Composing text in narrative mode

Essay ~a short piece of writing on a specific
Types of essays:
 Narrative ~tells a story
 Informative ~gives information
 Persuasive ~persuades the reader to think
differently or take a specific action
Highly descriptive showing language
Contains a specific setting
Contains characters
Contains action that narrates an event or
series of events
Sensory details – words that appeal to the
senses (sight, smell, sound, taste, or touch).
 Colorful modifiers – adjectives or adverbs that
give vivid details.
 Action words – verbs that show specific, vivid
 Broken bottles, rotting fast-food containers, and
rusting tin cans littered the bank of the eerily
silent, polluted pond. Slimy green algae
blanketed parts of the shore, and putrid, foulsmelling mud oozed around our shoes.
Rewrite the following sentences using
descriptive language.
 She made a nice frosting for the cake.
 They played badly in the first five minutes.
 I walked slowly up the hill.
 The old woman walked slowly to her car with
heavy bags.
Which of the following is written in narrative
Which of the following is composed in
narrative mode?
Which of the following sentences continues
the narrative mode of the paragraph?
Which of the following is the appropriate and
effective introduction for a narrative essay on
this topic?
Which statement, if used to replace sentence
2, improves the narrative?
Which statement below correctly evaluates
how the addition of the proposed sentences
will affect the narrative excerpt?
Which statement correctly evaluates why the
proposed sentences fail to continue the
narrative mode of the student’s essay?
Justify the decision whether or not to include
the proposed sentences by selecting the
statement below that is an accurate
evaluation of the effect of the proposed
sentences on the narrative.
Mississippi SATP English II Revised: Multiple Choice
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