Class Meeting 103 Mathematics Education Infused (Upper Elementary) CM #3 35 minutes All sitting in a circle together Breathing: Focusing our attention on our breath Facilitator: Let’s sit up straight on our chairs Feet are firm on the floor Our hands sit lightly on our legs Take a deep breath in…and out Take a longer breath in…and out SEL Learning Standard Goal 1: A. A. Analyze factors that create stress and to motivate successful performance. Greeting: Adjective Greeting: Angular greeting 1. Students stand in a circle 2. Student looks to the student to their left in the circle and says, “Good Morning, I’m complementary_________ (uses vocabulary related to angles like acute, obtuse, straight, etc)” 3. Student to their left returns same favor the greeting with “Good Morning _______________” 4. Responding student turns to their left and the process is completed around the circle SEL Learning Standard Goal 1: C. A. Set a short-term goal and make a plan for achieving it. SEL Learning Standard Goal 2: A. B. Analyze how one’s behavior may affect others. SEL Learning Standard Goal 2: C. B. Demonstrate cooperation and teamwork to promote group effectiveness. Sharing: Snowball Share 1. Students write a fact that they know about the angle. 2. They crumple and throw the paper in the middle. 3. In turn each student chooses a snowball and reads out loud. 4. If the statement is correct, all agree showing a thumb’s up sign and if the statement is wrong, choose one student to fix the error. 1) Activity: Continuous Tale 1. Students sit in a circle and one of the students begins with, “ I was happy to see supplementary angles visiting Ms./Mr. _____________ class,…. 2. The next student adds to that sentence and thus form a story using the vocabulary words.(Vocabulary words can be repeated) SEL Learning Standard Goal 1: C. A. Set a short-term goal and make a plan for achieving it. SEL Learning Standard Goal 2: A. B. Analyze how one’s behavior may affect others. SEL Learning Standard Goal 2: C. B. Demonstrate cooperation and teamwork to promote group effectiveness. Topic: Historical, Cultural, and Social Contexts Identify an influential choreographer and describe his/her works and dance style. Analyzing and Responding Analyze the intent of the choreographer or dancer in selected dances. News and Announcements: Introduce CM Planning chart as a planning tool for individuals or groups of teachers Other news/announcements relevant to our group? Students get into groups of 2-3 and research acute, obtuse, right, supplementary, and complementary angle. Their research paper should include a picture, the definition, a fact and a real life example about the angle. This is due by ____________. Transition breathing: Take a deep breath – remembering words takes practice Deep breath out – but regular practice leads to success Let’s appreciate the moments we are just breathing Breathing in – breathing out – noticing our breath Breathing in – breathing out Enjoy sitting for just a moment. CM #3 Reflection (10 minutes) Facilitator: What did the greeting look like, sound like, and feel like? What did the sharing look like, sound like, and feel like? What did the activity look like, sound like, and feel like? Process each segment of these questions individually. SEL Learning Standard: 1. B. A. Analyze how making use of school and community supports and opportunities can contribute to school and life success. SEL Learning Standard: 1. C.B. Analyze why one did or did not achieve a goal SEL Learning Standard: 2. A. B. Analyze how one’s behavior may affect others SEL Learning Standard: 2. C. A. Analyze ways to establish positive relationships with others SEL Learning Standard: 2. D. A. Evaluate strategies for preventing and resolving interpersonal problems SEL Learning Standard: 3. C. A. Evaluate one’s participation in efforts to address identified school need SEL Learning Standard: 3. C. B. Evaluate one’s participation in efforts to address identified needs in one’s local community