premier exhibitor educational poster requirements

1. Exhibitors can earn up to 100 additional points for Premier Exhibitor by entering an Educational Poster.
2. The purpose of the posters is to educate the public about the animal industry.
3. Posters must be turned in along with record books during the mandatory exhibitor meeting. LATE
a. All posters must relate to one of the PAST 3 YEAR Skill-a-Thon topics listed below.
 Animal Nutrition (2015)
 Health Care (2014)
 Products and Marketing (2013)
b. Posters must be done on a 22" X 28" poster board or a 20" x 30" foam board.
c. Poster must have the following:
 Title
 Your Name
 4-H Club/FFA Chapter
 Your Age
d. If poster is a gamer/activity it must have instructions and an answer key.
f. If other resources (such as journals, web sites) are used, they must be cited on the back of the poster
5. The following criteria will be used to judge posters:
 Required Elements from above
 Labeling/Easy to read
 Content/ Accuracy
 Attractiveness
 Grammar/spelling
 Effort /Originality
6. Posters will be automatically disqualified for:
 Incorrect poster size
 No name
 Not one of the past 3 year Skill-a-thon topics
 Used in previous years
 Plagiarism (use of complete article from web or sourcebook)
Attached is a copy of the grading rubric used to grade the posters. Please review and make sure you have all of the
requirements and meet the requirements.
 PLEASE NOTE: This poster cannot be used for more than 1 year and it cannot contain
copyright items (cartoons, logos) or brand names.
 Poster must be picked up by March 16th. All remaining posters will be disposed of.
Premier Exhibitor Educational Posters Rubric
ALL required elements are
 Name, 4-H Club/FFA
Chapter and age on back
 22”x28” poster board or
20”x30” foam board [5pts]
 Title [1pt]
 Relates to one of the past 3
year skillathon topics
 If Game/Activity must have
instructions and/or answer
key [2pt]
 If other resources usedmust be list on back [2pt]
ALL but 1 of the required
elements are included:
 Name, 4-H Club/FFA
Chapter and age on back
 22”x28” poster board or
20”x30” foam board [5pts]
 Title [1pt]
 Relates to one of the past
3 year skillathon topics
 If Game/Activity must
have instructions and/or
answer key [2pt]
 If other resources usedmust be list on back [2pt]
Several required elements
are missing:
 Name, 4-H Club/FFA
Chapter and age on
back [5pts]
 22”x28” poster board
or 20”x30” foam board
 Title [1pt]
 Relates to one of the
past 3 year skillathon
topics [10pts]
 If Game/Activity must
have instructions
and/or answer key
 If other resources
used- must be list on
back [2pt]
Disqualified for one or
more of the following:
 Incorrect Poster Size
 Not one of the past 3
year skillathon topics
 Plagiarism
 ALL Items/pictures are
labeled [10pts]
 Easily read from at least 3
ft away [5pts]
 Most Items/pictures are
labeled [10pts]
 Easily read from at least 3
ft away [5pts]
 ALL accurate
facts/details/definitions are
displayed on the poster
 Exceptional job at
educating the public [5pts]
 The poster is exceptionally
attractive in terms of
design, layout, and
neatness [15pts]
 One inaccurate
are displayed on the
poster [20pts]
 Acceptable job at
educating the public [5pts]
 The poster is acceptable in
terms of design, layout,
and neatness [15pts]
 Most Items/pictures
are labeled [10pts]
 Items hard to read
from at least 3 ft away
 Pictures only no text
 Text only no pictures
 No Items/pictures are
labeled [10pts]
 Cannot be easily read
from at least 3 ft away
 Minimal information
 Most of the
Information displayed
is incorrect
 The poster is not
acceptable in terms of
design, layout, and
neatness [15pts]
 Poster is not attractive
in terms of design,
layout, and neatness
[10 points]
 NO grammatical/spelling
mistakes on the poster
 There is 1
mistake on the poster
 There are 2
mistakes on the poster
 There are more than 2
mistakes on the poster
[10 points]
 Great use of space [5pts]
 Much time expended and
creative topic used [5pts]
 Some blank space [5pts]
 Could have spent a little
more time creating [5pts]
 Lots of blank space
 Mostly copy/paste text
and/or pictures on
poster [5pts]
 Black/White Only
 Pencil Only
 Little to no effort put
into poster [5pts]
[25 points]
[15 points]
[25 points]
[15 points]
Blue Ribbon: 100 – 60 points
Red Ribbon: 59 – 30 points
White Ribbon: 29 – 0 points