎𝑛𝑑 𝑤𝑒𝑖𝑔ℎ𝑡 𝐹 = 𝑚𝑔); #5 (potential energy, 𝑚𝑔ℎ, kinetic energy, 𝑚𝑣 2⁄2, 𝐸 =
𝑃𝐸 + 𝐾𝐸, and projectile motion.)
Outcome 2 (extracted from Exam 2, part I):
Three multiple choices: #I.7 (1st law, energy conservation), and #I.9 (absolute zero temperature), #I.10 (heat transfer methods).
Two work-out problems: #I.12 (heat capacity and heat transfer), #I.13 (2nd Law, heat engine).
Outcome 3 (extracted from Exam 2, part II):
Three multiple choices: #II.2 (Coulomb force), II.6 (electric field), #II.10 (cause of magnetism).
Two work out problems: #II.13 (Ohm’s law and circuits), #14 (Faradays law and transformer).
Outcome 4 (extracted from Exam 2, part III):
Three multiple choices: #III.2 (color and wavelength), #III.5 (frequency of electromagnetic wave), #III.7 (the least time principle).
Two work-out problems: #III.8 (speed of light), #III.12 or 13 (reflection Law and image).
Rubric for Grading Outcomes Assessment:
If students averages less than 55% on the chosen set of questions (see Assessment procedures), they understand it poorly. If the students average between 55% and
74%, they have a moderate understanding. If students average 75% and above, they have good understanding. See the following chart:
Full mastery
Students score between 90% and 100%
over the chosen set of questions.
Assessment Results:
Outcome number
Basic skill mastery
Students score between 75% and 89%
over the chosen set of questions.
State competencies
The number of Full
mastery students
Partial mastery (satisfactory)
Students score between 55% and 74%
over the chosen set of questions.
The number of basic skill
mastery students
No mastery
Students score less than 55%
The number of partial
mastery students
The number of no
mastery students
Observations and Conclusion:
This course is introductory level physics. Performing in-class demonstrations is important. The students are interested in observing these demonstrations. Most
students in this class need very little help with the homework, and they understand the class materials at a satisfactory level. They performed all 5 in-class quizzes
well. On the other hand, a few students struggled with the problem-solving set-up methodology. I tried to lead those students by giving step-by-step hints in the
homework assignments. This did help the students to complete the homework. However, it seemed to take a lot more time and effort to develop this basic skill.
Besides the problem solving skills, two students also need to improve their basic math skill. I will continue to keep trying to blend the math skills into the subject
with more math exercises. Overall, the students in this class did quite well.
Assessment completed by
Jiaming Morgan
Phone number _505 662-7729_
Jiaming Morgan
Printed Name
Outcome Assessment for Physics 102 Lecture, Spring 2012
Instructor: Jiaming Morgan
UNM-LA Campus
State Competencies:
6. Student will describe the process of scientific inquiry.
7. Students will solve problems scientifically.
8. Students will communicate scientific information.
9. Students will apply quantitative analysis to scientific problems.
10. Students will apply scientific thinking to real world problems.
Course Outcomes:
The following outcomes assess the success in achieving of the state competencies. The outcomes were chosen to cover the most basic subjects of this introductory
physics course, not necessarily to cover all the course topics.
5. Mechanics: Newton’s three laws of motion, gravity, work and energy, and projectile motion.
6. Thermodynamics: temperature, internal energy, heat (energy transfer, including heat capacity, phase transition), 1st and 2nd law of thermodynamics.
7. Electricity and magnetism: Coulomb forces between electric charges, Ohm’s Law and electric circuits, poles, cause of magnetism, Faraday’s law.
8. Light and geometry optics: wavelength, frequency and color, speed of light, laws of reflection and refraction.
Assessment procedures:
Total of two in-class exams, Exam1 and Exam2, were given to the students in the Spring, 2012. This assessment is based on questions or problems extracted from
Exam 1 and Exam 2. I have listed the problems used for each outcome below.
Outcome 1 (extracted from Exam 1):
Three multiple choices: #1.4 (Newton’s 3rd law), #1.6 (𝑤𝑜𝑟𝑘 = 𝑓𝑜𝑟𝑐𝑒 × 𝑑𝑖𝑠𝑡𝑎𝑛𝑐𝑒) and #1.3 (gravitational force).
Three work-out problems: #3 (Newton’s 2nd law: 𝑛𝑒𝑡 𝑓𝑜𝑟𝑐𝑒 = 𝑚𝑎𝑠𝑠 × 𝑎𝑐𝑐𝑒𝑙𝑒𝑟𝑎𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛 𝑎𝑛𝑑 𝑤𝑒𝑖𝑔ℎ𝑡 𝐹 = 𝑚𝑔); #6 (potential energy, 𝑚𝑔ℎ, kinetic energy, 𝑚𝑣 2⁄2,
𝐸 = 𝑃𝐸 + 𝐾𝐸); #7 (conservation of momentum and projectile motion.)
Outcome 2 (extracted from Exam 2, part I):
Three multiple choices: #I.7 (1st law, energy conservation), and #I.10 (Kelvin temperature scale), #I.9 (heat transfer methods).
Two work-out problems: #I.13 (heat capacity and heat transfer), #I.14 (2nd Law, heat engine).
Outcome 3 (extracted from Exam 2, part II):
Three multiple choices: #II.2 (Coulomb force), II.6 (electric field), #II.8 (cause of magnetism).
Two work out problems: #II.15 (Ohm’s law and circuits), #14 (Faradays law and transformer).
Outcome 4 (extracted from Exam 2, part III):
Three multiple choices: #III.2 (color and wavelength), #III.5 (frequency of electromagnetic wave), #III.7 (the least time principle).
Two work-out problems: #III.9 (speed of light), #III.16 (reflection Law and image).
Rubric for Grading Outcomes Assessment:
If students averages less than 55% on the chosen set of questions (see Assessment procedures), they understand it poorly. If the students average between 55% and
74%, they have a moderate understanding. If students average 75% and above, they have good understanding. See the following chart:
Full mastery
Students score between 90% and 100%
over the chosen set of questions.
Assessment Results:
Outcome number
Basic skill mastery
Students score between 75% and 89%
over the chosen set of questions.
State competencies
The number of Full
mastery students
Partial mastery (satisfactory)
Students score between 55% and 74%
over the chosen set of questions.
The number of basic skill
mastery students
No mastery
Students score less than 55%
The number of partial
mastery students
The number of no
mastery students
Note: The class was begun with nine students, and ended with eight students. Nine students took Exam1, and eight students took the final exam (Exam2).
Observations and Conclusion:
This course is introductory level physics. Performing in-class demonstrations is important. The students are interested in observing these demonstrations. I have
noticed that students in this class asked questions frequently, and were actively involved in class discussions. On the other hand, the number of students that failed
outcome 2 is more than usual. Also, some students struggled with the problem-solving set-up methodology. I tried to lead those students by giving step-by-step hints
in the homework assignments. This did help the students to complete the homework. However, it seemed to take a lot more time and effort to develop this basic skill.
Besides the problem solving skills, some students also need to improve their basic math skills. I will continue to blend the math skills into the subject with more math
exercises. Combining the homework, quizzes, exams, and class participation, overall, the students in this class are at least at a satisfactory level.
Assessment completed by
Jiaming Morgan
Phone number 505 662-7729
Jiaming Morgan
Printed Name
University of New Mexico – Los Alamos
Phyc102: Introduction to Physics
Fall 2011 Syllabus
Time and place: Monday and Wednesday, 10:00-11:15 am, Room 517
Instructor: Jiaming Morgan, Ph. D (office hours by arrangement)
Email: jiaming@unm.edu or jiamingm@comcast.net
Text: Conceptual Physics, 10th Ed, by Paul G. Hewitt
Catalog Description
Designed to introduce non-science major to basic concepts, law and skills in physics, and various applications to ordinary life. Energy, momentum,
force, wave phenomena, electric charge and light are discussed, as well as basic properties of gravitational, electromagnetic and nuclear forces.
Selections from relativity and quantum theory. Atoms and molecules will be included. See PHYC102L for an optional laboratory. Meets New Mexico
Lower Division General Education Common Core Curriculum area III: Science.
UNM-Los Alamos conducts ongoing assessments of student learning so it can continue to improve its curriculum to give you the best education
possible. The mechanism for this assessment will be selected by your instructor and may include exams, projects or other assignments. The assessment
will focus on the learning outcomes listed in this syllabus. The data from this assessment will be collected anonymously. It will be reported to the
department, the Office of Instruction and posted on the web. The information collected will be used to make improvements to curriculum and teaching.
This assessment is not a reflection of your grade and is not a grading exercise; it is simply an evaluation of how well students are mastering certain skill.
Course Objectives
1. To help students understand the connection between physics and the world around them.
2. To introduce basic physics concepts and vocabulary to the students.
3. To help students apply physics concepts to solve simple physics problems.
Learning Outcomes
At the end of this course, students should be able to discuss the basic concepts of Physics, including:
9. Mechanics: Students should understand Newton’s three laws, momentum and impulse, gravity (the inverse-square law), work and energy.
Students should be able to use these concepts to solve simple physics problems quantitatively.
10. Thermodynamics: Students should have an understanding of temperature (the microscopic picture, and absolute temperature scale), internal
energy, and heat; they should know the three methods of heat transfer, H2O phase transition; and know how to use Q = mCΔT. Also they should
master the 1st and 2nd laws of thermodynamics, including the heat engine.
11. Electricity and magnetism: Students should understand electric charges and Coulomb forces. They should know how to use the Coulomb force
formula to calculate the electric force, and should be able to find all the parameters in a circuit using Ohm’s law, including the rules for parallel
and series circuits. Students should understand magnetic poles, the cause of magnetism, magnetic forces, induction (Faraday’s law), and their
12. Light and geometric optics: Students should know that light is an electromagnetic wave; they should know the speed of light in vacuum, c =
3×108m/s; they should know the relationship between wavelength, frequency, and speed of light, and color; They will learn laws of reflection
and refraction (the least time principle), and should be able to construct images using a simple optical system such as a flat mirror or single thin
Evaluation Criteria/Grading
Attendance and Class participation: 5%
Quizzes (about 5): 15%
Homework (about 12 assignments): 15%
Exam. 1 (Mechanics): 22.5%
Exam. 2 (Thermodynamics, Electricity and Magnetism): 22.5
Exam. 3 a.k.a. Final Exam (Optics, etc): 20%
The total class points: 400
The extra credit bonus points will be no more than 10% of the total class points.
Note: It is your responsibility to attend the classes, complete all homework, quizzes, and exams. Any missing homework, quiz, or exam will result in a
0 grade for this missing work.
Course Grading Scale
The following grading scale will be used to determine your final letter grade:
A+ = 99 –100%
A = 93 –98%
A- = 90 – 91%
B+ = 87 – 89%
83 – 86%
B- = 80 – 82%
C+ = 78 – 79%
70 – 77%
C- = 68 – 69%
D+ = 66 – 67%
D = 63 – 65%
D- = 60 – 62%
0 – 59%
Attendance Policy
Students are expected to attend all classes. If you must be absent, please inform me as soon as possible. Only excused absences are allowed. Three or
more excused absence will result in points lost from the attendance portion of the grade. More than four UNEXCUSED ABSENCES may result in the
student being dropped from the class.
American Disabilities Act
In accordance with University Policy 2310 and the American Disabilities Act (ADA), academic accommodations may be made for any student who notifies
the instructor of the need for an accommodation. It is imperative that you take the initiative to bring such needs to the instructor's attention, as the instructor is
not legally permitted to inquire. Students who may require assistance in emergency evacuations should contact the instructor as to the most appropriate
procedures to follow. Contact Accessibility Services at 505-661-4692 for additional information
Dishonesty Policy
Each student is expected to maintain the highest standards of honesty and integrity in academic and professional matters. The University reserves the right to
take disciplinary action, including dismissal, against any student who is found responsible for academic dishonesty. Any student who has been judged to have
engaged in academic dishonesty in course work may receive a reduced or failing grade for the work in question and/or for the course.
Academic dishonesty includes, but is not limited to, dishonesty on quizzes, tests or assignments; claiming credit for work not done or done by others; and
hindering the academic work of other students.
Unexpected Class Cancellation
Due to difficulties in informing students in advance of a teacher’s illness or emergency, students who arrive for class and find the teacher isn’t there should
wait 15 minutes (just in case he or she is simply late). After 15 minutes, students should go to building 1 to the front desk to seek information (Los Alamos) or
to their corresponding on-site contact for other locations (provide). If there is no information, students should assume that class has been canceled for the day
and are free to leave. When possible, the instructor will call or email students to let them know of a canceled class meeting.
Computer Account Policy
 You are required to have a Main campus computer account (NetID). You will also use this account to register for classes through MyUNM,
http://my.unm.edu, to read and send e-mail (your UNM e-mail address looks like NetID@unm.edu), print transcripts, check financial status, and check
degree progress.
o Students are required to check their UNM email as this is the main communication method used by the university. Students may visit
http://it.unm.edu/howtos/504.html for simple instruction on how to forward their campus e-mail to a different email address
o Your UNM NetID will be used to access computers on the UNM-Los Alamos campus.
UNM–LA Wireless network—For more information about access to the UNM–LA wireless network please see the instructions at
Students should be aware of the computer use policies as they affect any aspect of their education at UNM-LA.
Make-up Policy
If the student misses the quiz or exams, they need to re-schedule with the instructor. Failure to do so will result in a zero grade for the missed quiz or
exam. Late homework will result in a 10% of reduction of the grade on the assignment.
