Zone Platform for Assistance & Collaboration (Z-PAC)

Broward County Public Schools
Zone Performance and Consultancy (Z-PAC)
Professional Development Agenda
January 2016
Topic: Multi-Tiered Systems of Support (MTSS) and Social Emotional Learning (SEL)
Estimated Time: 180 minutes
Big Idea:
There are five research-based competencies of Social and Emotional learning (SEL), that when implemented with fidelity, positively
impact academics, social and emotional competence, student behavior, and school climate.
Learning Target:
Participants will utilize their knowledge of Social and Emotional Learning (SEL) and District resources to enhance student’s SEL
Success Criteria:
I can:
 Clearly define Social and Emotional Learning
 Recognize common language for Social and Emotional Learning
 Recognize Broward’s Social and Emotional Learning Standards
 Utilize District’s SEL and behavior resources
 Use the five SEL core competencies to enhance students’ social and emotional growth
Content Overview:
 SEL consists of Self-Awareness, Self-Management, Social Awareness, Relationship Skills, and Responsible Decision-Making
 SEL is a research-based practice
 Develop implementation plans using SEL to enhance students’ social and emotional development
Zone Platform for Assistance & Collaboration (Z-PAC) Process
Welcome and
Process (Discussion, Activities, Readings)
Welcome participants to the session, acknowledge hosting site administration/leadership, introduce
team members, and explain the format (video conferencing and collaboration).
Review learning target and success criteria.
Describe the consultancy format.
Describe the three-year rollout for SEL in Broward County Public Schools. (Strategic focus on Early
Childhood to Kindergarten and 2nd grade to 3rd grade transition this school year; BCPS is
committed to ensuring that social and emotional learning is a core component of every student’s
educational experience from prekindergarten through twelfth grade. BCPS has defined three pillars
for the infusion of SEL into the fabric of our schools: (1) creating a positive and proactive school
climate in which SEL is present in all practices and procedures; (2) adult awareness, modeling, and
integration of social-emotional competencies in their teaching practices; and (3) explicit and
integrated student instruction in social-emotional competencies.)
Highlight the benefits/impact of integrating Social and Emotional Learning; district, school,
classroom, and students. (Educators must understand how best to implement the most effective strategies to
15 minutes
15 minutes
promote students’ development of SEL competencies. Educators must understand, too how to build and improve their own
SEL competencies, because teachers’ social and emotional competencies directly affect how they interact with students on
both social and instructional levels.)
Explain “What” SEL is and the 5 SEL competencies.
(SEL is the process through which students develop the skills necessary to recognize and manage emotions, build
relationships, solve interpersonal problems, and make effective and ethical decisions; The five competencies are selfawareness, self-management, social awareness, relationship management, and responsible decision making)
Describe the SEL Effective Teacher Practices
(The Center on Great Teachers and Leaders identified 10 teaching practices that occurred most frequently
across the six SEL programs and eight SEL scholars. These 10 practices are not exhaustive, but they
represent instructional strategies that can be used in classrooms to support positive learning environments,
social emotional competencies, and academic learning.
Teachers who are socially and emotionally component develop supportive relationships with students, create
activities to help students develop their social and emotional skills. To implement these practices successfully,
teachers need time to strengthen their own social and emotional skills in order to integrate these skills into
practice, model and encourage positive student interactions.
This chart focuses on the relationships between teacher SEL skills and SEL teaching practices.
We have provided a resource to illustrate how social-emotional competencies can be promoted through
existing educator evaluation systems and tools. A crosswalk between the 10 SEL Teacher practices and the
Marzano framework.
BCPS SEL standards describe the content and skills for students in grades K - 12 for social and
emotional learning. Each standard includes learning standards that describe what students should
Process (Discussion, Activities, Readings)
# 1 - 15
45 minutes
know and be able to do in early elementary (grades K - 3), upper elementary (grades 4 - 5), middle
school (grades 6-8), early high school (grades 9-10), and upper high school (grades 11-12).
The standards have three (3) overarching goals:
Goal 1 - Develop self-awareness and self-management skills to achieve school and life success.
