Target Acceptable Unacceptable 1. Learner Development and Individual Learning Differences: Beginning special education professionals understand how exceptionalities may interact with development and learning and use this knowledge to provide meaningful and challenging learning experiences for individuals with exceptionalities Element 1.1 articulate how language, Clearly understands how a References to No mention of cultural culture, and family background dominant culture might cultural responsiveness or the influence the learning of individuals impact the learning of responsiveness impact of failing to do so on with exceptionalities children from diverse are made but diverse student populations. backgrounds and addresses lacking in the need to be culturally detail. responsive to students of different cultures, family backgrounds, languages, and/or undervalued dialects, when assessing students from CLD backgrounds. Standard 6 Professional Learning and Ethical Practice Beginning special education professionals use foundational knowledge of the field and the their professional Ethical Principles and Practice Standards to inform special education practice, to engage in lifelong learning, and to advance the profession. Element 6.2 discuss how Student makes specific Describes Little discussion of theory foundational knowledge and current commentaries on how strategies used and historical perspective issues influence professional practice foundational knowledge, with some when addressing strategies historical legacies, and reference to chosen. current issues impact the theory or education and the general historical welfare of student with perspective. disabilities. No link to theory and Links to theory (citations) are research numerous and evident Links to theory and research are limited Element 6.3 discuss diversity as a Student is aware of the Discusses References to diversity are part of families, cultures, and schools, growing diversity of the meeting the very vague and lacking in and that complex human issues can student body in general, and needs of gifted detail. Cultural interact with the delivery of special how educators demonstrate students in responsiveness is not education services. cultural responsiveness in general, with mentioned. particular. some reference to diverse populations, but unclear understanding of culturally responsiveness in delivering instruction Standard 3 Curricular Content Knowledge Beginning special education professionals use knowledge of general and specialized curricula to individualize learning for individuals with exceptionalities. Target Acceptable Unacceptable Element 3.1 understand the central Demonstrates strong Designs Designs learning concepts, structures of the discipline, pedagogical content learning experiences without and tools of inquiry of the content knowledge through design experiences providing scaffolds or areas he or she teaches and can of learning experiences that that provide differentiation; fails to organize this knowledge, integrate cross-disciplinary skills, and develop meaningful learning progressions for individuals with exceptionalities provide scaffolding and differentiation to support targeted learners. Includes clear examples of crossdisciplinary skills to meet the needs of a variety of learners with disabilities. Element 3.2 use general and specialized content knowledge for teaching across curricular content areas to individualize learning for individuals with exceptionalities Integrates academic and functional skills across content. Addresses all stated IEP goals in both general and specialized content. Element 3.3 modify general and specialized curricula to make them accessible to individuals with exceptionalities Adaptations to curriculum and materials allow for access for targeted learners while maintaining high expectations for learning. scaffolding or differentiation to support targeted learners. Includes discussion of crossdisciplinary skills to meet the needs of both case study students. Integrates academic and functional skills in instructional overview. Addresses all stated IEP goals. Adaptations to curriculum and materials allow access for targeted learners but no not hold learners to appropriately high expectations. integrate cross-disciplinary skills Fails to integrate either functional or academic content or fails to address all stated IEP goals. Adaptations do not address the learning needs of the case study students. Standard 5 Instructional Planning and Strategies Beginning special education professionals select, adapt, and use a repertoire of evidence-based instructional strategies to advance learning of individuals with exceptionalities. Target Acceptable Unacceptable Element 5.1 consider an individual’s Discussion of academic, Discussion of Discussion of instruction fails abilities, interests, learning non-academic, and at least 2 of the to address at least 2 of the environments, and cultural and communication skills following: following: academic, nonlinguistic factors in the selection, instruction incorporates academic, non- academic, and communication development, and adaptation of Sheree’s interests, culture academic, and skills OR instruction fails to learning experiences for individual and language, and the communication incorporate Sheree’s interests, with exceptionalities. multiple environments in skills culture and language, and the which she needs to instruction multiple environments in function incorporates which she needs to function Sheree’s interests, culture and language, and the multiple environments in which she needs to function Element 5.3 utilize augmentative and alternative communication systems and a variety of assistive technologies to support the communication and learning of individuals with exceptionalities. Discusses a variety of options for communication in both academic and nonacademic settings. Options discussed address Sheree’s physical and language needs. Element 5.4 use strategies to enhance language development and communication skills of individuals with exceptionalities Instruction of communication skills appropriately incorporates appropriate scaffolding, direct instruction and practice with multiple demands (partners, settings, etc) includes discussion of communication in school and at home. Element 5.6 teach to mastery and promote generalization of learning. Includes appropriate methods of data collection to document mastery and plans for generalization of at least one academic, one language and one functional skill. Element 5.7 teach cross-disciplinary knowledge and skills such as critical thinking and problem solving to individuals with exceptionalities. Discussion of literacy and problem solving skills includes clear plan for teaching these skills across disciplines Discusses a variety of options for communication in both academic and non-academic settings. Options may not fully address Sheree’s physical and language needs. Instruction of communication skills appropriately incorporates 3 of the following: appropriate scaffolding; direct instruction; practice with multiple demands; communication in school and at home. Includes appropriate methods of data collection to document mastery and plans for generalization of at least two of the following: one academic, one language and one functional skill. Discussion of either literacy or problem solving skills includes a clear plan for teaching these skills across disciplines. Fails to discuss several options for communication or does not address both academic and non-academic areas. Does not consider Sheree’s physical and language needs. Instruction of communication skills fails to address at least 3 of the following: appropriate scaffolding; direct instruction; practice with multiple demands; communication in school and at home. Fails to include appropriate data collection methods to document mastery or fails to address generalization of skills in at least two domains (academic, language, functional) Discussion of teaching literacy and problem solving fail to include a clear plan for using these skills across disciplines.