Class Outline (Tentative)
Aug. 22, 2011 Monday
Aug. 24, 2011 Wednesday
Ch.1: Introduction, Ch.2: Newton’s 1st Law
Aug. 29, 2011 Monday
Aug. 31, 2011 Wednesday
Ch.3: Linear Motion, Ch.4: Newton’s 2nd law
Sep. 5, 2011
Sep. 7, 2011
Labor day, no class
Ch5: Newton’s 3rd law
Sep. 12, 2011 Monday
Sep. 14, 2011 Wednesday
Ch.6: Momentum, Ch.7: Energy
Sep. 19, 2011 Monday
Sep. 21, 2011 Wednesday
Ch.8: Rotational motion, Ch.9: Gravitation
Sep. 26, 2011 Monday
Sep. 28, 2011 Wednesday
Ch.10: Projectile and Satellites,
Oct. 3, 2011
Oct. 5, 2011
Ch.11: Atomic Nature of Matter
Oct. 10, 2011 Monday
Oct. 12, 2011 Wednesday
Columbus Day, no class
Ch.15: Temperature, heat
Oct. 17, 2011 Monday
Oct. 19, 2011 Wednesday
Ch.15: Temperature, heat, Ch.16: Heat Transfer
Oct. 24, 2011 Monday
Oct. 26, 2011 Wednesday
Ch.17: Change of phase, Ch. 18: Thermodynamics
Oct. 31, 2011 Monday
Nov. 2, 2011 Wednesday
Ch. 19: Sound waves, Ch.22: Electrostatics
Nov. 7, 2011
Ch. 23: Electric Currents, Ch. 24: Magnetism
Nov . 9, 2011 Wednesday
Nov. 14, 2011 Monday
Nov. 16, 2011 Wednesday
Ch.25: Electromagnetic Induction
Exam 2
Nov. 21, 2011 Monday
Nov. 23, 2011 Wednesday
Ch. 26: Properties of Light, Ch. 27: Color
Nov. 28, 2011 Monday
Nov. 30, 2011 Wednesday
Ch. 28: Reflection and refraction,
Dec. 5, 2011
Dec. 7, 2011
Ch.31: Quanta
Ch.32: The Atom and the Quantum
Dec. 12---Dec 16, 2011
Exam. 3, Final week
PHYC 102L-300 FALL 2011
Dr. James H. Cooke
505-470-6332; jameshcooke@aol.com
Physics 102L Lab Manual, available at the Bookstore
23264 PHYC 102L-300
M 12:00-1:50 pm, Room 515
Catalog Description
PHYC 102L – Physics Laboratory
Students involve themselves in experiments and projects showing basic concepts related to the atom, the environment and the universe.
Meets New Mexico Lower Division General Education Common Core Curriculum Area III: Science. Pre- or corequiosite: 102. Two hrs.
1.000 Credit hours
1.000 Lab hours
UNM-Los Alamos conducts ongoing assessments of student learning so it can continue to improve its curriculum to give you the best
education possible. The mechanism for this assessment will be selected by your instructor and may include exams, projects or other
assignments. The assessment will focus on the learning outcomes listed in this syllabus. The data from this assessment will be collected
anonymously. It will be reported to the department, the Office of Instruction and posted on the web. The information collected will be used
to make improvements to curriculum and teaching. This assessment is not a reflection of your grade and is not a grading exercise; it is
simply an evaluation of how well students are mastering certain skills.
Course Objectives
1. To provide hands-on experience with fundamental physical experiments
2. To practice making physical measurements.
3. To gain experience in performing analysis of experimental data.
Learning Outcomes
1. Students will learn to use vernier calipers and micrometers, photogate timers, electronic multimeters, pressure and temperature
gauges, and geiger counters.
2. Students will use these devices to measure the acceleration of gravity, specific heats, currents and voltages, the speed of sound, and
Evaluation will be based solely on 14 written laboratory reports. Each report will be graded on a 0 – 100% basis. Thus, the maximum number of
points which can be earned is 1400. The earned points will be divided by 14, so as to get a numerical course grade which runs from 0 to a
possible maximum of 100. Detailed requirements for the laboratory report are found in the Laboratory Manual. The numerical course grade will
be used to assign a final letter grade for the course according to the following schedule:
98-100 A+
93-97 A
90-92 A88-89 B+
83-87 B
80-82 B78-79 C+
73-77 C
70-72 C68-69 D+
63-67 D
60-62 D<59 F
Note that, for most purposes, a grade of at least C is required for credit in a degree plan.
Laboratory reports are due at the beginning of the next week's laboratory. (In some cases, students will find it possible to finish the report during
the lab period itself.) Since a full week is available to finish each report, late reports will be penalized by 20% for each week late. If you cannot
be on campus on a due date, you may submit your report by e-mail or by putting it in the instructor's mailbox in Bldg. 1, on or before the due
No re-submissions of reports will be accepted, and no special projects will be assigned.
At the end of the semester, a single make-up lab will be offered for students who have missed labs. Additional missed labs will be graded as a
It is recognized that some students may have work or medical emergencies. The instructor will consider making up additional labs in cases of
absences excused for grave reasons.
Attendance Policy
An unexcused absence results in a lab report grade of zero, with no opportunity to make up that lab at the end of the semester. Excused
absences must be for grave reasons as indicated above, and approved by the instructor. Whenever possible, such approval must be obtained
in advance. What the instructor judges as “grave” has proved too complex to be outlined here. For example, an out of town trip planned long in
advance does not qualify. For further information, please speak to the instructor.
Three consecutive unexcused absences, or four total unexcused absences, may cause the instructor to drop the student. However, dropping
the course is ultimately the responsibility of the student. The grading rules for dropping, and the rules for receiving a possible refund, along with
deadlines, are described in the Schedule of Classes newsletter available on campus.
Even if all absences are excused for good reasons, such as hospitalization, the instructor will not award grades based on effort, but only on
performance. In cases where unexpected multiple absences prove necessary, the student is well advised to drop the course and take it again
when time is available.
American Disabilities Act
In accordance with University Policy 2310 and the American Disabilities Act (ADA), academic accommodations may be made for any student
who notifies the instructor of the need for an accommodation. It is imperative that you take the initiative to bring such needs to the instructor's
attention, as the instructor is not legally permitted to inquire. Students who may require assistance in emergency evacuations should contact the
instructor as to the most appropriate procedures to follow. Contact Accessibility Services at 505-661-4692 for additional information.
Dishonesty Policy
University rules require this notice, which is not intended to offend honest students.
Each student is expected to maintain the highest standards of honesty and integrity in academic and professional matters. The University
reserves the right to take disciplinary action, including dismissal, against any student who is found responsible for academic dishonesty. Any
student who has been judged to have engaged in academic dishonesty in course work may receive a reduced or failing grade for the work in
question and/or for the course. Academic dishonesty includes, but is not limited to, dishonesty on quizzes, tests or assignments; claiming credit
for work not done or done by others; and hindering the academic work of other students.
Unexpected Class Cancellation
Due to difficulties in informing students in advance of a teacher’s illness or emergency, students who arrive for class and find the teacher isn’t
there should wait 15 minutes (just in case he or she is simply late). After 15 minutes, students should go to building 1 to the front desk to seek
information (Los Alamos) or to their corresponding on-site contact for other locations (provide). If there is no information, students should
assume that class has been canceled for the day and are free to leave. When possible, the instructor will call or email students to let them know
of a canceled class meeting.
Computer Account Policy
You are required to have a Main campus computer account (NetID). You will also use this account to register for classes through MyUNM,
http://my.unm.edu, to read and send e-mail (your UNM e-mail address looks like NetID@unm.edu), print transcripts, check financial status, and check
degree progress.
Students are required to check their UNM email, as this is the main communication method used by
the university. Students may visit http://it.unm.edu/howtos/504.html for simple instruction on how
to forward their campus e-mail to a different email address.
Students will logon to computers on the UNM-Los Alamos campus using their UNM-Los Alamos account. This will be created for you by the computer
center administrator at your request. Your UNM NetID will be your user name, and the temporary password will be NetIDpass. You will be asked to
change your password the first time you logon.
UNM–LA Wireless network—For more information about access to the UNM–LA wireless network please see the instructions at
Students should be aware of the computer use policies as they affect any aspect of their education at UNM-LA.
Make-up Policy
Students may make up one (only) lab at the end of the semester for an excused (only) absence. Extraordinary circumstances (e.g. serious
illness or mandatory training sessions ordered by LANS, etc, ) may be merit more than one make-up privilege, but the instructor must judge this
on a case-by-case basis.
Class Outline
8/22 Lab. 1 Scientific Representations
8/29 Lab. 2 Measurement and Analysis
9/5 Labor Day
9/12 Lab. 3 Newton and His Apple
9/19 Lab. 4 Simple Machines
9/26 Lab. 5 Work, Energy and Power
10/3 Lab. 6 Introduction to Fluids
10/10 Columbus Day
10/17 Lab. 7 Pressure and Temperature
10/24 Lab. 8 Sound
10/31 Lab. 9 Electricity and Simple Circuits
11/7 Lab. 10 Magnetism
11/14 Lab. 11 Electric Motors
11/21 Lab. 12 Geometric Optics
11/28 Lab. 13 Diffraction, Color and Atomic Spectra
12/5 Lab. 14 Radioactivity
12/12 Make-up lab, if needed
University of New Mexico – Los Alamos
Phyc102: Introduction to Physics
Fall 2012 Syllabus
Time and place: Monday and Wednesday, 10:00-11:15 am, Room 515
Instructor: Jiaming Morgan, Ph. D (office hours by arrangement)
Email: jiaming@unm.edu or jiamingm@comcast.net
Text: Conceptual Physics, 11th Ed, by Paul G. Hewitt
Catalog Description
Designed to introduce non-science major to basic concepts, law and skills in physics, and various applications to ordinary life. Energy, momentum,
force, wave phenomena, electric charge and light are discussed, as well as basic properties of gravitational, electromagnetic and nuclear forces.
Selections from relativity and quantum theory. Atoms and molecules will be included. See PHYC102L for an optional laboratory. Meets New Mexico
Lower Division General Education Common Core Curriculum area III: Science.
UNM-Los Alamos conducts ongoing assessments of student learning so it can continue to improve its curriculum to give you the best education
possible. The mechanism for this assessment will be selected by your instructor and may include exams, projects or other assignments. The assessment
will focus on the learning outcomes listed in this syllabus. The data from this assessment will be collected anonymously. It will be reported to the
department, the Office of Instruction and posted on the web. The information collected will be used to make improvements to curriculum and teaching.
This assessment is not a reflection of your grade and is not a grading exercise; it is simply an evaluation of how well students are mastering certain skill.
Course Objectives
1. To help students understand the connection between physics and the world around them.
2. To introduce basic physics concepts and vocabulary to the students.
3. To help students apply physics concepts to solve simple physics problems.
Learning Outcomes
At the end of this course, students should be able to discuss the basic concepts of Physics, including:
13. Mechanics: Students should understand Newton’s three laws, momentum and impulse, gravity (the inverse-square law), work and energy.
Students should be able to use these concepts to solve simple physics problems quantitatively.
14. Thermodynamics: Students should have an understanding of temperature (the microscopic picture, and absolute temperature scale), internal
energy, and heat; they should know the three methods of heat transfer, H2O phase transition; and know how to use Q = mCΔT. Also they should
master the 1st and 2nd laws of thermodynamics, including the heat engine.
15. Electricity and magnetism: Students should understand electric charges and Coulomb forces. They should know how to use the Coulomb force
formula to calculate the electric force, and should be able to find all the parameters in a circuit using Ohm’s law, including the rules for parallel
and series circuits. Students should understand magnetic poles, the cause of magnetism, magnetic forces, induction (Faraday’s law), and their
16. Light and geometric optics: Students should know that light is an electromagnetic wave; they should know the speed of light in vacuum, c =
3×108m/s; they should know the relationship between wavelength, frequency, and speed of light, and color; They will learn laws of reflection
and refraction (the least time principle), and should be able to construct images using a simple optical system such as a flat mirror or single thin
Evaluation Criteria/Grading
Attendance and Class participation: 5%
Quizzes (about 5): 16%
Homework (about 15 assignments): 16%
Exam. 1 (Mechanics): 30%
Exam. 2 a.k.a. Final Exam (Thermodynamics, Electricity, Magnetism and Optics, etc): 33%
The total class points: 400
The extra credit bonus points will be no more than 10% of the total class points.
Note: It is your responsibility to attend the classes, complete all homework, quizzes, and exams. Any missing homework, quiz, or exam will result in a
zero grade for this missing work.
Course Grading Scale
The following grading scale will be used to determine your final letter grade:
A+ = 99 –100%
A = 93 –98%
A- = 90 – 91%
B+ = 87 – 89%
83 – 86%
B- = 80 – 82%
C+ = 78 – 79%
70 – 77%
C- = 68 – 69%
D+ = 66 – 67%
D = 63 – 65%
D- = 60 – 62%
0 – 59%
Attendance Policy
Students are expected to attend all classes. If you must be absent, please inform me as soon as possible. Only excused absences are allowed. Three or
more excused absence will result in points lost from the attendance portion of the grade. More than four UNEXCUSED ABSENCES may result in the
student being dropped from the class.
American Disabilities Act
In accordance with University Policy 2310 and the American Disabilities Act (ADA), academic accommodations may be made for any student who notifies
the instructor of the need for an accommodation. It is imperative that you take the initiative to bring such needs to the instructor's attention, as the instructor is
not legally permitted to inquire. Students who may require assistance in emergency evacuations should contact the instructor as to the most appropriate
procedures to follow. Contact Accessibility Services at 505-661-4692 for additional information
Dishonesty Policy
Each student is expected to maintain the highest standards of honesty and integrity in academic and professional matters. The University reserves the right to
take disciplinary action, including dismissal, against any student who is found responsible for academic dishonesty. Any student who has been judged to have
engaged in academic dishonesty in course work may receive a reduced or failing grade for the work in question and/or for the course.
Academic dishonesty includes, but is not limited to, dishonesty on quizzes, tests or assignments; claiming credit for work not done or done by others; and
hindering the academic work of other students.
Unexpected Class Cancellation
Due to difficulties in informing students in advance of a teacher’s illness or emergency, students who arrive for class and find the teacher isn’t there should
wait 15 minutes (just in case he or she is simply late). After 15 minutes, students should go to building 1 to the front desk to seek information (Los Alamos) or
to their corresponding on-site contact for other locations (provide). If there is no information, students should assume that class has been canceled for the day
and are free to leave. When possible, the instructor will call or email students to let them know of a canceled class meeting.
Computer Account Policy
 You are required to have a Main campus computer account (NetID). You will also use this account to register for classes through MyUNM,
http://my.unm.edu, to read and send e-mail (your UNM e-mail address looks like NetID@unm.edu), print transcripts, check financial status, and check
degree progress.
o Students are required to check their UNM email as this is the main communication method used by the university. Students may visit
http://it.unm.edu/howtos/504.html for simple instruction on how to forward their campus e-mail to a different email address
o Your UNM NetID will be used to access computers on the UNM-Los Alamos campus.
UNM–LA Wireless network—For more information about access to the UNM–LA wireless network please see the instructions at
Students should be aware of the computer use policies as they affect any aspect of their education at UNM-LA.
Make-up Policy
If the student misses the quiz or exams, they need to re-schedule with the instructor. Failure to do so will result in a zero grade for the missed quiz or
exam. Late homework will result in a 10% of reduction of the grade on the assignment.
