Personal Narrative Coding

Name: _________________________________________________________________ Period: ____________
Personal Narrative Coding
This is a personal narrative written by a 7th grader. Yes, there are some mistakes, but it is a very good story. It
got a score of a 4!. I hope yours is as good or better.
Read the personal narrative and complete the tasks at the bottom of the page.
The smell of chlorine filled water made me even more terrified than I
already was. As my family walked up the five story flight of steps, three thoughts
were on repeat in my head…how tall is this slide?, am I going to make it?, and is
this safe? When the long tedious march made up, we made it. I was standing at
the top of one of the largest free-fall slides in the world. My family still behind
me, were chanting my name continuously as I decided whether or not to go.
“You’re one of the youngest riders on this slide you know.” The guy that worked
the slide said. Again another weight of pressure loaded onto my back.
The water was at least running at least 65 mph. The splashing of the
water gave me chills, and just looking over the edge at how far it dropped scared
the living soul out of me. I knew what I had to do. I had to overcome this beast
of a slide.
When I sat down at the edge of the slide, I could feel the water beneath
me persuading me to go. I took a deep breath and went for it.
The moment I plunged down the beast I was at least going 80 mph! The
drop made my stomach twist and turn, but at the same time made me feel
amazing. I would never forget that momentous day because I spent it with my
loving family and faced my fears.
Personal Narrative Tasks
1. Instead of writing about her entire day at the water park, the author wrote specifically about ___________
2. This author has several complex sentences (AAAWWUUBBIS words). Underline 2 of them in BLUE.
3. I wish she had another compound sentence (FANBOYS). On the lines below create a new compound
sentence that could fit in the story. Place a STAR in the story where this sentence would be added.
4. She also used imagery (your 5 senses) in several places. Underline 2 imagery sentences in GREEN.
5. What is one of the 5 senses NOT present in this story? __________________________________________
6. The author has some specific word choice (not baby ordinary words). Underline in RED two of these
specific words. (ex: gigantic not big, glanced not looked).
7. On the lines below choose three more boring words she could have changed to even better words. What
word would you suggest? Circle the original word in the story.
Boring word from the story
Better word I would suggest
8. In her conclusion, the author is very specific about why this was an important event to her. Underline this
9. What is your overall impression of this story? Do you like it? Why or why not? (must answer in at least 3
complete sentences)
10. What is one thing this author did in her personal narrative that you could also do in your personal
narrative? EXPLAIN (must answer in at least 3 complete sentences)