Goal 2 - Use social-awareness and interpersonal skills to establish and maintain positive
Goal 3 - Demonstrate decision-making skills and responsible behaviors in personal, school, and
community contexts
Activity #1
Refer to the Wikispace (MTSS/RtI Wiki Link: the following
resources, SEL Standards, SEL Leadership Effective Practices, SEL Teacher Practices, SEL
Competencies and Learning Skills, SEL Adult Personal Assessment and Reflection, and all other
materials from meeting.
CHANGE TO LEAPS POWER POINT (It could not be integrated in the main PPT)
While you are switching PPT, ask participants to login to Leaps.
(Participants may need to register, this will take a few minutes)
Leaps is a research-based, practical, social and emotional development program that improves
behavior, grades, and attendance in K-12 education and juvenile justice environments. With a
robust library of lessons and powerful, interactive individual and group assessments tools, Leaps
provides educators and interventionists with customized, actionable plans to improve social and
emotional skills for any youth.
Leaps is an online application and this application allows fidelity and progress reports to be
automated thus meeting the strictures of Behavioral RTI, PBS, and base development of Behavior
Improvement Plans.
ACTIVITY #1 - Participants will learn how to access and utilize Leaps
Collaborative discussion after utilizing the Leaps program
4 Step
Process and
4 Step Problem Solving
Step 1:
Problem Identification
Step 2:
Problem Analysis
Return to
Activity #2
Process (Discussion, Activities, Readings)
Step 3:
Intervention Design
Step 4:
Progress Monitoring
Consultancy Protocol
Identifying an issue
Understanding importance of issue
Committing to working on issue
Understanding importance of solution
Reviewing documents and artifacts
Clarifying specific problem
Asking factual questions
Seeking data-based information
Asking deeper questions
Expanding higher thinking of team
Focusing on “why “ of problem (function)
Investigating what has already been done
Identifying assumptions and hypotheses
Identifying potential actions
Sharing similar dilemmas and outcomes
Formalizing significant ideas
1. Presenter provides dilemma.
2. Team asks clarifying
3. Team asks probing questions
4. Discussion
5. Presenter reflection
Sharing information
6. Debriefing
Place holder for the transition to the Leaps presentation.
Initiate the collaborative conversation about utilizing Leaps to address social and emotional
Putting the pieces together is the place to describe the connection of SEL to MTSS. SEL is a
critical element in the integrated MTSS framework. MTSS is an intervention system, that
incorporates RTI (Response to Intervention) with PBS (Positive Behavior Support) to form a new,
integrated approach to intervention that includes an academic approach with a behavior approach.
BCPS is committed to ensuring that social and emotional learning is a core component of every
student’s educational experience from prekindergarten through twelfth grade. BCPS has defined
three pillars for the infusion of SEL into the fabric of our schools: (1) creating a positive and
proactive school climate in which SEL is present in all practices and procedures; (2) adult
awareness, modeling, and integration of social-emotional competencies in their teaching practices;
and (3) explicit and integrated student instruction in social-emotional competencies.
# 8 - 17
45 minutes
Process (Discussion, Activities, Readings)
# 18 - 21
15 minutes
For school Leaders tie in to BASA Indicators:
Indicator 5.4 - Achievement Gap: The leader engages faculty in recognizing and understanding
cultural and developmental issues related to student learning by identifying and addressing
strategies to minimize and/or eliminate achievement gaps with student subgroups within the
Indicator 2.1 – Learning Organization: The leader enables faculty and staff to work as a system
focused on learning and engages faculty and staff in effort to close the learning performance gaps
among student subgroups within the school.
Resources and
Next Steps
For educators tie into Marzano framework Educators must understand how social-emotional
competencies can be promoted through existing educator evaluation systems and tools, especially
professional teaching frameworks. Thus, it is critical to determine how SEL fits into current
professional teaching frameworks.
Review the SEL Competencies and describe the shits we are making in our responses to students’
ACTIVITY #2 – School team will utilize the SEL School-wide Action Plan to create a plan
addressing one SEL Competency. School teams will identify action steps for each domain in the
plan. Utilize SEL resources to help teams develop their plans. Schools are expected to implement
the plans and observe impact. School teams should align plan to all school accountability
measures and plans e.g. SPBP, school discipline plans, and SIP.
Inform participants that all materials and resources are in the MTSS wikispace (link on agenda and
listed above).
School leaders maintain copy of SEL Action Plan for future Z-PAC sessions and My Learning Plan
support documents.