Class Outline (Tentative)
Jan. 18, 2012 Wednesday
Jan. 23, 2012 Monday
Ch.1: Introduction, Ch.2: Newton’s 1st Law
Jan. 25, 2012 Wednesday
Jan. 30, 2012 Monday
Ch.3: Linear Motion, Ch.4: Newton’s 2nd law
Feb. 1, 2012
Feb. 6, 2012
Ch5: Newton’s 3rd law
Ch.6: Momentum
Feb. 8, 2012 Wednesday
Feb. 13, 2012 Monday
Ch.6: Momentum (continue), Ch.7: Energy
Feb. 15, 2012 Wednesday
Feb. 20, 2012 Monday
Ch.8: Rotational motion
Feb. 22, 2012 Wednesday
Feb. 27, 2012 Monday
Ch.9: Gravitation
Ch.10: Projectile and Satellites,
Feb. 29, 2012 Wednesday
Mar.5, 2012 Monday
Ch.11: Atomic Nature of Matter
Mar. 7, 2012
Ch.15: Temperature, heat
Mar. 12, 2012 Monday
Mar. 15, 2012 Wednesday
Spring break, no class
Mar. 19, 2012 Monday
Mar. 21, 2012 Wednesday
Ch.16: Heat Transfer, Change of phase,
Mar. 26, 2012 Monday
Mar. 28, 2012 Wednesday
Ch.17: Ch. 18: Thermodynamics
April 2, 2012 Monday
April 4, 2012 Wednesday
Ch. 19: Sound waves, Ch.22: Electrostatics
April 9, 2012 Monday
April 11, 2012 Wednesday
Ch. 19: Sound waves, Ch.22: Electrostatics
April 16, 2012 Monday
April 18, 2012 Wednesday
Ch. 23: Electric Currents, Ch. 24: Magnetism
April 23, 2012 Monday
April 25, 2012 Wednesday
Ch.25: Electromagnetic Induction
Ch. 26: Properties of Light,
April 30, 2012 Monday
May 2, 2012 Wednesday
Ch. 27: Color
Ch. 28: Reflection and refraction,
May 7---May 11, 2012
Final week, or Exam2
PHYC 102L-300 SPRING 2012
Dr. James H. Cooke
505-470-6332; jameshcooke@aol.com
Physics 102L Lab Manual, available at the Bookstore
23264 PHYC 102L-300
M 12:00-1:50 pm, Room 515
Catalog Description
PHYC 102L – Physics Laboratory
Students involve themselves in experiments and projects showing basic concepts related to the atom, the environment and the universe.
Meets New Mexico Lower Division General Education Common Core Curriculum Area III: Science. Pre- or corequiosite: 102. Two hrs.
1.000 Credit hours
1.000 Lab hours
UNM-Los Alamos conducts ongoing assessments of student learning so it can continue to improve its curriculum to give you the best
education possible. The mechanism for this assessment will be selected by your instructor and may include exams, projects or other
assignments. The assessment will focus on the learning outcomes listed in this syllabus. The data from this assessment will be collected
anonymously. It will be reported to the department, the Office of Instruction and posted on the web. The information collected will be used
to make improvements to curriculum and teaching. This assessment is not a reflection of your grade and is not a grading exercise; it is
simply an evaluation of how well students are mastering certain skills.
Course Objectives
1. To provide hands-on experience with fundamental physical experiments
2. To practice making physical measurements.
3. To gain experience in performing analysis of experimental data.
Learning Outcomes
1. Students will learn to use vernier calipers and micrometers, photogate timers, electronic multimeters, pressure and temperature
gauges, and geiger counters.
2. Students will use these devices to measure the acceleration of gravity, specific heats, currents and voltages, the speed of sound, and
Evaluation will be based solely on 14 written laboratory reports. Each report will be graded on a 0 – 100% basis. Thus, the maximum number of
points which can be earned is 1400. The earned points will be divided by 14, so as to get a numerical course grade which runs from 0 to a
possible maximum of 100. Detailed requirements for the laboratory report are found in the Laboratory Manual. The numerical course grade will
be used to assign a final letter grade for the course according to the following schedule:
98-100 A+
93-97 A
90-92 A88-89 B+
83-87 B
80-82 B78-79 C+
73-77 C
70-72 C68-69 D+
63-67 D
60-62 D<59 F
Note that, for most purposes, a grade of at least C is required for credit in a degree plan.
Laboratory reports are due at the beginning of the next week's laboratory. (In some cases, students will find it possible to finish the report during
the lab period itself.) Since a full week is available to finish each report, late reports will be penalized by 20% for each week late. If you cannot
be on campus on a due date, you may submit your report by e-mail or by putting it in the instructor's mailbox in Bldg. 1, on or before the due
No re-submissions of reports will be accepted, and no special projects will be assigned.
At the end of the semester, a single make-up lab will be offered for students who have missed labs. Additional missed labs will be graded as a
It is recognized that some students may have work or medical emergencies. The instructor will consider making up additional labs in cases of
absences excused for grave reasons.
Attendance Policy
An unexcused absence results in a lab report grade of zero, with no opportunity to make up that lab at the end of the semester. Excused
absences must be for grave reasons as indicated above, and approved by the instructor. Whenever possible, such approval must be obtained
in advance. What the instructor judges as “grave” has proved too complex to be outlined here. For example, an out of town trip planned long in
advance does not qualify. For further information, please speak to the instructor.
Three consecutive unexcused absences, or four total unexcused absences, may cause the instructor to drop the student. However, dropping
the course is ultimately the responsibility of the student. The grading rules for dropping, and the rules for receiving a possible refund, along with
deadlines, are described in the Schedule of Classes newsletter available on campus.
Even if all absences are excused for good reasons, such as hospitalization, the instructor will not award grades based on effort, but only on
performance. In cases where unexpected multiple absences prove necessary, the student is well advised to drop the course and take it again
when time is available.
American Disabilities Act
In accordance with University Policy 2310 and the American Disabilities Act (ADA), academic accommodations may be made for any student
who notifies the instructor of the need for an accommodation. It is imperative that you take the initiative to bring such needs to the instructor's
attention, as the instructor is not legally permitted to inquire. Students who may require assistance in emergency evacuations should contact the
instructor as to the most appropriate procedures to follow. Contact Accessibility Services at 505-661-4692 for additional information.
Dishonesty Policy
University rules require this notice, which is not intended to offend honest students.
Each student is expected to maintain the highest standards of honesty and integrity in academic and professional matters. The University
reserves the right to take disciplinary action, including dismissal, against any student who is found responsible for academic dishonesty. Any
student who has been judged to have engaged in academic dishonesty in course work may receive a reduced or failing grade for the work in
question and/or for the course. Academic dishonesty includes, but is not limited to, dishonesty on quizzes, tests or assignments; claiming credit
for work not done or done by others; and hindering the academic work of other students.
Unexpected Class Cancellation
Due to difficulties in informing students in advance of a teacher’s illness or emergency, students who arrive for class and find the teacher isn’t
there should wait 15 minutes (just in case he or she is simply late). After 15 minutes, students should go to building 1 to the front desk to seek
information (Los Alamos) or to their corresponding on-site contact for other locations (provide). If there is no information, students should
assume that class has been canceled for the day and are free to leave. When possible, the instructor will call or email students to let them know
of a canceled class meeting.
Computer Account Policy
You are required to have a Main campus computer account (NetID). You will also use this account to register for classes through MyUNM,
http://my.unm.edu, to read and send e-mail (your UNM e-mail address looks like NetID@unm.edu), print transcripts, check financial status, and check
degree progress.
Students are required to check their UNM email, as this is the main communication method used by the university. Students may visit
http://it.unm.edu/howtos/504.html for simple instruction on how to forward their campus e-mail to a different email address.
Students will logon to computers on the UNM-Los Alamos campus using their UNM-Los Alamos account. This will be created for you by the computer
center administrator at your request. Your UNM NetID will be your user name, and the temporary password will be NetIDpass. You will be asked to
change your password the first time you logon.
UNM–LA Wireless network—For more information about access to the UNM–LA wireless network please see the instructions at
Students should be aware of the computer use policies as they affect any aspect of their education at UNM-LA.
Make-up Policy
Students may make up one (only) lab at the end of the semester for an excused (only) absence. Extraordinary circumstances (e.g. serious
illness or mandatory training sessions ordered by LANS, etc, ) may be merit more than one make-up privilege, but the instructor must judge this
on a case-by-case basis.
Class Outline
1/23 Lab. 1 Scientific Representations
1/30 Lab. 2 Measurement and Analysis
2/6 Lab. 3 Newton and His Apple
2/13 Lab. 4 Simple Machines
2/20 Lab. 5 Work, Energy and Power
2/27 Lab. 6 Introduction to Fluids
3/5 Lab. 7 Pressure and Temperature
3/19 Lab. 8 Sound
3/26 Lab. 9 Electricity and Simple Circuits
4/2 Lab. 10 Magnetism
4/9 Lab. 11 Electric Motors
4/16 Lab. 12 Geometric Optics
4/23 Lab. 13 Diffraction, Color and Atomic Spectra
4/30 Lab. 14 Radioactivity
5/7 Make-up lab, if needed
Core Competencies Assessment 2011-2012: Area III Courses
New Mexico Institution Name
(UNM-Los Alamos: Phyc 160 )
State Competencies
(Learning Outcomes Being
Assessment Procedures
Laboratory Science Competencies
Assessment Results
Course Name and NMCCN
(Process/Instrument named or
described – rubric attached)
1. Students will describe the
process of scientific inquiry.
Students should:
a. Understand that scientists
rely on evidence obtained
from observations rather than
authority, tradition, doctrine,
or intuition.
b. Students should value
science as a way to develop
reliable knowledge about the
General Physics 160
PHYC 1214,
Fall 2011
2. Students will solve problems
Students should:
a. Be able to construct and test
hypotheses using modern lab
equipment (such as
microscopes, scales,
computer technology) and
appropriate quantitative
b. Be able to evaluate isolated
observations about the
physical universe and relate
them to hierarchically
organized explanatory
frameworks (theories).
Competency 2 is addressed by:
Good understanding
corresponds to scores
of 75-100%
Moderate understanding
corresponds to scores
of 55-75%
Poor understanding
corresponds to scores
less than 55%
How Results Will Be Used
To Make Improvements
Overall plan:
Several students came with poor
math skills, especially in the use
of trigonometry and in the
interpretation of graphs.
Plan: continue to work on math
skills during the early weeks
of the semester.
Good understanding: 100%
Moderate understanding: 0%
Poor understanding: 0%
1. Learning outcome:
Motion with constant acceleration
Assessment measure:
Exam questions – rubric attached
Good understanding: 85%
Moderate understanding: 15%
Poor understanding: 0%
Same as above.
“The student's knowledge and
skills have made great strides since
the beginning of the first semester.
Every year, one of the most
encouraging aspects of the first
semester is to see the contrast
between the students who have
competed two semesters of physics
and the new batch of incoming
students. Every year at the
beginning of the first semester, I
remind myself of how much they
will have progressed by the end of
the academic year.”
Michael McNaughton, the course
Core Competencies Assessment 2008-2009: Area III Courses
New Mexico Institution Name
State Competencies
Assessment Procedures
(Learning Outcomes Being
Course Name and NMCCN
(Process/Instrument named or
described – rubric attached)
3. Students will communicate
scientific information.
Students should:
Communicate effectively about
science (e.g., write lab reports in
standard format and explain
basic scientific concepts,
procedures, and results using
written, oral, and graphic
presentation techniques.)
4. Students will apply
quantitative analysis to
scientific problems.
Students should:
a. Select and perform appropriate
quantitative analyses of scientific
b. Show familiarity with the
metric system, use a calculator to
perform appropriate mathematical
operations, and present results in
tables and graphs.
5. Students will apply scientific
thinking to real world
Students should:
a. Critically evaluate scientific
reports or accounts presented in
the popular media.
b. Understand the basic scientific
facts related to important
contemporary issues (e.g., global
warming, stem cell research,
cosmology), and ask informed
questions about those issues.
Laboratory Science Competencies, cont.
Assessment Results
Competency 3 is addressed by:
1. Learning outcome:
Newton’s Second Law
Good understanding: 85%
Moderate understanding: 15%
Poor understanding: 0%
How Results Will Be Used
To Make Improvements
Same as above.
Assessment measure:
exam questions – rubric attached
Competency 4 is addressed by:
1. Learning outcome:
Newton’s Second Law
Good understanding: 100%
Moderate understanding: 0%
Poor understanding: 0%
Same as above.
Assessment measure:
exam questions – rubric attached
Competency 5 is addressed by
1. Learning outcome:
Conservation of Energy and
Good understanding: 85%
Moderate understanding: 15%
Poor understanding: 0%
Assessment measure:
Exam questions– rubric attached
Same as above
End – Laboratory Science
Area III Assessment completed by
Oksana Gerlits
Printed Name
Phone number
Outcomes assessment for Physics 160
Fall 2011
Instructor: Michael McNaughton
State Competencies:
1. Students will describe the process of scientific inquiry.
2. Students will solve problems scientifically.
3. Students will communicate scientific information.
4. Students will apply quantitative analysis to scientific problems.
5. Students will apply scientific thinking to real world problems.
Course outcomes:
The following outcomes will assess the success in achieving of the state competencies. The outcomes were chosen to cover some of the most important
subjects of general physics, not necessarily to cover all the course topics.
1. Motion with constant acceleration: Students will be able to solve problems involving motion with constant acceleration (competency 2, 4, and 5.)
2. Newton’s Second Law: Students will be able to solve a variety of problems with Newton’s second law (competency 2, 4, and 5.)
3. Conservation of Energy and Momentum: Students will be able to solve problems involving the Conservation of Energy and Momentum
(competency 2, 4, and 5.)
Assessment data collection:
The assessed material is covered in the lectures and contained in the textbook. For each outcome a set of workout problems or a multistep
problem are developed. Problems are designed to have different levels of difficulty.
Rubric for Grading Outcomes Assessment:
“If students average <55% on a set of questions, they understand it poorly. If they average 55% to 74% they have a moderate understanding. For
75% and more they have a good understanding.
Full mastery
Basic skill mastery
Partial mastery
No mastery
Student completes problem perfectly
Student demonstrates
Student demonstrates knowledge
Student demonstrates some
including demonstrating understanding of understanding of the concept
of the concept can workout
familiarity with the concept but
concept, performance of any arithmetic
and solves most of the
straight forward simple problems
makes multiple mistakes, cannot
needed, correct thought processes,
problems correctly. Student
but may not be able to put the
apply definitions , equations and
organization of information and work.
could have some minor
whole picture together or
concepts to a problem
90% to 100 %
computational mistakes.
75% to 89%
misunderstood a needed concept.
55% to 74 %
Less than 55%
Report on Outcomes assessment for Physics 160 (Fall 2011)
Instructor: Michael McNaughton
Total number of students: 7
Assessment questions
The initial velocity of a car is vi = 15.0 m/s in the +x direction.
a. What is the x component, vix?
b. What is the y component, viy?
