Douglas County Family Living Program Douglas County Family living Linda Wilcox Family Living Advisory Committee 2010 Impact Report Douglas County UW-Extension Office 1313 Belknap Street, Room 107 Superior, WI 54880-2781 Phone: (715) 395-1363 711 for Relay Fax: (715) 395-1399 Email: Website: An EEO/AA employer, University of Wisconsin Extension provides equal opportunities in employment and programming, including Title IX and American with Disabilities (ADA) requirements. Science and the Young Thinker In November, Bruce provided an evening training for daycare providers in Douglas County at the request of Northwest Connection Family Resources. Other family living educators in surrounding counties provided similar material as part a larger coordinated effort to assist providers with on-going professional development. The workshop was designed to encourage providers to think about how they can offer science exploration to children every day, stressing the importance of hands-on learning vs. watching an adult demonstrate. As a result of the workshop, all of the participants reported learning new information that was relevant to them. In addition, all planned on using the activities they tried and the information they learned with the children in their care. The training was a great success, and the providers have asked for similar trainings in the future. Douglas County Criminal Justice Team Antisocial Behavior Seminar In March the Criminal Justice Team sponsored an Antisocial Behavior Seminar held at WITC made possible in part by a grant from the State of Wisconsin Department of Justice. As co-chair of the team, Bruce helped plan, coordinate, and evaluate the seminar. Approximately 110 participants learned more about the development of antisocial behavior, how the brain functions in this development, and treatments that work or don’t work with antisocial behaviors. Childhood oppositional defiance, adolescent conduct disorder, and adult antisocial and psychopathic personality progressions were included in the discussions. Those attending learned from Dr. David Swenson, a Forensic Psychologist, how critical early intervention and prevention are, especially when working with youth, and the importance of working with the entire family whenever possible. Using written evaluations, the most common findings learned included “the need for effective intervention in early childhood”, “how an adolescent’s brain differs from an adult’s”, and that “empathy training in these situations can hinder, not help, and that more corrective thinking training is needed”. An educational forum is being planned by Bruce to further discuss research-based best practices and effective programs for juvenile delinquency prevention. DOUGLAS COUNTY HCE DOUGLAS COUNTY HCE QUILTATHON In March, 35 volunteers associated with Douglas County Home and Community Educators (HCE) spent a day at the Mariner Mall working on quilts as part of their annual Quiltathon event. In past years their efforts have generated approximately 100 completed quilts. This year, however, they broke their own record with the women completing 190 beautiful quilts. These colorful smaller-sized quilts are made for children in crisis throughout Douglas County, and are distributed through a variety of local sources, including fire departments, hospitals, police and sheriff departments, ambulance services, and the WIC program (Women, Infants and Children). The Quiltathon is just one excellent example of how HCE volunteers provide a valuable service to their communities. There are currently four HCE clubs in Douglas County and a total of approximately 75 members. Bruce serves as the UW-Extension advisor for HCE. She provides educational and leadership resources and guidance to the groups as needed Financial Literacy Training Financial instability is reported to be the number one obstacle for someone escaping domestic violence, and the reason most often given by survivors for why they stay or return to their abuser. At the request of the Wisconsin Coalition Against Domestic Violence (WCADV), Bruce led a regional train-the-trainer event for domestic violence shelter staff working in northwest Wisconsin and upper Michigan to help survivors become more economically self-sufficient. Similar trainings were held earlier this spring across the state co-sponsored by UWExtension and WCADV. Training content included benefits of budgeting and goal setting; understanding credit and using it wisely; accessing credit reports and improving credit scores; financial traps to avoid, such as payday or car title loans; understanding spending habits; and finding local community resources. All of the participants (100%) reported feeling confident of their ability to help their shelter clients develop more effective spending and money management plans, and to help others analyze their financial situation and generate action strategies as a result of this training. WHAT WORKS WISCONSIN: PREVENTING JUVENILE DELINQUENCY FORUMS Bruce co-facilitated a forum on Juvenile Delinquency for over 85 participants, which she also helped organize. A onepage summary of this very successful event is available from her. Wisconsin: Preventing Juvenile Delinquency Forums Food Preservation Food Preservation / Canning Tomatoes - On October 12 Bruce taught an evening class on how to safely can tomatoes at the Superior Middle School for a group of WIC (Women, Infants, and Children) mothers using tomatoes donated by Northwest Wisconsin Community Services Agency (Community Garden) and the Challenge Center (Bay Produce). The women were instructed on proper canning methods and were able to safely process six quarts of tomatoes each to bring home with them that night. None of the women had any prior experience with canning, and following the class all reported feeling confident in their new ability to properly can tomatoes. This class was designed as a pilot project with the intention of expanding on additional food preservation classes and topics next year.