1.- Describe personal qualities and experiences you have that will promote a positive environment in the department and within the school Teamplayer…collaborative…empathy…highly organized….takes initiative….empowers others…leadership….lifelong learner…contributes to PLC (professional learning community)..care, trust, respect, integrity….equity not equality 2.- What do you envision as your role and responsibilities - availability to students, Liaising with other divisions/departments, knowledge and implementation of ministry spec ed policy and program, connection to the outside agencies Students…..teach self-advocacy skills, make them aware of strengths/needs, short & long term goals, organizational skills…also be an advocate FOR students with subject teachers so they get their needs met Staff…support them as you encourage them to implement the IEP recommendations (instructional, environmental, assessment accommodations)…as well as any program modifications that are list….help them see that they are the curriculum EXPERTS who should be making the recommendations re the IEPs…IEPS should be “living documents”…changing as needs change Parents…should work as a team member with staff & student, regular communication Administration….participate in school initiatives, directives, report major concerns, successes Liasion…with elementary schools re transitioning grade 8 students with special education needs Liasion…with colleges, universities, work place, community living re students with special education needs Team Member…with other special education teachers…and ALL other department heads…never isolate self! 3.- Describe your role in helping to enculture staff regarding the various exceptionalities of students. …..give inservices…provide “Special Education Companion” for all staff…google it…has great stuff for all exceptionalities http://www.ontariodirectors.ca/ this website has sample IEPs for EVERY exceptionality! Provide copies for teachers 4.- Describe ways you would empower teachers to incorporate differentiated instructional strategies in their daily teaching to support the learning of these students. (Draft Learning for All K-12 (including sample class and student profiles)…brand new ‘draft’ Ministry of Education document…inservice staff http://www.ontariodirectors.ca/ 5.- Addressing the needs presented by students of various exceptionalities within the department is always a concern. How would you ensure that the needs of all your students with an IEP are met Meet with students…teach them self-advocacy skills…meet with teacher/students re specific subjects, ask how you can provide support, resource room 6. - incorporate the help of spe ed teachers, CYWs, EAs etc Regular meetings, be collaborative…see what their strengths, needs are…together do a ‘needs assessment’..plan of action for improvement 7.- In a setting where so many people are working together, can you describe a conflict that has arisen and how you facilitated the solution of it bearing in mind probable involvement of individuals of the same union and those of separate unions? This is an EXCELLENT Ministry of Education resource guide re the STEPS for finding a ‘shared solution’ to a problem….think of a actual conflict you have had an how you orchestrated a WIN/WIN shared solution….respect/dignity/empathy/understanding etc …the result! http://www.edu.gov.on.ca/eng/general/elemsec/speced/shared.html Shared Solutions - A Guide to Preventing and Resolving Conflicts Regarding Programs and Services for Students with Special Education Needs……The Ministry of Education continues to encourage the use of approaches and strategies that lead to higher achievement for all students in Ontario's publicly funded education system. The resource guide is intended to help parents, educators, and students with special education needs work together to prevent conflicts, resolve them quickly, and allow students to develop their full potential and succeed in school. The approaches outlined build on techniques and strategies for conflict prevention and resolution that are already in place in many school boards. 8.-What do you see the role of technology in the education of students with exceptionalities and others with an IEP? http://www.edu.gov.on.ca/eng/document/reports/speced/panel/index.html See chapter 10 in Education for All….great summary! 9.-Literacy continues to be one of the initiatives of the board. What do you see as the responsibility of sp ed teachers in this initiative? Curriculum & special education departments must work hand in hand…must not be two separate departments…special ed teachers must collaborate with all initiatives of subject teachers…and have high expectations for students with special education needs…however, the spec ed teacher can teach teachers how to provide accommodations (instructional, environmental, assessment)..and Differentiated Instruction…..provide assistive technology etc. so students can succeed (Draft Learning for All K-12 (including sample class and student profiles)…has section on literacy………. 10.-speak about strategies you have used to prepare students for the EQAO testing and to address the school's results from one year to the next. Please make reference to both OSSLT and Gr 9 Math assessment running after school math help program, working through previous years tests, incorporating similar testing techniques throughout the course, (multiple choice, thinking questions etc), going over exemplars and model the right way of doing the tasks etc Literacy - word wall, devoting one day a week 20mins to do journaling to improve students' writing skills,….great!! 11. www.edu/gov.on.ca..................Ministry of Education website...see Special Education Special Education Students who have behavioural, communicational, intellectual, physical or multiple exceptionalities, may require special education programs and/or services to benefit fully from their school experience. Special education programs and services primarily consist of instruction and assessments that are different from those provided to the general student population. These may take the form of accommodations (such as specific teaching strategies, preferential seating, and assistive technology) and/or an educational program that is modified from the age-appropriate grade level expectations in a particular course or subject, as outlined in the Ministry of Education's curriculum policy documents. Overview An Introduction to Special Education in Ontario The Identification, Placement, and Review Committee The Individual Education Plan Process Transition Planning Ministry Support for Special Education Minister's Advisory Council on Special Education Resolving Identification or Placement Issues Procedures for Parents/Guardians Policy Direction The Education Act on Special Education Special Education Regulations Special Education Policy Documents Policy/Program Memoranda Concerning Special Education Funding for Special Education Standards for School Boards' Special Education Plans Individual Education Plans: Standards for Development, Program Planning, and Implementation Resource Documents In addition to policy documents, the ministry has published a number of resource documents to assist school boards in implementing policies and delivering high-quality special education programs and services. Special Education Funding Guidelines: Special Equipment Amount (SEA) and Special Incidence Portion (SIP), 2007-08 (PDF, 1.1 MB) Shared Solutions – A Guide to Preventing and Resolving Conflicts Regarding Programs and Services for Students with Special Education Needs Effective Educational Practices for Students with Autism Spectrum Disorders Special Education Transformation: The Report of the Co-Chairs with the Recommendations of the Working Table on Special Education, 2006 Education for All: The Report of the Expert Panel on Literacy and Numeracy Instruction for Students with Special Education Needs, Kindergarten to Grade 6, 2005 Early School Leavers: Understanding the Lived Reality of Student Disengagement from Secondary School, 2005 (PDF, 973 KB) Planning Entry to School – A Resource Guide, 2005 Guidelines 2005 – For Approval of Education Programs for Pupils in Government Approved Care and/or Treatment, Custody and Correctional Facilities The Individual Education Plan (IEP), A Resource Guide, 2004 Transition Planning: A Resource Guide, 2002 Special Education, A Guide for Educators, 2001 Highlights of Regulation 181/98: Identification and Placement of Exceptional Pupils provides a summary of the key provisions of this regulation. Readers should refer to Regulation 181/98 itself rather than to this summary for the exact wording of the relevant sections. The Special Education Advisory Committee (SEAC) Information Program, developed by the ministry, assists SEAC members in undertaking the roles and responsibilities ascribed to them by legislation. Older Resource Documents Related Information Minister's Advisory Council on Special Education Special Education Tribunals Special Needs Opportunity Windows (SNOW) Web Based Teaching Tool (WBTT)