The final velocity of the car is vf = 15.0 m/s in the +y direction.
c. What is the x component, vfx?
d. What is the y component, vfy?
e. What is the change in the x component, Δvx = vfx - vox
f. What is the change in the y component, Δvy = vfy - voy
g. Find the magnitude and direction of the resultant vector, Δv
A woman steps off a diving platform 3.00 m above the surface of the water and falls
from rest. Ignore air resistance. (a) Draw a free-body diagram for the woman while she is
in the air. (b) What is her speed as she hits the water after falling 3.00 m? (c) How much
time does it take to fall this distance? (d) Sketch the y-t, v-t, and a-t graphs.
An archer shoots an arrow with initial velocity 44.5 m/s at an angle 26.1° above the
horizontal and it hits a target at the same height as the bow. (a) Draw a free-body
diagram for the arrow while it is in the air. (b) Use the y components to calculate the time
the arrow is in the air. (c) Use the y components to calculate the maximum height of the
arrow. (d) Calculate the distance to the target. (e) Sketch the x-t, y-t, vx-t, vy-t, ax-t, and
ay-t graphs.
An ice-hockey player applies a 3.20-N force, directed toward the east, to a 0.160-kg
puck. Assume there is no friction and there are no other horizontal forces. (a) What is the
magnitude of the puck’s acceleration? (b) If the force is directed toward the east, what is
the direction of the acceleration?
Superwoman throws a 98-N rock in a horizontal direction at an adversary.
(a) Draw a free-body diagram showing the forces on the rock while her hand is in contact
with the rock. (b) What is the mass of the rock?
(c) If the force by her hand on the rock is 1,000 N in a horizontal direction, what is the
horizontal component of the acceleration?
# of
# of
# of
# of
(d) Draw a free-body diagram of the forces on the rock while it is in the air, after it has
left her hand. Ignore air resistance.
(e) What is the horizontal component of the acceleration of the rock while it is in the air
and not in contact with anything else? Ignore air resistance.
A 100-N box is sitting on the horizontal floor. The floor is not frictionless so the floor
exerts a horizontal friction force, f, on the box. You push on the box with a force F = 40
N that is directed at an angle of 30° below the horizontal and the box slides along the
floor at a constant velocity. (a) What is the horizontal acceleration? (b) What is the
vertical acceleration? (c) Draw a clearly labeled free-body diagram for the box. (d) Use
your diagram and Newton's laws to calculate the normal force that the floor exerts on the
box. (e) Use your diagram and Newton's laws to calculate the horizontal friction force, f.
Note: for chapters 4 and 5, you must use Newton's second law and you must show
clearly how your method is derived from Newton's second law. This quiz shows how.
A 5.0-kg ball is suspended from a wire and accelerated upward at 3.0 m/s2.
a) Draw a free-body diagram of the ball.
b) List the y components of the two forces, including their signs.
c) Write Newton's second law.
d) Underneath, write an equation with the y components on the left of the equal sign, and
the mass and acceleration on the right of the equal sign.
e) Use this equation to calculate the tension in the wire.
Consider Figure 5.68 near the top of page 175. Block A is moving to the right and block
B is moving to the left. (a) Draw a free-body diagram for block A. Include both the
normal force and the friction force by block B on block A. There are four forces on block
A. (b) Draw a clear free-body diagram for block B. Include both the normal force and the
friction force by block A on block B. Also include both the normal force and the friction
force by the table on block B. There are seven forces on block B.
A 925-kg car is being pulled on a horizontal highway using a horizontal rope. The car is
very old so there is significant friction, which is represented by a horizontal friction
force, f, in the opposite direction to the motion. The car is being accelerated to highway
speed with an acceleration of 1.7 m/s2. a) Draw a free-body diagram for the car. b) Write
Newton's second law for both the x and the y components. In each case, write the forces
on the left of the equation, and write mass times acceleration on the right of the equation.
A 2-kg block slides on a horizontal surface. The coefficient of friction between the block
and the surface is 0.50 and the friction force is the only horizontal force on the block. a)
Draw a free-body diagram. b) What is the weight of the block? c) What is the normal
force? c) What is the friction force? d) What is the acceleration of the block?
A jet plane is pulling up from a dive, as in the chapter-3 homework, problem #3.27. The
bottom part of the dive is part of a circle with radius 350 m. The speed of the airplane is
140 m/s. The mass of the pilot is 70 kg. (a) Draw a free-body diagram showing the two
forces on the pilot at the lowest point. (b) Write Newton's 2nd law for the vertical
components; write the forces on the left of the equation and mass times acceleration on
the right. (c) Calculate the force by the seat on the pilot.
A car is travelling at an initial velocity of 24.3 m/s in a horizontal direction; it then
collides with a tree and comes to rest with a final velocity of zero in a distance of 0.825
m. (a) Draw a free-body diagram of the forces on the car while it is in contact with the
tree. Ignore friction. Assume the forces on the car are constant and the acceleration is
constant while in contact with the tree. (b) List the information you are given (3 items).
(c) Use these to calculate the acceleration while the car is coming to rest. (d) If the mass
of the driver is 92.7 kg, and if he is wearing a seat belt, calculate the force by the seat belt
on the driver, assuming he comes to rest with the same acceleration as the car.
In the diagram below, the masses are m1 = 1.75 kg and m2 = 2.25 kg. The pulley is
frictionless so the tension in the string is the same on each side. (a) Draw two free-body
diagrams, one for each mass. Show clearly how you use Newton’s laws to write two
equations, one for each mass: write the sum of the forces on the left of the equation, and
mass times acceleration on the right of the equation. (c) Solve the equations to calculate
the tension and the magnitude of the acceleration.
The diagram above shows a bucket suspended by three strings attached to a knot at point
O. The system is in equilibrium and the weight of the bucket is 1375 N so the tension in
the lowest string is also 1375 N. (a) Draw a free-body diagram showing the forces on the
knot. (b) Use Newton’s laws to write an equation for the x components, and another
equation for the y components. (c) Solve these equations to calculate the tension in each
A person is pushing a box a distance of 7.5 m along a level floor at constant velocity by
pushing horizontally on it with a force of 400 N. The magnitude of the friction force
between the floor and the crate is also 400 N. (a) Draw a free-body diagram. (b) What is
the work done by the worker on the box? (c) What is the work done by the friction force
on the box? (d) What is the net work done on the box? (e) Use the work-energy theorem
to find the change in the kinetic energy of the box.
A 4.0-kg branch falls freely from a tree through a distance of 25.0-m. Ignore air
resistance. a) What is the work done by gravity on the branch? Include the sign. b) What
is the change in gravitational potential energy? Include the sign (final minus initial.) c)
What is the change in kinetic energy of the branch? Include the sign (final minus initial.)
d) If the branch falls from rest, and does not hit the ground or anything else, what is its
velocity after falling 25.0 m?
A 2-kg object moving at 3 m/s slides on a horizontal frictionless surface, collides with a
spring that is initially uncompressed, and compresses the spring by a distance of 0.03 m
as it comes to rest. The force constant of the spring is 20,000 N/m.
a) What is the object’s initial kinetic energy?
b) What is the work done on the spring by the object as the object comes to rest? Include
the sign.
c) What is the work done by the spring on the object as the object comes to rest? Include
the sign.
d) What is the potential energy of the spring when it is compressed?
A pump takes 12.0 kg of water from a tank and ejects it horizontally with a velocity of
3.0 m/s. There is no change in height and no friction. (a) Calculate the kinetic energy of
12.0 kg of water moving at a velocity of 3.0 m/s. (b) If it pumps 12 kg of water in a time
of 60.0 s, calculate the power output of the pump. Assume the pump is 100% efficient.
(a) What is the magnitude of the momentum of a 1250-kg car whose speed is 32.0 m/s?
(b) What is its kinetic energy?
A 1.37-kg object is placed against a horizontal compressed spring. The spring has a force
constant of 183 N/m and is initially compressed 0.126 m. (a) How much potential energy
is stored in the spring? (b) What is the speed of the object just after the spring is
released? (b) Assuming there is no friction, what is the speed of the object just before it
lands on the floor a vertical distance of 0.282 m below the spring?
A 0.465-kg glider is moving to the right with a speed of magnitude 1.31 m/s on a
horizontal, frictionless air track. It makes a head-on collision with a 0.155-kg glider that
is moving to the left with a speed of magnitude 3.93 m/s. After the collision, the 0.465kg glider is moving to the left with a speed of magnitude 1.31 m/s. (a) Use conservation
of momentum to calculate the speed of the 0.155-kg glider after the collision. (b) The
collision is elastic, which means no energy is lost to heat and the total kinetic energy of
the two gliders is the same before and after the elastic collision. Use conservation of
energy to calculate the speed of the 0.155-kg glider after the collision. You should get
the same answer.
Observations and action plan:
There were only 7 students, all of whom achieved basic or full mastery. As usual, some students had difficulty applying math to real-world
problems. Also, as usual, some students had difficulty interpreting graphs, especially using the information provided by the slope, which is key to
understanding the concepts of calculus and applying them to physics. I will continue to work on the application of math to scientific problems.
Mike McNaughton
Physics 160 General Physics
Office hours: 4:30-5:30 Tuesday, Thursday
Class meets: 5:30-6:45 Tu, Th
Send email messages to both mcnaughton@LANL.gov and uumike@comcast.net
Catalog Description
Mechanics, sound. Meets New Mexico Lower Division General Education Common
Core Curriculum Area III: Science (NMCCN 1214). Pre- or corequisite: MATH 162.
Suggested coreqs: PHYC167 and 160L
UNM-Los Alamos conducts ongoing assessments of student learning so it can continue to
improve its curriculum to give you the best education possible. The mechanism for this
assessment will be selected by your instructor and may include exams, projects or other
assignments. The assessment will focus on the learning outcomes listed in this syllabus. The
data from this assessment will be collected anonymously. It will be reported to the
department, the Office of Instruction and posted on the web. The information collected will
be used to make improvements to curriculum and teaching. This assessment is not a
reflection of your grade and is not a grading exercise; it is simply an evaluation of how well
students are mastering certain skills.
Course Objectives
1. Students will develop an increased understanding of the scientific method.
2. Students will know and be able to apply basic physics concepts in mechanics,
gravitation, and fluids. They will be able to solve problems at the level of standard first
year calculus-based general physics texts.
3. Students will be able to use appropriate mathematical skills needed to solve problems.
This includes the ability to use units, vectors, and graphs.
4. Students will develop a foundation of knowledge and problem solving skills that they
will be able to use in later courses in science, engineering and related fields.
Learning Outcomes
Outcome 1: Motion with Constant Acceleration : Students will be able to solve problems
involving motion with constant acceleration. Many practical events will be modeled as
problems of this type. These include both horizontal motion (for example, an aircraft
taking off on the runway, an automobile coming to a stop) and vertical motion near
Earth’s surface where the acceleration of gravity can be considered constant (for
example, a ball thrown straight up in the air). Projectile motion problems also fall into
this category; these involve objects experiencing vertical and horizontal motion at the
same time (for example, a baseball hit at an angle of 30 degrees above the horizontal).
NM HED Area III competencies 2, 4 and 5: Solve problems scientifically, Apply
quantitative analysis to scientific problems, and Apply scientific thinking to real world
Outcome 2: Newton’s Second Law: Students will be able to solve a variety of problems
with Newton’s second law. This law which deals with forces, inertial mass and
acceleration is a foundation of Newtonian Mechanics and has wide application to science
and engineering. Problems of various types (possible examples include effects of forces
on objects, circular motion, orbits of planets, inclined planes and motion with friction)
will be analyzed.
NM HED Area III competencies 2, 4 and 5: Solve problems scientifically, Apply
quantitative analysis to scientific problems, and Apply scientific thinking to real world
Outcome 3: Newton’s Universal Law of Gravity: Students will be able to solve
problems involving Newton’s Universal Law of Gravity. Gravity is one of the 4
fundamental forces in the universe and is therefore one of the most important foundation
topics for the future physics and engineers who take this course. Possible examples may
include planetary orbits, calculation of the acceleration of gravity on a planet, derivation
of Kepler’s 3rd law and calculation of forces that masses attract each other.
NM HED Area III competencies 2, 4 and 5: Solve problems scientifically, Apply
quantitative analysis to scientific problems, and Apply scientific thinking to real world
Outcome 4: Conservation of Energy and Momentum: Students will be able to solve
problems involving the Conservation of Energy and Momentum. These two laws enable
introductory students to solve a wide variety of practical problems. Possible examples of
problems include elastic and inelastic collisions and the basic concepts of impulse,
momentum, kinetic energy, gravitational potential energy and elastic potential energy.
NM HED Area III competencies 2, 4 and 5: Solve problems scientifically, Apply
quantitative analysis to scientific problems, and Apply scientific thinking to real world
Outcome 5: Rotational Motion: Students will be able to solve problems involving
Rotational Motion. Many concepts and their application can be included in rotational
motion; possible examples include angular momentum, moment of inertia, conservation
of angular momentum, angular velocity, angular acceleration and torque.
NM HED Area III competencies 2, 4 and 5: Solve problems scientifically, Apply
quantitative analysis to scientific problems, and Apply scientific thinking to real world
Topics To Be Studied
Mechanics: units, dynamics, Newton's Laws, energy, momentum, rotation, angular
momentum, gravity, simple harmonic motion, fluids.
Evaluation Criteria
Evaluation will be based on the following and weighted as indicated:
1/4 of grade
1/4 of grade
Midterm Exams:
1/4 of grade
Final Exam:
1/4 of grade
Unexcused late work will be penalized by 20% per week and 10% for part of a week.
≥ 90% A-, A, A+
80-89% B-, B, B+
70-79% C-, C, C+
60-69% D-, D, D+
Attendance Policy
Students should inform the instructor promptly of any difficulties which necessitate
absence from class or late homework.
American Disabilities Act
In accordance with University Policy 2310 and the American Disabilities Act (ADA),
academic accommodations may be made for any student who notifies the instructor of the
need for an accommodation. It is imperative that you take the initiative to bring such needs to
the instructor's attention, as the instructor is not legally permitted to inquire. Students who
may require assistance in emergency evacuations should contact the instructor as to the most
appropriate procedures to follow. Contact Accessibility Services at 505-661-4692 for
additional information
Dishonesty Policy
Each student is expected to maintain the highest standards of honesty and integrity in
academic and professional matters. The University reserves the right to take disciplinary
action, including dismissal, against any student who is found responsible for academic
dishonesty. Any student who has been judged to have engaged in academic dishonesty in
course work may receive a reduced or failing grade for the work in question and/or for the
Academic dishonesty includes, but is not limited to, dishonesty on quizzes, tests or
assignments; claiming credit for work not done or done by others; and hindering the
academic work of other students.
