Assessment 2 criteria

Assessment 2: Critical Reflection
Grammar and
HD (85-100)
D (75-84)
C (65-74)
Shows significant understanding of how
cultural awareness relates to cultural
intelligence. The reflection expertly uses a
range of personal observations and
experiences. Demonstrates extensive
understanding in the use of readings.
45 43 41 40 39
Shows depth of understanding of how
cultural awareness relates to cultural
intelligence. The reflection uses a range
of personal observations and
experiences. Demonstrates
understanding in the use of readings.
38 37 36 35 34
Shows a reasonable understanding of
how cultural awareness relates to
cultural intelligence. The reflection uses
personal observations and experiences.
The reflection demonstrates use of
33 32 31 30 29
A clearly articulated and appropriate
beginning, development and conclusion.
The organisation is logical; paragraphs and
transitions between ideas are unified and
exceptionally coherent. There is a clear
and easy-to- follow sequence of ideas.
There is no unnecessary duplication of
ideas or Information. 20 19 18 17
A clear beginning, development and
conclusion. The organisation is logical;
paragraphs and transitions are
consistent. There is a clear and easy-tofollow sequence of ideas. There is no
unnecessary duplication of ideas or
16 15
A beginning, development and
conclusion used to structure the
reflection. The organisation is logical;
paragraphs and transitions are unified.
There is a clear and easy-to-follow
sequence of ideas. There is some
duplication of ideas or information.
14.5 14 13
A beginning, development and conclusion
included. The organisation is somewhat
logical; paragraphs and transitions are
awkward. At times there is difficultly in
the sequence of ideas. There is some
duplication of ideas or information.
Sources are clearly integrated and
advance the viewpoint through accurate
use of summary, paraphrase, and
quotation. The reflection consistently and
accurately uses APA 6th referencing style.
Source materials flow smoothly into the
writer’s own text. Reference list is in the
correct format and listed in alphabetical
order. All sources cited are listed in the
reference list. 15 14 13 13.5 13
Reflection has no errors in word selection
and use of spelling, punctuation and
grammar. Exceptional use of conventions
of edited standard written English.
Sources are clearly related to and
advance the viewpoint through accurate
and appropriate use of summary,
paraphrase and quotation. There is
accurate use of APA 6th referencing
style. Reference list is mostly in correct
format and listed in alphabetical order.
Reference list is mostly an accurate list
of sources cited within the document.
12.5 12 11.5
Reflection is relatively free of errors in
word selection and use of spelling,
punctuation and capitalisation. Effective
use of the conventions of edited
standard written English.
There is a consistent attempt to use
sources to substantiate ideas, but these
are not always integrated well.
Appropriate use of summary,
paraphrase and quotation. APA 6th
referencing style, however some errors
present. Reference list is generally in
correct format and listed alphabetically.
Source material may be used noncritically, may lack variety, or is mostly
limited to quotation. There are some
errors in APA 6th referencing style which
interferes with the reader’s ability to
check sources. Reference list has a
number of errors and alphabetical listing
is not used.
9.5 9 8.5 8 7.5
Source material is not referred to all, or
the student relies heavily on quotations.
There is no clear referencing system.
Errors in grammar and punctuation are so
frequent that it makes it difficult to read
or understand.
10 9.5 9 8.5
Name and student number included.
Page numbers in footer. Assignment title
in header. File submitted in the correct
format for marking.
Readability enhanced through accurate
use of specified formatting requirements:
font type & size; spacing and
10 9.5 9 8.5
8 7.5
Name and student number included.
Page numbers in footer. Assignment title
in header. File submitted in the correct
format for marking.
Readability enhanced through use of
specified formatting requirements: font
type & size; spacing and paragraphing.
8 7.5
Reflection contains several major errors in
word selection and use of spelling,
punctuation and/or capitalisation.
Attempted use of conventions of edited
standard written English. However, many
errors are present.
6 5
Some identification included. Page
numbers in footer. Assignment title in
header. File submitted in the correct
format for marking.
Readability issues: little attention paid to
the specified formatting requirements:
font type & size; spacing and
paragraphing. More attention required.
6 5
11 10.5 10
Reflection is good with some errors in
word selection and use of spelling,
punctuation or capitalisation. Good use
of the conventions of edited standard
written English. However, some errors
are present.
7 6.5
Identification included. Page numbers in
footer. Assignment title in header. File
submitted in the correct format for
Readability maintained through some
observation of the specified formatting
requirements: font type & size; spacing,
and paragraphing. More attention
7 6.5
Pass (50-64)
Fail (0-49)
Shows some understanding of how
cultural awareness relates to cultural
intelligence. The reflection uses some
personal observations and/or experiences.
Demonstrates inconsistent or superficial
use of readings.
Shows no understanding of how cultural
awareness relates to cultural intelligence.
The reflection does not use personal
observations and/or experiences.
Demonstrates no use of readings.
22 20 18 16 14 12 10 8 6
28.5 27 26 25 24 23 22.5
12.5 12 11 10
The beginning, development and
conclusion is limited and confusing. The
organisation is unclear there is no
attempt to use paragraphs and/or
transitions. The sequence of ideas is
limited or non-existent. There is much
duplication of ideas or information.
9.5 9 8 7 6 5 4
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
4.5 4 3 2
No identification in document footer.
Page numbers and assignment title
Serious readability issues: Little or no
attention paid to the specified formatting
requirements: font type & size; spacing
and paragraphing.
4.5 4 3 2