
Ancient River Valley Civilizations
Center 1
By: Ocie McGuire
GLEs: 3 Identify the physical features that influenced world historical events and describe
their influence (e.g.; Nile River)
19. Use multiply primary and secondary sources to describe world civilizations.
Introduction: All of the world’s earliest ancient civilizations had the common factor of
establishing their settlements in river valleys. Each river offered the settlements three
things: food, water, and transportation. The rivers were rich in flood deposits and silt
offering fertile soil for farming, water for irrigation, and transportation for trading up and
down the river.
Task: You are a Tour Guide. Your research committee has been assigned to make an
informational Trading Card on a particular River Valley Civilization that will be presented at
the World Tour Convention . The information for your trading card will be based on your
research from the historical view of the importance of rivers in the past.
1) You will be assigned/choose a River Valley Civilization.
2) Assistants will research the civilization and produce information concerning the importance of the river.
3) Each team member will research a different aspect of the importance of the river and then discuss with the
4) The team will then combine all information to create a trading card based on the research from the resources
5) The team will consider these questions when researching their river:
a. What is the name and location of your river?
b. What are some physical features of your River Valley Civilization?
c. How did your river give life to the civilization?
6) Each member will select a role:
a. Graphic researcher – locate pictures, graphs , (anything to depict the information)
b. Researcher – locate information needed for the trading card.
c. Data Entry – compile and input information.
d. Editor – proofread and edit trading card.
NetTrekker: Ancient River Valley Civilizations
Go to www.cpsb.org
Click the parent/Students tab above the announcements.
Click Net Trekker under Resources.
Select your school.
Type the civilization you are researching in the keyword box.
Image Search – select the word “image” above the keyword box.
7) After gathering information, each group will design and create a trading card.
8) Facts and pictures will be the basis of the trading card.
9) See folder for rubric.
Mesopotamia – Tigris and Euphrates Rivers
Egypt – Nile River
India – Indus River
China – Huang River
Rubric for Trading Card
How did the rivers impact life in the Ancient River Valley Civilizations?
Post your response as a group in the appropriate discussion board forum in Blackboard. Each member must respond
to at least one other group.
Adapted from resources found at the following website
Based on a template from The WebQuest Page