Copying is different from getting help in order to understand. Copying is: writing your
solution while another person's solution is within sight or is being described. Getting help
is: understanding first, then solving the problem based on your understanding.
Unexpected Class Cancellation
Due to difficulties in informing students in advance of a teacher’s illness or emergency,
students who arrive for class and find the teacher isn’t there should wait 15 minutes (just in
case he or she is simply late). After 15 minutes, students should go to building 1 to the front
desk to seek information (Los Alamos) or to their corresponding on-site contact for other
locations (provide). If there is no information, students should assume that class has been
canceled for the day and are free to leave. When possible, the instructor will call or email
students to let them know of a canceled class meeting.
Computer Account Policy
• You are required to have a Main campus computer account (NetID). You will also use this
account to register for classes through MyUNM, http://my.unm.edu, to read and send e-mail
(your UNM e-mail address looks like NetID@unm.edu), print transcripts, check financial
status, and check degree progress.
You are also required to have a UNM-LA computer account.
Students will logon to computers on the UNM-Los Alamos campus using their UNM-Los
Alamos account. This will be created for you by the computer center administrator.
Your UNM NetID will be your user name, and the temporary password will be NetIDpass. You
will be asked to change your password the first time you logon.
Students are required to check their UNM email as this is the main communication
method used by the university. Students may visit http://it.unm.edu/howtos/504.html for
simple instruction on how to forward their campus e-mail to a different email address
Your UNM NetID will be used to access computers on the UNM–Los Alamos
UNM–LA Wireless network—For more information about access to the UNM–LA
wireless network please see the instructions at http://www.la.unm.edu/Wireless/
Make-up Policy
Homework is set during almost every lecture and must be submitted to me within 1 week
from when it is set. You should attempt the homework before the quiz at the beginning of
the next lecture, because the quiz may be on any previous work, including the most
recent homework. Late homework is penalized half a point per class, one point per week.
Problems that have been handed in on time with a good attempt will be upgraded to full
credit if they are corrected and resubmitted within 7 days after I return them to you.
Class Outline
Chapter 1. (day 1)
The essential skill is the ability to take components of vectors in 2-dimensions.
3-dimensional vectors are not needed in physics 160; (they are used in 161).
Unit vectors are useful but not essential; vector products are not essential in 160
but examples such as W=F.d and Torque=Fd are useful preparation for 161.
Chapter 2. One dimensional motion (days 2 and 3)
a = dv/dt
integrate to get:
v = v0 + at
integrate to get:
x = v0t + at /2
v2 = v02 + 2a x
x =(v0+v)t/2
Chapter 3. Two dimensional motion (days 3 and 4)
The full vector treatment of Sec. 3-1 and 3-2 can be simplified to the statement
"Take horizontal and vertical components"; then apply chapter 2 methods.
a = v2/r
Chapter 4. Newton's Laws (days 4 and 5)
F = ma (unit: newton, N)
W = mg
Chapter 5. Newton's Laws (days 6-8)
F = N
(static and kinetic)
if (a=0) then (F=0)
(take components)
Chapter 6. Energy (days 11 and 12)
W = F.s
K = mv2/2
P = W/t
Chapter 7. Potential Energy (days 12 and 13)
U = mgy
(uniform gravity)
U = kx2/2
(include W in with E)
Chapter 8. Momentum (Omit Sec. 8-6) (days 14 and 15)
p = mv
impulse = Ft
Chapter 9. Rotation (Omit angular acceleration, Sec. 9-2, 9-5, 9-6) (days 15 and 16)
a = v2/r = r 2
I = mr2
K = I 2/2
Chapter 10. Torque, Angular Momentum (Omit angular acceleration, Sec. 10-2,
Chapter 11. Equilibrium (day 18)
Fx=0 Fy=0 =0
modulus = stress/strain (day 21)
F/A = Y L/L0
p = B V/V0
Chapter 12. Gravity (omit 12-6, 12-7, 12-8) (day 22)
F = GmM/r2 = mg
U = GmM/r
mv2/r = GmM/r2 (for satellites)
Chapter 13. Periodic Motion (omit 13-6, 13-7, 13-8) (day 23)
a = 2x
x = A cos t
(or A sin t or A cos (t+)
v = Asin t
 = sqrt(k/m)
(if F= kx=ma)
 = 2f
T = 1/f
reference circle
Chapter 14. Fluids (perhaps omit 14-5, 14-6) (days 24 and 25)
p = gy
F = Vg = weight of displaced fluid
dV/dt = Av
p + gy + v2/2 = constant
Chapter 15. Waves (day 26)
v = f
y = A sin 2(t/Tx/) = A sin(tkx)
v = sqrt(F/)
 is 4 times the distance between adjacent node and antinode
I = P/(4r2)
Chapter 16. Sound (we may omit parts of chapter 16) (day 27)
v = sqrt(B/)
v = sqrt(Y/)
dB = 10 log10(I2/I1)
(I0=1012 W/m2)
f = f1  f2
(for beats)
Core Competencies Assessment 2011-2012: Area III Courses
New Mexico Institution Name
((UNM-Los Alamos: Phyc 161)
State Competencies
(Learning Outcomes Being
1. Students will describe the
process of scientific inquiry.
Students should:
a. Understand that scientists
rely on evidence obtained
from observations rather than
authority, tradition, doctrine,
or intuition.
b. Students should value
science as a way to develop
reliable knowledge about the
2. Students will solve problems
Students should:
a. Be able to construct and test
hypotheses using modern lab
equipment (such as
microscopes, scales,
computer technology) and
appropriate quantitative
b. Be able to evaluate isolated
observations about the
physical universe and relate
them to hierarchically
organized explanatory
frameworks (theories).
Assessment Procedures
Laboratory Science Competencies
Assessment Results
Course Name and NMCCN
(Process/Instrument named or
described – rubric attached)
General Physics 161,
PHYC 1224
Spring 2012
Competency 1 is addressed by:
1. Learning outcome:
Heat: Students will be able to
solve problems involving the First
and Second Laws of
Assessment measure:
Exam questions – rubric attached
Competency 2 is addressed by:
1. Learning outcome:
Electricity: Students will be able
to solve problems involving the
principles of electricity and Gauss'
Assessment measure:
Exam questions – rubric attached
How Results Will Be Used
To Make Improvements
Good understanding
corresponds to scores
of 75-100%
Moderate understanding
corresponds to scores
of 55-75%
Poor understanding
corresponds to scores
less than 55%
Average on competency 1:
Good understanding: 88%
Moderate understanding: 12%
Poor understanding: 0%
Some students were distracted by
personal problems or extended
illness. Most students eventually
achieved a good understanding of
the tested concepts. Nothing has
to be changed at this time.
Average on competency 2:
Same as above.
Good understanding: 75%
Moderate understanding: 25%
Poor understanding: 0%
“The student's knowledge and
skills have made great strides since
the beginning of the first semester.
Every year, one of the most
encouraging aspects of the first
semester is to see the contrast
between the students who have
competed two semesters of physics
and the new batch of incoming
students. Every year at the
beginning of the first semester, I
remind myself of how much they
will have progressed by the end of
the academic year.”
Michael McNaughton, the course
Core Competencies Assessment 2008-2009: Area III Courses
New Mexico Institution Name
State Competencies
Assessment Procedures
(Learning Outcomes Being
Course Name and NMCCN
(Process/Instrument named or
described – rubric attached)
3. Students will communicate
scientific information.
Students should:
Communicate effectively about
science (e.g., write lab reports in
standard format and explain
basic scientific concepts,
procedures, and results using
written, oral, and graphic
presentation techniques.)
4. Students will apply
quantitative analysis to
scientific problems.
Students should:
a. Select and perform appropriate
quantitative analyses of scientific
b. Show familiarity with the
metric system, use a calculator to
perform appropriate mathematical
operations, and present results in
tables and graphs.
5. Students will apply scientific
thinking to real world
Students should:
a. Critically evaluate scientific
reports or accounts presented in
the popular media.
b. Understand the basic scientific
facts related to important
contemporary issues (e.g., global
warming, stem cell research,
cosmology), and ask informed
questions about those issues.
End – Laboratory Science
Laboratory Science Competencies, cont.
Assessment Results
Competency 3 is addressed by:
Average on competency 3:
1. Learning outcome:
Good understanding: 75%
Moderate understanding: 25%
Poor understanding: 0%
How Results Will Be Used
To Make Improvements
Same as above.
Electrical circuits: Students will
be able to solve problems
involving Ohm's Law and
Kirchoff's Laws
Assessment measure:
exam questions
Competency 4 is addressed by:
Average on competency 4:
Same as above.
1. Learning outcome:
Magnetism: Students will be able
to solve problems involving
magnetism and Ampere's Law
Good understanding: 88%
Moderate understanding: 12%
Poor understanding: 0%
Assessment measure:
exam questions
Competency 5 is addressed by
Average on competency 5:
1. Learning outcome:
Induction: Students will be able
to solve problems involving
induction and Faraday's Law
Good understanding: 75%
Moderate understanding: 25%
Poor understanding: 0%
Assessment measure:
Exam questions
Same as above
Area III Assessment completed by
Oksana Gerlits
Printed Name
Phone number
Outcomes assessment for Physics 161
Spring 2012
Instructor: Michael McNaughton
State Competencies:
1. Students will describe the process of scientific inquiry.
2. Students will solve problems scientifically.
3. Students will communicate scientific information.
4. Students will apply quantitative analysis to scientific problems.
5. Students will apply scientific thinking to real world problems.
Course outcomes:
Outcome 1 – Heat: Students will be able to solve problems using the principles of heat, temperature, the kinetic theory of gases, and thermodynamics.
Examples include calorimetry, heat transfer, heat engines and refrigerators.
NM HED Area III competencies 1, 2, 4 and 5: Scientific Process, Solve problems scientifically, Apply quantitative analysis to scientific problems, and
Apply scientific thinking to real world problems.
Outcome 2 – Electricity: Students will be able to solve problems using the principles of electricity including Coulomb's Law, electric field and force,
superposition of electric fields and forces, Guass' Law, electric potential energy and potential, and capacitance.
NM HED Area III competencies 1, 2, 4 and 5: Scientific Process, Solve problems scientifically, Apply quantitative analysis to scientific problems, and
Apply scientific thinking to real world problems.
Outcome 3: Electrical Circuits: Students will be able to use Ohm's Law and Kirchoff's Laws to solve problems involving electric circuits including
series and parallel resistors and several sources of emf. Examples include calculating current, resistance, voltage, and power.
NM HED Area III competencies 1, 2, 4 and 5: Scientific Process, Solve problems scientifically, Apply quantitative analysis to scientific problems, and
Apply scientific thinking to real world problems.
Outcome 4: Magnetism: Students will be able to solve problem using the principles of magnetic forces, fields, flux, and Ampere's Law. Examples
include the mass spectrometer, solenoids, toroids, and permeability.
NM HED Area III competencies 1, 2, 4 and 5: Scientific Process, Solve problems scientifically, Apply quantitative analysis to scientific problems, and
Apply scientific thinking to real world problems.
Outcome 5: Induction: Students will be able to solve problems using the principle of induction and Faraday's Law. Examples include the basic
concepts pertaining to inductors and transformers.
NM HED Area III competencies 1, 2, 4 and 5: Scientific Process, Solve problems scientifically, Apply quantitative analysis to scientific problems, and
Apply scientific thinking to real world problems.
Assessment data collection:
The assessed material is covered in the lectures and contained in the textbook. For each outcome a set of workout problems or a multistep
problem are developed. Problems are designed to have different levels of difficulty.
Rubric for Grading Outcomes Assessment:
“If students average <55% on a set of questions, they understand it poorly. If they average 55% to 74% they have a moderate understanding. For
75% and more they have a good understanding.
Full mastery
Basic skill mastery
Partial mastery
No mastery
Student completes problem perfectly
Student demonstrates
Student demonstrates knowledge
Student demonstrates some
including demonstrating understanding of understanding of the concept
of the concept can workout
familiarity with the concept but
concept, performance of any arithmetic
and solves most of the
straight forward simple problems
makes multiple mistakes, cannot
needed, correct thought processes,
problems correctly. Student
but may not be able to put the
apply definitions , equations and
organization of information and work.
could have some minor
whole picture together or
concepts to a problem
90% to 100 %
computational mistakes.
misunderstood a needed concept.
75% to 89%
55% to 74 %
Less than 55%
Report on Outcomes assessment for Physics 161 (Spring 2012)
Instructor: Michael McNaughton
Total number of students: 8
Assessment questions
1. 0.08 kg of ice are removed from a freezer at a temperature of 18 °C and placed
in a flask containing 0.450 kg of water at 23 °C. Assume no heat is lost to the
surroundings or to the container. What is the final temperature of the water and
melted ice after the ice has melted and everything has come to the same
temperature? The specific heat of water = 4190 J/kg⋅K, the specific heat of ice =
2100 J/kg⋅K, and the heat of fusion of ice = 334 × 10 J/kg.
2. A soccer ball with a constant volume of 7.50 × 10 m contains air at 20.0 °C and
a gauge pressure of 92 kPa, while the atmospheric pressure is 101 kPa. (a) What is
the absolute pressure in the ball? (b) How many moles of air are in the ball? (c) If,
during the game, the temperature of the air increases to 30 °C, how many moles of air
must be released to bring the gauge pressure back to 92 kPa?
R = 8.31 J/mol⋅K.
3. A gas expands at a constant pressure of 6.00 × 105 Pa from an initial volume of 0.010
m3 to a final volume of 0.090 m3 so, as you calculated in the previous quiz, it does
48,000 J of work. During this expansion, heat flows into the gas. (a) If the total heat
added is 1.68 × 105 J, find the change in internal energy of the gas. (b) Does the
temperature increase or decrease? Explain how you came to this conclusion.
4. A heat engine takes in 5000 J of heat and rejects 3000 J of heat each cycle. (a) What is
the mechanical work output of the engine during one cycle? (b) If the thermal efficiency
is defined as what you get divided by what you pay for, what is the thermal efficiency of
the engine? (c) If the heat input is from a hot reservoir at a temperature of 300 °C and the
heat is rejected at 10 °C, what would be the efficiency of an optimum Carnot engine
under these temperature conditions.
5. Calculate the rate of heat loss through the wall of a house when the inside temperature
is 23.0 °C and the outside temperature is 17.0 °C. The wall has an area of 6.3 m2 and
consists of a layer of fiberglass 10.0 cm thick, with thermal conductivity k1 = 0.040
# of
# of
# of
# of
W/m⋅K and a layer of Styrofoam 5.00 cm thick with thermal conductivity k 2 = 0.020
6. A quantity of heat, Q = 480,000 J of heat is added to a gas at a constant pressure of
101 kPa and the volume increases from 2.00 m3 to 3.80 m3. a) Graph this process on a pV
diagram. B) How does the final temperature of the gas compare with its initial
temperature? c) Calculate the work done by the gas. d) Calculate the change in internal
energy of the gas.
This question combines two objective. A 4.0-Ω electric wire is connected to a 50-V
battery and used to heat 0.80 kg of ice, initially at -11 °C, until the water boils and it all
becomes water vapor at 100 °C. How much energy is required to a) heat the ice from -11
°C to the melting point? b) melt the ice? c) heat the 0.8 kg of water to the boiling point,
and d) boil all the water? e) Assuming there are no heat losses or sources other than the
electric wire, how long will it take? Specific heat of ice = 2100 J/kg⋅K, specific heat of
water = 4190 J/kg⋅K, latent heat of fusion of ice = 334,000 J/kg, latent heat of
vaporization of water = 2,256,000 J/kg.
Calculate the electric force between an electric charge of 4.00 × 10 C and another
electric charge of 3.00 × 10 C, if the charges are placed 0.200 m apart. The constant, k
= 1/4πϵ0 = 9.0 × 109 N⋅m2/C2.
The electric field at a particular location is 900 N/C and it is directed vertically upward.
(a) What is the electric force (magnitude and direction) on an electron at this location?
(b) What is the gravitational force (magnitude and direction) on an electron? The
acceleration due to gravity g = 9.8 m/s2. The charge of an electron is 1.60 × 10 C,
and its mass is 9.11 × 10 kg.
Calculate the electric field midway between an electric charge of +4.00 × 10 C and
another electric charge of +3.00 × 10 C, if the charges are placed 0.200 m apart.
The constant, 1/4πϵ0 = 9.0 × 109 N⋅m2/C2.
A positive charge of 28 nC is placed in a uniform electric field that is directed vertically
downward and has a magnitude of 4.00 × 104 V/m. The 28-nC charge moves from point
A, vertically upward through a distance of 0.670 m, to point B. a) If the electric potential
at point A, VA = 0, what is the electric potential at point B? b) Calculate the work done by
the electric force when the 28-nC charge moves from point A to point B.
A penny has a radius of approximately 1.0 cm and an area of 3.14 × 10 m2. a) If two
pennies are placed parallel and 1.0 mm apart, to make a parallel-plate air capacitor, what
is the capacitance? b) If this capacitor is connected to a 1.50-V battery, what is the
electric field between the plates? c) What is the magnitude of charge on each plate? ε0 =
8.854 × 10 C2/N⋅m2.
A capacitor has a capacitance of 0.054 F and has a potential difference (voltage) of 125
V between its plates. (a) What is the magnitude of the electric charge stored on each of
its plates? (b) What is the energy stored in the capacitor? You may use the capacitance
and the voltage, or the voltage and the charge, or the charge and the capacitance. Do the
calculation at least two ways as a check.
4. (a) What is the magnitude of the electric field at a distance of 0.05 m from a
single 25 nC charge? (b) Two point charges of +25 nC and 25 nC are placed 0.05 m
apart. What is the electric force between these two electric charges when they are
0.05 m apart? (c) What is the electric potential energy of this pair of charges?
1/4πε0 = 9.0 × 10 N⋅m/C.
5. Two conducting metal plates are placed 0.05 m apart in a vacuum. Each plate has
an area of 1 m. One carries a charge of +25 nC and the other carries a charge of 25
nC. (a) What is the magnitude of the electric field between them? (b) What is the
potential difference between them? (c) What is the capacitance of this parallel plate
air capacitor? (d) What is the energy stored in this capacitor? (e) If an electron
(charge = 1.60 × 10 C) starts from rest near the negatively charged plate, in a
vacuum, what will be its kinetic energy just before it reaches the positively charged
ε0 = 8.85 × 10 C/N⋅m.
6. An electron (charge = -1.60 × 10 C) is accelerated from rest, in a horizontal
direction, through a potential difference of 1.0 kV. a) Calculate its kinetic energy. b)
Calculate its velocity (electron mass = 9.11 × 10 kg.) c) Next, the electron enters a
region with a vertical electric field of 5,000 V/m. What magnitude and direction of
magnetic field is required to keep the electron moving in a straight line?
An electric current of 3.40 A flows through an automobile headlight. (a) How many
coulombs of charge flow through the headlight in 8 h? (b) How many electrons flow
through the headlight in 8 h?
e = 1.60 × 10 C
A strand of wire has resistance 1.00 ohms. What is the resistance of 100 such strands if
they are a) placed side by side to form a cable of the same length and 100 times the
effective area, and b) connected end to end to form a wire 100 times as long as a single
(a) When a 60-W light is connected to a 12-V battery, what is the current through the
light? (b) If another identical light is connected in parallel with the first, what is the
current in the second light? (c) In this case, what is the current flowing through the
(a) My microwave oven takes 1,000 W of power from a 110-V electrical
What is the electric current to this oven? (b) My clothes dryer takes
2,000 W of power from a 220-V electrical supply. What is the electric
current to this dryer?
A current of 12.0 A flows through a coffee maker when the potential difference is 120 V.
(a) What is the resistance? (b) What is the power?
A 12-V battery is connected to a car headlamp that has a resistance of 4.0 Ω. Assume the
internal resistance of the battery and the resistance of the wires are zero. (a) What is the
current through the headlamp? (b) What is the power delivered to the headlamp? Option:
you may calculate the power several different ways, as a check.
5. An electric wire has a cross-section area of 5.0 × 10 m2, resistivity 1.72 × 10 Ω⋅m,
and a current of 175 A. A bird is on the wire and its feet are 3.0 cm apart. What is
the potential difference between its feet?
6. In the Figure, find the equivalent resistance between points a) F and H and b) F and G.
An electron with a charge of 1.6 × 10 C is moving with a velocity of 7.5 × 106 m/s
toward the east. The magnetic field is 40 × 10 T toward the north. (a) What is the
magnitude of the magnetic force on the electron? (b) What is the direction of the
magnetic force?
An electron with a charge of 1.6 × 10 C and a mass of 9.11 × 10 kg is moving with
a velocity of 7.5 × 106 m/s toward the east. The magnetic field is 40 × 10 T toward
the north. What is the radius of the circle?
A horizontal wire is oriented in an east-west direction and carries a current of 32.0 A in
the direction from west to east. At this location, the magnetic field is 0.50 T toward the
north. (a) What is the magnetic force on a one-meter length of this wire? (b) What is the
direction of this force?
(a) Calculate the magnetic field 3.00 cm from a long, straight wire carrying a current of
15.0 A.
(b) Sketch the magnetic field lines to show the direction of the magnetic field.
μ0 = 4π × 10 T⋅m/A.
7. To measure the current in a long, straight lightning rod when it was struck by
lightning, a strip of magnetic tape was supported so it is perpendicular to the wire. It was
known how a magnetic field of 0.03 T would affect the tape, and this knowledge was
used to show that during the lightning strike the magnetic field was 0.030 T at a radius of
14.0 cm from the lightning rod. What was the current in the lightning rod? μ0 = 4π × 10
8. Three long, straight wires, 3.00 m long, each carry the same electric current in the
same direction. The top wire is fixed to the ceiling, and the second wire is fixed 0.952
mm below. Calculate the current required to suspend the third wire 0.952 mm below the
second wire, if its total weight is 1.25 N.
μ0 = 4π × 10 Wb/A⋅m
A single loop of wire with an area of 0.150 m2 is on a flat horizontal table. At this
location, there is a uniform vertical magnetic field of 0.80 T. If the magnetic field is
decreased to zero in a time of 0.030 s, what is the average induced emf during this time?
A single loop of wire is on a flat horizontal table. At this location, there is a uniform
vertical magnetic field of 0.80 T. Initially, the loop is arranged as a square, 30 cm by 30
cm, so its area is 0.090 m2. The shape is then changed to a rectangle, 50 cm by 10 cm, so
its final area is 0.050 m2. If this change takes place in a time of 0.20 s, what is the
average induced emf during this time?
A coil of wire has 80 turns and each turn has an area of 40 cm2. The coil is placed flat on
a horizontal surface (so that the normal area vector is vertical) in a vertical magnetic field
of 1.25 T. a) What is the magnetic flux through the coil? b) Next, the surface and the
coil are tilted 60° so the surface is no longer horizontal and the area vector is at 60° to the
vertical. Now, what is the magnetic flux through the coil? c) If this change takes place in
a time of 0.4 ms, what is the average emf induced in the coil?
An inductor has inductance 0.120 H and carries a current that is decreasing at a rate:
di/dt = -50.0 A/s. Calculate the induced emf.
The dielectric constant of glass depends on the frequency and wavelength. For red light,
the dielectric constant is 2.25, and for blue light it is 2.34. The speed of light in a vacuum
(where the dielectric constant is 1.00) is 3.00 × 108 m/s. a) What is the speed of red light
in glass? b) What is the speed of blue light in glass?
9. A long solenoid has a radius of 25.0 mm and has 1250 turns per meter, A single
loop of wire with resistance 0.350 Ω is placed around the solenoid. The current in
the solenoid is reduced from 1.00 A to 0.500 A at a uniform rate during a time
interval of 4.00 ms. What is the current induced in the loop? μ0 = 4π × 10 Wb/A⋅m
10. A transformer has 200 turns in the primary coil and 6000 turns in the secondary coil.
When the primary is connected to a 120-V rms source the rms current in the primary is
60.0 mA. What are a) the emf in the secondary, and b) the current in the secondary?
Observations and action plan:
The advantage of a small class is: I understand the challenges each individual student is dealing with. Some students were well prepared, for
example by taking previous courses in physics and advanced mathematics; these students achieved full mastery. Some students were less well
prepared but worked steadily and also achieved full mastery. Some students were distracted by personal or family illnesses or crises, did their best,
and achieved basic mastery. One or two students suffered from many disadvantages: they were poorly prepared, they were distracted by crises and
other commitments, and they did not find the time to complete all the homework; these students achieved partial mastery. In summary, the semester
went as expected.
Mike McNaughton
Physics 161 General Physics
Office hours: 4:00-5:00 Monday, Wednesday
Class meets: 5:00-6:15 M, W
Send email messages to both mcnaughton@LANL.gov and uumike@comcast.net
Textbook: University Physics, Young and Freedman, 13th edition
Catalog Description
Heat, electricity, magnetism. Meets New Mexico Lower Division General Education Common Core
Curriculum Area III: Science (NMCCN 1224). Prerequisite: PHYC 160. Pre- or corequisite: MATH 163.
Suggested coreqs: PHYC 168 and PHYC 161L
UNM-Los Alamos conducts ongoing assessments of student learning so it can continue to improve its
curriculum to give you the best education possible. The mechanism for this assessment will be selected by
your instructor and may include exams, projects or other assignments. The assessment will focus on the
learning outcomes listed in this syllabus. The data from this assessment will be collected anonymously. It
will be reported to the department, the Office of Instruction and posted on the web. The information
collected will be used to make improvements to curriculum and teaching. This assessment is not a
reflection of your grade and is not a grading exercise; it is simply an evaluation of how well students are
mastering certain skills.
Course Objectives
1. Students will develop an increased understanding of the scientific method.
2. Students will know and be able to apply basic physics concepts in heat, electricity, and magnetism.
They will be able to solve problems at the level of standard first year calculus-based general physics texts.
3. Students will be able to use appropriate mathematical skills needed to solve physics problems. This
includes the ability to use units, vectors, and graphs.
4. Students will develop a foundation of knowledge and problem solving skills that they will be able to use
in later courses in science, engineering and related fields.
Learning Outcomes
Outcome 1 – Heat: Students will be able to solve problems using the principles of heat, temperature, the
kinetic theory of gases, and thermodynamics. Examples include calorimetry, heat transfer, heat engines
and refrigerators.
NM HED Area III competencies 1, 2, 4 and 5: Scientific Process, Solve problems scientifically, Apply
quantitative analysis to scientific problems, and Apply scientific thinking to real world problems.
Outcome 2 – Electricity: Students will be able to solve problems using the principles of electricity
including Coulomb's Law, electric field and force, superposition of electric fields and forces, Guass' Law,
electric potential energy and potential, and capacitance.
NM HED Area III competencies 1, 2, 4 and 5: Scientific Process, Solve problems scientifically, Apply
quantitative analysis to scientific problems, and Apply scientific thinking to real world problems.
Outcome 3: Electrical Circuits: Students will be able to use Ohm's Law and Kirchoff's Laws to solve
problems involving electric circuits including series and parallel resistors and several sources of emf.
Examples include calculating current, resistance, voltage, and power.
NM HED Area III competencies 1, 2, 4 and 5: Scientific Process, Solve problems scientifically, Apply
quantitative analysis to scientific problems, and Apply scientific thinking to real world problems.
Outcome 4: Magnetism: Students will be able to solve problem using the principles of magnetic forces,
fields, flux, and Ampere's Law. Examples include the mass spectrometer, solenoids, toroids, and
NM HED Area III competencies 1, 2, 4 and 5: Scientific Process, Solve problems scientifically, Apply
quantitative analysis to scientific problems, and Apply scientific thinking to real world problems.
Outcome 5: Induction: Students will be able to solve problems using the principle of induction and
Faraday's Law. Examples include the basic concepts pertaining to inductors and transformers.
NM HED Area III competencies 1, 2, 4 and 5: Scientific Process, Solve problems scientifically, Apply
quantitative analysis to scientific problems, and Apply scientific thinking to real world problems.
Topics To Be Studied
Heat, calorimetry, thermal properties, thermodynamics, electric force, electric field, electric potential,
capacitance, electric current, magnetic force, magnetic field, and magnetic induction.
Evaluation Criteria
Evaluation will be based on the following and weighted as indicated:
5/16 of grade
5/16 of grade
Midterm Exam:
1/8 of grade
Final Exam:
1/4 of grade
Unexcused late work will be penalized by 20% per week and 10% for part of a week.
≥ 90% A-, A, A+
80-89% B-, B, B+
70-79% C-, C, C+
60-69% D-, D, D+
Attendance Policy
Students should inform the instructor promptly of any difficulties which necessitate absence from class or
late homework.
American Disabilities Act
In accordance with University Policy 2310 and the American Disabilities Act (ADA), academic
accommodations may be made for any student who notifies the instructor of the need for an
accommodation. It is imperative that you take the initiative to bring such needs to the instructor's attention,
as the instructor is not legally permitted to inquire. Students who may require assistance in emergency
evacuations should contact the instructor as to the most appropriate procedures to follow. Contact
Accessibility Services at 505-661-4692 for additional information
Dishonesty Policy
Each student is expected to maintain the highest standards of honesty and integrity in academic and
professional matters. The University reserves the right to take disciplinary action, including dismissal,
against any student who is found responsible for academic dishonesty. Any student who has been judged
to have engaged in academic dishonesty in course work may receive a reduced or failing grade for the work
in question and/or for the course.
Academic dishonesty includes, but is not limited to, dishonesty on quizzes, tests or assignments; claiming
credit for work not done or done by others; and hindering the academic work of other students.
Unexpected Class Cancellation
Due to difficulties in informing students in advance of a teacher’s illness or emergency, students who arrive
for class and find the teacher isn’t there should wait 15 minutes (just in case he or she is simply late). After
15 minutes, students should go to building 1 to the front desk to seek information (Los Alamos) or to their
corresponding on-site contact for other locations (provide). If there is no information, students should
assume that class has been canceled for the day and are free to leave. When possible, the instructor will call
or email students to let them know of a canceled class meeting.
Computer Account Policy
 You are required to have a Main campus computer account (NetID). You will also use
this account to register for classes through MyUNM, http://my.unm.edu, to read and
send e-mail (your UNM e-mail address looks like NetID@unm.edu), print transcripts,
check financial status, and check degree progress.
o Students are required to check their UNM email as this is the main
communication method used by the university. Students may visit
http://it.unm.edu/howtos/504.html for simple instruction on how to forward
their campus e-mail to a different email address.
Students will logon to computers on the UNM-Los Alamos campus using their UNM-Los
Alamos account. This will be created for you by the computer center administrator at
your request. Your UNM NetID will be your user name, and the temporary password will
be NetIDpass. You will be asked to change your password the first time you logon.
UNM–LA Wireless network—For more information about access to the UNM–LA wireless
network please see the instructions at http://www.la.unm.edu/Wireless/
Students should be aware of the computer use policies as they affect any aspect of their
education at UNM-LA.
Make-up Policy Late homework will be penalized by 1 point per week and 0.5 points for part of a week.
Homework questions that are submitted on time and with a good effort may be upgraded if re-submitted
within one week of when they are returned to the student.
Class Outline
Chapter 17: Temperature and Heat; days 1-2
TK = TC + 273
L = LoT
V = VoT
Q = mcT
Q = mL
H = Q/t
H = k A T/L
H = AeT4
Chapter 18: Gas (not Section 18.5); days 3-4
p1V1/T1 = p2V2/T2
pV = nRT = NkT = Nmv2/3
(1/2)mv2 = (3/2)kT
Chapter 19: Thermodynamics; day 5
W = p dV
Q = U + W
Q = n C T
Perhaps omit Sections 19.7, 19.8 and the following:
Cp = CV + R
 = Cp/CV
T1V1-1 = T2V2-1
p1V1 = p2V2
T1p11- = T2p21-
Chapter 20: 2nd Law of Thermodynamics; day 6-7
W = |QH| - |QC| (using absolute values)
e = W/QH
K = QC/W
Perhaps simplify Sections 20.3 and 20.6, 20.7, 20.8:
S = (dQ/T)
QH/TH = QC/TC (Carnot)
e = (TH - TC)/TH (Carnot)
Chapter 21 Field (omit Section 21.7); days 7-8
Chapter 22 Gauss; day 9-10
= E.dA=Q/
(parallel plate capacitor)
Chapter 23 Potential (omit the details of Section 23.5); days 10-11
V= E.dL (qV= F.dL=U)
Chapter 24 Capacitance (omit Section 24.6); days 12-13
C = KA/d
C = C1 + C2
1/C = 1/C1 + 1/C2 (series)
Chapter 25 Current (omit the details of Section 25.6); day 14-15
R = L/A
P = VI = I2R = V2/R
Chapter 26 (DC) (simplify Sections 26.2, 26.3); day 16
(emf) - (IR) = 0 (Kirchoff)
R = R1 + R2
1/R = 1/R1 + 1/R2 (parallel)
 = RC
Chapter 27 (Magnetic Force) (omit Section 27.9); days 17-18
F = qE + qvB
 = B.dA
 = IA
 = B
U = .B
Chapter 28 (Magnetic Field); days 18-19
B = oQ v /(4r2)
dB = oI dL/(4r2) Biot-Savart
F/L= oI I'/(2r)
long parallel wires
B.dL= oI
Ampere's law (simplified)
B = oI/(2r)
long straight wire
B = oNI/L
B = oNI/(2r)
 = Km o
Chapter 29 (Induction); day 20
V = v B dL
V = N d/dt
Faraday's Law (simplified)
Chapter 30 (Inductance) (omit Section 30.6); days 21-22
V = -M di/dt
V = -L di/dt
N = Li
U = (1/2) LI2
 = L/R
Chapter 31 (AC) (omit Sections 31.3, 31.4, 31.5); days 23
V = IX
Irms = I/2
V2/V1 = N2/N1
V1 I1 = V2 I2
Chapter 32 (e.m. waves) (omit or simplify some sections); day 24
Maxwell’s equations, the wave equation, e.m. spectrum
Core Competencies Assessment 2011-2012: Area III Courses
New Mexico Institution Name:
(UNM-Los Alamos)
State Competencies
Assessment Procedures
(Learning Outcomes Being
Course Name and NMCCN
(Process/Instrument named or
described – rubric attached)
Phyc262 (lecture)
`1. Students will describe the
process of scientific inquiry.
Students should:
a. Understand that scientists
rely on evidence obtained
from observations rather than
authority, tradition, doctrine,
or intuition.
b. Students should value
science as a way to develop
reliable knowledge about the
2. Students will solve problems
Students should:
a. Be able to construct and test
hypotheses using modern lab
equipment (such as
microscopes, scales,
computer technology) and
appropriate quantitative
b. Be able to evaluate isolated
observations about the
physical universe and relate
them to hierarchically
organized explanatory
frameworks (theories).
3. Students will communicate
The process of scientific inquiry
was emphasized throughout the
course. The assessment is based
on overall class work, including
class interaction, homework,
quizzes, and in-class exams. The
students have shown good
understanding of the process.
Competency 2 is addressed by:
Learning outcome (lecture):
Optics (geometric and wave)
Special relativity
Atomic physics
Nucleus physics and particle
The lab is not offered .
Competency 2. a is not applicable.
Assessment measurements are
based on how student
utlizedexisting data to solve the
problem. So it is based on the
scores for each student on selected
problems extracted from two
This is based on:
Laboratory Science Competencies
(No NMCCN code)
Assessment Results
Good understanding:
Good understanding:
Basic skill mastery
Partial mastery
No mastery
How Results Will Be Used
To Make Improvements
Continue to educate students in
the terms of scientific process.
Always educate students to
appreciate the experimental data
and facts that occur in the nature
regardless of how we feel about
The result showed most students
mastered the class materials at a
satisfactory level. One or two
students have some difficulties
with the set-up methodology and
lack understanding of basic
concepts. These students need
extra help to have better
comprehension of these concepts
so that they can use the data
This concept is essential, and we
should always remind students
about its importance.
Ask students to spend time reading
the textbook outside of class time.
The reading always helps students
to have a better understanding of
the class materials, especially
because the concepts for this
course are not trivial. Students
need time to absorb these concepts
by reading the textbook and other
reference material.
scientific information.
Students should:
Communicate effectively about
science (e.g., write lab reports in
standard format and explain
basic scientific concepts,
procedures, and results using
written, oral, and graphic
presentation techniques.)
4. Students will apply
quantitative analysis to
scientific problems.
Students should:
a. Select and perform appropriate
quantitative analyses of scientific
b. Show familiarity with the
metric system, use a calculator to
perform appropriate mathematical
operations, and present results in
tables and graphs.
5. Students will apply scientific
thinking to real world
Students should:
a. Critically evaluate scientific
reports or accounts presented in
the popular media.
b. Understand the basic scientific
facts related to important
contemporary issues (e.g., global
warming, stem cell research,
cosmology), and ask informed
questions about those issues.
Learning outcome (lecture):
Optics (geometric and wave)
Special relativity
Atomic physics
Nucleus physics and particle
Since it is a lecture, I cannot
quantitatively assess this issue.
The lab will help students to have
a better understanding of physics
In general, all the students knew
how to find data from tables or
Competency 4 is addressed by:
Good understanding:
Learning outcome (lecture):
Optics (geometric and wave)
Special relativity
Atomic physics
Nucleus physics and particle
Basic skill mastery
Partial mastery
Assessment measure:
Scores of each student on selected
problems extracted from two
Competency 5 is addressed by:
While teaching physics, I will try
to review some math, including
calculus. This is necessary for
physics problem solving. On the
other hand, the students should
better prepare themselves in math
before taking this class.
The students are interested in the
physics behind the natural events.
Continue to combine class
materials with the related events
that occur in our life.
Encourage students to ask
questions during the class.
No mastery
Good understanding:
Learning outcome (lecture):
Optics (geometric and wave)
Special relativity
Atomic physics
Nucleus physics and particle
This result shows the students’
math skills are competent, except
one student. Adequate math
skills are essential for this course.
I need to make sure that every
student’s math is good enough for
this physics course. I will also
help the students who are weaker
in math.
Basic skill mastery
Partial mastery
Assessment measure:
Scores of each student on selected
problems extracted from two
No mastery
End – Laboratory Science
Area III Assessment completed by
Jiaming Morgan
Jiaming Morgan
Printed Name
Phone number:
505 662-7729
Outcome Assessment for Physics 262 Lecture, Fall 2011
Instructor: Jiaming Morgan
UNM-LA Campus
State Competencies:
11. Student will describe the process of scientific inquiry.
12. Students will solve problems scientifically.
13. Students will communicate scientific information.
14. Students will apply quantitative analysis to scientific problems.
15. Students will apply scientific thinking to real world problems.
Course Outcomes:
The following outcomes assess the success in achieving of the state competencies. The outcomes were chosen to cover the most basic subjects of this
modern physics course, not necessarily to cover all the course topics.
1. Light and optics
Geometric optics: reflection and refraction, imaging with various thin lenses, mirrors, and geometric ray optics;
The wave nature of light: interference and diffraction.
2. The special theory of relativity
Time dilation, length contraction, relativistic momentum, kinetic and rest energy.
3. Introduction to quantum physics:
The quantum nature of light, photons, the photoelectric effect, the wave nature of matter, de Broglie wavelength, the Heisenberg uncertainty
principle; the Bohr model and hydrogen atom; the Zeeman and electron spin.
4. Nuclear physics and fundamental particles:
Radioactive decay; nuclear reaction (fission and fusion), the conservation of baryon number.
Assessment procedures:
Total of two in-class exams, Exam1 and Exam2, were given to the students in the fall, 2011. This assessment is based on questions or problems
extracted from Exam 1 and Exam 2. The problems used for each outcome is listed below.
Outcome 1 (extracted from Exam 1):
Three work-out problems: #2 (optical imaging, 𝑠 + 𝑠′ = 𝑓; virtual image and real image); #3 (interference of light waves, superposition principle); #5
(diffraction of light wave, Rayleigh criteria of resolution).
Outcome 2 (extracted from Exam 1):
Two work-out problems: #6 (proper time and time dilation), #7 (relativistic momentum, kinetic and rest energy).
Outcome 3 (extracted from Exam 2):
Four work out problems: #2 (the photoelectric effect), #4 (the wave nature of matter, de Broglie wavelength), #5 (hydrogen atom), #6 (electron spin).
Outcome 4 (extracted from Exam 2):
Three multiple choice questions: #1.4 (beta decay), #1.5 (the conservation of baryon number), #1.6 (interaction).
Two work-out problems: #7 (nucleus decay: activity, half-life, 𝑁 = 𝑁0 𝑒 −𝜆𝑡 , 𝑑𝑡 = −𝜆𝑁), #10 (fission reaction, energy released).
Rubric for Grading Outcomes Assessment:
If students averages less than 55% on the chosen set of questions (see Assessment procedures), they understand it poorly. If the students average
between 55% and 74%, they have a moderate understanding. If students average 75% and above, they have good understanding. See the following
Full mastery
Students score between 90% and
100% over the chosen set of
Assessment Results:
Outcome number
Basic skill mastery
Students score between 75% and
89% over the chosen set of
State competencies
The number of Full
mastery students
Partial mastery (satisfactory)
Students score between 55% and
74% over the chosen set of
The number of basic
skill mastery students
No mastery
Students score less than 55%
The number of partial
mastery students
The number of no
mastery students
Observations and Conclusion:
This course is the third semester course of general physics. There are total of six students in this class. The results from this class are too small to have
any statistical significance. Since demonstration equipment is limited, we only had a few class demos. Even so, they still benefited the students. All the
students, except one, have adequate math skills. All of them performed to at least a satisfactory level. More than half of the students were very
competent. For those students, the problem-solving skills are good. Overall, half of the students reached A-level which is mainly based on four in-class
quizzes and two exams. Because of the difficulties of this course, I saw that students were struggling with some difficult concepts, such as the
uncertainty principle, Schrödinger equations, and quantum numbers. After repeated explanation and application of these concepts, most students finally
become more comfortable with them. It takes time for students to absorb and eventually accept these modern concepts of physics. In the future, I will
try harder to explain these concepts of modern physics in a simpler way.
Assessment completed by
Jiaming Morgan
Jiaming Morgan
Printed Name
Phone number _505 662-7729_
Outcome Assessment for Physics 262 Lecture, Fall 2011
Instructor: Jiaming Morgan
UNM-LA Campus
State Competencies:
16. Student will describe the process of scientific inquiry.
17. Students will solve problems scientifically.
18. Students will communicate scientific information.
19. Students will apply quantitative analysis to scientific problems.
20. Students will apply scientific thinking to real world problems.
Course Outcomes:
The following outcomes assess the success in achieving of the state competencies. The outcomes were chosen to cover the most basic subjects of this modern physics
course, not necessarily to cover all the course topics.
5. Light and optics
Geometric optics: reflection and refraction, imaging with various thin lenses, mirrors, and geometric ray optics;
The wave nature of light: interference and diffraction.
6. The special theory of relativity
Time dilation, length contraction, relativistic momentum, kinetic and rest energy.
7. Introduction to quantum physics:
The quantum nature of light, photons, the photoelectric effect, the wave nature of matter, de Broglie wavelength, the Heisenberg uncertainty principle; the Bohr
model and hydrogen atom; the Zeeman and electron spin.
8. Nuclear physics and fundamental particles:
Radioactive decay; nuclear reaction (fission and fusion), the conservation of baryon number.
Assessment procedures:
Total of two in-class exams, Exam1 and Exam2, were given to the students in the fall, 2011. This assessment is based on questions or problems extracted from Exam
1 and Exam 2. The problems used for each outcome is listed below.
Outcome 1 (extracted from Exam 1):
Three work-out problems: #2 (optical imaging, 𝑠 + 𝑠′ = 𝑓; virtual image and real image); #3 (interference of light waves, superposition principle); #5 (diffraction of
light wave, Rayleigh criteria of resolution).
Outcome 2 (extracted from Exam 1):
Two work-out problems: #6 (proper time and time dilation), #7 (relativistic momentum, kinetic and rest energy).
Outcome 3 (extracted from Exam 2):
Four work out problems: #2 (the photoelectric effect), #4 (the wave nature of matter, de Broglie wavelength), #5 (hydrogen atom), #6 (electron spin).
Outcome 4 (extracted from Exam 2):
Three multiple choice questions: #1.4 (beta decay), #1.5 (the conservation of baryon number), #1.6 (interaction).
Two work-out problems: #7 (nucleus decay: activity, half-life, 𝑁 = 𝑁0 𝑒 −𝜆𝑡 ,
= −𝜆𝑁), #10 (fission reaction, energy released).
Rubric for Grading Outcomes Assessment:
If students averages less than 55% on the chosen set of questions (see Assessment procedures), they understand it poorly. If the students average between 55% and
74%, they have a moderate understanding. If students average 75% and above, they have good understanding. See the following chart:
Full mastery
Students score between 90% and 100%
over the chosen set of questions.
Basic skill mastery
Students score between 75% and 89%
over the chosen set of questions.
Partial mastery (satisfactory)
Students score between 55% and 74%
over the chosen set of questions.
No mastery
Students score less than 55%
Assessment Results:
Outcome number
State competencies
The number of Full
mastery students
The number of basic skill
mastery students
The number of partial
mastery students
The number of no
mastery students
Observations and Conclusion:
This course is the third semester course of general physics. There are total of six students in this class. The results from this class are too small to have any statistical
significance. Since demonstration equipment is limited, we only had a few class demos. Even so, they still benefited the students. All the students, except one, have
adequate math skills. All of them performed to at least a satisfactory level. More than half of the students were very competent. For those students, the problemsolving skills are good. Overall, half of the students reached A-level which is mainly based on four in-class quizzes and two exams. Because of the difficulties of this
course, I saw that students were struggling with some difficult concepts, such as the uncertainty principle, Schrödinger equations, and quantum numbers. After
repeated explanation and application of these concepts, most students finally become more comfortable with them. It takes time for students to absorb and eventually
accept these modern concepts of physics. In the future, I will try harder to explain these concepts of modern physics in a simpler way.
Assessment completed by
Jiaming Morgan
Jiaming Morgan
Printed Name
Phone number _505 662-7729_
University of New Mexico – Los Alamos
Phyc262: General Physics
Fall 2011 Syllabus
Time and place: Tuesday and Thursday, 10:00-11:15 am; Room 515
Instructor: Jiaming Morgan, Ph. D (office hours by arrangement)
Email: jiaming@unm.edu or jiamingm@comcast.net
Text: University Physics with Modern Physics, Young and Freedman, Sears and Zemansky,
Catalog Description
Optics and modern physics. Prerequisite: 161. Pre-corequisite: MATH 264. This is derived
verbatim from the UNM Main Campus Catalog.
UNM-Los Alamos conducts ongoing assessments of student learning so it can continue to
improve its curriculum to give you the best education possible. The mechanism for this
assessment will be selected by your instructor and may include exams, projects or other
assignments. The assessment will focus on the learning outcomes listed in this syllabus. The
data from this assessment will be collected anonymously. It will be reported to the department,
the Office of Instruction and posted on the web. The information collected will be used to make
improvements to curriculum and teaching. This assessment is not a reflection of your grade and
is not a grading exercise; it is simply an evaluation of how well students are mastering certain
Course Objectives
To help students understand the connection between electromagnetic waves, geometrical and
wave optics, as well as introduce students to modern physics: relativity, quantum mechanics,
nuclear and particle physics.
Learning Outcomes
At the end of this course, students should be able to discuss concepts of Physics, including:
9. Light and optics: properties of electromagnetic waves; the electromagnetic wave nature of
light; geometric optics, including reflection and refraction, imaging with various thin lenses,
mirrors and geometric ray optics; wave optics including interference and diffraction.
10. The special theory of relativity: Time dilation; length contraction, and the Lorentz
11. Introduction to quantum physics: The quantum nature of light, photons; the photoelectric
effect; atomic line spectra and energy levels (hydrogen atom); the Bohr model; black body
radiation; The wave nature of matter, de Broglie wavelength, the Heisenberg uncertainty
principle; Hydrogen atom; the Zeeman and electron spin; molecular bonds and molecular
spectra; solids and energy bands, free electron model of metals; etc.
12. Nuclear physics and fundamental particles: Nuclear properties; nuclear binding and structure;
radioactive decay; nuclear reaction; The observed spectrum of fundamental particles.
Evaluated Criteria:
Attendance and Class participation 5%
Homework: 25%
Exam 1: a.k.a. midterm exam (optics and special relativity) 30%
Exam 2: a.k.a. final exam (quantum mechanics, nuclear physics and particles) 30%
Given the small statistics of the class (few students) I will have to carefully consider what, if any,
curve I may apply.
Note: It is your responsibility to attend the classes, complete all homework, quizzes, and exams.
Any missing homework, quiz, or exam will result in a 0 grade for this missing work.
Course Grading Scale
The following grading scale will be used to determine your final letter grade:
A+ = 99 –100%
A = 93 –98%
A- = 90 – 91%
B+ = 87 – 89%
83 – 86%
B- = 80 – 82%
C+ = 78 – 79%
70 – 77%
C- = 68 – 69%
D+ = 66 – 67%
D = 63 – 65%
D- = 60 – 62%
0 – 59%
I will have office hours by arrangement only. Feel free to call or e-mail to make an appointment.
The textbook has a website which may be useful. There is also a tutoring center at UNM-LA
which may be helpful, especially with problems requiring mathematical skills.
Attendance Policy
Students are expected to attend all classes. If you must be absent, please inform me as soon as
possible. Only excused absences are allowed. Three or more excused absence will result in
points lost from the attendance portion of the grade. More than four UNEXCUSED ABSENCES
may result in the student being dropped from the class.
American Disabilities Act
In accordance with University Policy 2310 and the American Disabilities Act (ADA), academic
accommodations may be made for any student who notifies the instructor of the need for an
accommodation. It is imperative that you take the initiative to bring such needs to the instructor's
attention, as the instructor is not legally permitted to inquire. Students who may require assistance in
emergency evacuations should contact the instructor as to the most appropriate procedures to follow.
Contact Accessibility Services at 505-661-4692 for additional information
Dishonesty Policy
Each student is expected to maintain the highest standards of honesty and integrity in academic and
professional matters. The University reserves the right to take disciplinary action, including
dismissal, against any student who is found responsible for academic dishonesty. Any student who
has been judged to have engaged in academic dishonesty in course work may receive a reduced or
failing grade for the work in question and/or for the course.
Academic dishonesty includes, but is not limited to, dishonesty on quizzes, tests or assignments;
claiming credit for work not done or done by others; and hindering the academic work of other
Unexpected Class Cancellation
Due to difficulties in informing students in advance of a teacher’s illness or emergency, students who
arrive for class and find the teacher isn’t there should wait 15 minutes (just in case he or she is
simply late). After 15 minutes, students should go to building 1 to the front desk to seek information
(Los Alamos) or to their corresponding on-site contact for other locations (provide). If there is no
information, students should assume that class has been canceled for the day and are free to leave.
When possible, the instructor will call or email students to let them know of a canceled class
Computer Account Policy
 You are required to have a Main campus computer account (NetID). You will also use this
account to register for classes through MyUNM, http://my.unm.edu, to read and send e-mail
(your UNM e-mail address looks like NetID@unm.edu), print transcripts, check financial status,
and check degree progress.
o Students are required to check their UNM email as this is the main communication method
used by the university. Students may visit http://it.unm.edu/howtos/504.html for simple
instruction on how to forward their campus e-mail to a different email address
o Your UNM NetID will be used to access computers on the UNM-Los Alamos campus.
UNM–LA Wireless network—For more information about access to the UNM–LA wireless
network please see the instructions at http://www.la.unm.edu/Wireless/
Students should be aware of the computer use policies as they affect any aspect of their education at
Make-up Policy
If the student misses the quiz or exams, they need to re-schedule with the instructor. Failure to
do so will result in a zero grade for the missed quiz or exam. Late homework will result in a
10% of reduction of the grade on the assignment.
Class Outline (tentative)
August 23,
Chapter 32: Electromagnetic waves (mostly section 32.1) 𝑐 = 𝑓𝜆
August 25, August 30, September 1
Chapter 33: Light
𝑛 = = √𝐾; 𝜃𝑎 = 𝜃𝑟 ;
𝑛𝑎 sin 𝜃𝑎 = 𝑛𝑏 sin 𝜃𝑏 ;
𝐼 = 𝐼𝑚𝑎𝑥 cos2 𝜑 ;
𝜆𝑛 =
𝑛𝑎 sin 𝜃𝑐 = 𝑛𝑏 ;
September 6, September 8, September 13,
Chapter 34: Optics (omit most of section 34-3)
1 1 1
𝑓= ;
+ = ; 𝑚= =−
𝑠 𝑠′ 𝑓
Converging, diverging; real, virtual; upright, inverted; principal rays.
𝑀= ; 𝑀=
𝑖𝑓 𝑛𝑒𝑎𝑟 𝑝𝑜𝑖𝑛𝑡 𝑖𝑠 25 𝑐𝑚.
September 15, September 20
Chapter 35: Interference (omit section 35-3)
𝑟1 − 𝑟2 = 𝑚𝜆 (𝑐𝑜𝑛𝑠𝑡𝑟𝑢𝑐𝑡𝑖𝑣𝑒);
𝑑 sin 𝜃 = 𝑚𝜆 (2 𝑠𝑙𝑖𝑡 𝑐𝑜𝑛𝑠𝑡𝑟𝑢𝑐𝑡𝑖𝑣𝑒); 𝑑 sin 𝜃 = 𝑚𝜆 (𝑚𝑢𝑙𝑡𝑖 𝑠𝑙𝑖𝑡 𝑔𝑟𝑎𝑡𝑖𝑛𝑔)
2𝑡 =
(𝑡ℎ𝑖𝑛 𝑓𝑖𝑙𝑚, 𝑑𝑒𝑝𝑒𝑛𝑑𝑠 𝑜𝑛 𝑝ℎ𝑎𝑠𝑒 𝑐ℎ𝑎𝑛𝑔𝑒𝑠)
September 22, September 27, September 29,
Chapter 36: Diffraction (omit most of sections 36-3,4)
𝑎 sin 𝜃 = 𝑚𝜆 (𝑚 ≠ 0, 𝑠𝑖𝑛𝑔𝑙𝑒 𝑠𝑙𝑖𝑡 𝑑𝑖𝑓𝑓𝑟𝑎𝑐𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛, 𝑑𝑒𝑠𝑡𝑟𝑢𝑐𝑡𝑖𝑣𝑒)
sin 𝜃 =
October 4, October 6, October 11
Chapter 37: Relativity (omit sections 37-5 and 37-6)
𝛽= ; 𝛾=
; ∆𝑡 = 𝛾∆𝑡0 ; 𝐿 = ;
√1 − 𝛽 2
𝛽 + 𝛽2
(𝑝𝑟𝑜𝑏𝑎𝑏𝑙𝑦 𝑜𝑚𝑖𝑡 𝑡ℎ𝑖𝑠 𝑒𝑞𝑢𝑎𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛)
1 + 𝛽 ′ 𝛽2
𝑝 = 𝛾𝑚𝑣; 𝐹 =
; 𝐸 = 𝐾 + 𝑚𝑐 2 ; 𝐸 2 = (𝑚𝑐 2 )2 + (𝑝𝑐)2 .
October 13: Exam1
October 18, October 20
Chapter 38: Photons, electrons, atoms (omit 38-8)
𝐸 = ℎ𝑓; 𝐸𝑛 = − 2 = − 2 𝑒𝑉;
October 25, October 27
Chapter 39: Waves
; 𝑝 = √2𝑚𝐾;
𝜆 − 𝜆 = (1 − cos 𝜑)
∆𝑥∆𝑝 =
∆𝐸∆𝑡 =
Chapter 40: Omit all of chapter 40
November 1, November 3, November 8
Chapter 41: Atoms
𝑚𝑙 ℎ
(𝑙 = 0,1,2, … , 𝑛 − 1); 𝐿𝑧 =
(𝑚𝑙 = 0, ±1, ±2, … , ±𝑙);
𝐿 = √𝑙(𝑙 + 1)
13.6𝑍 2 𝑒𝑓𝑓
𝑚𝑠 ℎ
𝐿𝑧 𝑒
2𝑆𝑧 𝑒
𝑆𝑧 =
(𝑚𝑠 = ± ) ; 𝜇𝑧 =
; 𝜇𝑧 =
; 𝑈 = ±𝜇𝑧 𝐵; 𝐸 = −
November 10, November 15, November 17
Chapter 42: Molecules (omit 42-5)
𝐿2 𝑙(𝑙 + 1)(ℎ⁄2𝜋)2
𝑚1 𝑚2
; 𝐼 = 𝑚𝑟 2 ; 𝑚 =
𝑖𝑠 𝑡ℎ𝑒 𝑠𝑎𝑚𝑒 𝑎𝑠:
𝑚1 + 𝑚2
𝑚 𝑚1 𝑚2
November 22, November 29, December 1
Chapter 43: Nucleus
𝑅 = 𝑅0 𝐴1⁄3 ; 𝐴 = 𝑍 + 𝑁; ∆𝑀 = 𝑍𝑚𝐻 + 𝑁𝑚𝑛 − 𝑀; ∆𝑀 = 𝑍𝑚𝑝 + 𝑍𝑚𝑒 + 𝑁𝑚𝑛 − 𝑀;
= −𝜆𝑁; 𝑁 = 𝑁0 𝑒 −𝜆𝑡 ; 𝑇𝑚𝑒𝑎𝑛 = ; 𝑇1⁄2 = 𝑇𝑚𝑒𝑎𝑛 𝑙𝑛2.
𝛼 𝛽 − 𝛽+ 𝛾,
𝑓𝑖𝑠𝑠𝑖𝑜𝑛, 𝑓𝑢𝑠𝑠𝑖𝑜𝑛;
1 𝐶𝑖 = 3.7 × 1010 𝐵𝑞; 1 𝑟𝑎𝑑 = 1 cGy; 1 𝑟𝑒𝑚 = 1 cSv; 𝐻 = 𝑄𝐷 (𝑟𝑒𝑚, 𝑟𝑎𝑑, Sv, Gy)
December 6, December 8
Chapter 44: Particles
Conservation laws:
mass-energy, charge, lepton numbers, baryon number, quarks, etc.
Final exam: December 12 to December 16.